History of Acworth, New Hampshire From: tumbleweed@lisco.net - Sharon Franklin Date: Saturday, July 31, 1999 6:32 PM Surname: ANGIER Source: History of Acworth with the Proceedings of the Centennial Anniversary, Genealogical Records and Register of Farms by Rev. J. L. Merrill, Town of Acworth, 1869, pages 180-181 MAJOR JOEL ANGIER, settled in Acworth previous to 1793; he was a prominent man in the south part of the town, and often held town offices, as will be seen by referring to the list of selectmen, etc.; a man of strong intellect, he was fond of argument, but also of telling a good story; married Olive Turner (see Turner family) - children I., Silas, married Sarah Holden, residence Vermont. - children, 1, Sarah 2, Silas 3, Newell 4, John II., Laura, married first Samuel Morgan, residence Ohio; married second _______ Morgan - children 1, Angier 2, Maria 3, Samuel B 4, John III., Rawson, married Betsey Tinker, residence Cornish - children, 1, Duren L. 2, Mary 3, Betsey 4, Thad 5, Roxanna 6, Cutler 7, John IV., Olive V., Deborah, born 1801, married _________ Eastman, residence Sutton, Vermont. - children, 1, Stephen 2, Mary VI., Polly VII., Mehitable, married _______ White. VIII., Joel, married Mary E. Polly (see Polly family) - children, 1, Oscar F., married Ellen Campbell 2, Mary G., married Robert Lane VIII., Joel studied medicine with Dr. Bliss of Alstead, graduated at the medical school of Dartmouth College practiced in Washington, New Hampshire, Bethel, Vermont, Haverhill and Bath, New Hampshire and Hazel Green, Wisconsin. IX., Reuben, married Mrs. Hannah Paul, residence Newport. - children, 1, Olive E. 2, Nedom E. 3 Reuben W. X., John XI., Samuel M., married Lucena Barnard (see Barnard family), residence Bath - children, 1, Adelaide 2, Elizabeth A. 3, Mary XII., Nedom L., born 1814, married Elizabeth A. Herring, residence Atlanta, Georgia. - children, 1, Alton C. 2, Nedom H. 3, Edgar A. 4, Clarence V. 5, Ellie B. 6, Lillie May 7, Lizzie 8 Wilmer ************************************************* * * * * NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. * * * * The USGenWeb Project makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. It is always best to consult the original material for verification.