DRAFT REGISTRATION LISTS; 1918; HOWARD COUNTY, NEBRASKA From the listing in the "St. Paul Phonograph", 6/18/18. Submitted to the USGenWeb Nebraska Archives, July, 1998 by Lenise Cook (lenise@ibm.net). USGenWeb Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial researchers, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for presentation in any form by any other organization or individual. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must obtain express written permission from the author, or the submitter and from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist. ************* World War I Draft Registration Lists In June of 1918 a draft registration was held for those men who had turned 21 since the last registration in 1917, and another 84 men registered in Howard County. This list was published in The Phonograph on June 18, 1918. It is not divided by precinct, but the townships the men lived in are listed after their names. [Please see the 1917 listing in a separate USGenWeb Nebraska Archives file.] I typed the names just as they were listed in the newspaper, but I suspect there may have been typos in the original list because in some instances there were men who appeared to be related, with almost identical last names, differing by only one letter, so it would be wise to check all possible spellings of the names you are looking for. There are also instances of the same last name appearing in several precincts. June 1918 Listing Abel, Henry Ben; St. Libory Anderson, Anton Christen; St. Paul Anderson, Goodwin Earl; St. Paul Andrewjewski, Frank C.; Elba Atwood, Arthur Joseph; St. Paul Becker, Herman; St. Paul Blaha, Jake; St. Paul Bridge, Roy; St. Libory Buhrman, Henry John; St. Libory Christensen, Arthur Leo; Dannebrog Christensen, Chris; Wolbach Christensen, Englebrecht; Cushing Christensen, Niels Chris; Elba Christensen, Ole Bryan; Elba Clausen, Conrad; Boelus Dale, Paul Allen; Cushing Damgaard, Barney; Dannebrog Delecki, John F.; Elba Duester, Stephen; Elba Dvoracek, Emil; St. Paul Elliot, James Willard; Cushing Enevoldsen, Andrew K.; Dannebrog Gambol, Stanley; Farwell Gerdes, Henry Anton; St. Libory Grayek, Vincent; St. Libory Gross, Fred; Palmer Hansen, William Gus; Elba Hartford, Colonel Spencer; Palmer Hauberg, Niels Andries; Cushing Hurt, Frank; Farwell Jacobsen, August Larimore; St. Paul Jess, Otto Emil; Farwell Jorgensen, Niles; Cushing Keldsen, Wm. Kelly; Elba Kemper, Frank Henry; St. Libory Klanecky, Louis; Farwell Klein, Samuel; Wolbach Laagerquist, David Fred; St. Paul Larsen, Charles F.; St. Paul Larsen, Nels Christian; Elba LeMasters, Jay; St. Paul Lemburg, Richard; Farwell Leth, Hans; St. Paul Lint, Roy A; Cotesfield Lyo, Arthur; St. Paul Mattson, George Raymond; Cushing Merchant, Jacob; Wolbach Moog, Henry P.; Boelus Morse, Harrison; St. Paul Neilsen, Niels; Boelus Neitfeld, Ferdinand F.; Grand Island Niefeld, Ferdinand F.; Grand Island Nielsen, Carl; Dannebrog Nielsen, Robt. Carl; Elba Niemoth, Carl; St. Libory Novak, Bert M; St. Paul Novak, Emil J; St. Paul Obermiller, Henry F.; Farwell Obermiller, Walter Herman; Farwell Pearson, Carl Arthur; Cushing Petersen, Jens Peter B.; Elba Petersen, Rollin; St. Paul Rasmussen, Arthur Christian; Farwell Rasmussen, Marius; St. Paul Reimers, Magelland; Dannebrog Roe, Albert Wesley; St. Paul Ruthstrom, John Albert; Boelus Sawicki, Louis Isador; Farwell Sazama, John R.; St. Paul Smolczyk, Joseph; St. Paul Sorensen, Arnold Walter; Dannebrog Stewart, Albert Edward; St. Paul Sweenie, Lloyd Glenn; Wolbach Szwanek, James D.; Wolbach Thomsen, Andrew J.; St. Paul Tuma, John A.; Elba Vincik, Frank; St. Paul Vlach, Prokrop L.; Cotesfield Weinrich, Albert N.; Cotesfield Weiss, Joseph A.; Boelus Welsh, David Aimes; St. Paul Wissbaum, Karl W.; St. Paul Wrzesenski, Mike; Wolbach Zimbelman, Alfred A.; Wolbach