ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN CEMETERY AND ST. MARY'S CHURCH CEMETERY, POLK COUNTY, NEBRASKA from the "Polk County Heritage" published by the Osceola Centennial Committee, Bernie Gissler, Chairman, Osceola Nebraska 68651 in 1975. Submitted to the USGenWeb Nebraska Archives, November, 1997 by Jeanne Walsh ( and by Ted and Carole Miller ( USGenWeb Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial researchers, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for presentation in any form by any other organization or individual. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must obtain express written permission from the author, or the submitter and from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist. *************** St. John's Lutheran Church Cemetery SEY4 NEY4 21-16-2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Father and Mother, b?; d? Fickel, Emma (infant), b?; d? Fickel, Ernestine, b?; d? Fickel, Martha, b?; d? Hennig, Edward, b?, d? Hennig, Emelea, b?; d? Henning, C.R., b?; d? Krueger, Aemilie, b12-1-1881; d1-15-1890 Krueger, August, b12-28-1885; d1-6-1890 Krueger, Augusta, b3-13-1877; d5-24-1890 Krueger, Emma, b4-22-1887; d1-13-1890 Krueger, Friederich W. C., b12-11-1873; d2-23-1917 Krueger, Paulena, b11-5-1871; d16-1890 Plagemann, Auguste, b2-191834; d7-16-1904 Plagemann, Bertha, b5-24-1863; d4-9-1935 Plagemann, Friedrich, b2-17-1814; d5-19-1880 PIagemann, Lillian, b?; d? Plagemann, Lorna, b?; d? Priebe, Carl Rauh, b1-8-1883; d9-19-1885 Priebe, Ottilie, b1-6-1876; d9-11-1885 Rehbock, Anna, b3-30-1834; d6-25-1925 Rehbock, Caroline S., b8-7-1836; d11-13-1899 Rehbock, Henry D., b10-21-1843; d7-10-1934 Rehbock, Louisa C. Augusta, b10-17-1874; d3-31-1890 Schulz, Augusta L., b10-17-1873; d8-6-1874 Schulz, Fred, b4-13-1845; d4-1-1912 Schulz, Jochlerchen Von, b?; d5-31-1887 Schulz, Louise, b7-19-1882; d4-14-1900 Schulz, Louise, b114-1845; d4-14-1904 Viergutz, August F.C., b12-31-1838; d9-29-1912 Viergutz, Wilhelmina, b9-23-1837; d12-23-1930 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- St. Mary's Church Cemetery (Pilzno) SE1/4 SW1/4 26-16-2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first St. Marys Church was completed in 1891, on 7 acres of Anton Iwan Sr. farm land. The first recorded death was Theodosia Iwan in 1891. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boro, George, b1857; d1919 Boro, Konekonda, b1859; d1937 Boro, Valeria, b?; d9 mos. Gembica, John T., b1892; d1952 Gembica, Martha M., b1897; d1952 Gembica, Maryanna, b1857; d1922 Gembica, Wawzenice, b1848; d1917 Gibja, Teddy, b1941; d1951 Gonka, Donald M., b1926; d1968 Gonka, James C., b1899; d1951 Grossnicklaus, Victora (Koczor), b1900; d1944 Grzywa, Joseph A., b1861; d1945 Grzywa, Victoria K, b1871; d1947 Grzywa, William A., b1915; d1968 Iwan, Antoniego, b1836; d1920 Iwan, David son of H., b1942; d1942 Iwan, Helen T., b1890; d1972 Iwan, James, b9-13-1956; d? Iwan, Joseph F., b1885; d1934 Iwan, Malgorzata, b1850; d1909 Iwan, Rose, b4-1-1900; d5-25-1975 Iwan, Theodosia, b?; d1891 Jaworowski, Edward Rev., b1910; d1972 Kampovitz, Catherine, b1835; d1927 Kampovitz, John, b?; d1-11-1907 Koczor, Charles, b1888; d1952 Koczor, John J., b1867; d1937 Koczor, Leo, b1901; d1948 Koczor, Tillie, b1896; d1960 Kontor, Anna G., b1885; d1919 Kontor, Helen, b1916; d1917 Kontor, Raymond, b1922; d1970 Kontor, S., b?; d? Kontor, Sobestien, b?; d1923 Kontor, Theodosia, b1891; d1970 Koziol, b1aser, b1908; d1974 Kozoil, Joanna, b1882; d1963 Koziol Joseph, b1882; d1964 Lassek, Gerrard son of E., b?; d3-4-1963 Lisko, Blaze, b1892; d4-16-1932 Lisko, Dorothy, b1900; d1962 Lisko, Jacob, b1847; d1901 Lisko, John, b1876; d1964 Lisko, Joseph, b1874; d1946 Lisko, Katherine, b1881; d1950 Lisko, Regina, b1846; d1936 Micek, Anton (son of) b?; d1919 Micek, Adolph, b1889; d1896 Micek, Anton Jr., b?; d4-20-1942 Micek, Balbna, b1888; d1940 Micek, Frank, b1878; dl902 Micek, Frank H., b1893; d1968 Micek, Jacob, b1853; d1946 Micek, Jacob, b1911; d1956 Micek, John, b1883; d1962 Micek, John T., b1907; d1966 Micek, Joseph, b1884; dl902 Micek, Maryanna, b1860; d1917 Micek, Philip, b1849; d1930 Micek, Thomas, b8-25-1891; d3-19-1975 Micek, Victor son of Adolph, b1901; d1904 Micek, Victoria, b1867; d1948 Micek, Wenner, b189-?; d1896 Sempek, Andrew, b1844; d1919 Shemek, Balbina, b1909; d1922 Siemek, Alois, b1906; d1966 Siemek, Bernard G., b1951; d1954 Siemek Elizabeth, b1921; d1963 Siemek, George, b1846; d1923 Siemek, Katherine, b1869; d1936 Smolenski, Louis, b1899; d1947 Stanczyk, Matka, b1856; d1936 Stanczyk,Ojciec,bl848; dl916 Swantek, Joseph, b1861; d1951 Swantek, Katherine, b1862; d1954 Tragash, Frank, b1893; d1918 Tworek, Louis A., b1913; d1970 Zelasney, Edward J., b1916; d1974 Zelasney, James, b1889; d1970 Zelasney, Maciue, b10-20-1914; d? Zelasney, Stanislaus, b1887; d1957 Zelasney, Victor, b1894; d1927 Zelasney, Victoria, b1895; d1971 Zipper, Franciszek, b1893; d1917