History of Acworth, New Hampshire From: tumbleweed@lisco.net - Sharon Franklin Surname: HAYWARD Source: History of Acworth with the Proceedings of the Centennial Anniversary, Genealogical Records and Register of Farms by Rev. J. L. Merrill, Town of Acworth, 1869, page 226 JACOB HAYWARD was of the fifth generation in America. First Generation, Thomas, emigrated from England to Duxbury, Massachusetts, previous to 1638; was an original proprietor and early settler of Bridgewater, Massachusetts. Second generation, Nathaniel - married Hannah, daughter of Deacon John Willis. Third generation, - Benjamin - married Sarah, probably daughter of John Aldrich. Fourth generation, - Deacon Jacob - married Martha, daughter of Nehemiah Allen. JACOB HAYWARD - born in Bridgewater in 1738 - married Joanna Snell, settled in Acworth about 1788, - died in 1816. - children, I. Joanna - born 1763 - married Nathaniel Whitney (see Whitney family). II. Jacob - married Esther Findlay - children, 1. Betsey - married Joseph Ball (see Ball family). 2. Laura - married John Wilson (see Wilson family). 3. Sally - died young. 4. Hiram - died young. 5. Polly C. - died young. 6. Susan - married James Gowing (see Gowing family). 7. Harvey - died unmarried. 8. Patty - died young. 9. Emeline - married Barnet C. Finlay (see Finlay family). 10. Joseph - married Patty G. Slader (see Slader family) - children, (1) Hiram N. - married Sarah A. Brooks (see Brooks family), (2) Martha A. - died young. (3) Laura A. - died young. (4) Sylvanus A. (5) Charlie J. (6) Leavitt F. (7) Lizzie E. (8) Angie M. 11. Louisa - married first Charles George (see George family). Louisa - married second Ephraim Cummings (see Cummings family). 12. Nancy J. - married William Grout (see Grout family). 13. Fanny F. - married Daniel Nye (see Nye family). III. Allen - died unmarried. IV. Levi - married Mrs. Elizabeth (Scoville) Silsby (see Silsby family). V. Susan -married Lewis Brigham. VI. John - married Mary Kemp (see Kemp family) - children, 1. Allen - married Lavina Silsby (see Silsby family), - died in Gilsum in 1866 - children, (1) Laura - married Tyler Clark (see William Clark family). (2) Bethiah S. - married Harvey Rawson - children, [1] Adela [2] George (3) Allen - married Hattie Isham - children, [1] Ella [2] Mary (4) Nathaniel S. - married Louisa Collier (see Kemp family) - children, [1] Herbert A. (5) Julia A. - died young. (6) Julia A. - married George Ellis - children, [1] Lora (7) Josephine - died young. (8) Francis E. - died unmarried. (9) George D. 2. Judith - died unmarried. 3. Joanna - died young. 4. John S. - married first Betsey Ball, sister of Deacon Thomas Ball - children, (1) Huldah - married Harvey Miller - children, [1] James [2] Clara [3] Thomas (2) Thomas B. (3) Augusta - married George Heard (see Heard family). (4) Henry M. John S. - married second Betsey Kemp (see Kemp family - died in 1865. 5. Mary - married Daniel Kemp (see Kemp family) - died in 1835 6. Nehemiah - married Lucy B. Brown - children, (1) Milton P. - studied medicine with Dr. Gardiner S. Brown of Hartford, Connecticut, attending lectures meanwhile at the Boston Medical School and at Philadelphia; graduated in 1856, practiced at Claremont, and is now practicing at Oberlin, Ohio - married Julia B. Steele - children, [1] Austin - died young. [2] Theresa E. [3] Carrie M. - died young. [4] Anna L. (2) Emily L. - died unmarried (3) Sarah E. - died unmarried (4) Freeman G. - died young (5) Junius A. - married Hattie J. Alden - died in 1867, (6) Allen O. (7) James B. - died unmarried. (8) Lomenda A. - died unmarried. (9) Austin D. - died young (10) Georgiana (11) Anna L. (12) Herbert G. - died young (13) Hahnneman B. 7. Jane C. - married William Ball (see Ball family). 8. Martha S. - married Daniel Kemp (see Kemp family) - children, (1) Martha (2) Milton 9. Betsey - married Nehemiah Spaulding - children, (1) Charlotte (2) Daniel (3) Mariette (4) Homer - died young. (5) Allen (6) Jane (7) Emma 10. Laura, killed instantly when young 11. Charlotte - married Orin Taylor (see Taylor family). VII. Nehemiah - died unmarried. I. JACOB HAYWARD married second Mrs. Hannah (Miriam) Wilcox of Littleton, Massachusetts, - children, VIII. Patty - died young. IX. William - born 1802 - married Harriet Jackson (see Jackson family) - children, 1. Betsey - born 1828 - married Zenas S. Mitchell (see Mitchell family) - died 1852. 2. William L. - died unmarried 1856. 3. J. Freeman - married Jane Brooks (see Brooks family). J. Freeman - married second Belle Green. 4. Harriet - married Joseph M. Wood of Alstead - children, (1) Alice Mabel. 4. Leavitt - died 1849. 5. Martha A. - died unmarried 1859. 6. Mary M. - died 1862. 7. Pamelia A. - died young. ************************************************* * * * * NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. * * * * The USGenWeb Project makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. It is always best to consult the original material for verification.