Hall County, Nebraska, 1890 Biographies, Surnames D through F USGenWeb Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial researchers, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for presentation in any form by any other organization or individual. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must obtain express written permission from the author, or the submitter and from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist. *************** Transcribed by Kaylynn Loveland, audriana@ginetworks.com NEGenWeb Project Hall County 1890 Hall County Biographies "Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Adams, Clay, Hall and Hamilton Counties" Published 1890 by the Goodspeed Publishing Co., Chicago, Ill. (Note: Includes Hall County Only) D through F DAVIS, Sumner, M.D. Sumner Davis, M.D., is one of the leading physicians and surgeons of Hall County, Neb., and is a credit to the profession which he represents. He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, August 27, 1857, the son of A. Judson and Adaline (Merrill) Davis, natives of Massachusetts and Ohio, and aged fifty-seven and fifty-three years, respectively. The father was for many years a well-known merchant of Cincinnati, and still makes that city his home. Dr. Davis was a student in the public and high schools of his native city, and in 1879 began the study of medicine in the office of Prof. S.R. Beckwith, with whom he remained until 1880, when he entered the Chicago Homeopathic College, and was graduated therefrom as an M.D. February 28, 1883, and the following April was appointed one of the resident surgeons of the Cook County Hospital, of Chicago, which position he continued to hold until October 1, 1884. Then he received an appointment as demonstrator of anatomy in his alma mater for the term of 1884-85, being at the same time associated in general practice with Dr. E.H. Pratt, professor of surgery in the same college. Owing to failing health he gave up a lucrative practice in this city (Chicago), and went to Southwestern Kansas, where he remained until July, 1888, when, having recovered his wonted health, he came to Grand Island, and here has established a practice second to none in this portion of the State. He is at once safe and skillful, and has shown from his earliest days of practice that he realizes the grave responsibilities resting on a physician, and the reception which he has received in his new home shows that a very generous share of public favor is his. While he is a graduate of a homeopathic institution, he is liberal in his views and independent in his practice, and in every instance uses those remedies he thinks best suited to the case. He makes a specialty of surgery and the diseases of women, and in those cases handled shows a thorough knowledge of the "healing art." Dr. G.W. Weeter is associated with him in business, the firm name being Davis & Weeter, and they constitute one of the strongest medical firms in the State. Their reception, operating and consultation rooms, consisting of a suite of seven rooms in the Independent building, are well equipped with everything needful for the comfort of patrons, who always receive every kindness and attention. Dr. Davis was married in November, 1886, to Miss Minnie B. Gray, who was born near Athens, in Clark County, Mo., and by her he has one child, Merrill Gray (born February 7, 1888). He is a republican in his political views, and socially is a member of the Masonic Fraternity, Ashlar Lodge No. 33, the A.O.U.W. and the Royal Arcanum. DEAN, George P. George P. Dean, chief of police at Grand Island, Neb., was born in Steubenville, Steuben County, N.Y., November 22, 1846, being a son of William C. and Mary (Ferguson) Dean, natives of new jersey, the former a carpenter and builder by occupation. They moved to Michigan prior to the late Civil War and settled in Shiawassee County, from which place George P. Dean enlisted as a private in Company H, Tenth Michigan Cavalry, in 1863, and served throughout the remainder of the war, participating in a number of skirmishes, and a few battles. After the cessation of hostilities he served in the regular army three years, being on duty throughout the South, and was discharged as sergeant of Company H, Eighteenth United States Infantry. In 1869 he returned home and in 1872 located in Nebraska, being engaged in farming until 1884, since which time he has successfully conducted a livery stable at Grand Island. He is now serving his second term as a member of the city board of supervisors, and while a resident of Mayfield Township was for some time justice of the peace. He is a stockholder in the Grand Island Improvement Company, the Canning Company of that city, and is a director and stockholder of the A.O.U.W. Building, he being a member of that order. He is a member of the G.A.R., being at present junior vice-commander, and has represented his post in the county and State encampments. He was married in Michigan to Miss Emily Ferster, a native of that state, and a daughter of John and Maria (Haggerty) Ferster, by whom he has a son and a daughter: Guy Morris (who is associated with his father in the livery business) and Edna May. Mr. Dean is a Mason and has attained to the Commandery. He is also a member of the Select Knights, and at present is commander of Grand Island Legion No.9. DENMAN, Hon. Z. H. Hon Z. H. Denman (deceased). Nature seems to have intended Mr. Denman for a long and more than ordinarily useful existence, but while just in the meridian of life his career was closed forever. He was born in Licking County, Ohio, March 26, 1834, and there he attended the district schools during the winter months, and assisted his father on the home farm during the summer until he was nineteen years of age, at which time he bade adieu to his friends and went to Martinsburg College, in which institution he remained until he graduated. Upon leaving college he spent some time in traveling and school teaching, and upon attaining his twenty-fourth year was united in marriage to Miss Harriet Robinson, of Newark, Ohio. He then settled down to farming in his native county, and while there held the office of county surveyor several terms but resigned this position to move with his family to McLean County, Ill., in 1864, being there engaged in tilling the soil until August, 1871, when he came to Hall County, Neb. Possessing great energy and much ability he was not long in securing a comfortable home for his family to his adopted county, and soon became the owner of a homestead thirteen miles southwest of Grand Island, on which he at once set energetically to work to farming and raising stock. Owing to his enterprise, integrity and honesty of purpose he gradually increased his acreage, and in time became the owner of several hundred acres and a large amount of fine stock. He was well known for his many sterling characteristics, and ever after locating here he had the interests of the county at heart, and was one of the first citizens to patronize any enterprise calculated to build up the county and benefit his fellow man. His principles were always pure and true, his judgment sound, and his advice was earnestly sought by old and young in the community in which he resided. He was an active politician, and for many years held the position of county supervisor from Alda Precinct, and was re-nominated at the election in 1889 to the same office. In 1882 the people of the county showed their appreciation of his intellect by choosing him to represent them in the State Legislature, and the duties of this position he filled with honor to himself and his constituents. He was president of the Hall County Agricultural Society in 1889, and his administration of the affairs of this society was so satisfactory that he was voted the most popular man in the county by the citizens, and was presented with a handsome gold headed cane as a token of their esteem. He was re-elected to the same office by the society at their last meeting and was looking forward with great pleasure to the time when the State Fair would be held on the Hall County fairgrounds. His death, which occurred very suddenly at the age of fifty-five years, seven months and fourteen days, was lamented by all who knew him, for he was one of the county's best citizens and a generous and loving husband and father. He was beloved and respected for his sterling integrity, sound judgment, broad intelligence, liberality and progressive ideas, and he may justly be said to have been a man among men. He was an honored member of the Masonic Fraternity and was buried with the honors of that order. In 1858, while a resident of Ohio, he was married, his wife being a daughter of Samuel and Harriet (Gray) Robinson, the former a native of Pennsylvania, and the latter of Ohio. Mrs. Denman was born, reared and educated in Licking County, and her union with Mr. Denman resulted in the birth of seven children: W. C. (whose sketch follows), James S., Charles W. (married and residing on a farm), Ollie I., Lucius H., Hattie E. and Cary H. (the latter being thirteen years of age). DENMAN, Z. H. Z. H. Denman has long been noted for his skill in farming, and for the success which has attended his efforts in the stock-raising industry. He comes originally from a State well known for its intelligent, progressive and enterprising agriculturists, Ohio, which is his place of birth, his arrival on this "mundane sphere" being in the year 1844. He is the fourth of eight children born to W. H. and Mary (Brown) Denman, who were born in Ohio and Virginia, respectively, their marriage taking place in Licking County, Ohio. Soon after their union they moved to McLean County, Ill., and from there moved to Nebraska in 1855, and settled in Nemaha County, where he opened up several good farms. In 1868 he took up a residence in Hall County, Neb., and started a stock ranch, and after he had put things in good working order he brought his family thither (in 1871). He died on this farm in December, 1886, his wife still surviving him. Z. H. Denman was educated in the subscription schools of Nemaha County, and in 1871 came to Hall County, which has since been his home. He was married in Nemaha County, Neb., in 1866, to Miss Margaret E. Lowry, a native of Indiana, and a daughter of William and Sarah (Clark) Lowry, of Ohio, who came to Nebraska about 1857, settling in the above named county. Here the father died in 1858, but the mother is still living and resides in Hall County In 1871 Mr. Denman bought eighty acres of railroad land, but has since increased his acreage to 280, all of which is under cultivation. He usually feeds from sixty to seventy-five head of cattle throughout the year, and finds this business very profitable. He always supports the Republican party, but is not an office-seeker, although he has been a delegate to the county conventions. A family of eight children have been born to himself and wife, six of whom are now living: Clara (Mrs. Park of Reno County, Kan.), Nellie F., Sarah, George S., Charley and Daisy. JOSEPH A. DENMAN Joseph A. Denman, farmer and stock-raiser, Grand Island, Neb. It has long since been acknowledged that no matter what a man's occupation in life may be, two very necessary elements to his success are industry and perserverance. This doubtless is the cause of Mr. Denman's success in life. He was originally. From Licking County, Ohio, where his birth occurred on November24, 1846, and he came to Nebraska with his parents in 1856. They settled in Nemaha County, and there our subject grew to manhood and received his education. He was early taught the duties of farm life by his father, and after attaining his majority he came to Hall County, where he purchased a fine tract of land. Two years later, or in 1874 he located on his farm and began improving the same. He has a good residence, a substantial barn, out-buildings, sheds, etc., and has a fine young bearing orchard. He has 120 acres of land, and all is under cultivation. Mr. Denman was married in this county on October 29, 1873, to Miss Maria Bell Creason, a daughter of John Creason (now deceased), who was one of the early settlers of Hall County. Mrs. Denman was born in Des Moines County, Iowa, but was reared in Hall County, Neb. To her marriage have been born four children, Lulu, John, Lama and Robert, all attending school. Mr. Denman is a progressive and enterprising citizen, and is liked by all acquainted with him. DENMAN, J. W. J.W. Denman, farmer and stock raiser, Grand Island, Neb. On his present homestead of 160 acres of good tillable land, eighty acres in Alda and eighty acres in Washington Township, Mr. Denman is actively engaged in stock raising in connection with farming, and is one of the substantial and enterprising men of the county. He owes his nativity to McLean County, Ill., where his birth occurred in 1854, and is the youngest in a family of eight children, born to the union of W. H. and Mary (Brown) Denman, the father a native of the Buckeye State and the mother of Virignia. The parents were married in Ohio, moved from there to Illinois, and in 1856 came to Nebraska, settling in Nemaha County, where he opened up a farm. In 1871 he moved to Hall Count, settling on Section 12, Alda Township, where he purchased land and began improving the same. His death occurred in 1887. The mother is still living and makes her home with her son, J.W. The latter was taught the duties of the farm in boyhood, and received his education in the schools of Nemaha County. In 1880 he became convinced that it was not best for man to live alone and was married to Miss Ida Huhn, a native of Ohio, and the daughter of Jacob and Martha (McGee) Huhn, natives of Pennsylvania. Her father died years ago but the mother is still living, and resides in Doniphan Township. After his marriage, Mr. Denman settled on his present property and is one of the progressive citizens of the county. In politics he votes with the Republican party, but is not very active in political affairs. To his marriage were born three children: Bertie, Willie and Minnie. The family were among the early settlers of the county, and Mr. Denman has ever taken an active interest in al laudable interprises for the good of the same. DENMAN, Willie C. Willie C. Denman comes from that land of progressive and enterprising farmers, the "Buckeye State," his birth occurring in Licking County, August 20, 1858, and since his residence in Hall County, Neb., he has been accounted one of the successful young agriculturists of this region. He came with his parents to Hall County, Neb., in August, 1871, and here received a fair knowledge of the English branches in the common schools near his home. He worked for his father until he attained his majority, then continued to till a portion of the home farm for himself, and was married November 14, 1888, to Miss Mary, a daughter of Charles Fuller, of Hall County. Mrs. Denman was born in Iowa, but was reared and educated in Hall County, Neb., and her union to Mr. Denman has resulted in the birth of one child, an infant daughter, whom they call Bessie Mada. Sine his marriage Mr. Denman has resided on his present farm, his home farm consisting of eighty acres of fertile and well improved land. He has a neat one story residence, and fair barns, granaries, etc. He also has 160 acres of grazing land, and seventy acres of meadow, in the Platte bottom, on which is a large herd of high-graded and some thoroughbred animals. He devotes his time to stock-raising and farming, and is considered a young man of energy, progressive spirit and clear perception, and gives every promise of becoming a wealthy citizen. DERMODY, James James Dermody possesses those advanced ideas and progressive views necessary to successful agricultural life, and his time, since starting out in life for himself, has not been uselessly oridly spent. He was born in County Tipperary, Ireland, in 1819, and is a son of Timothy and Mary (Clancy) Dermody, and grandson of Thomas and Julia (Kelly) Dermody and James and Julia (Renohan) Clancy. James Dermody removed to Canada in 1846, locating in Ottawa, and here two years later he was married to Miss Mary Watters, a daughter of John and Catherine (Gavin) Watters, and granddaughter of James and Mary (O'Donnell) Watters, and - ---- and Barbara (Kennedy) Gavin. To their union a family of eight children have been born: John (deceased), Thomas, Michael, Mary A., William, Barbara, Timothy and Martha. Mary A. is the wife of John Roach, a prominent young ranchman, of Custer County, Neb. Mr. Dermody has spent his life in farming and stockraising, and since the year 1872 these occupations have received his attention in Hall County, Neb. His farm is one of the finest and best improved in the county, and is especially adapted to the propagation of stock, and every acre is capable of tillage. Mr. Dermody's sons are now grown to manhood, and do the active part of the farm labor. DeWITTE, A. A. DeWitte, well known to the citizens of Hall County, Neb., as an active, successful farmer and stockman, has been a resident of Alda Township since 1884, coming from Harrison County, Ohio, to Grand Island. He was born in that county in 1849, and was the eldest of three children born to John and Rachel (Turner) DeWitte, who were also born in Harrison County, Ohio, and of Irish descent. The father was a farmer by occupation, and made the "Buckeye State" his home until his death, which occurred when the subject of this sketch was a small lad. The mother died in the year 1872. A. DeWitte received the early education which usually falls to the lot of the farmers' boy, but possessing a naturally quick intellect he made good use of his opportunities and was soon able to make his own way in the world. His first venture for himself was as a farmer, and the result of his labor was so satisfactory that he has made it his calling through life, but came to Hall County, Neb., in the year 1884, and purchased 120 acres of land in Harrison Township, Hall County. He immediately began stocking his land, and has since been actively engaged in buying and feeding stock for the market. He is an active Republican in his political views, held the office of township supervisor during 1888-89, and has been a member of the school board of his district. He contracted to take charge of the county infirmary, his duties commencing in March , 1890, and he now receives a fixed salary. He has always been a public spirited citizen, and socially is a member of the A.O.U.W., Charity Lodge No. 91. Miss Emily Wharton became his wife in 1871, and by her he has three children: Sophronia, Nellie I. And Lillie L., who are now attending the school at Alda, which is in charge of an excellent teacher. Mrs. DeWitte is a daughter of Daniel and Patty (Strode) Wharton, who were born in Pennsylvania and belonged to the Society of Friends. At an early day they moved to Ohio, and Mr. Wharton purchased 640 acres of land at $25 per acre, improved it and here died in 1881, the mother's death occurring six months later. DILL, J. Elmer J. Elmer Dill is an active partner in the well known and reliable real-estate and loan firm of Dill & Huston, of Grand Island, Neb. If industry, hard work and ceaseless activity can accomplish any thing in this world, then Mr. Dill is bound to succeed, for in him are to be found all the characteristics mentioned, and indeed he is deserving of more than ordinary credit for his career thus far in life. He is a native of the "Blue Hen State," his birth occurring in Kent County, November 3, 1863, and he is the eldest of five children born to the marriage of Robert U. Dill and Anna E. Griffith, also natives of Delaware, the former of whom was born May 14, 1837. The mother died February 20, 1879. The paternal grandfather, James W. Dill, was born in Delaware and died in that State about 1866. J. Elmer Dill received the advantages of the common schools only in his boyhood, but, possessing a quick intellect and being fairly studious, he made rapid progress, and at an early age was perfectly capable of "hoeing his own row." The month of March, 1879, found him in Grand Island, Neb., and here for six years he was engaged as a clerk in the store of J.W. West, but in the spring of 1885 he determined to start in business on his own responsibility, and accordingly opened a confectionery and fruit store, and in 1887 admitted Mr. Huston as a partner. They did a thriving business for two years, but since July, 1889, they have been real estate and loan agents, and with two such intelligent and enterprising young men at the helm, they are sure to become wealthy. March 15, 1888, witnessed his marriage to Miss Jessie Gardner, who was born in Meigs County, Ohio, in 1861, a daughter of Albert and Lucy Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Dill have a daughter names Lucy A., who was born August 25, 1889. Mr. Dill is a Republican, but cast his first presidential vote for Grover Cleveland. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he is a charter member of Nysian Lodge No. 46, K. of P. DODGE, F. C. F. C. Dodge, stock-raiser, Wood River, Neb. A person who devotes almost a lifetime to any one calling is reasonably expected to achieve a thorough and accurate knowledge of the details connected with every branch of his business. The reputation which Mr. Dodge enjoys as a stock-raiser and feeder is not a local one, as may be seen by perusing this sketch. He was born in Sullivan County, N.H., in 1840, and there received a good education in the common schools. He first started out for himself by working in a mill, then drove teams and was engaged in different occupations until 1865, when he started for the far West. He came through in a wagon, and was obliged to stop and work on the way to get money to go on. He left his native State a week before Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, and reached Hall County, Neb., in 1866. He was then possessor of $35, which he kindly loaned to a man whom, it is needless to say, he has not seen since. He went to work on the grade of the Union Pacific Railroad, received $40 per month for his services, but later bought a team and worked for a Mr. J. Jackson, who paid him $1.50 per day. He still continued to work and economize until he was the possessor of ten teams, after which he contracted on the railroad. Here he made considerable money and invested in land, 3,700 acres in all, and began raising stock. He is now one of the largest feeders in the State, and feeds annually over 10,000 sheep, 1,000 head of hogs and 260 head of cattle. He milks sixty cows and makes a large amount of butter. He was married in Hall County to Miss Ellen A. Abbott, a native of Canada, and the fruit of this union has been one child, Gertrude, who is now fifteen years of age. Mr. Dodge shipped the first cattle, hogs and grain that were ever shipped out of Wood River, that is from old Wood River. He has one of the finest farms in the county. He is the son of William and Lucinda (Stockwell) Dodge, the father a native of New Boston, Mass., and a shoemaker by trade. DUDLEY, William William Dudley, a well-known citizen of Hall County, Neb., is an influential resident of Grand Island, and is quite extensively engaged in the real-estate business. He was born near Plattsburg, Clinton County, N.Y., February 25, 1849, and possesses those attributes of energy, enterprise and intelligence which have ever characterized those born and reared in the "Empire State." He is a son of Francis and Sarah (Santwire) Dudley, the former of whom was born in Berkshire, England, and came to America with his parents, locating in Montreal, Canada, when he was a small child. The paternal grandfather, Andrew Dudley, was a British officer and died shortly after his arrival at Montreal, his wife dying about the same time, so that Francis was left an orphan when between two and three years of age. He was adopted by a Frenchmen by the name of Julius Burissis, and with him he remained until he was twenty-one years of age, being engaged in farm labor up to that time. On becoming his own man he concluded to located in the United States, and his home during the balance of his life was in Clinton County, N.Y. For a great many years he was engaged in boating on Lake Champlain in the capacity of first mate and pilot, but during the latter part of his life he gave his attention to agricultural pursuits. He was quite successful in all his enterprises and before his death had acquired considerable means. He was married at about the age of twenty-eight years to Miss Sarah Santwire, who was born in Clinton County, N.Y., September, 1820, a daughter of Peter and Margaret (Laplant) Santwire, who were born, reared and married in Paris, France. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley became the parents of nine children, two sons and three daughters now living, William being the third of the family. The father passed from life March 17, 1880, and the mother June 5, 1883. William Dudley was reared on a farm in his native county, and at the age of twenty-one years he entered the employ of the Wood Machine Company, and acted as their traveling salesman for about twelve years throughout the United States and Canada. In 1882 he resigned his poisition and located on a farm seven miles northwest of Grand Island, Neb., and there founded a nursery which he conducted several years, but in March, 1887, he removed to Grand Island, and his whole attention since that time has been given to real-estate business, in which he is meeting with the best of success. A fact that should be stated is that he deals in no lands except his own, and is now the owner of some 35,000 acres, 6,000 being in one body in Washington County, Ga., 10,000 acres in one body in McDowell County, W. Va., and 5,600 acres in one body in Clay County, Ky., besides large tracts to Tennessee, and $10,000 worth of residence property in Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. Dudley is a pleasant spoken and agreeable gentleman, and in his business operations has always been found to be the soul of honor and has done well by those who have had dealings with him. He has always been a stanch Republican in politics, and socially is a member of the A.O.U.W. He was married November 14, 1878, to Miss Colista M. Taylor, who was born in Essex County, N.Y., August 7, 1850, and by her is the father of two children: Frank Nathan (born September 3, 1882), and Florence (born January 3, 1889). He and wife are highly respected by all and have many warm personal friends. Mrs. Dudley is a daughter of Nathan and Susan (Bull) Taylor, who were born in Ruport, Vt., December 25, 1811 and Essex County, N.Y., December 4, 1813, respectively. The father is still living in Essex County, N.Y., but his wife died August 2, 1876. Mrs. Dudley's grandfather, William Taylor, was born in Vermont and was then married to Rhoda Harmon, also a native of that State. The maternal grandparents were Benjamin and Sally Bull, also born in the "Green Mountain State." DUFFORD, Charles Charles Dufford, another pioneer of Doniphan Township and one of the foremost citizens of the same, emigrated to Hall County, Neb., in the spring of 1871, and homesteaded 160 acres on Section 4. He was the first to erect a frame house on the table lands south of the Platte River. Mr. Dufford was born in Northampton County, Pa., in 1839, and was the son of Joseph and Sarah (Kelley) Dufford, natives also of the Keystone State. The father was a farmer, and in 1854 removed to Wisconsin, where he continued his former pursuit, and where his death occurred in 1864. The mother died in Michigan about 1875. Charles Dufford assisted his father on the farm, and received his education in the schools of Pennsylvania. At the age of fifteen years he went to Wisconsin, and in 1864 began farming for himself. Previous to this, in 1860, he crossed the plains overland to Southern Oregon, and drove an ox-team. In 1861 he enlisted in Jackson County, Ore., in Company A., First Oregon Cavalry, and went into service at Jacksonville of that State. He then wintered there, and in 1862 went to, Walla Walla, where he took part in the Indian warfare in the Northwest Territory. He remained on the plains until 1863, when he was honorably discharged at Fort Dallas, Ore. He then worked on a farm, and in 1863 returned by the overland stage to Wisconsin. He was married in Green County of the last named State, on December 8, 1863, to Miss Addie Shultz, a native of Wisconsin and the daughter of John R. and Eliza (Armstrong) Shultz, natives of North Carolina and New York, respectively. Mr. Shultz settled in Wisconsin at an early day, and in 1872 emigrated to Nebraska, where he closed his eyes to the scenes of this world in the same year. The mother died in 1874. After his marriage Mr. Dufford farmed in Wisconsin until 1871, when he moved to Nebraska. He is now the owner of 160 acres of good arable land, and has followed agricultural pursuits ever since coming to this State, with the exception of two years, when he was in the furniture business in Doniphan. He is now engaged in farming, and a glance over his place indicates the kind of farmer that he is. He is active in politics, and his vote is cast with the Republican party. He is a member of A.J. Smith Post No. 65, G.A.R. He has no children of his own but has an adopted child, Stella. Mr. Dufford has seen the complete growth of the country, and was one of the original settlers of the township. Grand Island's population numbered not over 600 souls at that date, and all was wild and unbroken. Although he has experienced three grasshopper raids, and was through the April storm of 1873, he still likes the State, and expects to make it his permanent home. During the years of 1871 and 1872 his principal occupation was in hunting, as wild game was numerous, and he kept his family and relatives in meat. He still has the old shot-gun with which he scoured the country. DUNN, John and Mary John and Mary Dunn, prosperous agriculturists of Hall County, Neb., are engaged in tilling the soil on the east half of the northwest quarter of Section 14, Township 10, Range 12 west, and are justly ranked among the respected residents of this section. Mrs. Dunn was formerly Mrs. Mariah McNutt, and was born in County Tipperary, Ireland, in 1845, in the fall of 1859, emigrating to the United States with her parents, but in 1861 her father died and left three brothers and herself to fight the battle of life as best they could. Being possessed of an original and vigorous mind she came to the conclusion that Horace Greeley's advice would apply to young women as well as young men, and in 1872 came West, settling at Grand Island, and two years later took up the claim of 160 acres, upon which she is now living. Her marriage to Mr. Dunn was consummated soon after, and they have since held their own with the farmers in their vicinity, and are very comfortably and pleasantly situated. Their farm is well stocked, and is nicely improved. Mr. Dunn is a son of William and Rose (Brady) Dunn, who were born on the "Emerald Isle," and emigrated to the United States at an early day, locating in Waukesha County, Wis., where their son, John, was born May 30, 1847. EAGER, Alvin Alvin Eager was a successful merchant and stock-dealer of Prairie Creek Township, and since locating in Hall County, Neb., in 1874, has done his full share in advancing every interest in the county, and his endeavors toward promoting this end have been recognized by a host of acquaintances, among whom he stands high as a man and citizen. He was born in Oneida County, N.Y., April 19, 1842, and is a son of William and Caroline Eager, both natives of York State, who moved to Wisconsin in 1854, locating in Rock County on a farm, on which the father died in the month of February, 1871, his wife having died in York State in 1850. Alvin Eager attained manhood in Rock County, Wis., and was energetically at work when the war broke out. In the month of May, 1861, he enlisted in the Second Wisconsin Infantry, and after serving three years was discharged at Madison in June, 1864, having participated in the first and second battles of Bull Run, Gettysburg, Wilderness and Spottsylvania Court House. He was wounded at the Second Bull Run by a gun-shot in the face and was taken prisoner at Gettysburg, and after being held in captivity for one month was paroled. He was also wounded in the hand by a gun-shot at Spottsylvania. After the close of the war he returned to Rock County, Wis., and after following the occupation of farming there until 1868, he moved to Chickasaw County, Iowa, where he was engaged in farming six years. In 1874 he settled on a farm near Grand Island, Neb., but in the fall of 1888 he moved to the station, where he has since been engaged in merchandising, giving also a considerable portion of his attention to stock-dealing. He has held a number of positions of trust in the county, and socially is a member of the A.O.U.W. He was married in Iowa January 1, 1868, to Miss Julia Pheban, a native of York State, reared and educated in New York City, and their union has resulted in the birth of five children: Melvina (Wife of Abe Leicer), Frank, George, John and Minnie. ELLINGTON, Michael Michael Ellington was born in Madison County, Ohio, September 19, 1826, being a son of David and Catherine (Hoffman) Ellington the former's birth occurring in the "Blue Grass State," August 22, 1797; he died on his birthday in 1883. He grew to manhood in Ohio, but in 1829 moved to Illinois, and died in DeWitt County of this State. He was a Democrat and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. His wife was born in Ohio, her birth occurring a few years later than his, and their union resulted in the birth of twelve children, seven of whom grew to maturity and are still living. The paternal grandfather was born in Kentucky in 1773, and was one of the early pioneers of Ohio. He spent rather a roving life wandering over Missouri and Arkansas, and passed from life in the State of Indiana. The maternal grandfather was a soldier in the Ware of 1812. Michael Ellington grew to manhood in DeWitt County, Ill., and obtained a common-school education. In the month of April, 1850, he went West and traveled throughout California, Oregon, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, Kansas and Nebraska, and in 1866 entered the regular service of the United States army, and was a soldier on the frontier for five years, during which time he had many thrilling encounters with the Indians. Upon receiving his discharge in 1871 he went to St. Louis, Mo., thence to Illinois, where he purchased land and tilled the soil for sixteen years, then sold out and came to Nebraska in 1888. He is now the owner of 210 acres of excellent land, which brings him in a yearly income more than sufficient to supply himself and wife with all necessary comforts during their declining years. He was married in 1882 to Mrs. Rebecca Arnold, but as they have no children of their own, they have adopted a grandson of Mrs. Ellington's, Charley Evans, the adoption taking place April 17, 1886, in De Witt County, Ill. The present Mrs. Ellington was married first, in Wisconsin, to Lemuel Evans, and to them a family of three children were born: Thomas, John and William. Mrs. And Mrs. Ellington are living in happiness and contentment, and their only care is the rearing and educating of their adopted son. Mr. Ellington in his early travels visited Central America twice. He is a Democrat, but liberal in his views. EWING, Robert Robert Ewing. Among the many families that emigrated westward early in the decade of '70, and located in Hall County, Neb., non have been more successful than that of the Ewings. They are native New Yorkers, and hal from Allegany County. In the year 1866 they settled in Cedar County, Iowa, where they followed farming, to which occupation they had been reared, and made that State their home until 1871, when the father of our immediate subject, who also bore the name of Robert, died. In 1872, the family wishing to find a place where industry would receive its highest reward, wisely sought the prairies of Nebraska, and settled in Hall County, where they have stood in the vanguard among the agriculturists, the many broad acres which they own and the social position which they occupy, testifying to this fact. Four of the brothers now occupy one of the most valuable tracts of land in the county, and are honorable and useful citizens, their names being Robert, William, Charles and Edwin. Hon. James Ewing, one of the family, rose to distinction in Hall County, and was at one time one of the most popular men in this portion of the State, but the numerous duties, both public and private, imposed upon him became more than the physical man could endure, and death called him in the midst of his public duties and in the zenith of his power, on October 31, 1888. He was born in Allegany County, N.Y., July 7, 1850, and assisted his father on the farm and attended the common schools near his home until he was sixteen years of age, then removed with his parents to Cedar County, Iowa, and until twenty-three years of age his time was spent in attending and teaching in the public schools. He then came to Hall County, Neb., to seek his fortune, and soon found employment as a teacher in the Moore district, but after a few terms he took charge of the school at Shelton. He was exceptionally successful as an educator, and took such an interest in educational matters that in the fall of 1877 he was elected superintendent of public instruction for Hall County, displaying much ability and energy in the discharge of his duties, and at the expiration of his term was re-elected. Upon leaving this office he purchased the Wood River Gazette, then a five-column folio struggling for existence, and in the management of this he was as successful as in his former occupation, and soon advanced the subscription list from 200 to 700, the result of his ability as an editorial writer, his good judgment and sagacity. The first three years of his career as an editor he also filled the position of deputy county treasurer, which necessitated him leaving Wood River early in the morning and returning late in the afternoon, and during this period the readers of his paper were treated to the midnight productions of his pen. At the close of his work as deputy treasurer he devoted his time entirely to his paper, but his rest from public cares was very short, and in 1886 he was elected to represent Hall County in the State Legislature, and received every vote in Wood River Township with the exception of ten. He also proved a valuable public servant in this capacity, and in recognition of his services he was re-nominated by acclamation in the Republican convention held at Grand Island, but did not live to discharge his duties. On January 10, 1884, he was married to Miss Alma E. Thompson, of Hall County, and the result of this union was a son, Arthur (who died December 31, 1888). Mr. Ewing held a number of local offices also, and in the capacity of justice of the peace of Wood River filled the position in everything the name implies, and by his kindly advice and fairness made many warm friends. He was township treasurer six years, and at the time of his death was nominee for the two last offices. From the time the village of Wood River was organized he was a member of the town board, being all of the time chairman, and his advice was always found to be sound and to the best interests of the town. His life, an active and successful one, was devoted greatly to the welfare and happiness of others, and he was liberal and charitable in his views to all, and by all his death was deeply lamented. His funeral, which was conducted by the I.O.O.F. and A.O.U.W., to which he belonged, was the largest gathering of the kind every held in Wood River, and all business houses were closed and heavily draped in mourning out of respect for him who had been a friend and brother to all. Such a man as he could not associate with the young men of the community without inspiring them with a wish to live and upright, honorable life, to live for others as well as themselves, and to leave such monuments to their memory as he has done wherever they may reside. John Ewing, another brother, was also born in Allegany County, N.Y., in 1857, and supplemented his common-school education with a course at Gibbon Academy, Buffalo County, Neb., his first term of school being taught in Hall County, at the age of nineteen years, this occupation receiving his attention for about seven years. He became well known throughout Hall County as a successful educator, but is now giving his attention to farming, his land lying about six miles northwest of Wood River, and comprision of 360 acres. His wife, Miss Laura Dubbs, was born in Columbiana County, Ohio, in 1864, and by her he has a family of four children: Gertrude, William, John A. and James A. Mr. Ewing is a Republican, and is a member of the A.O.U.W. His wife is a daughter of W.W. Dubbs, who was born in Ohio, and came to Hall County, Neb., in the spring of 1872. Robert Ewing, our immediate subject, owes his nativity to Allegany County, N.Y., his birth occurring in 1853. For several years after coming to Nebraska the brothers had a very hard time to get along, owing to lack of rain, but they were every ready to put their shoulders to the wheel when honorable work could be found, and they are now reaping their reward, for they are accounted among the most successful of Hall County's agriculturists and stockmen. The four brothers mentioned above now own 640 acres of land, have 121 head of fat steers feeding, 100 head of hogs and sixty head of stock cattle. They are wide awake and enterprising young men, and owing to their native pluck and enterprise have made their present valuable property. They are quite talented musicians, one playing first violin, another second violin, the third the Bell clarionet and the fourth the bass viol. They are bachelors, and in their political views are stanch Republicans. Charles Ewing was elected as a member of the board of supervisors of Hall County in 1888, and re-elected in 1889. His re-election proves that he possesses in a considerable degree some of the elements of personal popularity. The township where Mr. Ewing has been re-elected has a Democratic majority of sixty-two votes on the State ticket, and Mr. Ewing overcame this with a large majority. The father and mother, Robert Ewing and wife, were born in Scotland in 1819 and 1824, and died in 1871 and 1883, respectively. All of their nine children grew to maturity. EWOLDT, Cay Henry Cay Henry Ewoldt is an old pioneer of Center Township, who located in Hall County, Neb., in 1857, although his birth occurred in Germany, August 14, 1831, he being a son of Paul and Cecilia Ewoldt. He became a subject of "Uncle Sam" in 1852, and from that time until 1857 he resided in Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota, spending two years in Davenport, of the first State, one year in the next and one in the last. He then returned to Davenport and joined a party of thirtyone emigrants, who came to Hall County, Neb., but it was not until 1862 that Mr. Ewoldt settled on his present farm. He has from titme to time increased his original purchase, and is now the owner of 460 acres of magnificent land, well stocked and improved. He has always been closely identified with agricultural pursuits in this vicinity, and his well-established characteristics of energy, perseverance and unbounded industry have brought him safe returns. He gives excellent management to his farm, and no man in the entire county stand higher for honor and integrity than Mr. Ewoldt. He was married September 1, 1862, to Miss Eliza C. Stuben, a native of Germany, born November 15, 1842, a daughter of Claus and Lena Stuben. She came to America in 1858, and after spending four years in LaFayette, Ind., came to Hall County, Neb. They have a family of eleven children: Bernard, Cecilia, Caroline, henry, Wilhemine, Julius, Amelia, Clara, Laura, Hermann and Lizzie, of whom Caroline, Laura and Lizzie are deceased. Mr. Ewoldt and his wife are members of the German Lutheran Church, and in his political views he is a Democrat. FINCH, D. A., D. D. S. D.A. Finch, D.D.S., a young man still in his twenties, is, however, conceded to be one of the leading dentists of Hall County, Neb. He was born in Oneida County, N.Y., November 19, 1863, and is the second of four children born to Daniel and Maria (Livesey) Finch, who were born in England and brought to the United States when children, and here reared to maturity. The former's death occurred in York State in 1878, at the age of forty-two years, but the mother, who was born in 1843, is still living, and resides at Camden, that State. Dr. Finch received a good practical education in the public schools of his native State, and finished his literary education in the Camden High School, from which he graduated in 1882. The following year he began the study of dentistry in the office of Doten & Martin, of Camden, N.Y., and with them remained until the spring of 1885, when he followed Horace Greeley's advice, and came west to grow up with the contry, locating at Grand Island, and has done exceptionally well, for his ability and learning are well recognized in Hall County, and the people have given him a large patronage. He is in every respect a selfmade man, and has done much to advance the business interests of Grand Island. He belongs to the K/ of P., the Modern Woodmen of America, and he and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. His marriage occurred in August, 1888, at which time Miss Addie M. Hall, born near Terre Haute, Ind., January 8, 1864, became his wife. She is a daughter of Harrison and Eliza (Carpenter) Hall, who now reside in Tacoma, Wash. FINES, John W. John W. Fines, farmer and stock raiser, Shelton, Neb. The name that heads this sketch is that of one of the well-known residents of Hall County, Neb. Like many other settlers in the county he came originally from Pike County, Ill, where his birth occurred on June 5, 1858. His father, William Fines, was a native of England, born about 1810, and in 1830 he emigrated to America, where, he was one of the pioneers of Pike County, Ill. About 1852 he married Mrs. Sarah Musgrave, the widow of Joseph Musgrave, who came from England with his family, and by her bacme the father of four children: Martha, James, Joseph and Sarah Ann. Joseph is deceased. Mr. Fines died immediately after landing. Mrs. Fines was the mother of five children by her former marriage: Charles, Esau (deceased), Jacob, John W., Abigail. The father of the last named children came from England to America in 1830. John W. Fines started out for himself at the age of twenty years, and one year later was married to Miss Zerlda Myers, daughter of John and Annie Myers, of Hall County, Neb. This union resulted in the birth of four children: Lilly M., Amzie, Loretta and an infant unnamed, all living. Mr. Fines has secured a good start in life by his close application to all enterprises undertaken by good business investments. He has a good stock of cattle, horses and hogs, and a large tract of land, which is fenced. Water is found in abundance a few feet below the surface, and, take it all in all, Mr. Fines is highly pleased with Nebraska. He is a member of no political party or church, but has recently become a member of the Farmers' Allicance. FRANCIS, Thomas Thomas Francis possesses advanced ideas regarding agricultural life and since 1869 has been engaged in tilling his present farm, which comprises of 160 acres of good land. He is a son of William and Mary (Haley) Francis, and was born in County Galway, Ireland, in 1832, and was reared to manhood in his native land. Two brothers have become subjects of Uncle Sam, he determined to seek a home in the United States also, and accordingly landed on American shores, and went to Wheeling W. Va., but soon after joined his brothers, at Barnesville, Ohio, remaining with them two years. He then pushed westward and for nearly two years he was engaged in railroading between Chicago and Detroit, Mich., but the year 1854 found him in Louisville, Ky., and a short time after in New Orleans, where he remained until 1856, then went to Nashville, Tenn., thence to St. Louis, where he again followed railroading, this time being on the Iron Mountain Road. In 1858 he returned to Nashville, was there during the opening of the Rebellion, joined the army and served nearly four years, participating in the following engagements: Perryville, Blue Springs, Strawberry Plains, Cumberland Gap and numerous skirmishes. In 1867 he was united in marriage to Miss Bridget Ryan, a daughter of William and Sabina Ryan, adn to them the following family was born: William (who was born March 31, 1869), Michael (born December 22, 1872), Mary (born May 15, 1874), and Sabina (born July 17, 1876). Mr. Francis came with his family to Hall County, Neb., in March, 1869, and located on 160 acres of land which is well watered by Wood River, which runs through it. He has a fine young orchard and his residence is located about a mile and a half from Shelton, Buffalo County, Neb. Mr. Francis and all his family are strict members of the Roman Catholic Church and he is a stanch Democrat and member of the Farmers' Alliance. FUEHRMAN, Henry Theodore Julius Henry Theodore Julius Fuehrman is a well known and highly skillful architect of Grand Island, Neb., and was born in Brunswick, Germany, March 27, 1858, being the only son of Henry and Tulia Fuehrman, the latter of whom is now deceased. The father still resides in Germany. The immediate subject of this biography attended the schools of his native land until he was fourteen years of age, after which he served an aprenticeship at the mason's trade. Upon leaving school he decided to prepare himself for the duties of an architect, and throughout his entire youth he devoted himself closely to the study of architecture in different polytechnic insititutions throughout his native land. When twenty years of age he entered the Germany Army, serving one year, and in 1882 he came to America, and after spending two years in Chicago and in different places in Dakota and Omaha, Neb., he came to Grand Island, which place has since continued to be his home. Soon after coming to Hall County he did some brick laying, but as soon as an opportunity present itself he resumed the calling of an architect, and has given his entire attention to that pursuit for the past five years, and is at present one of the leading men of his callingin the State. The following are some of the principal buildings on which he has worked: The City Hall, Michelson Block, Catholic Church, Baptist University, Soldiers' Home, and the Oxsnard Beet-Sugar Factory in Grand Island and the Buffalo County Courthouse at Kearney, Neb. He has built up an enviable reputation, for he is a very skillful workman and is noted for the throoughness of his work. September 19, 1885, he was married to Miss Dora Joehnck, a daughter of Henry Joehnck, a sketch of whom appears in this work. Mr. and Mrs. Fuehrman have two children: Julia and Gustav. Mr. Fuehrman is a member of the A.O.U.W., and politically is a Republican. He is a skilled draughtsman and possesses much natural ability for his chosen calling. FULLER, Charles Charles Fuller, farmer, Alda, Hall County, Neb., a lifetime of hard, earnest endeavor in pursuing the occupation to which he now gives his attention, coupled with strict integrity, honesty of purpose and liberality in all directions, have had a result to place Mr. Fuller among the truly respected and honored agriculturiests of the county. He was born in the State of New York May 31, 1829, and is the son of Pamenus and Hannah (Hubbard) Fuller, both natives also of the Empire State. They were married there and subsequently moved to Pennsylvania, locating in Erie County, where the father followed the stone mason and plastering trade. He moved to Ashtabula County, Ohio, then Medina County, where he passed the closing scenes of his life. He lived on a farm the principal part of his life. He was born October 13, 1801, and died March 1, 1861, and the mother was born April 5, 1805. Their family consisted of the following children (four living): Marilla (born February 11, 1824), Reuben(born November 10, 1826), Charles (born Mary 31, 1829), Thomas (born August 3, 1831), Sidney (born December 28, 1833), James (born October 29, 1836), George (born October 13, 1839), Franklin (born February 26, 1842), Henry (born July 29, 1845) and Susan (born February 27, 1849). The mother of these children died in 1861, only about two weeks after the death of her husband. Charles Fuller was still in his teens when he moved with his parents to Ohio, and he got $4 per month for three months during the summer when he winnowed hay with a hand rake. He attended the common schools of that State and worked on a farm until he was married. He then picked up the carpenter trade and went to Pennsylvania, thence to Iowa, where he settled in Fayette County, and followed his trade there for some time. He owned a farm and continued to cultivate the soil in the last named county until 1879, when he emigrated to Nebraska, and purchased 160 acres of land in Hall County. He was married in 1854 in Erie County, pa., to Miss Clarinda Wicks, who was born in the Keystone State in 1837, and to them have been born four living children: Melvin C. (born July 7, 1858), Mary C. (born May 31, 1868), Monroe (born April 12, 1870) and Edward F. (born March 6, 1878). The children deceased were Elnora L. (who was born April 7, 1863, and died in Iowa February 20, 1867), and the others were infants. Mrs. Fuller was the daughter of J.S. and Harriet (Conant) Wicks, the father a native of Vermont, born in 1809. The latter was reared in the State of New York, was married there, and there resided until 1836, when he wne to Pennsylvania and there died May 21, 1889. Grandfather Conant was a native of Scotland, and emigrated to America before the War of 1812. Mrs. Fuller is in possession of a pair of eyeglasses given her by her maternal grandfather, and which have been in the family for many years. FULLER, M. C. M.C. Fuller, farmer and stock raiser, Alda, Neb. Mr. Fuller owes his nativity to Gratiot County, Mich., where his birth occurred July 7, 1858, and is now following a calling that has for ages received undivided efforts from many worthy individuals, and one that always furnishes sustenance to the ready worker. He is the eldest ina family of five children born to the union of Charles and Clarinda (Wicks) Fuller, natives of New York and Pennsylvania, respectively. The parents were married in the Keystone State, and there the father followed original agricultural pursuits, but in connection carried on the carpenter trade. He subsequently moved to Ohio, thence to Gratiot County, Mich., back agin to Ohio, then to Fayette County, Iowa, and there remained until 1879, when he came to Hall County, Neb., and settled in Wood River Township. There they both reside at the present time. M.C. Fuller was early initiated into the duties of farm life, and received a liberal education in the schools of Fayette County, Iowa. He came to Nebraska in 1879, and was married at Prairie Du Chien, Wis., on April 11, of that year, to Miss Lydia H. Brooks, a native of Fayette County, Iowa, and the daughter of Chancy and Hannah Brooks, natives of New York and Ohio, respectively. Mr. and Mrs. Brooks settled in Iowa at an early day, and there the father still resides. The mother died in 1876. In 1882 Mr. Fuller purchased an unimproved farm of 160 acres, and went to work upon the same. He has since erected a good house, barn, outbuildings, and is also engaged in raising a good grade of stock. He is active in politics, and votes with the Republican party. He was appointed justice of the peace in 1887, was subsequently elected and re-elected in 1889. Socially he is a member of the Alda Lodge No. 165, A.O.U.W., and as a citizen and neighbor is thoroughly liked. To his marriage have been born two children: Hannah C. (born June 19, 1880) and Wesley M. (whose birth occurred September 29, 1885.) 2001 © Kaylynn Loveland, Hall County NEGenWeb Project (End of File)