NEBRASKA AND MIDWEST GENEALOGICAL RECORD; VOLUME 9; PARTS 3 & 4; JUL. - OCT., 1931 ARTICLE: NEBRASKA PROBATE RECORDS, LANCASTER COUNTY. PAGE 36 - 38 As transcribed by the submitters from the original publication. Submitted to the USGenWeb Nebraska Archives, February, 1998, by Ted and Carole Miller ( USGenWeb Project NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the internet, data may be used by non-commercial researchers, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format for profit, nor for presentation in any form by any other organization or individual. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than as stated above, must obtain express written permission from the author, or the submitter and from the listed USGenWeb Project archivist. *************** (page 36, cont.) NEBRASKA PROBATE RECORDS - LANCASTER CO. Abstract by Raymond E. Dale, A.B., Lincoln, Nebr. E1. WILLIAM HEINEKE [WILHELM HEINIKE]. Board and attendance to Feb. 10,1869, no will on file; inventory, Apr. 20, 1869, $168.46; appraisers, Robert Faulkner, J. H. Weilage; administrator, Henry Kramer; no heirs named. E2. MARTIN DAILEY [DALY]. Died Apr. 4, 1869. No will; inventory, Aug., 1869, $286.00. Appraisers, J. A. Helman, D. S. Smith; administrator, M. Langdon; "M. Daley was boarding with Cozad; " "leaving as your petitioner is informed and believes a widow and children, whose names and place of residence are to your petitioner unknown." E3. MARIAH [MARIA] LEACH. No will on file. Letters of administration, Sept. 13, 1869, inventory, Oct. 11, 1869, $740.55; appraisers, John Stall, R. A. Stall; administrator, John Diehl; heirs, Mary Leach of Lancaster Co., aged about 8 years, Olive Leach of state of Indiana aged about 15 years, dau. of Geo. Leach; Julia Leach of Oscaloosa, Ill. aged about 19 years, wife of -------- Leach; all children of the deceased. E4. MRS. ORRA A. BOYDSTON, of Butler Co., Nebr., late of Lancaster Co. Will, Aug. 27, 1869; filed for probate Nov. 24, 1869, children, D. R. Mills --------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENEALOGICAL RECORD 37 of Elkador, Iowa; Orra E. Pepper, wife of H. Pepper of Butler Co.; Henry G. Boydston of' Butler Co.; step-daughter Mrs. Harriet J. Johnson of Butler Co. wtss., A. W. Briggs, Strong Pepper, Harry [Harvey] Jillson, all of Butler Co. Will was made and signed at residence of H. Pepper. E5. MRS. HUGHINA MORRISON, consort of John Morrison. Will, Oct. 5, 1869, application for probate Nov. 4, 1869, died Oct. 7; administrator, John Morrison; children Willie Haslet, wife of Samuel S. Haislet of Winneshiek Co., Iowa; Jennie McLouchlan [McGlauchlin], wife of John McLouchlan of Lansing, Iowa; Joanna Cooley, wife of Charles Cooley of Vernon Co., Wis.; Margaret Morrison of Lancaster Co., Neb. Wtss., J. W. Robinson, John Morris, Jno. M. Bradford. E7. MICHAEL SHEA, died Dec. 18, 1869. No will. Mary H. Shea, the widow, appointed administratrix; his children, Catherine Shea, aged 14, Ellen Shea, aged 12, James Shea, aged 10, Mary Shea, aged 8. Appraisers, James Moran, Daniel (his X mark) Harrington. E8. WILLIAM BRIDGE, died Mar. 12, 1869. No will. Widow, Mary Ann, who married -------- Schmale, before May 23, 1870; no children; brothers, John Henry, George A., Charles F., the last a minor. Administrator, widow, Mary Ann; after May 23, 1870, John McKesson. E9. SAMUEL Z. CULVER, died at Lincoln, Oct. 16, 1870. Widow, Joanna; son, N. L. Culver, they were not residents of Lancaster Co. at the time of his death, but were called residents of said county, Jan. 26, 1871; appraisers, D. S. Smith, A. G. Hastings; administrator, John H. Ames. E10. JOHN J. HEATER, d. Oct. 26, 1870. Widow, Charlotte [Sharlott]; children, Jonathan, Mary, Abner, Jasper, Preston, and Allen, last three minors. Administrator, widow, Charlotte (her X mark) Heater. E11. AMOS SEEGRIST, d. Aug. 3, 1870. Widow, Lucy M.; their children, Lucy, Amos, minors; real estate, S 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec. 10, T. 7 N., R. 7 E.; administrator, George W. Grim; bondmen, Milton M. Kinnon, William T. (his X mark) Greer; appraisers, Solomon Grim, Peter S. Schamp; Losch. Widow, Lucy, married -------- McKinnon of Holland, Nebr., between July 10, 1871, and Jan. 14, 1873. E12. JOHN LEMKE, d. Aug. 31, 1865. The widow, Mary (her X mark), had married, John Lemke, May 13, 1853. Children of dec'd., Minnie (dec'd.) and John, Agnes, William, Emma, minors, July 14, 1871; Minnie Lemke had married Charles Goodman [Guthman] and had died on or before June 16, 1871, leaving daughter, Minnie A.; Charles Lemke, final administrator and guardian of minor children. Final settlement Jan. 18, 1884. Real estate in Town 9 North, Range 8 East. Appraisers, George A. Mayer, A. W. Wilson, J. T. Murphy. E13. WILLIAM HOLLMAN of Olive Branch Twp., d. Feb. 21, 1871. Will, Feb. 11, wtss., G. M. Cooper, resident of Lancaster Co. 4 years, 9 months, Joseph H. Schafer, resident 6 months; Henry Kramer. Widow, Catharine Sophia; kin, father, Frederick Hollman of Kingdom of Prussia; brothers, Harmon Hollman and Barnet F. Hollman; sister, Caroline Ostman, all of Lancaster Co., and of full age. Henry Spellman, Justice of the Peace. E14. AMOS H. HALE, farmer, d. June 6, 1871. Widow, Mary J.; children, James B., Eliza A., wife of David W. Haskin, Laura E., Susan J., Mary E., Emma, the last three minors under 18 years of age; administrator, James B. Hale; appraisers, Thomas A. Ball, Thomas R. Prey; real estate in Town 8 North, Range 7 East. E15. JOSHUA PIERSON, d. May 17, 1871. Heirs, Mathew Pierson and Ann Pierson both of Bedford Co., Pa., and Mary Pierson of Wayne Co., Ohio, half-brother and sisters; administrator, Richard Pierson, nephew; appraisers, Robert Dill, Jonas Grant. E16. JAMES OSTRANDER, d. Lincoln, Aug. 18, 1871. No will. Widow, Emma, children, Amy Ann, Edward, Mary, Flora, Harry. Administrators, Emma Ostrander, widow, and Thomas J. Hudson; M. J. Bohanan, bondsman. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 38 THE NEBRASKA AND MIDWEST E18. J. A. FAULKNER [FALKNER], d. Highland Pct., July 5, 1872. No will. Widow, Sarah; children, Florence J., aged 7, Charles C., aged 5, Maud, aged 3, May, aged 1. Administrator, Robert Faulkner [Falkner]; appraisers, Zachariah Wells, Robert Rabern. E19. WALTER MILLER of Panama, d. in Otoe Co., Oct. 8, 1871. No will. No heirs mentioned; administrator, John Harris of Otoe Co.; appraisers, J. W. Bennett, W. Durrant Page. E20. WILLIAM T. RITCHIE [RICHEY] of Stockton Pct., unmarried, d. Feb. 3, 1872. Heirs, brothers, James C. Ritchie of Economy, Beaver Co. [Pa.], and brother in Iowa, unnamed; administrator, James C. Ritchie. E21. CLINTON BOWKER of Lincoln; late of Tompkins Co., N. Y.; d. May 6, 1872. Will; widow, Mary J. Bowker, appointed administratrix, removed to state of New York; died Mar. 21, 1882; stepsons, R. Wilson Jacobs, Clinton B. Jacobs; brothers and sisters, Chester Bowker, Lucinda Snedaker, Peninah Parson, Anna Neill, dec'd., Candace Miller, Ira Bowker; half-brother, Asa Bowker dec'd.; Amelia Wood, daughter of Anna Neill, dec'd. Final decree Dec. 15, 1923. E22. PETER BILLOWS, d. July 18, 1872. No will. Widow, Mary A. Billows; administrator, Charles C. White; appraisers, Silas Pratt, Louis Holmes; widow, Mary, married ----- Ellis before Sept. 25, 1877, children, Sept. 25, 1877, Ellen Rose, Catherine Simpson, wife of G. W. Simpson, Rebecca John, John Wesley Billows, Ida Billows, and Anna Billows, the last two minors. Real estate in Town 11 North, Range 6 East. E23. JOSIAH KIRK of Lancaster Co., d. Jan. 7, 1872, at Eaton, Decatur [?] Co., Iowa. No will, no wife or children sole heir, William (his X mark) Kirk, father of' dec'd.; real estate in Town 7 North, Range 7 East; final administrator, S. J. Fieselman. Final decree, Mar. 2, 1931. E24. JESSE LANTZ of Wheeling, Ohio Co., W. Va., d. at Wheeling, June 4, 1872. Will, April 23, 1872, leaves certain propery (sic) to nephew, John P. Lantz of Lincoln, Nebr., certain other property in trust to Jesse Lantz, Jr., a minor, natural son by Mary Eberts; other "relations" not named purposely left out of will; codicil, May 18, 1872, provides that body shall be buried at Lincoln, Neb.; wtss., Daniel Peck, Heinrick Kerten [Korster]; executors named in will, Dr. William J. Bates and Frederick A. Breublinger; Henry O. Griggs administrator for portion of estate located in Nebr.; "In the matter of the probate of the last will and testament of Jesse Lantz, deceased, * * * to Jesse Lantz, Jr., and to the children if any of Aaron Lantz, deceased, of Ohio, and to the children if any of Moses Lantz, of Missouri; to the children of Mary Cummins of Ohio, and to the children of George Lantz, deceased. * * * at Lincoln, on this 12th day of August, A. D. 1872." Final decree, Jan. 20, 1926.