HULL Surname CT; NH; VT; MA; Date: 5/17/98 10:14:56 AM Eastern Daylight Time From: Farns10th@AOL.COM (Farns10th) Surname: HULL Source: History of Charlestown, NH - Fort No. 4 by Rev. Henry H. Saunderson p.430 Elias Hull ancestor of the families of the name at Charlestown, NH was born in Stonington, CT and died at Lempster, NH aged 86. He was captain of a company in the war of the Revolution in service in Rhode Island. He married (l) Mary Campbell by whom he had five child- ren: Horace, Harriet, Homer, Hendrick and Hiram Hull. Horace the eldest child m. in Feb. l806 Taphena, dau of Dr. Abraham and Lois (Abels) Downer of Weathersfield, VT and settled in Charlestown. Taphena (Downer) Hull d. Apr 9, l8l9 aged 39. Horace Hull d. Mar l, l865 age 84. The children of Horace Hull and wife Taphena (Downer) Hull were: l. Miranda Hull b. July 7, l809 - died. 2. Lois Hull b. Feb l0, l8ll m. Nov 8, l832 William H. Amsden son of Jacob and Lydia (Miller) Amsden. He b. at Boston, MA July l6, l803. He d. at Cato, WI Oct 23, l870. She d. Mar l875 at Charlestown, NH. 3. Abraham D. Hull b. at Charlestown, NH Oct l0, l8l3 m. Oct l6, l848 Elithea D. Dwinnell b. Mar l8, l822 (two children before she d. June l6, l852) l. Henry Francis Hull b. Apr l9, l850 d. the following September. 2. William Henry Hull b. Apr 9, l852 d. l863. Abraham Hull m. (2) on Aug l5, l853 Millia Augusta Baldwin b. July 4, l830 (see profile on Baldwin) and had the following children: 3. Harry Baldwin Hull b. July 2, l854 d. same yr. 4. Emma Elithea Hull b. Jan l5, l856 5. Albert Earnest Hull b. July 24, l858. 6. Arthur Egerton Hull b. July l2, l86l. 7. Galen Downer Hull b. Nov l6, l865. Abraham D. Hull Esq. had been much and honorably engaged in public business. He held the office of Deputy Sher- iff upwards of thirteen years. 4. Horace Hull son of Horace Hull Sr. b. Nov 4, l8l6 m. July l7, l838 Abigail K. Tuttle dau of John and Abigail (Stowell) Tuttle. She b. at Alstead Sep. 22 l82l. Their children: l. Sophia Lois Hull b. at Windsor, VT Dec 2l, l839 m. July 3, l855 Stephen Alden Spooner son of John A. and Prudence (Jenner) Spooner. He b. at Maria, NH May 30, l835 (see Spooner) 2. Charles Tuttle Hull b. Dec 23, l84l m. Sep 9, l866 Rhoda Augusta Howard dau of William Augusta and Emeline (Mason) Howard. She b. May l6, l849 Their children: l. Luther Aldrich Hull b. l869 d. l869 2. Arnold Kenneth Hull b. l87l 3. Josephine L. Hull b. l873. Captain Elias Hull after the death of his wife, Mary (Campbell) Hull, m. (2) Cynthia Carpenter abt the year l795 at Charlestown, NH. They removed to Hoosick, NH and also, Bennington, VT. Their children were: l. Ephraim C. Hull b. at Bennington, Vt. June l, l800 m. Dec 28, l823 Loisa Graves b. Apr l5, l804. Their children: l. Nathaniel Brush Hull b. Oct 2, l824 m. Dec. 9, l844 Mrs. Sarah P. McIntyre b. July l825 2. Cynthia Hull b. Mar l5, l826 d. l839. 3. Henry Hull b.Sep 6, l828 d. l852. 4. Anne Hull b. July 9, l830 d. l839. 5. William Hull b. Apr ll, l832 m. Feb l4, l854, Emily Bliss (five children, res: Susquehanna Depot, PA. Ephraim C. Hull m. (2) Oct 9, l834 Lucy Graves Locke dau of Frederick and Lucy (Graves) Locke, b. at Acworth May 2d l8ll. By this 2d marriage Ephraim had 6. Louisa Hull b. Oct 29, l835 d. l839. Ephraim C. Hull was a farmer at Charlestown, NH 2. Nathaniel Brush Hull b. Sep l, l802 son of Captain Elias Hull and his 2d wife, Cynthia Carpenter, arrived at Charlestown Nov l804 and removed to Acworth in l823. _____________________________________________________________________ Surname: HULL Source: Farnsworth Memorial p.24l - Benjamin Farnsworth/Mary Prescott Line - Groton, MA l600s Mary Celia Farnsworth b. l859 dau of Job Farnsworth and his wife, Lucy (Woodworth) Farnsworth. Mary C. Farnsworth grandaughter of John Chute Farnsworth and his lst wife, Cecelia (Park) Farnsworth of Centreville, Nova Scotia. Mary Celia Farnsworth m. Charles D. Hull of Lynn, MA. p.665 Jonathan Farnsworth/Ruth Shattuck Line - Groton, MA l600s Doris Jean Farnsworth b. Jan 3, l935 dau of Joseph E. Farnsworth and wife, Dorothy (Reid) Farnsworth of San Gabriel, CA. Doris Jean Farnsworth born at Maywood, CA m. Sep 25, l959 at Garden Grove, CA William Edward Hull b. June 2, l938 son of Roy E. and Lucile Hull. Their children: l. Deanna Jean Hull b. Aug 3, l960 at Garden Grove 2. Roy E. Hull b. June l7, l962 at Witchita, KA. p.762 - Other Lines Section of the Farnsworth Memorial Line of Thomas Farnsworth of Bordentown, NJ Ruth Farnsworth dau of Henry Farnsworth and _____wife, he b. ca l69l/2 at Mansfield, NH. Ruth Farnsworth married John Hull (record ends) ___________________________________________________________________ Submitted by Janice Farnsworth 5/16/98 email: farns10th ************************************************ * * * * NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. * * * * The USGenWeb Project makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. It is always best to consult the original material for verification.