Deaths (year 1888) from the 1889 Annual Report of Derry, Rockingham Co., NH **************************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Submitted by: Cindy Godbout <> Date: June 3, 2001 **************************************************************************** Deaths (year 1888) from the 1889 Annual Report of Derry, Rockingham County, New Hampshire Source: Annual Reports of the Selectmen, Treasurer, School Board, Board of Health, Town Clerk, Librarian and Treasurer of the Taylor Library, of the Town of Derry For the Year Ending March 1st, 1889 Derry, N.H.: Charles Bartlett, printer, Bank Building, Main Street, 1889 Deaths Registered in the Town of Derry, N. H. for the year ending Dec. 31, 1888 Date Place Age Place Single of of ------------ of Married Place of birth Place of birth Death Death Name of Deceased yrs mos dys birth Sex Color Widow Occupation for father for mother Name of Father Name of Mother ============================================================================================================================================================================================================ Jan. 4 Derry Nathaniel Palmer 93 8 Derry M W S Farmer Bradford Bradford John Palmer Sarah Harriman 4 Derry Amelia A. Moore 50 6 26 Skowhegan, Me. F W M Housewife Joseph Garland Lydia Martin 5 Derry Margaret Walsh 57 Ireland F W W Housewife Ireland Ireland Robert Muloly Catherine Muloly 14 Derry Elizabeth P. Taylor 53 9 Londonderry F W M Housewife Chester Londonderry Josiah Sleeper Harriett Dickey 20 Derry Mrs. Silvia George 70 4 5 Alexandria F W Housewife Alexandria Canaan Joseph Foster Lydia Foster 26 Derry Jennie H. Hartshorn 41 1 20 Londonderry F W M Housewife Derry Derry John Alexander Sally Esty 30 Derry Martha Leach 96 6 15 Londonderry F W W Housewife Beverly, Mass. Rowley, Mass. Benjamin Corning Martha Plummer 30 Derry Mercy Bradford 79 10 25 Bristol, Me. F W M Housewife Bristol, Maine Friendship, Maine William Johnston Olive Morton Feb. 3 Derry William Anderson 89 11 18 Londonderry M W M Merchant Londonderry Londonderry Hugh Anderson Jane Nesmith 4 Derry Hattie E. Sinclair 30 7 F W M Housewife Shelby, Vt. Durham Nathaniel C. Gould Emily Scott 8 Derry Sarah Crombie 67 10 Francestown F W W Housewife Francestown Francestown Alexander Wilson Betsey Fairbans 14 Derry Spencer Perkins 64 9 4 Hartland, Me. M W M Laborer Hobbs Perkins Lois Spencer 20 Derry Mary H. Kelsey 69 F W M Housewife Derry Dunbarton Joseph Johnson Mary Hoyt Mar. 4 Derry Jane Clark 86 7 7 Londonderry F W S Spinster Londonderry Londonderry Matthew Clark Jane McMurphy 28 Derry Daniel Canty 32 7 Lynn, Mass. M W S Laborer Ireland Ireland Cornelius Canty Mary Canty 28 Derry Almira Woods 80 Northfield, Mass. F W W Housewife Unknown Unknown Richard Waters Catherine Riley 30 No. Adams, Mass. *Alonzo P. Morrison 23 Derry M W S Calvin Morrison Mary Morrison 31 Derry Lydia J. Lantz 37 Nova Scotia F W M Housewife Cumberland Co. NS Hantz Co., N.S. Mark P. Dickey Sarah Dimmock April 4 Derry Inez M. Smith 28 5 4 Suncook F W M Housewife Bedford New Hampshire Freeman R. Gardner Eliza S. Wallace 7 Derry Clarence S. Manning 2 8 15 Derry Depot M W Charlestown, Mass. Jericho, Vt. Joseph S. Manning Elva Witherell 21 Derry Ephraim Morrill 77 Henniker M W W Farmer Henniker Henniker Ephraim Morrill Lucy Smith 26 Derry William Carleton 61 8 Lowell, Mass. M W Shoemaker Lowell Chessfield Amos Carleton May 4 Derry Ruth Ella Abbott 3 Derry Depot F W Sunapee Warner Converse Abbott Emma Davis 11 Derry Converse Abbott 1 5 Derry Depot M W Sunapee Warner Converse Abbott Emma Davis 25 Derry Moses Rowell 87 10 21 M W 26 Derry Susan Thurber 73 F W June 5 Haverhill, Mass. *Samuel Adams 89 27 M W 7 Lawrence, Mass. *George W. Head 2 20 19 M W 17 Derry Harry B. Warren 8 Derry M W So. Windham, Me. Derry Frank Warren Laura Taylor 18 Derry William C. Palmer 75 6 Derry M W M Mason Bradford, Mass. Bradford, Mass. Benjamin Palmer Elizabeth Carleton 29 Haverhill *Margaret H. Morse 52 3 18 F W W July 10 Derry Mrs. C. A. Peavey 51 5 5 Salem F W M Housewife Salem Londonderry Frederic Austin Abigail Jack 20 Derry Moses H. Burbank 9 Derry M W Hopkinton Manchester John S. Burbank F. A. Wallace 29 Derry John M. Nise 65 11 13 Scotland M W M Mason Scotland Scotland Daniel Nise Sarah McKenzie Aug. 5 Derry Frederic W. Smith, Jr. 10 21 No. Brookfield, Ms. M W Oxford, Mass. Charlton, Mass. Frederic W. Smith Carrie M. Howlet 5 Lawrence, Mass. *Rebecca C. Murphy 69 F W 21 Derry Harriette Griffin 62 6 8 Derry F W W Derryfield Derryfield John Major Martha Cheney 21 Derry Edward P. Estey 68 2 12 Windham M W W Farmer Topsfield Topsfield John Esty Sally Peabody 24 Derry Henry Clifford Johnson 1 3 5 Derry M W Housewife 29 Derry Abbie L. Swett 35 Rowley, Mass. F W M Hampstead Rowley, Mass. C. A. Swett Abbie L. Swett 29 Derry Infant F W 31 Vinton, Iowa *Mrs. L. R. Currier 81 10 11 F W Housewife Hudson Hudson James Melvine Jane McCoy Sept. 4 Derry Nancy Butterfield 81 7 20 Hudson F W 9 Derry Jonas Herrick 73 10 Strong, Me. M W W Farmer Dracut Dracut Hayward Herrick Elizabeth Richardson 14 Derry Edward J. Murphy 4 12 Derry M W Boston Ireland James F. Murphy Lizzie Murphy 28 Derry Clara Jane Hart 10 3 Derry F W P. E. Island North Salem John D. Hart Abbie A. Paul 22 Providence, R.I. *Susan R. Pond 47 3 F W 17 Derry Edwin Alfred Wilson 1 2 10 Derry M W Windham Franklin James H. Wilson Emma Stevens 17 Derry Dana Coburn 1 19 Derry M W Townsend Greenville James F. Coburn Hattie G. Hoyt Nov. 3 Lynn, Mass. *John Kelsey 76 M W 16 Derry Eda Provancher 3 20 F W Canada Canada Mazorique Provancher Sarah Mitchell 18 Derry Mabel Wood Kelley 21 3 11 Derry F W S Ireland Ireland Patrick Kelley Elizabeth White Dec. 2 Derry Eliza A. Greeley 61 3 14 Derry F W M Housewife Londonderry Londonderry Joseph Ripley Matilda Sampson 4 Derry Mary R. Maddox 74 4 Islesborough, Me. F W W Housewife Block Island St. Andrews Joshua Dodge Betsey Stuart 5 Haverhill, Mass. *Penuel B. Richardson 18 M W