Nemaha Co., NE; Military Pensioners, 1 January 1883 USGenWeb Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial researchers, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for presentation in any form by any other organization or individual. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must obtain express written permission from the author, or the submitter and from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist. *************** Transcribed for the NEGenWeb Archives by Alice Miller ( Source: "List of Pensioners on the Roll, January 1, 1883; giving the name of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the post-office address, the rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance, as called for by Senate Resolution of December 8, 1882." Vol. IV, pages 744 - 745. Certif. No. Name of pensioner Post Office Addr. Cause for which pensioned Monthly rate Date of orig. allowance 183, 597 Mills, Hannah Auburn mother $8 00 Apr., 1879 206, 985 Rollier, Louis Bratton dis. eyes 6 00 Apr., 1882 171, 248 Smedley, George W. Brock rheum. 18 00 July, 1880 221, 857 Lutgen, Sidney B. Brock injury to abdomen 4 00 Dec., 1882 119, 704 Reed, Jeremiah Brock g.s.w. leg 2 66 2/3 Nov., 1872 181, 674 Miller, Elizabeth Brock mother 8 00 July, 1878 69, 818 Morrison, Susanna Brock widow 8 00 Oct., 1867 140, 928 Bartin, Lycurgus P. Brownville dis. eyes 24 00 113, 927 Brush, Josephus W. Brownville neuralgia face, shoul., loss l. eye 18 00 42, 228 Merritt, Rollin Brownville g.s.w. l. hand 6 00 88, 945 Schoonover, Hiram Brownville g.s.w. r. hand, cheek, arm 12 00 204, 329 McIninch, William H. Brownville scurvy 4 00 Mar., 1882 72, 675 Carter, Wm. Brownville w. r. hand 7 00 95, 503 Keithley, David Brownville ch. conjunctivitis 5 00 40, 868 Cutrell, Charles W. Brownville inj. r. hip & thigh 8 00 175, 747 Curtis, John W. Brownville epilepsy 4 00 Oct., 1880 116, 565 Hickman, John W. Brownville g.s.w. rt. leg 4 00 186, 948 Howe, Church Brownville chr. rheum. 18 00 Apr., 1881 118, 633 Curtis, Isaiah Brownville loss sight both eyes 24 00 144, 365 Judkins, William A. Brownville g.s.w. left leg 17 00 15, 063 Wallace, Richard Brownville g.s.w. r. knee 4 00 Dec., 1881 177, 940 Moore, Harriett B. Brownville widow 8 00 June, 1877 114, 733 Francis, Sophronia Brownville mother 8 00 June, 1868 121,715 Tuxhorn, John Febing g.s.w. r. arm, side 6 00 186, 463 Childs, Harvey H. Grant g.s.w. rt. shoul. 2 00 Apr., 1881 159, 936 Battles, John H. Howe injury to abdomen 8 00 May, 1879 175, 600 Clarke, William H. Johnson g.s.w. rt. thigh 4 00 Oct., 1880 164, 594 Ralston, George W. Johnson loss pt. fin. rt. hand 4 00 Feb., 1880 67, 866 Ely, James F. London g.s.w. left thigh 18 00 212, 731 Mahle, Gottlieb London inj. rt. foot 2 00 June, 1882 82, 794 Nichols, George W. Nemaha City dis. eyes 12 00 72, 853 Peabody, Valentine P. Nemaha City ophthalmia 8 00 40, 570 Bryer, Phucion Nemaha City wd. l. arm 18 00 191, 806 Rogers, Ezra D. Nemaha City dis. liver 4 00 June, 1881 211, 494 Wixon, John W. Nemaha City lung dis. 8 00 June, 1882 134, 846 Ebbs, John Nemaha City g.s.w. r. shoul. 20 00 45, 479 Hadlock, Walter Nemaha City loss r. arm above elbow 24 00 62, 440 Horton, Joseph Nemaha City g.s.w. lft. arm 4 00 Apr., 1866 117, 053 Stevenson, Ann Nemaha City widow 8 00 Aug., 1868 12, 736 Dressler, Elenor Nemaha City widow 8 00 Oct., 1867 180, 269 Dye, James W. Nemaha City minor of 10 00 Mar., 1878 180, 302 Caywood, Samuel Nemaha City minor of 12 00 Mar., 1878 5,122 Huntington, David Nemaha City surv. 1812 8 00 Sept., 1871 27, 251 Lighthall, Mary Nemaha City widow 1812 8 00 Oct., 1879 3, 434 Barnes, Fanny Nemaha City widow 1812 8 00 July, 1872 150, 818 McClane, James North Auburn g.s.w. r. thigh 2 00 Jan., 1878 97, 036 Boyd, Wm. North Auburn inj. r. knee, chest 12 00 37, 364 Tovey, Thomas North Auburn w. r. arm & side 12 00 86, 875 Metcalf, William B. Peru total blindness 72 00 119, 593 Prouty, Francis L. Peru dis. lungs 24 00 47, 354 Palestine, John Peru g.s.w. l. foot 18 00 148, 591 Nincehelsor, Absalom Peru g.s.w. r. hand 4 00 Oct., 1877 150, 067 McUown, John Peru paral. rt. side, af. r. eye 14 00 Dec., 1877 151, 982 Graver, Reuben Peru chr. diar., dis. abdom. vis. 14 00 Mar., 1878 166, 063 Reed, Francis B. Peru lung dis. 8 00 Mar., 1880 115, 840 Wonder, Geroge W. Peru 8 00 71, 724 Ball, Elizabeth Peru widow 8 00 Oct., 1867 39, 441 Bully, Louisa Peru mother 8 00 Nov., 1864 189,233 Welch, John Peru minor of 12 00 July, 1880 16, 370 Harden, Aquilla Peru widow 1812 8 00 May, 1872 147, 683 Johnson, Joseph J. Saint Deroin g.s.w. l. thigh 6 00 Aug., 1877 221, 932 Clark, Amos Sheridan rheum. 2 00 Dec., 1882 123, 889 Crandell, William N. Sheridan g.s.w. r. leg 18 00 88, 176 Hughes, Levi D. Sherman wd. rt. thigh 8 00 187, 157 Fowler, James M. South Auburn g.s.w. l. leg 6 00 Apr., 1881 185, 201 Byrne, Mary South Auburn dep. mother 8 00 Aug., 1879 (End of File)