FOUNDERS OF FORT NO. 4, CHARLESTOWN, NH From: - Janice Farnsworth Surname:  HUNT Source:   History of Charlestown, NH - Rev. Henry H. Saunderson p.432 Colonel Samuel Hunt The earliest ancestor of Col. Samuel Hunt was Jonathan Hunt of Northampton, MA l660/1 who d. Sep 30, l69l age 30. He m. Sep 3, l662 Clemenza Hosmer of Hartford, CT. Jonathan Hunt, the 2d son of this marriage b. Jan 20, l666 m. Martha Williams and d. July l, l738.  He was the father of Samuel Hunt usually known as Capt. Samuel Hunt. who became a substantial citizen of Northfield, MA. Capt. Samuel Hunt, b. l704 at Northfield, MA m. Ann Ellsworth dau of John Ellsworth of Windsor, CT and his wife, Esther (White) Ellsworth dau of Daniel White of Hartford, Ct.  She b. April 27, l705.  Their children: 1. Samuel Hunt Jr. b. Sep 29, l734. became one of the    most distinguished citizens (see also The Hist. of    the desc's of Elder John Strong, pp ll75-ll76.) (see    also, p.432 - Samuel Hunt Jr.) 2. Anna Hunt b. Oct 23, l736, m. Rev. John Hubbard who    was for 45 yrs. Congregational minister at Northfield.    She was the mother of Hon. John Hubbard and the    grandmother of Hon. Henry Hubbard of Charlestown, NH. 3. Jonathan Hunt settled at Vernon, Vt. and became the    Lieut. Governor of Vermont. 4. Elisha Hunt 5. Arad Hunt 6. Sarah Hunt 7. Martha Hunt. p.432 - Samuel Hunt Jr. was commissioned April 27, l759 by Gov. Pownal of MA as 3d Lieut in his Majesty's service at Fort No. 4, Charlestown, NH. This apptmt had the effect of fixing his location for life.  He m. Dec. 2, l760 Esther Strong of Northampton MA. dauof Lieut Caleb Strong and his wife, Phebe (Lyman) Strong, of Northamp- ton, MA. She had an older sister Phebe Strong who m. General Benjamin Bellows of Walpole. The children of Colonel Samuel Hunt Jr. and his wife, Esther (Strong) Hunt were: 1. Samuel Hunt 3d b. Nov l, l76l at Charlestown, NH    He d. Feb. 3, l764. 2. Asahel Hunt b. Aug 23, l763 m. Aug l6,l785 Anna Geer    of Westmoreland, NH b. Aug l9, l768  He kept a tav-    ern at S. Charlestown on the place later owned by    Roswell Robertson.  He was a farmer as well.  He d.    Nov.20, l822. She d. l825 - Their children: l. Alpheus M. Hunt         2. Lewis Hunt         3. Helen Esther Hunt         4. Cynthia Geer Hunt         5. Sarah Hunt         6. Margaret Hunt         7. Sarah Hunt twin to Margaret Hunt (see also            History of the Strong Family, p.ll79). 3. Samuel Hunt (named for Samuel Hunt b. l76l d. l764.)    3d b. July 8, l765 never married.  He became the Hon.    Samuel Hunt who had a law practice lst at Alstead    then Keene NH. He spent 3yrs in France at Bordeaux.    Returned home and set up practice in Charlestown,NH.    Active in politics he became in l802 a Rep in Cong-    ress and re-elected to the 8th in l803.  At the close    of his term he became involved with the formation of    a Colony for settlement of which he owned a large    tract of land in Ohio.  He made the journey to Ohio    on horseback, settling at French Grant as the place    was then called. He contracted a fever and d. July 7    l807 age 42 and is buried at Marietta.  Of the people    from Charlestown who followed Hunt to Ohio only three    survived and returned to Charlestown. 4. John Hunt b. at Charlestown, Aug 6, l768 gra. Harvard    l789 and settled at Windsor, Vt. d. unmarried on    Sep. l4, l795. 5. Roswell Hunt b. Oct 26, l772 m. Mary Willard of    Charlestown, NH dau of Aaron and Mary (Smead) Willard    She b. Dec. l2, l773.  He d. l83l  She d. l853. Their    children: l. Martha Hunt b. l792 m. Enos Stevens son of            the Hon. Samuel Stevens.      2. Samuel Hunt b. July l2, l795 m. (l) l824            Sarah Bond of Hanover, NH.  He m. (2)            l825 Matilda Lull of Hartland, Vt. He d. at            Piedmont NH Aug l5, l83l. 3. Mary Hunt b. l802 m. Stephen Danforth Hassam. 4. Ellen Hunt b. l805 m. (l) George Avery who   Manchester NH l870.  She m. (2) James    Hersey. 5. Eliza Ann Hunt b. l8l0 d. l8ll 6. John Hunt b. l8l3 m. l836 Rebecca Parmenter    dau of John Parmenter and wife, Eunice    (Chickering) Parmenter of Gilsum, NH b. l8l2.    He d. l852  She d. l858.  Their children:    l. Martha Stevens Hunt; 2. Frederic Hassam    Hunt; 3. George John Hunt and 4. Mary Willard    Hunt. Also at Charlestown, NH was the family of Henry Hunt of English extraction who m. Esther Hart and settled at Charlestown.  Their children: 1. Henry Lewis Hunt b.l8l3 m. l842 Martha Sumner Good-    rich, dau of Charles and Lucy (Buckman) Goodrich, b.    l824.  Their children: l. Charles Hunt b. l843 m. l864 Julia Emma Hart            dau of John and Olive Levina Hart. She b.            l846.  Their children: l. Lucius H. Hunt b. l865 2. Charles Warren Hunt b. l869 3. Ethel Sumner Hunt b. l870 4. Louisa F. Hunt b. l873 5. Guy Haywood Hunt b.l875 2. James A. Hunt b. l847 m. l869 Mary L. Holden    She b. l849 One child Bertha Hunt b. l87l 3. Mary E. Hunt b. l849 m. Alvin C. Bemis. 4. Martha Hunt d. in infancy. 5. Julia Frances Hunt b. l854. 6. George G. Hunt b.l857. 2. Mary Jane Hunt b. l820 m. Warren Holbrook of Hadley    MA 3. Lucius T. Hunt b. l822 m. one child James A. Hunt    Res Springfield Vt. who served in the Army of U.S.    War of Rebellion Co. H. l0th Vt Vols commissioned as    captain then as Major l864, mustered out on wounds    received at Cold Harbor.  He d. at Springfield Vt.    June 26, l868 and is buried in village cemetery at    Charlestown, NH. 4. James A. Hunt b. l827 m. and lived at Cannonsville,    NY. p.443 John Hunt and his wife Rebecca had issue: 1. Martha Hunt b. Oct 20,l836 2. Frederick Hunt, b. Feb. 7, l838, p.443 Jacob Hunt and his wife, Hannah (Littlefield) Hunt  Jacob Hunt was from Virginia but removed to Coleraine, MA where his son Thomas Hunt was born on Apr l0, l787.  Thomas Hunt m. Deborah Nickerson b. l780 He d. at Newport, NH l874 but is buried in Charlestown. Their issue: 1. Thomas J. Hunt b. at Reading Vt. l8l8 m. l850 Clara M. Swett b. at Claremont, NH l826  They settled at Charlestown, NH. l. Joseph Hunt b. l853 2. Grace E. Hunt b. l858 3. Arthur H. Hunt b.l862 4. Edwin S. Hunt b. l865            In addition, 3 others d. young. 2. Abel Hunt b. at Reading Vt l8l9 m. l844 Ellen Green-    wood b. at Needham, MA l8l8.  Their children: l. Emma L. Hunt b. at Billerica MA l845    m. (l) l863 James E. Perry of Charlestown,NH 2. Abby J. Hunt b. at Billerica l848 d. at    Charlestwon l85l 3. Westley A. Hunt b. at Charlestown l850 m.    l874 Ida Fifield of Claremont. Other children of Thomas and Deborah Hunt: 3.  Deborah R. Hunt b. l82l 4.  Abner Hunt b. l823 d. aged 30. 5.  Nathan Hunt b. l825. 6.  Hannah Hunt b. l827 7.  Phineas Hunt b. l828 d. aged 20. ************************************************* * * * * NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. * * * * The USGenWeb Project makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. It is always best to consult the original material for verification.