Deaths (year 1894) from the 1895 Annual Report of Derry, Rockingham Co., NH **************************************************************************** USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free genealogical information on the Internet, data may be freely used for personal research and by non-commercial entities as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may not be reproduced in any format or presentation by other organizations or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for profit or any form of presentation, must obtain the written consent of the file submitter, or his legal representative and then contact the listed USGENWEB archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. Submitted by: Cindy Godbout <> Date: June 3, 2001 **************************************************************************** Deaths (year 1894) from the 1895 Annual Report of Derry, Rockingham County, New Hampshire Source: Annual Reports of the Selectmen, Treasurer, School Board, Board of Health, Town Clerk, Librarian and Treasurer of the Taylor Library, of the Town of Derry For the Year Ending Feb. 15, 1895 Derry, N.H.: Charles Bartlett, printer, Bank Building, Main Street, 1895 Deaths Registered in the Town of Derry, N. H. for the year ending Dec. 31, 1894 Date Place Age Place Single of of ------------ of Married Death Death Name of Deceased yrs mos dys birth Sex Color Widow Occupation Name of Father Name of Mother ============================================================================================================================================================================= Jan. 4 Derry Jonathan Dana 82 -- -- M W M 4 Derry Harold Luther Stevens 1 7 -- Hampstead M W S Wallace L. Stevens Rosella Spollett 15 Derry George W. Lane 74 3 19 Candia M W M farmer Thos. Lane Polly Worthen 16 Derry Richard Fellows 76 10 7 Salisbury, Vt. M W M house painter Benj. Fellows Hannah Fellows 23 Derry Georgie E. Tabor 4 23 Derry F W S James E. Tabor Laura Z. Rowell 25 Derry Rosetta Corbett 44 5 6 Ireland F W M matron 26 Derry Fidelia B. Griffin 53 2 11 Liberty, Me. F W M housewife Ephraim Ludwig Lizzie Feb. 1 Derry --- -- -- -- Derry F W S Elbridge A. Boyce Sadie E. Fay 8 Derry Alvin J. Chase 76 8 9 Londonderry M W M farmer Francis L. Chase Lavina Jones 10 Derry Julia F. Webster 54 9 10 Gilford, Me. F W M housewife Joseph P. Hammond Mary H. Hammond 11 Derry Gracie A. McGregor 6 1 28 Londonderry F W S William R. McGregor Augusta M. Annis 25 Derry Evelyn L. Palmer -- 3 10 Derry F W S Charles F. Palmer Lucy A. Shattuck Mar. 12 Derry Kate L. Sullivan 65 -- -- Ireland F W W John Lane Mary Toomey 18 Derry Mary E. Fellows 65 -- -- Derry F W W housewife Lewis Blye Mary A. Morrison 22 Derry Nellie J. Kimball 19 7 12 Lowell, Mass. F W M William J. Corbett Rosetta Galles April 9 Derry Catherine B. Couch 64 -- -- Concord, Mass. F W W Chas. Coolidge Louisa A. M. Dillenham 17 Derry Mary Adams 75 -- 24 Auburn F W M housewife Isaac Hall Lucy Palmer 18 Derry Ann Kehoe 64 -- -- Ireland F W M housewife May 1 Derry Catherine W. Neal 66 8 25 Solon, Me. F W W housewife James Johnson Ellen Sweeney 14 Derry Peter W. Myers -- -- -- M W M 17 Derry Robert Gordon -- -- -- M W S Charles H. Gordon Carrie Dearborn 18 Derry Infant -- -- 6 Derry M W S William J. Eaton Gertie Spear 21 Derry Myra B. Lowe 34 9 10 Cabot, Vt. F W M housewife Stephen P. Bartlett Elizabeth R. Fiske June 10 Derry James P. Kehoe 34 11 3 Derry M W M laborer James Kehoe Ann Connelly 12 Derry Albert A. Stevens 48 4 5 M W S Calvin Stevens Nancy Rogers 28 Derry Elizabeth N. Pinkerton 80 11 22 So. Merrimac F W W housewife Wmilliam Patterson Mary Farwell July 2 Derry Mariam P. Watts 56 9 26 Londonderry F W W John Annis Delilah Coburn 9 Derry Laura Ellen Merrick 9 -- -- Derry F W S R. R. Merrick Lottie L. Copp 9 Derry --- -- -- 2 Derry F W S Walter F. Brown Lottie Hunt 14 Derry Edwin A. Beede 37 1 -- Sandwich M W S farmer Alpheus Beede Catherine Gunn 15 Derry Mary J. Holmes 73 7 -- Londonderry F W - Jonathan Holmes Betsey Thompson 16 Derry James Melvin Smith -- 2 25 Derry M W S Edwin Smith Mary Bean 16 Derry Lucy Bradford Roberts 39 -- 16 Derry F W M Thos. S. Bradford Emily Merrill 28 Derry Mary Bodwell -- -- 23 Derry F W W W. F. Bodwell Annie S. Bridges Aug. 6 Derry John B. Silver 78 3 -- Bow M W W 9 Derry William Massay 67 -- -- --- M W - 11 Derry William D. White 66 -- -- Weare M W M blacksmith Dustin White Polly Colby 28 Derry ---- -- -- -- Derry F W - Louis Moran Elvena Provancher Sept. 6 Derry Edith E. Gurdy 10 4 -- Malden F W S Leon S. Gurdy 12 Derry Sherburn N. Feinauer -- 5 2 Derry M W S Christian Feinauer Edna Wells 22 Derry George A. Goodhue 71 4 24 Dracut, Mass. M W M farmer Aaron Goodhue Deborah Coburn 28 Derry Sarah A. Bartlett 57 4 24 --- F W M John G. Simpson Comfort -- Derry Laura H. Boyd 86 5 -- Salem F W W housewife David Austin Mary Cole Oct. 11 Derry Fred C. Haake 45 6 -- --- M W M 20 Derry Stevens Provancher 46 -- -- --- M W M stable keep'r Nov. 9 Derry Louisa Haley 16 9 -- --- F W S Frank Haley Emma 23 Derry Miner Gates Frye 48 8 8 Lowell, Mass. M W M merchant Gates Ford Frye Phoebe Liscome Dec. 7 Derry Emily Holor 72 9 1 England F W M Thomas Wedge Hannah Reynolds 8 Derry Edward Francis Evans 46 5 26 Derry M W M shoemaker Geo. W. Evans Fanny Jones 13 Derry Mary L. Foster 44 10 28 Warner F W W dressmaker Edwin Terry Lydia Davis 23 Derry Clark S. Perkins 34 7 17 Sunapee M W M shoemaker 24 Derry Mabel B. Stevens 20 4 25 Derry F W S teacher Walter D. Stevens Mattie Shute 31 Derry Otis W. Lowe 30 1 -- Derry M W S Wesley Low Hepsie Dutton