TITLE: EXCERPS FROM THE ROCHESTER COURIER - ISSUE - September 19, 1930 pages 1-16 SOURCE: The Same TRANSCRIBED: C Parziale 08/30/2000 **************************************************************************** Enjoyable Gathering with Out-door Feed at Milton Three Ponds The first annual Chamber of Commerce outing was held at Milton Three Ponds, Wednesday afternoon with a good crowd in attendance. The committee headed by Robert A. Parry and John M. Stevens, called the group together at 2 P.M. as scheduled. The sports committee headed by George Lenzi, at this point took full charge of the activities with William H. Buker acting as official timer and observer. After all was said and done. Bill McGarry put on the finishing touches with a red-hot, old-fashioned, outdoor feed, under the direct supervision of Chairmen Parry and Stevens, who from the crow’s nest directed the act- ivities of the day. Horseshoes were played by both men and women first, last and all the time. Father Cummins’ Birthday Rev. Fr. John F. Cummins observed the 78th anniversary of his birth, Wed- nesday at his Charles street home. A number of Massachusetts friends were present and enjoyed the dinner hour. Fr. Cummins was born in Charlestown, graduated from the Waltham grammar school, fitted for college at Charlestown high graduated from Boston college in 1872 and was captain and pitcher on his college team. He entered St. Joseph seminary at Troy in 1872 and was ordained by Bishop McInerney in 1875. Thirty-seven years ago he was ass- igned to build a church at Roslindale at which place he has since held a large pastorate. Fr. Cummins has since his residence in this city acquired many friends who extend congratulations. In the U.S. Army The many friends of George Collins will be glad to learn he is enjoying life in Uncle Sam’s service. He is among the 2,600 New England regulars who are engaged on practice marches of several hundred miles. The dest- ination will be the artillery on Saturday. The cavalry’s long march has led from Burlington across Vermont and New Hampshire into northern Maine nearly 400 miles. The field artillery march is of 300 miles distance. Nearly 500 horses and mules are in the field artillery column, while more than 200 accompany the cavalry squadron. Mr. Collins expects to be back at his home station, Fort Ethan Allen, Sept. 30. Elliott - Swaine Announcement has been received of the marriage of Theodore Elliott of Dover to Miss Maybelle Catherine Swaine of Rochester. Miss Swaine, on of Rochester’s prettiest and most popular young ladies was for some time org- anist at the True Memorial Baptist church. Mr. Elliott is an electrical engineer, who graduated from U. of N.H., at Durham, class of 1929. The wedding took place at the home of the bride Sunday, Sept. 7, and was largely attended by the many friends of the popular young couple. After the honey- moon, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott will make their home in New York city, where Mr. Elliott holds a fine position with the New York Telephone Co. Child Killed by Auto Medical Referee Forrest L. Keay of this city was called to Dover Sun- day afternoon to view the scene of the fatal accident to Ernest Edison Johnson, aged six years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Johnson of 4 Paul Street, Dover. The child was run over by a Nash car owned and operated by Archie St. Lawrence. Dr. Keay pronounced the death due to an unavoidable accident. Police Court At a session of police court held before Judge Samuel D. Felker. Paul Grenier was given a fine of $50 and costs for operating an automobile while in an intoxicated condition. The arrest was made by State Motor Vehicle Officer Ralph Emerson, following a collision on Rochester hill. Abraham Choquette of Dover was fined $25. and costs for over-speeding on the Farmington road. State Officer Ralph Emerson made the arrest. JUDGE SHUTE OF EXETER A Ladies Night Speaker To the City hotel last Friday evening went many local Kiwanians, some visitors from out of town and a goodly number of invited guests. The occa- sion was a ladie’s night, the speaker was Judge Henry A. Shute of Exeter, lawyer, author, newspaper and magazine contributor, but perhaps, best known as the author of "The Real Diary of a Real boy," and other books dealing largely with the childish pranks and amusements of the youth of his boyhood days. The judge prefaced his reading by a report of his afternoon trip from Exeter. He is it appears, one of those exceptional mortals who is not the owner of a car. " If one isn’t extremely careful in choosing the right train from Exeter," said Mr. Shute, "he will find that he has about four hours to wait over in Dover. Isn’t a bad town but there are places where I’d rather spend four hours in waiting than in the railroad station in Dover. But I was fortunate, I got a ride on the bus. In my earlier years," continued the judge. " I spent some time in the west and did considerable horseback riding, but never did I get such a bouncing and bumping as that bus driver gave me from Dover to Somersworth, and then up to Rochester. Not being familiar with buses, I occupied the rear seat, and spent a goodly part of the time between the seat and the top of the bus. Some day I want lei- surely to go ever the same route. I think the scenery must be beautiful, but I remember it as one long blurr of landscape." Judge Shute gave several humorous readings from one of his books. Then a group of Kiwanians sang songs, and Raymond Richardson sang solos. Following this, Judge Shute gave several other selections, giving far more than his regular evening’s program as his hearers were so interested and amused that they called for more and more. And when he had finished, gladly they would have listened to other readings. It brought back most vividly to them the days of their childhood. A pleasing feature of the program were several cornet solos by J.E.A. Bilodeau, who at his request, played favorite selections of the judge, who has always taken a keen interest in music both vocal and instrumental. At this week’s meeting some time will be given to the observance of constitution week, this part of the program to be in charge of J.W. McCrillis, chairman of the Kiwanis committee on public affairs. Following this there will be an illustrated talk on Alaska, by an official of the Canadian National railroad. Minature Golf a Big Hit The new Willow Miniature Golf course, recently opened at the foot of Rochester hill, is already attracting large gatherings of fans and onlookers from all of the surrounding cities and towns, as well as from Rochester, and since its opening last Thursday evening it has been continually occupied by enthusiastic players. It is an especially attractive place at night, when brilliantly lighted, and after working hours it furnishes a vigorous and entertaining pastime to the crowds that gather there. The best score for this week for girls was made by Catherine Burgess of Somersworth, whose record was 53, and for the men Al Quimby and Earl Charette scored 43, the lowest made since the opening of the course. PRICES AT IGA Pork and Beans 19 cents Ivory Salt 09 cents / pkg Cherries 24 cents/ tall can Royal Anne No. 1 Dunham Coconut 2pks/25 cents Cream Cereal 21 cents/ pkgs Salmon (large Can Alaska Pink) 14 cents Malt Syrup (I.G.A. 3lb. Can) 49 cents Corned Beef (I.G.A. No. 1 Can) 24 cents Pickling Spice (I.G.A. 3 oz. pkg) 09 cents Pep 11 cents/ pkg Campbell Soup 07 cents Oakite (cleans a million things) 25 cents/2 pkgs Ralston (Breakfast Food) 22 cents/ pkg Cream Corn Starch 11 cents/pkg Shoe Polish (2 in 1) 12 cents Mayonnaise (I.G.A. 8 oz jar) 19 cents Shreaded Wheat 10 cents Jello (all flavors) 3/25 cents P & G Soap 04 cents Crisco (1 lb. Can) 24 cents Spaghetti (Franco American) 09 cents/ can LOCAL, CITY NEWS The new telephone directories are out. Carl Auger has purchased a Chevrolet sport coupe. Albert Massey of Jackson street is having his dwelling shingled. Harold Preston motored to Concord this week on business. Edwin Ryan of Autumn Street has accepted a position working nights at Mundy’s garage in Dover. John Chamberlain and family of New Durham were business visitors to this city Saturday afternoon Mrs. Hilda Cormier has returned home from East Jaffrey, where she has been spending the week. Preston Moody and family of Jackson street have moved to the Roland Sanborn house on Oak Street. Mrs. Charles Farmer, who has been spending the summer at Alton Bay, returned to this city Thursday. Mrs. Hilda Perreault of Pine street has gone to Merrimackport, where she will be the guest of relatives. Traffic Officer Nelson Hatch of this city spent Thursday at North Berwick, Me., the guest of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Hussey of North Berwick, Me., motored to this city this week and called on friends. Miss Ina Bickford has accepted a position doing housework at the home of Mrs. Frank Hodgdon of Page hill. Mrs. Aura Annis of Lowell Street left Friday morning for Nova Scotia, where she will visit her old home. Miss Marion Nelson of Charles street, who is teaching school at Hop- kinton, came home Thursday evening to spend the week-end. Ernest Morin of Winchester, Mass., was the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morin of Pine street, over the week-end. Franklin Dame of this city, who has been employed with the Good Gulf Refining Co. at Dover, has been transferred to Claremont. Mrs. Percy Hall of 60 Summer Street has just finished braiding and sewing a handsome rug. 7 x 9 and, has sent it to a gentleman in Massachusetts. Mr. and Mrs. Howell Preston of Wakefield street spent the week-end at Norfolk, Mass., the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Howard and family. John Meader, son of Harry Meader of Gonic, had a narrow escape from a serious accident Sunday evening while he was motoring on the Concord road near the Barrington line, an Essex car came out of a side road, striking Meader’s car and badly damaging it. While Meader went to a farm house to telephone for the wrecker, the owner of the Essex car disappeared, taking off the five-day number plates. The owner can be found by the sticker on the glass where the car was inspected. E.L. Pike of Walnut street has purchased a new Ford truck. Ernest Coran was a business visitor to Dover Monday morning. George Brooks of Massachusetts is spending a few weeks in this city. T.A. Perreault was a business visitor to Dover Monday evening. The Bridge street bridge is undergoing repairs at the present time. The loading platform has been rebuilt at the Boston & Maine stockyard. Miss Jennie Tilton of Wakefield street has gone to Kennebunkport, Me., for a few days. Mrs. Emma Piercy and daughter Evelyn of Academy street visited Fabyans Sunday. Miss M. Genevieve Tobin has moved from Barker block to 56 Wakefield street. Mrs. and Mrs. Robert Hiner of Alton Bay were visitors to this city this week Dean Hoyt of Milton was a business visitor to this city Monday morning. Frank Meserve of the Chestnut Hills road is suffering from a carbuncle on his neck. Elmer Gowen of the Gonic road has accepted a position at the new dam the past week. Mrs. Emma Wilkinson of this city is working at Barrington at the home of William Haley Mrs. Roxie Littlefield of the Farmington road has been suffering from an infection in her eye. Charles Dixon of the Chestnut Hills road has had a telephone installed at his residence. Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ainslie motored to Green mountain at Effingham Sunday. Interior repairs have been made at the residence of Ellsworth Johnson of Washington street the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Dunn and daughter, Patricia, spent the week-end in this city, the guests of relatives. Through the efforts of Mrs. Jennie Jacobs and Mrs. Marion Wentworth, a new bus line is running to East Rochester and back by the way of Portland St. and Adams corner. These ladies not only got up the petition but paid all bills. The least the public can do is to patronize the bus. Mrs. Charline Abbott of this city state president of the New Hampshire W.C.T. U., will go to Milford Friday where she will be the principal speaker at the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Hillsboro County W.C.T.U. The meeting will be held in the Methodist church, the place where the first county meeting was held. Mrs. Abbott will read the review of some of the accomplishments of the W.C.T.U. in the last half century. George Lessard of this city was a visitor to Dover Monday morning. Dr. Edson M. Abbott has purchased a new Oldsmobile sedan this week. George Gagne of the Milton road spent the week-end at Freeport, Me.. Frank Boulet still remains on the sick list at his home on Maple street. Mrs. Etta Fisher has moved from 116 North main street to 104 Maple street. Station Agent Albert Carter recently enjoyed a trip to the White mountains. Carl Pearl and family of Heaton street have returned from a trip to Old Orchard beach. Mayor Louis H. McDuffee was a business visitor to Boston Tuesday morn- ing. Improvements have recently been made on the dwelling of Mrs. Adolph English of Pine Street. Rev. A.O. Poirier, has had an oil burner installed at the parish house on bridge street. Henry Lamontagne of the Chestnut hills road has had a telephone installed at his residence the past week. Miss Helen Johnson of Washington street who has been ill for some time, left Tuesday for Concord where she will enter a hospital for observa- tion. Miss Agnes Walsh concluded her labors as secretary at a large girls’ camp at Harrison, Me., and has returned to her home in the South Lebanon section. Mrs. Grace Littlefield, worthy matron of the Easter Star at Union, on her way home from Concord called on Mrs. Prescott at the Gafney Home. Traffic Officer Nelson Hatch and Health Officer C.E. Goodwin were visitors to the Strafford county farm Saturday morning. Werner F. von Klock and family of Boston spent the week-end at their new summer home at Strafford Bow Lake. The associate conductress, Miss Sarah Greenfield of this city, and several other members of James Farrington chapter, O.E.S., were in Concord last week, attending the fortieth annual session of the New Hampshire grand chapter. Miss Edith Howard, who has been spending the summer in this city, has returned to Norfolk, Mass. Miss Howard is a student in the Emerson School of Oratory. Her father, Nelson G. Howard, was born at Strafford and has many friends in this section. The Baptist Missionary society met at the house of Mrs. Ella McCallister on Charles street, Wednesday afternoon. Myrtle Stacy led the devotionals. The new president, Mabel Webber, presided. The topic was India presented by Mrs. Emma Meader. Mrs. Margaret Kelley of Portland street has purchased a radio. Leonard Spencer of the United States army is home on a furlough. J. Irving McCallister of the local post office is taking his annual vacation. George W. Collins of Stillings court recently enlisted in the U.S. artillery. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Towne of this city spent the week-end at Tamworth. The Daniels house on Kimball street is being freshened with a coat of paint. Martin S. Brock of Washington street is having his residence painted this week. George H. Pinkham of Exeter delighted friends here with a brief stay the past week. Miss Nellie Wiggin of Lebanon, Me., is visiting Mrs. Fred W. Jenness of this city. A new crossing is being built this week at summer street and the street has been closed. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hatch of Wolfeboro were visitors to this city Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Fenton of Summer Street visited the Benson animal farm at Hudson Sunday. Mrs. Lena Hartigan, who has been enjoying an extensive automobile trip has returned to her home in this city. Large crowds attend the miniature golf links owned by George Createau on south Main street every evening. Will Thompson of North Barrington, who recently had his arm operated on at the Frisbee Memorial hospital, is slowly gaining. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Jenness visited Mrs. Jenness’ mother, Mrs. Charles Applebee, at Milton Mills Sunday. Miss Floss Sterett, who has been taking her annual vacation, has re- turned to her work at the Twin State Gas and Electric Co. Mrs. Alice Whitcher of Strafford Bow Lake motored to this city Tuesday and was the guest of her mother Mrs. Sarah Steadman. Mrs. Addie Preston, who has been spending the summer at North Barrington, was in town recently calling on friends. Wallace Wright, son of ex-Mayor and Mrs. William Wright, has commenced his duties as professor in the department of Economics at Iowa State college. John M. Shedd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Shedd of 50 Pine street, has entered Rutgers preparatory school in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Mrs. Sarah Horne of the Gonic hill road, who is 86 years of age and has been very ill this summer, is reported much improved and able to attend to her household duties. the Rochester Diner on Hanson street was towed to the depot last Thursday morning by Goodwin’s truck, where it is stated it was shipped to New York. The Misses Mabel Roxbee and Mary Rudolph of Reading, Mass., were visitors at the home of Mrs. Edward Ruel on Hoover street Sunday morning. R.H. Mitchell of Charles street who is employed by the Boston & Maine railroad, has returned home after his annual vacation at Woodsville and resumed his work. Frank Meader has raised on his farm this summer over 400 bushels of potatoes. Mr. Meader is 81 years of age, and has attended to all of his farming duties this year. He set out 3,000 tomato plants. The Canadian Pacific express, which has run between Portland and Montreal by way of Rochester and the Lakeport branch has been discontinued. Reports show that the patronage was very successful and the train will be restored next June. Since the taking off of the train the hours of the crossing tenders in the Rochester yard of the Boston and Maine have been changed. They now get through work at 8 o’clock at night instead of 10. MARRIED In Dover, Sept. 10, by Rev. Lester C. Holmes, Adrian Thompson and Miss Mildred F. Morrill, both of Rochester. DIED In Rochester Sept. 12, rose T., widow of George D. Nowell, aged 75 years. At her home on the Strafford Road, Sept. 12, Abbie, wife of Frank Hartford, aged 67 years. In Meaderboro, Sept. 16, Bennett S. Cleveland of Brockton, Mass., aged 72 years, 1 month, 17 days. CARD OF THANKS I desire to express publicly my deep appreciation of the wonderful vote given me in the recent primary election. More prized than even the nom- ination is the demonstration of the large number of friends which I have in Rochester and my home county. Their kindness will never be forgotten. William S. Davis CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our most heartfelt thanks to our neighbors and friends who were so kind in our recent great sorrow and for the beautiful flowers and to all those who so kindly loaned the use of their cars. Theodore Perrault and Family, Miss Bertha Hurley, John Hurley and family, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hurley, George Ackley and family. CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank all who in anyway assisted me in the recent primaries in my efforts to represent the people of Strafford County in the office of County Solicitor and to express my deep appreciation to all who voted for me at the polls. I have been a resident of this county for five years, and it is indeed gratifying to know that during that period, I have made the friendship of 2769 voters who had confidence in my ability to perform the duties of the office. To my opponent, Mr. Hall, I extend congratulations, and if elected, best wishes for his future success. Stanley M. Burns. NOTICE My Son, Harry Cutter, aged 18, having left my home, I hereby forbid anyone from harboring or trusting him on my account, as I shall pay no bills of his contracting after this date. September 2, 1930, Frank Cutter, Rochester, N.H. NOTICE Mrs. Hazel Randall, having left my bed and board, I will not pay any bills contracted by her from this day on. Roland E. Randall. HIS 96TH BIRTHDAY Samuel E. Gilman, Oldest Resident of Farmington, Celebrates It. Samuel E. Gilman, who holds the distinction of being Farmington’s oldest resident, recently observed his 96th birthday anniversary. He was the recipient of many gifts and tokens or regard from friends from near and distant sections. A feature was the photographing of Mr. Gilman and George V. Card, who is Farmington’s only native civil war veteran. Both men were dressed in their G.A.R. uniforms. Mr. Gilman was born in Anson, Me., the son of Samuel and Mary Pike Gilman, both descendants of New England pioneer stock. His father’s ancestry were among the founders of New Hampshire and on his mother’s side were many prominently connected with early Massachusetts history. At the age of eleven he went to Salisbury, Mass., where he received his education and learned the trade of shoe-making. In 1864 he enlisted in the 60th Mass. Infantry and in served until the close of the war. On returning from the war he re-entered the shoe business in Salisbury. Later he removed to Kingston, where he entered politics, serving his town as selectman for several years. He also was engaged for a period of fourteen years as mail carrier. He is a member of George H. Wood Post of Worcester, Mass., and is at present one of the oldest of the surviving civil war veterans. Mr. Gilman has purchased the Abbott farm on Orange street in Farming- ton and has decided to spend the remainder of his days with his son, Fred Gilman. Mr. Gilman is well preserved considering his advanced age is about six feet tall and alert in all of his faculties. He is a most pleasant con- versationalist and relates many reminiscences of the Civil war. MRS. ROSE T. NOWELL Death of Lovely Character Who Had been Blind for Forty-five Years. Rose T., widow of the late George Dana Nowell, after a few months ill- ness of kidney disease, succumbed Friday evening, Sept. 12th, at the resi- dence of Mrs. L.B. Morrison on Summer St., which had been her home for several years, aged 75 years. Having lost her sight at the age of30, which misfortune she graciously accepted, her rare personality continued to attract and hold a large circle of loyal friends. She was born in freedom, where she lived but a few years, coming to Rochester in the early seventies, entering the dry goods store of J.W. Pitcher in the Mcduffee block, where her apprenticeship developed her as one of the foremost salesladies of her time. Later she was employed in Dover a few years, returning to Rochester after marriage in 1882. She was for several years a popular employee at the millinery store of Mrs. M.A.. Richardson. Her sight was lost following a serious confinement while living on Bridge street in 1885. Soon thereafter followed a twenty-five year resi- dence in East Rochester, where Mr. Nowell was established in the grocery business. After his decease in 1902, she continued the business for five years. Mrs. Nowell has borne her 45 years of darkness with great fortitude, her activities continuing to a great degree. Especially noticeable and commendable was her knitting for the soldiers during the late war. Funeral services amid a profusion of flowers were held at her home Monday afternoon, Rev. Donald Fraser officiating, and Mrs. Myrtle Cotton singing by request of the deceased her favorite hymn, "some day we will understand." Surviving relatives are Fred Huntress, a nephew, of Freedom, and four first cousins of whom Haven T. Nutter of Rochester is one. Inter- ment was in the Rochester cemetery. MRS. ABBIE HARTFORD Mrs. Abbie Hartford, wife of Frank Hartford of the Strafford road, passed away at her home Friday morning at nine o’clock, the cause of her death being a cancer. She was born in Warren, the daughter of Walter and Emma J. (Cole) Carter, about 67 years ago. She had been a resident of this city many years, until about three years ago, when Mr. Hartford bought a farm, and they moved to the Strafford road. She was very kind-hearted woman, and had gained a host of friends who were sorry to learn of her passing beside her husband, she is survived by an adopted son, Arthur Walker. The funeral services were held from Edgerly’s funeral parlors Sunday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Rev. G.S. Campbell, pastor of the Baptist church, officiated. The interment was in the family lot at the Rochester cemetery. MUST DISCONTINUE ENGINE Much interest has been aroused in this city over the hearings held before Judge Oscar I. Young relative to a petition signed by Charles B. Davis and eighteen others to prevent the operation of a Diesel engine which furnished power for the Clayton A. Peterson factory on Signal street. Regarding this case again Peterson, after several hearings in Rochester before Judge Young, with views of the premises and the buildings affected by the operation of the Diesel engine, the court decided that, taking into consideration the location and its surroundings, the operation of the en- gine constituted a nuisance and imposed an unreasonable annoyance upon a large number of property owners and residents in that vicinity. It was ordered that the use of the engine be discontinued and in order to give the defendant an opportunity to make arrangements for other power, if he so desire, the order will not become effective until October 18, 1930. East Rochester, Sept. 19, 1930 -- The Free Baptist church was closed Sunday, as the pastor, James Kirpatrick has been on a vacation the past week. Mr. and Mrs. William Chisholm and daughter, Miss Irma, have been spending a week at Moody’s beach at the summer cottage of Moses Tibbetts of the Salmon Falls road. The Odd Fellows of Cocheco Lodge enjoyed as outing at Willow lodge, Wells beach, Saturday afternoon. Which was well attended and a grand good time was enjoyed. The Standard Bearers of the Methodist church enjoyed an outing at the summer home of Harry M. Varney on the shores of townhouse pond, Milton. A corn and hot dog roast was enjoyed. Miss Isabelle Varney was hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Haley of Grove street recently entertained the Boy Scouts of this place at their home at Gooserocks, Me. Some 50 of the Scouts and their friends were present and a basket lunch was enjoyed at noon. Games were played and bathing indulged in. The boys all voted Mr. and Mrs. Haley ideal hosts. Mrs. Lulu Weare Hanson was the organist at the Bethany Methodist church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sykes and family of Fairfield, Me., have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Garnett of Union street. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Willby of Lebanon, N.H., have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Garnett of Union street Miss Frances Tebbetts of Salem, Mass., was the recent guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Tebbetts of Autumn street. A regular meeting of Evangeline Rebekah Lodge, I.O.O.F., was held Wednesday evening of last week. During the business session the regular nomination of officers was held and Mrs. Ella McKenney was nominated for noble grand, Mrs. Ethelyn Bickford and Mrs. Susie Furbush for vice grand, Mrs. Ada Jones for secretary and Mrs. Nora Elliott for treasurer. At the next meeting the election will be held. A committee consisting of Lula A. Hanson, Lilla Corson and Lelia Conrad gave riddles and conundrums and served refreshments at the close of the meeting. The regular meeting of Hope Temple, Pythian sisters, was held Thursday evening and arrangements were made for the big meeting to be held in Roches- ter in the near future. Miss May Frye served dainty refreshments at the close of the meeting. Mrs. Celia Tebbetts of Autumn street and Mrs. Mina Todd of Main street were recent visitors at Alton Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wakefield of Abbott street spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. Wakefield’s mother in Norway, Me. Mr. and Mrs. Hirch Midwood were visitors at Glencliff over the week- end, where they visited their daughter, Miss Clara Mott, who is a patient there. Miss Agnes Walsh of the South Lebanon section has returned to her home after spending the summer as an instructor at a girls’ camp in Harri- son, Me. Gerald Carpenter of the South Lebanon section has purchased a new Oldsmobile coach. Tuesday afternoon this section was visited by quite a severe electri- cal storm, one bolt of lightning striking the residence of Irving Corson on Autumn street, but fortunately it did not set any fire. Mrs. Florence Ramsey of Kezar Falls, Me., a former resident of this place and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy March of Grove street, is a patient at the Frisbie Memorial hospital in Rochester, where she recently underwent a serious operation. Her many friends hope for her speedy recovery. Mrs. Isadore Shapleigh and Miss Doris and Mrs. Everett Reynolds of Auburndale, Mass., are delighting friends here with a visit. Miss Shapleigh and her uncle, Mr. Reynolds, have only recently returned from a tour of the western part of the country, covering over 10,000 miles and viewing much grand scenery. Bethany M.E. Sunday school will meet at 9:30 next Sunday morning. This experiment of holding the school at the morning hour has been encourag- ingly successful. Attendance for the summer months has been considerably increased. The 11:45 hours for assembly will be resumed with Rally day, Sept. 28. The annual mite-box opening of the Standard Bearers of the Methodist church will be held at the parsonage at 8:45, sharp Friday night. The Ladies’ Social Circle of the M.E. church will meet at the home of Mrs. Christina Pringle Tuesday afternoon. Orville Pierce of the South Lebanon section has exchanged his Chevro- let for a new Ford touring car. Guy Hazelton of Highland St. has purchased a new Ford sedan. Elbridge Corson of Portland, Me., and Mrs. Mabel Pierce of South Ber- wick, Maine, were recent visitors at the home of Misses Mary and Alice Green of Grove St. Miss Mary Bentley and Mrs. Sawyer of Boston were recent guests of Mrs. Carrie Varney of Summer St. Miss Marie Nixon of Abbott St. has accepted a position as opportunity teacher in the upper grades of the Rochester schools. Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Anna Wells on Main street the first meeting for the fall of the W.C.T.U. was held with a good attendance. This was the annual meeting and the reports of the various directors were given and showed much work done by the different departments for the year. This year a new department has been added, that of scientific instruction in the public schools, and this has been under the able leadership of Miss Blanche McCrillis, who has accomplished much with the children. The posters prepared by the pupils in the grammar school here won first prize in the state meeting and the winners will be announced at the regular state convent ion to be held in Lebanon in the near future. The election of officers was held and resulted in the old board being put back in office for another year, as follows: Pres., Mrs. Odena Pierce; vice presidents Mrs. Roger Thompson, Mrs. James Kirkpatrick and Mrs. Isaac Terry; recording secretary, Mrs. Mildred Spiller, corresponding secretary, Mrs. Elizabeth Garnett; treasurer, Mrs. Laura Wentworth; assistant treasurer, Mrs. Maude Lamper; director of flower mission work, Mrs. Ella Richards; director of lumber men’s work, Mrs. Maude Stewart; director of literature, miss Dora Pierce; director of mothers’ meeting, Mrs. Maude Baker; director of scientific instruction, miss Blanche McCrillis; director of press work, Mrs. Grace F. Hurd; director of soldiers and sailor’s work, Mrs. Gladys Rolfe. A del- icious lunch was served under the direction of Mrs. Anna Wells, Mrs. Susie Furbush and Miss Dora Pierce. Mrs. Gertrude Thomas of Camden Maine, who was a recent patient in the Frisbie Memorial hospital in Rochester, was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Ella Richards of Abbott St., the past week. The Shoe factory of N.B. Thayer & Co. is to close Tuesday of next week, in order to enable their employees to have a short vacation. Abe Davis of Grove St. has purchased a New Ford. An innovation is to be tried out in the grammar school of this place next week, Fair week, when school will be kept open all week except Tuesday. The children will have two weeks at Christmas - time instead of the usual one week. This is to be tried out to see if it is practical and if so it may be adopted in all the schools of Rochester next year. Every year the children have been out the whole of Fair week end some of the parents are dissatisfied with this arrangement, as they do not wish their children on the street with the increase in automobile traffic that is bound to occur. Thompson - Morrill Miss Mildred F. Morrill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Morrill of Washington street, was united in marriage last week Wednesday evening at 9:30 at Dover, to Adrian Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thompson of this city. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Lester C. Holmes, pastor of the Baptist church of Dover. They were attended by frank Morrill, bro- ther of the bride. Miss Morrill was attired in a blue crepe dress. The single-ring service was used. After a brief wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Thompson will begin housekeeping in this city, where a host of friends extend their best wishes to them. MEADERBORO Death of Brockton Man, Who was Visiting His Brother --Personal Items Many people from this neighborhood attended religious services in Ashland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L.C. Mosman and daughter, Louise, of Jersey City, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Vickery, have returned to their home. Mrs. Frank Hartford of the Strafford road passed away Friday morning after a long illness. Mrs. Hartford is survived by her husband. Work seems to be progressing rapidly on the dam at the new city res- ervoir near Merrill’s corner. If it is necessary to continue the work on Sunday, the residents of Meaderboro would appreciate it if gravel could be hauled at some other time than during the church services. Bennett S. Cleveland of Brockton, Mass., who has been visiting his half brother, Harry Leighton, here for several weeks, died suddenly Tuesday morning. Mr. Cleveland was born in Gaspereau, Nova Scotia, July 29, 1858, the son of Capt. Nelson Cleveland and Charlotte Johnson Cleveland. He is survived by his wife, three sons and a daughter. MILTON BRANCH Mrs. Charles E. Piper has accepted the position as operator at the Milton telephone exchange. Edwin C. Piper and Ruth Ramsey have enrolled as students at the Dover business college. Mrs. Mattie Willey, Mrs. Tracy Willey, Mrs. Sadie Sinnott, Miss Mary Moulton and Miss Mary Hall motored to Laconia Saturday and visited Mrs. Sarah Willey, who is ill. Mrs. Mattie Willey, Mrs. Tracey Willey, Mrs. Sadie Sinnott, Miss Mary Moulton and Miss Mary Hall attended the carnival Saturday at Rocking Horse Ranch, Alton, owned by Mr. Fry. Miss Mary Hall won second prize for horse back riding. Miss Hall has a new Pinto saddle horse. **************************************************************************** * * * * Notice: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. 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