Ashland Gazette, Ashland, Saunders Co., Nebraska, Obit - Mrs. Thomas Smith Copyright. All rights reserved. USGenWeb Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial researchers, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for publication in any form by any other organization or individual. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must obtain express written permission from the author, or the submitter and from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist. *************** Submitted to the USGenWeb Archives by: Linda Moore,, Jan 2004 Mrs. Thomas Smith. Myrtle Wilburn, oldest child of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilburn, was born at Ashland, Neb., December 15, 1875 and died at her home in East Ashland, from a complication of diseases. October 29, 1906, in the 31st year of her age. August 9, 1902, she was married to Thomas Smith at Wahoo, Neb. Of this union two children were born, a son and a daughter, namely, Anna Alice and Edgar Forest, who, with their father, survive to mourn the death of their mother. Mrs. Smith was a member of the Church of Christ in this city and also of the Rebekah lodge. Out of a deep religious experience she was sustained during many weary months of pain and was enable to say: “I am ready and willing to go and be with Jesus.” The funeral was held from the Church of Christ Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Elder C.A. Huyck, who was assisted by the pastor Rev. Mr. Cresmer. The remains were consigned to rest in the Ashland cemetery. Source: The Ashland Gazette. Friday, November 2, 1906. Page 1, Column 3. Copied by the Nebraska State Historical Society, PO Box 82554, Lincoln, Nebraska