Lancaster County NeArchives Biographies.....Anderson, Oscar Bennett 1889 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher March 18, 2015, 1:23 pm Source: Nebraskana Author: See below Oscar Bennett Anderson Oscar B. Anderson was born at Davis, Illinois, October 1, 1889, the son of Olus and Bertha (Matsen) Anderson. His father, who is a farmer, was born at Christiania, Norway, in 1855. His mother was born at Christiania, October 1, 1854. Mr. Anderson was graduated from the high school at Webb, Iowa, attended the University of Nebraska, and was a student at the Chicago and Lake Geneva Young Men’s Christian Association during the summer months. He entered Young Men’s Christian Association work at Evansville, Wisconsin, in 1909, and was physical director for this organization at Columbus, 1909-14. Since 1914, he has been connected with the Lincoln Young Men’s Christian Association as director of physical education. He is a member of the National Physical Directors’ Society and the Optimists’ Club at Lincoln. He is a 32nd degree Mason and Shriner. During the World War he served overseas for eleven months at Base Hospital Unit Number 49, Verdun Sector. He is a member of the American Legion and the Veterans of foreign Wars, and is affiliated with Grace Lutheran Church at Lincoln. His social club is the Shrine Country Club. He is independent politically. Residence: Lincoln Additional Comments: Extracted from Nebraskana Edited by Sara Mullin Baldwin & Robert Morton Baldwin The Baldwin Company Hebron, NE 1932 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb