Clarence E. Gowen of Greenland, NH Biography from A History of Rockingham County, New Hampshire (1915) Contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by Louise Temples - Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************************************ Full copyight notice - USGenWeb Archives - ************************************************************************ Source: A History of Rockingham County, New Hampshire and Representative Citizens by Charles A. Hazlett, Richmond-Arnold Publishing Co., Chicago, Ill, 1915 Page 877 CLARENCE E. GOWEN, owner and proprietor of the old Robert Norton farm in the town of Greenland, Rockingham County, N. H., where he is engaged in general farming and truck gardening, was born in Stratham, N. H., October 8, 1878, a son of George and Mary (Smith) Gowen. His parents were both born in West Newbury, Mass., but now reside in Stratham, N. H., where George Gowen is engaged in business as a maret gardener. They have had a large family, num- bering eleven children, namely: Mary, Grace, Helen, Clarence E., Ralph, Bertha, Arthur, Howard, Benjamin, Phillip and Shirley. Clarence E. Gowen acquired his education in the common schools, which he attended until reaching the age of fifteen years. He then began work on his father's farm, assisting the latter until 1910, at which time he purchased his present place and began business life for himself. This farm, known as the Robert Norton farm, contains seventy-five acres and is a good piece of agricultural property. Mr. Gowen employs two hands. In politics he is a Republican but uses judgment in cast- ing his vote, reserving the right to disregard party lines should occa- sion demand. Mr. Gowen was married in January, 1906, to Miss Lottie Smart, who was born in Stratham, N. H., a daughter of Joseph and Georgiana (Ham) Smart. Mrs. Gowen's father was formerly a butcher by occu- pation, but is now engaged in farming. He and his wife had two chil- dren---Lottie, who is now Mrs. Gowen, and Alice. Mr. and Mrs. Gowen are the parents of two children-Elizabeth and Joseph. The family attend the Congregational Church and Mr. Gowen is a member of the local Grange. Industrious and thrifty, he is meeting with success and is regarded by his neighbors as a substantial and reliable citizen.