1890 U. P. R. R. Gazetteer of the State of Nebraska NANCE COUNTY FARMERS Fullerton-County Seat Note: Central City, Clarks, Clarksville, Palmer & Silver Creek are in Merrick Co. Cedar Rapids and St. Edward(s) are in Boone Co. NAME Residence NAME Residence NAME Residence Acton H L ........ Mooreville Frahnson J ....... Fullerton Olson Karl ....... Fullerton Adams Chas ....... Fullerton Francis E P ...... Fullerton Olson Knut ....... Genoa Adams T A ........ Fullerton Frank Jas ........ Silver Creek Olson Nels ....... Genoa Adams W C ........ Fullerton Frazler Jno ...... Silver Creek Olson Ole ........ Genoa Adriss F M ....... Silver Creek Frense Ira ....... Olive Olson Swan ....... Fullerton Agnew Arthur ..... Fullerton Fries J M ........ Fullerton Orton W H ........ Fullerton Agnew J S ........ Fullerton Fuller Fred ...... Fullerton Owen A S ......... Fullerton Agnew W S ........ Fullerton Fuller I R ....... Fullerton Owen T W ......... Genoa Aikens J W ....... Woodville Fuller R ......... Fullerton Palmer Abe ....... Fullerton Aikens John ...... Silver Creek Fuller S J ....... Fullerton Palmer Joe ....... Fullerton Alberts G F ...... Glenwood Fulton C W ....... Fullerton Pardun David ..... Fullerton Alberts Jacob .... Fullerton Furher C ......... Glenwood Parker A J ....... Fullerton Alley H G ........ Silver Creek Furney Chas ...... Fullerton Parker C S ....... Fullerton Alley H M ........ Silver Creek Furney Frank ..... Fullerton Parker I F ....... Genoa Almes Wm ......... Genoa Furney H ......... Fullerton Parker J P ....... Fullerton Anderson A B ..... Genoa Garder J ......... Fullerton Parker W H ....... Fullerton Anderson Andre ... Fullerton Gardner G R ...... Fullerton Parkison S V ..... Genoa Anderson Fred .... Fullerton Gay C J .......... Red Wing Parks T J ........ Fullerton Anderson Hans .... Fullerton Gee E M .......... Fullerton Parr B C ......... Fullerton Anderson J B ..... Fullerton Gee T A .......... Fullerton Pasey Jno ........ Belgrade Anderson Saml .... Genoa Gibson C A ....... Genoa Pasey Robt ....... Belgrade Andrews Geo ...... Fullerton Gibson F M ....... Olive Patterson G H .... Fullerton Andrews John ..... Fullerton Gibson Matt ...... Olive Patterson J M .... Woodville Annawalt F ....... Red Wing Gilbert C E ...... Fullerton Patterson M ...... Central City Apgar John F ..... Woodville Gilbert Frank .... Fullerton Patterson M ...... Genoa Apgar R L ........ Woodville Gilbert G H ...... Fullerton Paulson Jno T .... Genoa Appeyit Chas ..... Fullerton Gillespie W A .... Fullerton Paulson S M ...... Genoa Appeyit J J ...... Fullerton Goddard A H ...... Red Wing Peek B ........... Fullerton Appeyit Jas ...... Fullerton Goodman G W ...... Belgrade Penry J W ........ Glenwood Applegate M ...... Silver Creek Gorby S P ........ Glenwood Pepper Irvin ..... Fullerton Arnold W H ....... Fullerton Gould E D ........ Fullerton Peregrine G R .... Fullerton Arthur Alfred .... Fullerton Green F H ........ Glenwood Perks Robt ....... Belgrade Arthur Bruce ..... Fullerton Green Jay ........ Silver Creek Persinger S G .... Fullerton Ashly A C ........ Woodville Green L J ........ Genoa Peterson C ....... Fullerton Ashly L C ........ Woodville Green M T ........ Genoa Peterson F ....... Woodville Askwith Saml ..... Neoma Gress A J ........ Fullerton Peterson Jas ..... Fullerton Atkins J C ....... Genoa Gress L .......... Fullerton Peterson L J ..... Fullerton Atkins Joel P .... Woodville Gress M .......... Fullerton Peterson Lewis ... Fullerton Augere Abed ...... Fullerton Griffin J F ...... Woodville Peterson Peter ... Fullerton Auguston Henry ... Glenwood Griffin N G ...... Woodville Peterson Saml .... Woodville Augustus J C ..... Fullerton Grin J T ......... Silver Creek Phillips Edw ..... Fullerton Austine Frank .... Fullerton Grinn P P ........ Neoma Phillips Frank ... Fullerton Austine John ..... Belgrade Grinns B F ....... Genoa Pickerel N ....... Fullerton Ayress J T ....... Neoma Grinns M A ....... Fullerton Pickerel W W ..... Genoa Babbett H A ...... Fullerton Gueim E T ........ Fullerton Pierce A K ....... Genoa Backus W B ....... Genoa Guy F S .......... Fullerton Pierce F N ....... Genoa Badster John ..... Fullerton Guy Kit .......... Fullerton Pierce F W ....... Neoma Bailey A G ....... Fullerton Haddock G B ...... Woodville Pierce W E ....... Belgrade Bailey G T ....... Genoa Hadley L R ....... Fullerton Pocock G E ....... Silver Creek Bailey I M ....... Genoa Hagelberger J B .. Fullerton Pocock J W ....... Silver Creek Bailey M A ....... Red Wing Haggens A ........ Belgrade Pocock P E ....... Silver Creek Bailey R H ....... Genoa Hall T E ......... Fullerton Pomroy F T ....... Silver Creek Bailey T E ....... Genoa Halland J S ...... Genoa Porter Chas ...... Fullerton Bake C F ......... Fullerton Hallister A H .... Olive Portor Bill ...... Fullerton Bake W C ......... Genoa Hallister W E .... Belgrade Potter H W ....... Fullerton Baldridge H ...... Fullerton Halpin John ...... Olive Powell H L ....... Belgrade Baldridge J R .... Fullerton Halpin Pat ....... Olive Powers M ......... Belgrade Ball D B ......... Genoa Hamilton F A ..... Olive Price J A ........ Belgrade Ball Geo ......... Fullerton Hamilton L S ..... Genoa Prowett J ........ Glenwood Ball J D ......... Fullerton Hammond M L ...... Genoa Pugsley J ........ Genoa Ball John ........ Fullerton Hampton J H ...... Fullerton Pulver D H ....... Fullerton Ballard C W ...... Fullerton Hampton John ..... Fullerton Pyle John ........ Silver Creek Ballard W R ...... Red Wing Hanson A ......... Glenwood Rasmussen Lars ... Fullerton Balles S F ....... Woodville Hanson John ...... Genoa Ray Nathan? ...... Genoa Barber Jacob ..... Genoa Hanson L ......... Glenwood Redfern J F ...... Silver Creek Barber M H ....... Fullerton Harding Wm ....... Woodville Redmon W B ....... Genoa Barden C J ....... Fullerton Harfst C ......... Fullerton Reeves J H ....... Fullerton Barker Daniel .... Glenwood Harmon S J ....... Fullerton Reeves J W ....... Fullerton Barkley J D ...... Woodville Harrington D A ... Belgrade Reid J M ......... Silver Creek Barkley John ..... Belgrade Harrington H I ... Belgrade Reid S A ......... Silver Creek Barley J J ....... Fullerton Harris H A ....... Genoa Reigel Frank ..... Genoa Barnes G O ....... Woodville Hawkins E ........ Fullerton Reigel Thos ...... Genoa Barnes L M ....... Silver Creek Hawkins R C ...... Fullerton Reimers Jno ...... Fullerton Barr L E ......... Fullerton Hawthorne C W .... Genoa Rensic C E ....... Silver Creek Barr O D ......... Fullerton Hawthorne S A .... Genoa Resler J H ....... Genoa Barre J P ........ Genoa Hay Robt ......... Fullerton Resler Miller .... Genoa Bartholemew A G .. Palmer Hay V C .......... Silver Creek Reynolds J N ..... St Edward Bartley Geo ...... Fullerton Hayes E .......... Fullerton Rice & Short ..... Fullerton Bartosen K Jno ... Fullerton Hayford L A ...... Belgrade Richards I M ..... Genoa Beagle I R ....... Fullerton Hayford L H ...... Belgrade Richards P J ..... Fullerton Beagle R A ....... Fullerton Hayford W L ...... Belgrade Richardson C R ... Belgrade Beams James W .... Fullerton Hayworth Jerry ... Genoa Richardson Robt .. Fullerton Beardsley G W .... Red Wing Headland Lewis ... Genoa Ridgeway G ....... Silver Creek Beckwith F L ..... Silver Creek Heft A M ......... Olive Riese A L ........ Glenwood Beecher H ........ Fullerton Heftings Chas .... Belgrade Riley J A ........ Genoa Beeman H W ....... Fullerton Helgerson G ...... Fullerton Rincom Pete ...... Silver Creek Beeman I B ....... Fullerton Helms Levi ....... Silver Creek Ripper Chas ...... Fullerton Beerboner P W .... Red Wing Hemshelwood C .... Fullerton Rise P H ......... Fullerton Bench N E ........ Red Wing Hemshelwood F .... Fullerton Rishel L ......... Fullerton Benjamin S M ..... Fullerton Hemshelwood J .... Fullerton Risk W ........... Genoa Bennett David .... Glenwood Hemshelwood T .... Fullerton Ritchford J K .... Olive Bennett G W ...... Red Wing Hemton D C ....... Fullerton Ritt Robt ........ Fullerton Bennett Johnson .. Glenwood Henry C E ........ Fullerton Roads Geo ........ Fullerton Bennett W L ...... Red Wing Henry H .......... Red Wing Roads John ....... Fullerton Bennett Walter ... Red Wing Henton Robt ...... Olive Roads Wm ......... Fullerton Benny T .......... Genoa Hibbs L C ........ Fullerton Robbins L ........ Genoa Benson W C ....... Fullerton Hickock H ........ Fullerton Robinson C ....... Belgrade Bently C M ....... Genoa High H W ......... Fullerton Robinson G W ..... Genoa Bentz A G ........ Silver Creek Hobbs H .......... Fullerton Robinson Henry ... Olive Bergen Eugene .... Fullerton Hobbs John ....... Fullerton Robinson Lorin ... Olive Berry Ole C ...... Genoa Hodges F ......... Fullerton Robinson O ....... Belgrade Bilile Fred ...... Genoa Hodges Frank ..... Belgrade Rodd Daniel ...... Red Wing Bilile L D ....... Genoa Hodges J A ....... Genoa Roland Wm ........ Glenwood Bilile Louis ..... Genoa Hollyhock Robt ... Fullerton Rood A D ......... Red Wing Binney J H ....... Fullerton Holman Chas ...... Fullerton Rood J S ......... Woodville Bird E M ......... Belgrade Holman Joe ....... Fullerton Rosencrantz H .... St Edward Bird T E ......... Belgrade Holman Thos ...... Fullerton Rosencrantz J .... St Edward Bishop J W ....... Genoa Hoover N ......... Genoa Rosencrantz W .... St Edward Blofield J C ..... Glenwood Hoover S ......... Genoa Rosno P J ........ Genoa Boise G H ........ Fullerton Horn W H ......... Fullerton Ross Chrls ....... Silver Creek Bone J ........... Fullerton Horton A M ....... Genoa Rudolph D W ...... Fullerton Bone W C ......... Genoa Horton C C ....... Genoa Runney O N ....... Fullerton Borowich Jno ..... Genoa Horton O ......... Genoa Runney R B ....... Fullerton Borowich Wm ...... Genoa Horton R E ....... Genoa Runney W W ....... Woodville Borst H A ........ Fullerton Houghton John .... Fullerton Rush Jno ......... Genoa Bosler C A ....... Genoa Howard O P ....... Genoa Russell Geo M .... Fullerton Bosler J W ....... Fullerton Howell S A ....... Fullerton Russell J H ...... Fullerton Bostwick Jno ..... Fullerton Howerman W ....... Fullerton Russell J R ...... Fullerton Bostwick Wm ...... Silver Creek Howerton A ....... Genoa Russell John ..... Fullerton Bothwick J D ..... Fullerton Howerton S W ..... Genoa Russell W T ...... Fullerton Bothwick J T ..... Fullerton Huck J P ......... Belgrade Russell Walter ... Fullerton Bowgle J H ....... Fullerton Huck L ........... Belgrade Rutherford S L ... Fullerton Boyd Asa ......... Fullerton Huck L ........... Belgrade Rutherford Saml .. Fullerton Boyd E N ......... Fullerton Hudden Gus ....... Woodville Ryan Daniel ...... Neoma Bozell F M ....... Fullerton Hudfield A R ..... Fullerton Ryan John ........ Neoma Braden David ..... Genoa Hudson James ..... Fullerton Ryan Michael J ... Neoma Braden Peter ..... Genoa Hulett H B ....... Fullerton Ryan Mitchell .... Neoma Brady C E ........ Fullerton Hullett Mark ..... Fullerton Sabin J A ........ Genoa Bramer D H ....... Woodville Hunt A D ......... Red Wing Sabin M E ........ Genoa Bressler Emanuel . Fullerton Hunt E W ......... Fullerton Sample Albert .... Fullerton Bressler Isaac ... Genoa Hunt J C ......... Red Wing Sample J W ....... Fullerton Breyton Wm ....... Fullerton Hunt J D ......... Glenwood Sample Jerry ..... Fullerton Bridge S F ....... Genoa Hunt S W ......... Glenwood Sample Walter .... Red Wing Bridgeland Dan ... Fullerton Hunt W E ......... Fullerton Santon F ......... Fullerton Bridgeland S D ... Fullerton Hurry G L ........ Silver Creek Sboot W S ........ Genoa Bridgeland Wm .... Fullerton Hurst E S ........ Fullerton Scarlet E F ...... Fullerton Briner P F ....... Fullerton Hurst E S ........ Genoa Scarlett W A ..... Fullerton Bristle Lyman .... Fullerton Huston Geo ....... Fullerton Scheede Chas ..... Olive Brothwell D E .... Fullerton Huston J A ....... Genoa Schierson Edw .... Genoa Brothwell D N .... Fullerton Hutcher John ..... Belgrade Schneison Jno .... Glenwood Brothwell W D .... Fullerton Hutton W P ....... Fullerton Schnelson Fred ... Glenwood Brower A ......... Fullerton Hyatt G W ........ Fullerton Schon John ....... Fullerton Brower M I ....... Red Wing Inman A W ........ Olive Schrack J R ...... Belgrade Brown Alf ........ Glenwood Irish Dayton ..... Genoa Schrade Henry .... Fullerton Brown D F sr ..... Belgrade Irish N W ........ Belgrade Schumaker A M .... Fullerton Brown David ...... Fullerton Jackson G A ...... Woodville Schumaker Geo .... Genoa Brown David ...... Genoa Jackson J E ...... Fullerton Schurren Fred .... Fullerton Brown F H ........ Red Wing Jackson J W ...... Fullerton Scott L E ........ Glenwood Brown O L ........ Glenwood Jackson J W ...... Woodville Scott S .......... Glenwood Brown Robert ..... Fullerton Jackson John S ... Fullerton Shaffer J ........ Genoa Brown Wm R ....... Belgrade Jackson Lacy ..... Fullerton Shannen L ........ Fullerton Browner Saml ..... Glenwood Jackson R C ...... Fullerton Shannhen T ....... Silver Creek Bruce Fred ....... Genoa Jacobson Hans .... Fullerton Shindlebourn A R . Woodville Brugman Ole ...... Genoa Jacobson Ole ..... Fullerton Shirley Jos ...... Silver Creek Brunk Wm ......... Fullerton janners H C ...... Silver Creek Shirley S F ...... Silver Creek Bruss John T ..... Fullerton Jarners G W ...... Fullerton Short Jno ........ Fullerton Bruss W H ........ Fullerton Jassboan S ....... Fullerton Shotkoski Andrew . Genoa Brwonhall Thos ... Belgrade Jaycox C L ....... Fullerton Shotkoski H ...... Genoa Buchun Wm ........ Fullerton Jenkins C A ...... Fullerton Shotkoski Jake ... Genoa Bulla J A ........ St Edwards Jenkins Tbeo ..... Fullerton Shotkoski John ... Genoa Bulla Quin ....... St Edwards Jenks W L ........ Fullerton Shrilder C H ..... Fullerton Bullock F S ...... Genoa Jensin N A ....... Fullerton Shrode J W ....... St Edward Burbin Wm ........ Genoa Jheher Ludwig .... Genoa Shuster Anton .... Genoa Burchull A ....... Belgrade Johnson A B ...... Fullerton Sichl J .......... Fullerton Burger L ......... Glenwood Johnson E W ...... Fullerton Simmons Chas ..... Fullerton Burger L H ....... Fullerton Johnson Edw ...... Fullerton Sinclair John .... Fullerton Burke 0 S ........ Glenwood Johnson Frank .... Fullerton Sinclair Thos .... Fullerton Burke J R ........ Glenwood Johnson J A ...... Fullerton Sinpson A ........ Fullerton Burkeman J ....... Glenwood Johnson J G ...... Belgrade Skoog N J ........ Genoa Burley J J ....... St Edward Johnson John ..... Glenwood Slick John W ..... Fullerton Burns J .......... Fullerton Johnson M H ...... Fullerton Smith C R ........ Red Wing Burr Wm .......... Fullerton Johnson Mathew ... Fullerton Smith Frank ...... Glenwood Burris J B ....... Glenwood Johnson Nels ..... Genoa Smith Geo ........ Genoa Butler Wm ........ Fullerton Johnson Robt ..... Woodville Smith J .......... Genoa Butterfield Nels . Fullerton Johnson Swan ..... Genoa Smith J P ........ Genoa Butterfield R .... Fullerton Johnson T ........ Fullerton Smith J T ........ Fullerton Cahill Daniel .... Fullerton Johnson Wm ....... Cedar Rapids Smith J W ........ Fullerton Cahill M J ....... Fullerton Johnston W J ..... Belgrade Smith J W ........ Glenwood Callett John ..... Genoa Jones V .......... Fullerton Smith Jacob ...... Glenwood Campbell A S ..... Fullerton Jones W G ........ Fullerton Smith Jesse ...... Olive Campbell J M ..... Fullerton Jones Will ....... Olive Smith John ....... Glenwood Campbell W A T ... Fullerton Judkins J W ...... Fullerton Smith Lewis ...... Genoa Campbell Wohl .... Genoa Judkins O F ...... Fullerton Smith Nathan ..... Red Wing Carson M W ....... Woodville Judson H F ....... Fullerton Smith O .......... Silver Creek Carter C E ....... Genoa Kahl J K ......... Woodville Snodgrass S A .... Genoa Carter Geo ....... Fullerton Kalberg John ..... St Edward Snyder A M ....... Fullerton Casey John ....... Woodville Kearney A J ...... Belgrade Snyder Ed ........ Silver Creek Catom E C ........ Genoa Kellanbarger Geo . Genoa Snyder Jacob ..... Silver Creek Cayton James ..... Fullerton Kelley A L ....... Fullerton Snyder L ......... Red Wing Cedargreen John .. Belgrade Kelley J L ....... Genoa Snyder Wm ........ Genoa Cedargreen M H ... Belgrade Kemp J B ......... Fullerton Soderland Gus .... Genoa Chapman Geo ...... Glenwood Kendall J W ...... Belgrade Sommerfeld J ..... Glenwood Chase G H ........ Red Wing Kenkil C ......... Genoa Sorgenfried P .... Fullerton Chenworth A ...... Fullerton Kennan S M ....... Olive Sovereign Lewis .. Fullerton Chesley David .... Fullerton Kennedy C ........ Fullerton Sovereign W H .... Fullerton Chesley Ivory .... Fullerton Kennedy J A ...... Genoa Spacknew Hester .. Fullerton Chesley nathau ... Fullerton Kennedy J M ...... Genoa Spacknew R B ..... Fullerton Chilton H F ...... Red Wing Kennedy W E ...... Genoa Spahr A .......... Fullerton Chissell Thos .... Glenwood Kent Cattle Co ... Genoa Spear A .......... Genoa Chissell W 0 ..... Glenwood Kent John ........ Genoa Spence A ......... Red Wing Choem Abel ....... Red Wing Keoing Frank ..... Glenwood Spencer C R ...... Red Wing Cinklin M V ...... Fullerton Keplinger A L .... Fullerton Srack J R ........ Olive Clapp A G ........ Silver Creek Kerr Jno ......... Fullerton Stacy James ...... Genoa Claridge Geo ..... Red Wing Keveney Phil ..... Fullerton Stark Edgar ...... Fullerton Claridge Walter .. Red Wing Keveney Thos ..... Fullerton Stark J J ........ Fullerton Clark Alex ....... Genoa Kimball A ........ Olive Staughter A B .... Fullerton Clark Caleb ...... Red Wing King J A ......... Genoa Staughter A H .... Fullerton Clark Don L ...... Woodville King M A ......... Glenwood Staughter R ...... Woodville Clark Elias ...... Genoa Kingsley O P ..... Fullerton Stearns O E ...... Fullerton Clark F C ........ Fullerton Kinney A D ....... Olive Steck C .......... Fullerton Clark G B ........ Silver Creek Kinney A J ....... Olive Steen Henry ...... Belgrade Clark G I ........ Woodville Kinney A L ....... Olive Steenbeck M M .... Genoa Clark I M ........ Silver Creek Kinzle S ......... Fullerton Stenberg C R ..... Fullerton Clark Jobn ....... Belgrade Kirk J A R ....... Fullerton Stenberg Louis ... Fullerton Clark K G ........ Belgrade Klees A F ........ Fullerton Stenzel Herman ... Woodville Clark L D ........ Belgrade Kleim Henry ...... Olive Stephens L J ..... Fullerton Clark Reuben ..... Belgrade Kless Robt ....... Genoa Stevens H ........ Fullerton Clark W H ........ Red Wing Knapp Carl ....... Fullerton Stevenson J L .... Fullerton Clark Wm J ....... Genoa Knapp H E ........ Fullerton Stewart R N ...... Silver Creek Clayton C J ...... Genoa Knight A W ....... Fullerton Stocking John .... Fullerton Clayton Frank .... Belgrade Knudson Christ ... Fullerton Stockwell Geo .... Fullerton Clayton J A ...... Genoa Knudson Geo ...... Fullerton Stockwell Jno .... Woodville Clayton J C ...... St Edward Knudson Jno ...... Fullerton Storke Wm ........ Fullerton Clayton S ........ Belgrade Koeing Thos ...... Glenwood Storrs G H ....... Olive Clayton W L ...... Fullerton Krause Joseph .... Genoa Storut D J ....... Belgrade Cleveland C E .... Olive Kremor W F ....... Fullerton Stout L T ........ Fullerton Clifton Chas ..... Red Wing Kuykendall A ..... Fullerton Stouter D E ...... Glenwood Clutter G W ...... Silver Creek Lacy W 0 ......... Fullerton Stouter F S ...... Glenwood Cochran D S ...... Fullerton Laird John ....... Fullerton Stouter John ..... Glenwood Cochran W 0 ...... Silver Creek Lamb B F ......... Genoa Strickler H ...... Fullerton Coffin J R ....... Genoa Lamb J R ......... Woodville Strout D J ....... Belgrade Cole Nelson ...... Belgrade Lamb L ........... Fullerton Struff J P ....... Fullerton Cole Wm .......... Fullerton Lamb M ........... Belgrade Sturtevart S L ... Belgrade Coleman J L ...... Fullerton Langley A ........ Fullerton Stylers L V ...... Fullerton Collins Dan ...... Woodville Larson C W ....... Fullerton Suba J ........... Genoa Collins G ........ Woodville Larson Christ .... Fullerton Suba Joseph ...... Genoa Conard J ......... Genoa Larson Louis ..... Fullerton Suba V ........... Genoa Conkey H L ....... Fullerton Larson N ......... Genoa Suelson J W ...... Genoa Conkey J A ....... Fullerton Larson Saml ...... Genoa Suelson Jas H .... Genoa Conkley Wm ....... Olive Lathrop Jason .... Genoa Suelson M E ...... Genoa Conklin J J ...... Fullerton Latimer Saml ..... Red Wing Suelson M M ...... Genoa Connard W G ...... Genoa Lawrence Chas .... Fullerton Sunley John ...... Silver Creek Cook G T ......... Woodville Lawrence W E ..... Fullerton Sunmovich Geo .... Genoa Cook O S ......... Fullerton Lee 0 ............ Genoa Surhart G F ...... Genoa Cooncey C ........ Fullerton Lee W S .......... Fullerton Taber A J ........ Genoa Cooper M W ....... Belgrade Lenker T W ....... Fullerton Tallon Francis ... Fullerton Cooper T T ....... Belgrade Lewis Andy ....... Belgrade Tallon Geo ....... Fullerton Copley Geo ....... Fullerton Lewis Hiram ...... Genoa Tallon James ..... Fullerton Copley I N ....... Fullerton Lewis W H ........ Clarksville Tallon John ...... Fullerton Copley J B ....... Fullerton Linderholm Jno ... St Edward Tanke Fred ....... Fullerton Copple C ......... Fullerton Lingee S J ....... Woodville Tarnick Sam ...... Genoa Correll C ........ Fullerton Lomnick F H ...... Olive Taylor Chas ...... Fullerton Coshaw John ...... Genoa Lomnick G W ...... Olive Taylor G W ....... Belgrade Cotton S ......... Fullerton Long C H ......... Genoa Taylor Isaac ..... Fullerton Cox J D .......... Olive Long Jno ......... Fullerton Taylor J T ....... Fullerton Cox J J .......... Olive Longstra Henry ... Fullerton Taylor L J ....... Fullerton Cox Robt ......... Olive Lonsbert C F ..... Fullerton Taylor R J ....... Genoa Cox W F .......... Olive Lord Anson ....... Fullerton Taylor Robt ...... Genoa Crabtree N ....... Fullerton Lord D A ......... Fullerton Taylor S E ....... Fullerton Cramer Christ .... Fullerton Lorland Bert ..... Genoa Templin A ........ Fullerton Cramer John ...... Red Wing Loucks A C ....... St Edward Templin C ........ Fullerton Cravath C E ...... Fullerton Loucks C J ....... Fullerton Templin L ........ Fullerton Cravath John ..... Fullerton Loucks Orlando ... Fullerton Templin Otto ..... Fullerton Cravath O ........ Fullerton Lowe H J ......... Woodville Templin R ........ Fullerton Crisey Jas ....... Olive Lucas Louis ...... Genoa Templin Wm ....... Fullerton Critchfield W F .. Fullerton Luce W ........... Fullerton Thomberg Geo ..... Fullerton Critzinger C P ... Fullerton Lucey John ....... Silver Creek Thompson Albert .. Olive Croford Wm ....... Fullerton Lucy Ben ......... Silver Creek Thompson Alonzo .. Olive Cromer D W ....... Fullerton Luebare E M ...... Fullerton Thompson And ..... Fullerton Cross Chas ....... Genoa Lugomga F M ...... Fullerton Thompson E M ..... Fullerton Crow E L ......... Fullerton Luke Henry ....... Fullerton Thompson Geo ..... Silver Creek Crow Elmer ....... Fullerton Lunnon C H ....... Fullerton Thompson H ....... Genoa Crow O H ......... Fullerton Luoy Wm .......... Silver Creek Thompson H B ..... Fullerton Crozier Geo ...... Genoa Luther W A ....... Silver Creek Thompson J B ..... Fullerton Crozier Henry .... Genoa Lyle J A ......... Belgrade Thompson J O ..... Fullerton Crozier J B ...... Genoa Madden S Y ....... Genoa Thompson J R ..... Fullerton Cunningham F W ... Fullerton Madford Thos ..... Belgrade Thompson L A ..... Genoa Cunningham J E ... Fullerton Main A C ......... Belgrade Thompson M A ..... Olive Cunningham P B ... Fullerton Main A K ......... Fullerton Thompson Martin .. Fullerton Curran B B ....... Silver Creek Main D J ......... Belgrade Thompson Peter ... Genoa Currier C ........ Woodville Main F S ......... Belgrade Thompson Robt .... Woodville Cusa Silas ....... Fullerton Main Frank ....... Belgrade Thompson Sims .... Fullerton Daigh J R ........ Fullerton Main J ........... Glenwood Thompson T C ..... Fullerton Daily Geo ........ Fullerton Main J H ......... Fullerton Thompson W A ..... Fullerton Dalbear D ........ Palmer Main N W ......... Belgrade Thorson Jas ...... Fullerton Darrow C C ....... Palmer Main Samuel ...... Belgrade Tibbets E C ...... Glenwood Darrow J L ....... Palmer Main Silas ....... Fullerton Tilburn H F ...... Woodville Darrow M M ....... Palmer Manley Anthony ... Woodville Till H ........... Genoa Davis C O ........ Olive Martin A A ....... Fullerton Tingley F S ...... Red Wing Davis D O ........ St Edward Martin Ben ....... Genoa Tish Geo P ....... Red Wing Davis J R ........ Genoa Martin Frank ..... Olive Tomlinson L D .... Belgrade Davis W A ........ Genoa Martin Geo T ..... Genoa Tomson Damon ..... Genoa Davis W H ........ Fullerton Martin J W ....... Belgrade Toops E L ........ Fullerton Day Will H ....... Glenwood Martin Robt ...... Belgrade Tracy Jno O ...... Genoa Dean J W ......... Fullerton Mason H J ........ Fullerton Trail A R ........ Silver Creek Dean W D ......... Fullerton Masterson John ... Fullerton Trealling A F .... Belgrade Debmey A ......... Genoa Mater Almont ..... Fullerton Trotter A H ...... Fullerton Demony B A ....... Genoa Mathews M W ...... Fullerton Trueman Geo ...... Fullerton Dicker Wm ........ Olive Mawle Geo ........ Belgrade Trurers Edw ...... Fullerton Dickerson J W .... Fullerton Mawle Thos ....... Belgrade Trurers Saml ..... Fullerton Dierks C ......... Fullerton Mccallard S J .... Fullerton Tucker R B ....... Fullerton Dierks S ......... Genoa McCary J W ....... Fullerton Tuline Peter ..... Genoa Diffenbach Byron . Genoa McCary Orlando ... Fullerton Turner Robt ...... Fullerton Dodd J H ......... Fullerton McCelland Jas .... Belgrade Turner S B ....... Fullerton Dodd J P ......... Fullerton McChesney Geo .... Fullerton Turner Wm ........ Genoa Dodson J P ....... Fullerton McChusey Clint ... Genoa Tuttle Eli ....... Glenwood Downing C H ...... Fullerton McClelland C W ... Fullerton Vanderwalker O ... Fullerton Downing Geo ...... Fullerton McClelland J W ... Fullerton Vannert W G ...... Fullerton Downing James .... Fullerton McClure S H ...... Fullerton Vaught E M ....... St Edward Downing S W ...... Fullerton McCrarey John .... Silver Creek Vaught S E ....... St Edward Downs S J ........ Fullerton McCrary Bob ...... Silver Creek Vaunless W ....... Genoa Doyle D W ........ Genoa McCrary Jas ...... Silver Creek Vesey Frank ...... Fullerton Dudley Ben ....... Fullerton McCrellis M V .... Fullerton Vickory Wm ....... Woodville Dudley Geo ....... Fullerton McCuy Cbas ....... Fullerton Visey Joe ........ Red Wing Dudney S D ....... Fullerton McCuy Orrus ...... Fullerton Vogal Hugo ....... Fullerton Duesdall Geo ..... Fullerton McCuy Robt ....... Fullerton Vogt Chris ....... Belgrade Dunlap John ...... Fullerton McFayden J ....... Genoa Vogt Geo ......... Belgrade Dupey Chas ....... Fullerton McGueen I N ...... Silver Creek Vogt Jake ........ Belgrade Durkelburger J W . Genoa McGueen Jno ...... Silver Creek Vosberg Andrew ... Belgrade Eaton H G ........ Genoa McIntire C A ..... Olive Vosberg Martin ... Belgrade Ebersoll S E ..... Fullerton McIntire Jno ..... Olive Vosberg W D ...... Belgrade Eddie John ....... Fullerton McIntire T 0 ..... Olive Wade B J ......... Genoa Eddy Irwin ....... Red Wing McKee A G ........ Fullerton Wade Culver ...... Silver Creek Edgington A ...... Fullerton McKeey P ......... Fullerton Wade L M ......... Genoa Edgington J D .... Olive McLane Robt ...... Genoa Wagner J ......... Fullerton Edgington J H .... Fullerton McMillan Edw ..... Genoa Wagner Waldon .... Genoa Edmund L ......... Fullerton McNulty C V ...... Olive Wahlgren H ....... Woodville Edmunds A ........ Fullerton McNulty N S G .... Olive Wait Steph ....... Red Wing Edwards E ........ Fullerton Medbery M M ...... Red Wing Waitskey Andrew .. Genoa Eklund S P ....... Genoa Meikiejohn C D ... Fullerton Waldo H E ........ Genoa Ellinger Fred .... Glenwood Meiklejohn C P ... Glenwood Walker J D ....... Red Wing Ellinger Wm ...... Glenwood Meikleson M P .... Glenwood Walker James H ... Genoa Ellis S J ........ Woodville Memis John ....... Belgrade Walker T B ....... Fullerton Ellsworth A H .... Red Wing Merrian W C ...... Red Wing Walsh J H ........ Genoa Elm Andy ......... Genoa Mesner Wm ........ Olive Walton W E ....... Genoa Elm Claude ....... Woodville Michael H C ...... Belgrade Ward G H ......... Red Wing Ely F M .......... Genoa Mikkleson T ...... Glenwood Ward J S ......... Red Wing Enberg G 11 ...... Woodville Miller E C ....... Fullerton Warden C H ....... Red Wing Englebretzen Ole . Fullerton Miller Frank ..... Genoa Watson Henry ..... Glenwood Enny 8 ........... Genoa Miller J E ....... Glenwood Watson Saml ...... Genoa Erickson A ....... Fullerton Miller L F ....... Silver Creek Watters J J ...... Silver Creek Erickson Nels .... Genoa Miller M K ....... Genoa Weatherstone J ... Fullerton Everson Levi ..... Fullerton Miller T F ....... Fullerton Webb B ........... Fullerton Ewing S .......... Genoa Miller W M ....... Fullerton Webb C A ......... Fullerton Ewing S F ........ Genoa Miller Walter M .. Genoa Weeks W H ........ Fullerton Eyman H H ........ Fullerton Miller Wm ........ Genoa Weems J A ........ Fullerton Faatz L .......... Glenwood Miller Z B A ..... Fullerton Weinberg D W ..... Belgrade Fagan Benj ....... Fullerton Mills J M ........ Fullerton Weinberg O D ..... Belgrade Fagan Pat ........ Silver Creek Minor T J ........ Fullerton Weiser B J ....... Red Wing Faltz G H ........ Fullerton Mirar Peter ...... Genoa Weiser Danl ...... Red Wing Farnsworth C L ... Woodville Model Geo ........ Genoa Weiser M E ....... Red Wing Farrall J C ...... Fullerton Mohsner G F ...... Woodville Weldeman W H ..... Glenwood Faucett Geo ...... Fullerton Montgomery I H ... Belgrade Welsh J P ........ Belgrade Faucett K J ...... Fullerton Moon C V ......... Belgrade West J A ......... Fullerton Fee J H .......... Fullerton Moore R B ........ Genoa Whaley H A ....... Belgrade Fee Orville ...... Fullerton Morey John ....... Belgrade Wheeler G ........ Fullerton Fee Wm ........... Fullerton Morgan L W ....... Fullerton Wheeler Webb ..... Fullerton Fehrs Jno ........ Silver Creek Morris Wm ........ Belgrade Whitney J W ...... Fullerton Ferris S ......... Genoa Morrison R J ..... Fullerton Whitted Jno ...... Belgrade Fickwiler E ...... Fullerton Mosher Chas ...... Fullerton Whitted Wm ....... St Edward Fieldsend Wm ..... Fullerton Moyer A A ........ Fullerton Wiggins Volney ... Genoa Finch Geo ........ Fullerton Moyer Jno ........ Fullerton Wilkins Geo ...... Genoa Finch O S ........ Fullerton Mullon Mat ....... Fullerton Wilkinson D ...... Genoa Findley Sam ...... Fullerton Murplin Brook .... Fullerton Willard D A ...... Genoa Fisher Richard ... Fullerton Murray J B ....... Fullerton Williams A B ..... Fullerton Fisk C W ......... Fullerton Musselman O B .... Belgrade Williams Alex .... Fullerton Fitzgerald G ..... St Edward Mutter W S ....... Genoa Williams C ....... Glenwood Fitzgerald M ..... St Edward Myers E N ........ Fullerton Williams H W ..... Genoa Fitzgerald M C ... Fullerton Myers J E ........ Fullerton Williams J C ..... Genoa Fitzgerald P ..... St Edward Neal Samuel ...... Olive Williams J H ..... Fullerton Flaherty J F ..... Fullerton Neissins J H ..... Fullerton Williams W F ..... Fullerton Flaherty M ....... Fullerton Neissins John .... Clarks Willson Wm ....... Fullerton Flaherty M J ..... Fullerton Neissins Mathew .. Genoa Wilson O ......... Fullerton Flesher Benj ..... Woodville Nelson Erickson .. Fullerton Wiltse C ......... Fullerton Flesher Jno ...... Fullerton Nelson Henry ..... Fullerton Wonderlich D ..... Silver Creek Flinn Marsh ...... Fullerton Nelson John ...... Fullerton Wood Chas ........ Fullerton Foote S G ........ Fullerton Nelson John ...... Woodville Wood Frank ....... Fullerton Forbes C ......... Fullerton Nelson Nels ...... Fullerton Woods F W ........ Fullerton Forbes C P ....... Glenwood Nelson Nels ...... Woodville Wordell John ..... Genoa Forbes E A ....... Fullerton Nerley Nels ...... Fullerton Wowry Z Y ........ Glenwood Forbes Fred ...... Glenwood Newman S L ....... Genoa Wright C R ....... Genoa Forbes J A ....... Fullerton Nicholaus M ...... Glenwood Wryman A ......... Silver Creek Ford E E ......... Fullerton Nichols A D ...... Follerton Wyman Joe ........ Fullerton Forward F M ...... Fullerton Niles Jerome ..... Fullerton Yates S C ........ Glenwood Forward F P ...... Fullerton Niles N C ........ Fullerton Yost Fred ........ Genoa Foster A D ....... Olive Ochnar Mike ...... Fullerton Young D B ........ Genoa Foster E ......... Genoa Odell N B S ...... Fullerton Young G L ........ Fullerton Foster F ......... Glenwood Ogard J P ........ Fullerton Young L E ........ Fullerton Foster J L ....... Olive Ogard Thomas ..... Genoa Zettergreen John . Olive Fox Anthony ...... Genoa Ogdon Ed ......... Genoa Zettergreen Peter Olive Fox M J .......... Fullerton Olson Henry ...... Fullerton Zibbell Jas ...... Red Wing Fox Sam .......... Fullerton Olson John ....... St Edward Zuimmerman M C ... Olive