Merrimack County NH Archives Obituaries.....Wadleigh, Thomas February 26, 1827 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Deb Haines September 1, 2012, 11:55 pm (New Hampshire) Patriot & State Gazetteer, March 5, 1827 In Sutton, Feb. 26, Thomas Wadleigh, Esq. aged 72. In the death of Mr. Wadleigh his relatives and friends have met with an irreparable loss. In his family he was kind and affectionate; throughout the whole circle of his friends and acquaintance, liberal and obliging, he had the faculty of gaining the esteem of all. The early part of his life was devoted to the cause of his country. He served between four and five years in the army of the revolution, was in the Battle at Bunker Hill, and shared in common with his fellow soldiers, the fatigues, distress, and privations of that ever memorable struggle for independence. On leaving the army he went to the town of Sutton, then a wilderness, and become one of the first settlers of that town. Being in a great measure destitute of funds, he was obliged by his own hard labour to level the forest, and cultivate the soil, experiencing all those inconveniences usually attending new settlements. By persevering industry, attended by that economy which is always requisite to prosperity, he acquired a decent property, and was enabled to bring up a large and respectable family. His whole life was remarkable for patriotism love of his country: he was ever a firm and undeviating republican, and in the various offices to which he was called by the suffrages of his fellow citizens, he was uniformly governed by, and acted from the principles of republicanism. He was twelve or thirteen years a member of the State legislature. In 1799, he was one of four, who were the only republicans in the legislature at that time, among whom also was Gen. Benjamin Pierce. He sustained the office of Town clerk for more than twenty years--that of a Selectman, for a number of years, the duties of which he executed with promptness and fidelty. In the general character of this man we behold a pattern worthy of imitation: for moral honesty his conduct is impeached by none. His liberality and tender feelings towards the poor and needy were apparent at all times—in him they found a constant friend and benefactor, and although his life was spared as a blessing to his friends, to a good old age, yet they sincerely lament his loss. His religious sentiments correspond to his practice; for as his charity extended to all, and he endeavored to do good unto all as far as lay in his power, so he believed in the Universal Benevolence of the Deity, that "the Lord is good unto all and his tender mercies are over all the works of his hands.” During his last sickness, while racked with pain and bodily infirmity, his mind remained unimpaired, and he breathed out his last in humble resignation to the will of his Maker.-Com. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.3 Kb