Clarence M. DeRochemont of Newington, NH Biography from A History of Rockingham County, New Hampshire (1915) Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Louise Temples - Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************************************ Full copyight notice - USGenWeb Archives - ************************************************************************ Source: A History of Rockingham County, New Hampshire and Representative Citizens by Charles A. Hazlett, Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, Ill, 1915 Page 1025 CLARENCE M. DE ROCHEMONT, chairman of the board of selectmen for the town of Newington, is the proprietor of a farm of fifty acres on the Fox Point road in this town. He was barn in the house in which he now resides, December 18, 1850, a son of Frederick W. de Rochemont. The father of our subject was a native of Portsmouth and during the latter part of his life was engaged in the fire insurance busi- ness in that city. He married Myria L. de Witt, who was born in South America. They had a family of ten children, only four of whom are now living, namely: Frederick W., Myria L. Ricker, E. Jennie Parsons and Clarence M. One son went to California many years ago and nothing has since been heard from him. Clarence M. de Rochemont was educated in the common schools and since beginning industrial life has been engaged in farming, keeping enough stock for his own use. He has resided in the town of Newing- ton all his life up to this time and has identified himself closely with local interests. As a public official he has shown enterprise and efficiency. In addition to his present office as selectman he has served on the school board and as town clerk. He belongs to the Masonic order, in which he has advanced as far as the Chapter. Mr. de Rochemont was married, December 21, 1876, to Ella G. Wilson, a native of Wilson, Niagara County, N. Y., that town deriving its name from the family to which she belongs. Her parents, Reuben F. and Hetty W. (Pease) Wilson, never came to this section. The father was a grain dealer. Mr. and Mrs. de Rochemont have six chil- dren, as follows: Hetty W., residing at home; Henry M., who married Page 1026 Catherine Fogg and has two children, Margaret and Helen Katherine; Percy E., who married Lilly Magg and resides in Trenton, N. J.; Fan- nie G., wife of Lee S. Merrill, of Tingston, Mass; Allan C., who married Mary A. Evans, of Portsmouth, and Marguerite at home. The family attend the Congregational church.