Lancaster County NeArchives Biographies.....Andrus, Frederick Moore 1872 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher March 20, 2015, 5:52 pm Source: Nebraskana Author: See below Frederick Moore Andrus Dr. Frederick M. Andrus, distinguished physician and surgeon, was born at Plattsmouth, Cass County, Nebraska, July 29, 1872. His father, Daniel Dart Andrus, was a farmer and stockman in Cass County, and was for many years active in political and educational affairs in his community. He was county chairman of the Republican Committee and as a school director was largely responsible for the development of scientific farm-training in the schools. He was born at Herkimer, Orleans County, New York, November 13, 1832, and died at Weeping Water, Cass County, Nebraska, October 3, 1895. He was of English descent on the maternal side, and was descended from the Irish nobility on the paternal side through a long line of noted New York ancestors. Louise (Ewing) Andrus, his mother, was of Pennsylvania Dutch descent. She was born at Ossomottamie, Pottowattimie County, Pennsylvania, June 20, 1838, and died at Manley, Cass County, Nebraska, June, 1903. Dr. Andrus attended the country school at Grand Prairie, until the age of 18, when he entered Manley High School; at the age of 21 he was graduated from the Weeping Water High School. He was a student at the University of Nebraska for two years where he received instruction in the basic science studies. The last two years of his medical course were received at Cotner Medical School. He has since taken post graduate courses in all the principal clinics of Europe and the United States. He was valedictorian of his graduating class in 1900. A life time resident of Nebraska, Dr. Andrus has won an enviable position in his profession in the last 30 years. He was admitted to the practice of medicine at Lincoln Lancaster County, Nebraska, April 1, 1900, and for the next 10 years was a country doctor and physician in a private hospital. He was engaged in railroad building for 8 years, and from 1903 to 1915 was professor of gynecological surgery at Cotner Medical College. Since 1914 he has been surgeon to St. Elizabeth Hospital and Bryan Memorial Hospital at Lincoln. He is medical director of the Service Life Insurance Company; is director of the American Savings and Loan Company; and is president of the Craftsman Building Association. He is the author of an article on surgical treatment, published in 1913, and Correct Shoe, 1908. He was married to Pearl Shaw at Lincoln, May 3, 1917. Mrs. Andrus, who was born at Decatur, Cass County, Michigan, September 16, 1880, is descended from an old Rhode Island family; her grandfather was judge of the district court. Dr. Andrus served in the Medical Reserve of the United States Army in 1916-17, and was a member of the National Guard, 1920 to 1921. He is a member of the county, state, and national medical associations; the Community Chest; the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce; the Current Topics Club; and the Hiram Club. He is a Mason, Shriner, and an Elk. He holds membership in the local Young Men’s Christian Association, and is affiliated with the following social clubs; University Club; Shrine Country Club; Eastridge Country Club; and the Lincoln Gun Club. He is a member of Westminster Presbyterian Church at Lincoln. His sports are golf, billiards, and hunting. His hobby is keeping a scrapbook of poems, prose, and medical clippings. He is a Republican. Residence: Lincoln. Additional Comments: Extracted from Nebraskana Edited by Sara Mullin Baldwin & Robert Morton Baldwin The Baldwin Company Hebron, NE 1932 File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.1 Kb