DIXON COUNTY, NEBRASKA - Tara Hill/ St. Patrick's Cemetery ===================================================================== NEGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the NEGenWeb Archives by: Gina McManus Surveyed: August 2006 ===================================================================== Last First Middle Maiden Birth Death Inscriptions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Row 1: ------ Foley Margaret Donahoe 2-3-1870 9-18-1916 May her soul rest in peace Donahoe Michael 5-1836 (?) 1-22-1912 May he rest in peace May be 1830 in Ireland in New Castle, NE Donahoe Jane McManus 5-15-1839 7-28-1908 May her soul rest in peace wife of Michael in Ireland County Fermanagh Shared headstone with Michael Donahoe Catherine 11-25-1886 1-15-1887 (?) Dear lovely babies to part with you, Hath racked our hearts with pain, But though our loss is great, we trust 'Tis your eternal gain Child of M& J may be 1-13-1887 Donahoe Catherine Demelda 11-27-1873 9-14-1874 Shared head stone with Catherine Child of M& J Donahoe 1st Burial in cemetary Donahoe Charley 6-13-1882 1-9-1888 unreadable inscription Child of M& J Donahoe Thomas 12-19-1877 12-26-1887 Shared head stone with Charley Child of M& J Clasemann (?) Caroline 7-2-1891 10-6-1891 may be Glassmann Daughter of JB & AM Calculated date 3 mo 4 days McGowen Joseph Stewart 8-20-1895 8-24-1895 Son of MJP & EE Elizabeth 1859 1935 Wife of Daniel Ryan William 10-13-1883 12-8-1964 Ryan Leocadia 4-23-1898 1-24-1906 (?) Sleep on sweet babe and take thy rest. God calls away when he thinks best Daughter of Daniel and Eliza maybe 1-21-1906 Ryan Alvin 9-6-1885 11-13-1919 (?) Son of Daniel and Eliza may be 1918 Ryan Daniel 10-4-1859 5-30-1920 May he rest in peace husband of Elizabeth Row 2: ------ McManus Cecelia 5-30-1880 5-17-1887 unreadable inscription Daughter of John and Ellen Calculated date 6 yr 11 mo 17 days McManus Clara 1-19-1886 3-17-1888 Dear lovely babies to part with you, Hath racked our hearts with pain, But though our loss is great, we trust 'Tis your eternal gain Daughter of John and Ellen Calculated date 2 yr 1 mo 27 days McManus Ellen 9-16-1841 2-14-1890 Beanth this stone I've placed in trust, not the immortal, but the dust of one on earth to me most dear who learned in youth her god to fear wife of John Calculated date 48 yr 4 mo 29 days McManus John No date No date Shared head stone with line 42 and 45 McManus Elizabeth 7-10-1863 2-5-1906 Beanth this stone I've placed in trust, not the immortal, but the dust of one on earth to me most dear who learned in youth her god to fear wife of John Calculated date 42 yr 6 mo 26 days McManus Mazie 12-14-1903 4-25-1904 (?) Sleep on sweet babe and take thy rest. God calls away when he thinks best Daughter of WE and RA hard to read Row 3: ------ Carroll James No Date No Date Share head stone with Johnie, Stephen, Michael, Annie Carroll Johnie No Date No Date Carroll Stephen No Date No Date Missing small stone marker Carroll Micheal No Date No Date Carroll Annie No Date No Date Limmex Joseph 4-5-1826 1-25-1892 May thy soul rest in peace~Amen Calculated date 65 yr 9 mo 20 days Kind Father of Love, Thou art gone to thy rest. Forever to bask mid the joys of the blest Row 4: ------ Lux Joesph 3-13-1889 3-13-1889 Lux Peter M 11-9-1885 10-30-1904 Lux Elizabeth 1856 1939 Mother Lux Henry 1842 1925 Father Dougherty, Thom. 8-10-1860 9-22-1885 Calculated date 25 yr 1 mo 12 days Esser Eva Eller 8-18-1833 5-29-1887 b. Sindorf (f) Ger. Jahr Berheirath m. 33 y. born Gindory, Bergheim Reinpreufen w/Georg Esser 7 children 1 enkel in Sindori McDonnell, Patrick 1870 12-27-1896 unreadable inscription Calculated date 26 yr Askin Michael 1807 10-18-1894 Although he sleeps his memory doth live. And cheering comfort to his mourners give Father Native of Kilgar, Donegal Co, Ireland Calculated date 87 yr Row 5: ------ Burcel (?) John 12-28-1890 12-28-1896 Gone to be an Angel May be Bergel Son of AH and N Burcel (?) Infant 8-7-1906 8-7-1906 Gone to be an Angel May be Bergel Daughter of AH and N Burcel (?) Infant 6-6-1894 6-6-1894 May be Bergel Daughter of AH and N Burcel (?) Infant 4-26-1900 6-2-1900 May be Bergel Son of AH and N Row 6: ------ Addison Baby daughter 1945 1945 Coughlin, Baby 11-7-1912 11-7-1912 Bennett Cyril 2-18-1907 8-3-1908 unreadable inscription Son of LH and MJ Dougherty, John 11-27-1876 5-16-1900 May he rest in peace son of D and B Brennan Ann 1824 2-13-1898 May her soul rest in eternal peace~Amen Calculated date 74 yr Brennan Thomas 1821 5-25-1896 May his soul rest in eternal peace~Amen Calculated date 75 yr Shared head stone with line 94 O'Flaherty, Dennis 2-13-1834 2-10-1896 His body lies beneath this stone. Calculated date 61 yr 11 mo 28 days His soul we trust to his God O'Flaherty, Cornelius John 7-12-1858 4-20-1899 May he rest in peace A loving father A faithful husband A dutiful son An affectionate brother Row 7: ------ Conway Bernard P 6-25-1901 9-20-1909 Suffer little children to come unto me son of M and B