TITLE: Portsmouth, NH-- Record of Births, Marriages and Deaths 1702-1718 SOURCE: Historical and Genealogical Registers, New England Historic Genealogical Society, Boston, Samuel G. Drake, Publisher, ©1847 Vol - 1 - 50 - (publication Oct 1869 pgs 392-395) SUBMITTED: By Cathy Parziale 7/17/2000 Transcribed with some modern translations. ************************************************************************ [Communicaed by Col Joshua W. Peirce, of Portsmouth] This record was kept by the Hon. Joshua Peirce, who at different times held the office of Town clerk, and Recorder of Deeds for the Province. He was for many years one of his Majesty's council, and died in 1743. After his death, a few entries were made in the record by his descendants. (Vide Rambles about Portsmouth. 1st series.) MARRIAGES John ABBITT (ABBOTT) Jr., and Elizabeth DARLING both of the Town of Ports- mouth were married ye 11 Dec. 1715. Wm. CROSS of Bidiford in Great brittain and Abigain BRIARD of Portsmouth were married 2 Jan. 1715. John HAMM (HAM) of Portsmouth and Judith PITTMAN of Oyster River were married ye 8 Jan 1715. Wm. WARIN (WARREN) of Devonshr in Great brittain and Mary BRITTAIN (BRITAIN) of Portsmouth were married ye 8 Jan 1715-6. Charles BANFIELD of Portsmouth and Elizabeth RICE of Kittery were married Jan 1715-6. Sam RIMES and Mary WEYMOUTH both of Portsmouth were married May 1716. Sam SHACKFORD of Portsmouth and Ffrancis PEBODY (PEABODY)of Topsfield were married 10 May 1716. Nath ROBINSON born at New York now resident att Portsmouth and Sarah BROUGHTON of this town were married ye 29th of May 1716. Wm. BROUGHTON and Ann ABBITT (ABBOTT) both of this Town were married 31 May 1716. Wm. FFOSS (FOSS) formerly of Nichowanuck now of Portsmouth and Elizabeth SNELL of this Town were married ye 1 June 1716. Ralph BURNE (BURN) of Shadwel in ye county of Middlesex in great Brittaine and Martha BEAL of Portsmouth were married 4 June 1716. John WESCOM of Tiverton in Dovonshire in great Brittaine and Elizabeth LANG of Portsmouth were marrried 28 July 1716. Joseph DOWNING of Dover and Sarah SPINNEY of Portsmouth were married 21 June 1716. William FFAIRWEATHER (Fairweather) and Elizabeth WELCH both of Portsmouth were married 28 June 1716. Edward SHERBUN (SHERBURNE) and Agnis HUNTING both of this Town were married 5 July 1716. Thomas REED of In London Great Brittain and Elisabeth BROOKS of Portsmouth were married 4 Aug 1716. Axill ROBERDS (ROBERTS) now Resident in Portsmouth formerly of [ ] and Joanna LOW widow in said Town having obtained licence for marriage from the Hon. Ltt. Governor were accordingly married ye 8 Aug 1716. Michaell BROOKS and Mary THOMAS both Resident in Portsmouth were married 30 Aug 1716. Sam BROWN and Bethiah LIBBY both of Portsmouth were married 9th Sept 1716. Walter STEWART and Sarah MOSS Residents in Portsmouth were married 13 Sept 1716. Richard ELLIOT, Jr. of Portsmouth and Abigail WILSON of Hampton were married 24 Sept 1716. Josh REMICK of Kittery and Mary HEPWORTH of Portsmouth were married Sept 1716. Jno ALLIXANDER (Alexander) of Durham in great Brittaine and Jemina BENSON of Portsmouth were married 7 Oct. 1716. Abraham AYERS and Mary JACKSON both of Portsmouth were married 18 Oct, 1716. James BERRY of Dublin in Ireland and Mehittable LEACH were married 18 Oct 1716. Richard ELLIOTT, Sr. and Mary MOORE both of Portsmouth were married. John PARKES of Dublin in Ireland and Susanna PRESTON were married 14 Oct. 1716. Benjamin FFOSTER (Foster) born in Ipswitch in ye Province of ye Massachusets and Wilmot GRIFFITH of Portsmouth were married 1 Nov 1716. Edm WOOLLET born in ye Parish of Etham in ye County of Kentt in reat Brittain and Mary POLLOY of Portsmouth were married 1 Nov 1716. Thomas WRIGHT of London in Great Brittaine and Hepsibar SEAVEY of Portsmouth were married 4 Nov 1716. John LOBDEN of ye Parish of Harly in Devonshire and Ann HETTON of London both in greatt Brittain were married 8 Nov 1716. John KENARD and Elizabeth ATKINS ye Daughter of Robert Atkins were married ye 8th Aug 1706. Thomas SNOW of Devonshire ye parish of Eallfaire Coome in great Brittaine and Elizabeth CLARK of Portsmouth were married ye 13 Oct. 1716. Robert ALMARY and Mary HART both of Portsmouth were married ye 15 Nov 1716. Wm. WHITE and Mary JACKSON both of Portsmouth were married 15 Nov. 1716. Nathan ELLETHOUP born at Manchester now resident in Rowley and Susana ELLIOTT of Portsmouth were married 30 Nov 1711. Jno HOOPER of Apsum in Great Brittain and Mary WALDIN (WALDRON) of Ports- mouth were married 13 Dec. 1716. Henry NICHOLSON of Williamsburg in Virginia and Sarah COTTON of Portsmouth were married 13 Dec. 1716. Thomas WALDIN (Waldron) and Sarah COTTON both of Portsmouth were married 20 Dec. 1716. Thomas HAMITT of Shadwell in Middlesex in Great Brittain and Elizabeth DENEFORD of Kittery in ye County of York were married 1 Jan 1716-7. Vol. XXIII. Abrm BOULE and Hannah GWIN of Boston were married. Abr: SENTER formerly of Ipswitch and Mehitable AYERS of Portsmouth were married 29 April 1718. Wm. NASON of Nechowanuck and Mary FFLETCHER (Fletcher) of Portsmouth were married ye 11 May 1718. Jos TOMAS (THOMAS) of Jersye and Hanah TOMAS (THOMAS) of Portsmouth were married 3 June 1718. Robert LANG and Catherine COWEL (Cowell) both of Portsmouth were married 4 July 1718. John CHURCHILL and Mary JACKSON both of Portsmouth were married 10 July 1718. John ABBOTT, Sr. of Portsmouth and Mary HEPWORTH formerly of Ireland now of Portsmouth were married 30 July 1718. Samuel BECK and Mary PARTRIDGE both of Portsmouth were married 30 July 1718. Peter MOW of Rochel in Ffrance and Sarah LEWIS of Kittery were married 10 Sept 1718. Thomas SEMPSON (SIMPSON) of Boroughs senes in Scotland and Susan SEUER of Portsmouth with married 17 Sept 1718. Edward AYERS and Hannah JOSE both Portsmouth were married 2 Oct 1718. Jonath BARLOW of liverpool in Lanchashire in Great Brittaine and Elizabeth LIBBY of Portsmouth were married 23 Oct. 1718. Josh: PEIRCE of Portsmouth and Elizabeth WADE of Dover were married 5 March 1718-19 (2d Wife) John SYMES (SIMES) of Exborn in Devonshire in Great Brittaine and Hannah JACKSON of Portsmouth were married 22 Oct. 1718. Jono DAVIS of Bristol in Great Brittaine and Mary GOODING of Nechowanuck were married 23 Oct. 1718. Wm. ADAMS and Mary LANG both of Portsmouth were married 23 Oct. 1718. John BLY and Grace LEWIS both of Portsmouth were married 28 Oct. 1718. Edw: SADLER of Swansey and Mary SAMSON (SAMPSON) Of Portsmouth were married 6 Nov. 1718 Jno KINCADE (KINCAID) of Waterford in Ireland in Great Brittaine and Martha CHURCHILL of Portsmouth were married 13 Nov 1718. Abr: BARLTETT and Deborah SAVAGE both of Portsmouth were married 13 Nov 1718. Jno JANINS (Jennings) of Hamptom and Mary MASON of Portsmouth were married 27 Nov 1718. Nicholas HILLIARD of Portsmouth and Elizabeth HOITT of Newingtone were married 11 Dec. 1718. Jno BRADFORD of London in ye County of Middlesex in Great Brittain and Dorcas HUDSON of Portsmouth were married 10 Dec 1718. Henry BECK and Hannah WALDIN (Waldron) both of Portsmouth were married 18 Dec. 1718. Samuel HEWEY(Huey) of Coldrain in ye County of Derry in Ireland in Great Brittaine and Elizabeth DENETT (Dennett) Wido of Portsmouth were married 23 Dec. 1718. Nehemiah PARTRIDGE of Portsmouth and Mary FFILBICK (Philbrick) of Boston, were married 26 Dec. 1718. Stephen NOLE of Lalant in ye County of Cornwell in Great Brittain and Joanna BOARN of Portsmouth were married 25 Feb 1716-7. Clemtt JACKSON and Sarah HALL both of Portsmouth were married 17 Oct 1700. John JACKSON and Abigail BECK both of Portsmouth were married 10 Mar 1716-7. Joseph HOLMES and Mary ye widow of James HALL were married 14 Mar 1716-7 both belonging to the Town. Ezekiel PITTMAN born at Oyster River and Elizabeth SHACKFORD of Portsmouth were married 23 May 1717. Joseph MOULTEN and Abigail AYERS of Portsmouth were married 25 Nov 1709. Trustram HEARD (Tristram HEARD) of Cochecho and Jane SNELL of Portsmouth were married 4 May 1717. Robert PICKREN (Pickering) of Bastable in Devonshire in Great Brittaine and Sarah ABOTT (Abbott) OF Portsmouth were married 13 June 1717. Roger THOMAS of Portsmouth and Mary ALLARD of Newcastle were married 6 July 1717. Samuel PLAISTED and Hanah WENTWORTH both of portsmouth were married ye 4 Aug 1717. Wm. GAMON (Gammon) of Kittery and Mary HEPWORTH of Portsmouth were married 31 Oct. 1717. Noah DODGE formerly of Beverly now resident in Portsmouth and Margery CROCKETT of Kittery were married 15 Nov 1717. John GOWELL and Elizabeth POLLOY both of Portsmouth were married 24 Nov 1717. Jos CHISLY (CHESLEY) of Oyster River and Sarah CUTT of Portsmouth were married 18 Dec 1717. Elbert ELBORTON born at New York and Lydia MEDER (MEADER) of Oyster River were married 22 Dec 1717. John SAVAGE and Anne LANG were married ye 9th Jan 1717-18. Edward CATE and Jane VOSE both of Portsmouth were married 9th Jan 1717-18. Antony LIBBY of Hampton and Jane RACKLEY of Portsmouth wer married 9th Jan 1717-18. James WALES of Dublin in Ireland in Great Brittain and Mary SANDERS of Ports- mouth were married ye 16 Jan 1717-18. BIRTHS Nathan ye son Nathan SHANUN (SHANNON) and Abigail his wife was Born 17 Feb 1715. Dorothy ye Daughter of John and Mary EMORSON (EMERSON) was born ye 17 June 1715. John WENTWORTH the son of John Wentworth Esq. was born 19th Oct. 1703. Joseph CATE ye son of Edward and Elizabeth Cate was born 12th May 1702. Joseph ye son of Joseph and Keturah ALCOCK was born ye 26th of Feb 1716-7. Elizabeth ye Daughter of Robert and Patience ATKINS was born 10 Jan 1687. Elizabeth KENARD ye aughter of Jno and Elizabeth Kenard was born 7 Nov 1707. Jno Wacomb KENARD ye son of ye Parents above was born 11 Feb 1710. Atkins KENARD ye son of the Parents above was born 11 Sept 1713. Cutt ye son of Nath and Abigail SHANNON was Born 17 Aug 1717. Elizabeth ye Daughter of Thomas and Mary RICE of Kittery in ye county of York was born Nov. 7th 1718. Mary ye daughter of Clemtt and Sarah JACKSON was born ye 18 May 1703. John ye son of clemt and Sarah JACKSON was born ye 20 Aug 1704. Clemt ye son of Clemt and Sarah JACKSON was born ye 24 Mar 1705. Joseph ye son of Clemt and Sarah JACKSON was born ye 13 Dec 1707. Jonathan CROCKET ye son of Thomas and Dorothy CROCKET was born ye 2d of Aug 1717. Phillis ye Daughter of Elisha WEBB was born June ye 5th 1737. Jane ye Daughter of Elisha WEBB was born Jan 31 1741-2 Catherine ye Daugh of Ephm and Catherine DENETT was born 15 Jan 1714-15. John DENETT ye son of ye Parents above was born 15 Oct 1716. Joseph MOULTEN ye son of Joseph Moulten and Abigail AYERS or Portsmouth was born 29th Sept. 171(?). Jno. MOULTEN ye son of ye Parents above was born 15 Dec 1713. Alice MOULTEN ye Daughter of ye Parents above was born 4 June 1715. Sarah ye Daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth HATCH was Born 26 March 1717. DEATHS Johannah ye wife of Edw. AYERS Deceasd Jan 1718-19. Mary ye daughter of Clemtt and Sarah JACKSON dyed ye 17 Aug 1704. John ye son of Clemt and Sarah JACKSON dyed ye 30 June 1713. Captain Samuel HATCH dyed 22 Aug 1716. Alis (Alice) ye wife of Edward AYERS dyed 9 feb 1717-8. Elizabeth ye wife of Josh PEIRCE Deceased 13 Jan 1717-18. **************************************************************************** * * * * Notice: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. * * * * The USGenWeb Project makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. It is always best to consult the original material for verification.