Lincoln County NeArchives Court.....Long, Jefferson April 3, 1885 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Debra Crosby July 17, 2018, 8:22 pm Source: The Nebraska State Journal Sun Apr 4, 1886 Written: April 3, 1885 Recorded: November 6, 1889 -------------------------------------------------- The Nebraska State Journal Sun Apr 4, 1886 The Bascombe Murderers North Platte Telegraph Indictments have been found against Ernest Myers, Jeff Long, and George H. Teidaman for the murder of Richard Bascombe and wife, last April 3d. Long is a farmer northeast of town and has been under suspicion of connection with this crime. Myers and Teidaman were then in Long's employ. Myers has skipped the country. Teidaman has been living with Long of late, though he was away several months after the killing. We cannot learn what the evidence is upon which these indictments are based, but are told that it is conclusive. Yesterday morning a sheriff's posse went out and arrested Long and Teidaman. ------------------------------------------------------- The Nebraska State Journal Wed Nov 10, 1886 Jefferson Long was on Saturday, at North Platte, found guilty of the murder of the Bascombe's near that place near a year ago. Motion for new trial was made. ------------------------------------------------------- The Nebraska State Journal Fri Apr 27, 1888 Lincoln County District Court The Long murder case was called this morning and the defense demanded a trial, but the court without any showing on the part of the prosecution for a continuance of the case, refused a trial and put the case over. The trouble is Judge Hamer is acting as prosecuting attorney and judge both in this case and intends to keep the defendant in jail as long as he can without trial. ------------------------------------------------------- The Nebraska State Journal Sat Jan 5, 1889 The Long Murder Trial North Plate. Neb., Jan. 4--[Special]-- The Jefferson Long murder trial, which has been in progress ever since December 26, is nearing the end. The evidence was concluded Wednesday noon, and A. H. Church is making the closing argument for the prosecution. The court room has been crowded during the whole progress of the trial. Very few think the verdict will be guilty, but many believe that the jury will disagree. ------------------------------------------------------- The Columbus Journal Wed Nov 6, 1889 The jury in the Jeff Long murder case at North Platte returned a verdict of not guilty. It seems to please the people generally. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.0 Kb