Douglas County NeArchives Obituaries.....Dahlman, James Charles January 21, 1930 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Debra Crosby June 18, 2018, 8:50 pm The Nebraska State Journal Wed Jan 22, 1930 DEATH COMES TO MAYOR DAHLMAN FROM A STROKE _____________________ Long Time Executive of Omaha is Stricken at Excelsior Springs _____________________ APOPLECTIC ATTACK FATAL _____________________ Lapsed Into Unconsciousness Monday Evening and Failes to Rally -- Wife at Bedside. _____________________ Excelsior Springs, Mo.--(AP)--James C. Dahlman, seventy three, mayor of Omaha, died in a hotel here at 11:35 o'clock Tuesday night following a stroke of apoplexy he suffered Monday. His wife, who accompanied him here from Omaha Jan. 12, was at his bedside. Mr. Dahlman died without recovering consciousness, into which he lapsed at 6 o'clock Monday evening. The stroke complicated a heart condition of long standing. Mr. Dahlmlan and his wife came here on their annual visit to the health resort. Dahlmlan known as the "cowboy mayor" had announced his intention of running for re-election to the mayoralty of Omaha, and had hoped a rest here before entering the campaign would aid in recovering his health which had not been good for some time. A Native of Texas OMAHA--(AP)-- "Jim" Dahlman, Omaha's "cowboy mayor," Tuesday night "rode up the trail and over the hill." Weary and sick, the seventy-three year old campaigner who aspired to fill the mayor's chair here for his eighth term, left here on Jan. 12 in company with his wife to rest up and recuperate that he might show the "young bloods" in the coming primary campaign that he was "as good as ever and ready for a fight." On Jan 11 Mayor Dahlman filed for re-election to the office which he won for the first time in 1906 and which, with but one intermission of three years, he has occupied ever since. Born in Yorktown, Tex., Dec. 15, 1856, young Dahlman was playing about the horses on his father's ranch at the tender age when most children were playing with dolls. Raised to the saddle he aspired to be a cowboy and one day, perhaps, to own his own ranch and possess his own "brand." Omaha voters in years gone by have learned to know how well he scared his "brand" on the mayoralty ballot. Upon reaching manhood he headed up a new trail which led him eventually to western Nebraska, where he obtained employment on a ranch. As an example of the confidence placed in the young cow puncher by his employer, Dahlman was entrusted with 3,000 with which to buy 3,000 head of cattle in Oregon. He and a few companions travelled by stage coach and railroad from Gordon, Neb., to Baker City, Ore., and purchased their giant herd. On the return trip he drove and protected the cattle so splendidly that upon his return he was made book keeper at the ranch. In 1896 he moved to Lincoln and two years later came to Omaha to take a position on the Omaha Livestock exchange. He was a warm and personal friend and ardent follower of William Jennings Bryan in his first presidential campaign. Mayor Dahlman was married in 1885 to Miss Harriet Abbot of Winterport, Maine. The couple had two children Mrs. Austin J. Collett of Omaha and Miss Dorothy Dahlman. Additional Comments: See biographies submitter is not related and has no further information File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.9 Kb