Charles A. Badger Biography from History of Rockingham County, NH From: Ranee Egee - Surname: BADGER Source: History of Rockingham County, New Hampshire and Representative Citizens by Charles A. Hazlett, Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, Ill., 1915 Page 947 CHARLES A. BADGER, a well known resident of Portsmouth, who is engaged in business as an agriculturalist, stockman and lumberman, occupies what was formerly known as the Frank Jones estate in Ward 3, having re-moved to this location from Newington in 1908. He was born in Ports-mouth, N. H., September 11, 1863, a son of David and Nancy (Campbell) Badger. His father is now deceased, but his mother survives and resides with him in Portsmouth, being now over seventy-five years old. David Badger in early life was a well known ship builder of Portsmouth, but later settled in Newington and there engaged in farming. He held various municipal offices in Portsmouth, and after his removal to Newington, served as selectman of that town. In politics he was a Democrat. Charles A. Badger was twelve years old when he accompanied his parents to Newinton. He was educated in the public schools and after completing his studies took up farming, in which he has been engaged very successfully. The estate on which he now resides, which was formerly owned by the late Frank Jones, contains about 300 acres and is kept in fine condition by its present owner. Mr. Badger is and up-to-date and public spirited citizen, taking an active interest in everything calculated to advance the moral or material betterment of the community. While a resident of Newington he served creditably for two years as selectmen, and was a candidate for the legislature, running on he Democratic ticket. He is a member of the lodge of Elks at Portsmouth, and since coming to this city has also been a candidate for the legislature, from Ward three. Mr. Badger married Catherine Hutchinson of Cambridge, Mass., whose father now resides in that city, her mother being deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Badges have two children: Paul and Orville. ************************************************************************ * * * * Notice: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. * * * * The USGenWeb Project makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. It is always best to consult the original material for verification.