Otoe County NeArchives Biographies.....Abbott, Ned Culbertson 1874 - ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/ne/nefiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00001.html#0000031 March 14, 2015, 12:27 am Source: Nebraskana Author: See below Ned Culbertson Abbott Ned C. Abbott, educator of the blind, writer, and noted lecturer, was born at Fremont, Nebraska, March 9, 1874. Luther Jewett Abbott, his father, was a physician and surgeon, a lecturer, a member of the last territorial legislature, and superintendent of the Nebraska Hospital for the Insane, at Lincoln, Nebraska, 1895-99. He was born at Blue Hill, Hancock County, Maine, September 15, 1831, and was descended from the old Puritan families, Bancrofts, Adams, and Whites. George Abbott, who came to Andover, Massachusetts, in 1640, was an ancestor. Clara Frances (Culbertson) Abbott, his mother, was a music teacher. Her ancestry was Puritan, and included the Culbertson, Coleman, and Hollister families. She was born at Troy, Miami County, Ohio, February 20, 1835, and died at Fremont, July 19, 1911. Mr. Abbott was graduated from the Fremont High School in 1892, after which he attended the University of Nebraska, where he was a member of the Union Society, the University debating club. He was given the leading role in Plautus Captivi in 1894. He was awarded the A. B. degree in 1896, and the LL. B. degree in 1900. In 1919 he received his M. A. degree. He was admitted to the practice of law at Lincoln in 1900. He has been engaged in educational work since 1896, and has held various positions as teacher and executive in Nebraska schools. He was a teacher in the Nebraska School tor the Blind, at Nebraska City, 1896-98; was principal of the Humboldt High School, 1900-01; superintendent of the Tekamah schools, 1905-1909; was superintendent of the Plattsmouth schools, 1911-13; and since 1913 has been superintendent of the Nebraska School for the Blind. A resident of Nebraska for 54 years Mr. Abbott has won an enviable position in the regard of his associates in his community and state. He is the author of educational articles, stories, and pamphlets, and has been the editor of various school publications. His most recent work is Lincoln — Name and Place, published in 1930. In 1916 he was alumni orator at the University of Nebraska and made the address Dynamics of Inspiration. In 1925 he received a medal from Post Number 8 of the American Legion, and in 1927 he was given the Community Service Award by the Nebraska City Rotary Club. He was married to Lillian Newbranch at Lincoln, June 19, 1901. Mrs. Abbott, who was born at Swedesburg, Henry County, Iowa, is descended from the Swedish families, Newbranch and Rapp. There are four children, Clara Louise, born January 13, 1905, is married to Frederick Ware, sports editor, World-Herald at Omaha; Lea, born May 13, 1907, an aviation pilot, is now an instructor at Dallas, Texas; Grace, born November 5, 1908, is a stenographer at Chicago, and Annabel, born April 9,1916, is a junior in high school. Mr. Abbott is an independent Democrat, and in 1908 was unsuccessful candidate for state superintendent of schools. In 1891 he was a private in Company E of the First Nebraska National Guards in the Sioux uprising. During the World War he served on the registration advisory board and was a four minute man. He is past president of the Nebraska Sons of the American Revolution. Mr. Abbott is active in the Rotary Club at Nebraska City; is an honorary member of the Lions Club at Omaha; and an honorary member of the Optimist Club at Lincoln, He is president of the Nebraska State Historical Society; is a director in the American Association of Educators of the Blind, and a director of the University of Nebraska Alumni Association. His social club is the Nebraska City Country Club. Residence: Nebraska City. Additional Comments: Extracted from Nebraskana Edited by Sara Mullin Baldwin & Robert Morton Baldwin The Baldwin Company Hebron, NE 1932 File at: http://files.usgwarchives.net/ne/otoe/bios/abbott18gbs.txt This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.org/nefiles/ File size: 4.3 Kb