Lancaster County NeArchives Biographies.....Aylsworth, Leon Emmons 1869 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher March 22, 2015, 9:14 pm Source: Nebraskana Author: See below Leon Emmons Aylsworth Leon Emmons Aylsworth, professor of political science at the University of Nebraska, was born at New Berlin, Chenango County, New York, October 26, 1869, the son of Nelson Olin and Mary (Deming) Aylsworth. Nelson Olin Aylsworth, who was a photographer, pharmacist and farmer, was born at Burlington, New York, August 6, 1846, and died at Euclid, New York, on January 21, 1922. He was descended from Arthur Aylsworth, who came to Rhode Island, from the western part of England, near the Welch border, about 1675. Mary Deming Aylsworth, who was primarily a home maker, and the mother of fourteen children, was born at New Berlin, July 8, 1850, and died at Syracuse, New York, on October 16, 1926. Her ancestors, who came from England, settled first in Connecticut, and later in New York, and several members of her family were prominent in military and business affairs. Professor Aylsworth attended school first in New Berlin and later in Roseville, Illinois, and in Clark County, South Dakota. In 1900, he was awarded his Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Nebraska, and in 1908, received his Master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin. Prior thereto, from 1890 to 1893, e was a student at the State College of South Dakota. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, elected in 1900. During the period Professor Aylsworth was engaged in graduate work he held a scholarship and a fellowship in American history. He was first appointed instructor on the faculty of the University of Nebraska in 1904. He was made adjunct professor in 1908, assistant professor in 1909, associate professor in 1910, and professor in 1918. The author of a number of articles, these were published in the American Political Science Review from 1908 to 1930 inclusive. Professor Aylsworth is a member of the American Political Science Association, and has served a term on its executive council. He is also a member of the National Municipal League, the Social Welfare Society of Lincoln (board member several years, chairman of legal aid committee), the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, and the Open Forum. On September 25, 1895, he was united in marriage at Watertown, South Dakota, to Bertha May Fraser, who had been a music teacher for several years. Mrs. Aylsworth was born at New Glasgow, Pictou County, Nova Scotia, April 7, 1874. She is of Scotch, English and Pennsylvania Dutch descent. To them were born three children: Carol, born December 26, 1900, who married Frank-lyn Faye Yearsley; Donald Fraser, born March 2, 1906; and Lloyd Deming, born August 9, 1913. Carol was graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1923, and while a student there became a member of Delta Delta Delta. For a time she taught at McCook and Lincoln, and served as instructor in the teachers’ college at the state university. Donald was graduated from the university in June, 1931, and immediately entered the service of the S. S. Kresge Company at Cincinnati, Ohio. Professor Aylsworth is a Progressive Republican. Pie took an active part in the adoption of the initiative and referendum in Nebraska, and the home rule charter in Lincoln; also in the movement for a convention to revise the state constitution. For many years he has taken a keen interest in seeking to promote more efficient and economical administrative organization and financial methods in the municipal affairs of Lincoln. Recently he was elected to life membership in The Nebraskana Society in recognition of his efforts toward the advancement of his community and state. Professor Aylsworth is a member of All Soul’s Unitarian Church at Lincoln. Residence: Lincoln. Additional Comments: Extracted from Nebraskana Edited by Sara Mullin Baldwin & Robert Morton Baldwin The Baldwin Company Hebron, NE 1932 Photo: File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.5 Kb