FOUNDERS OF FORT NO. 4, CHARLESTOWN, NH From: - Janice Farnsworth Surname: PAGE Source: History of Charlestown NH, the Old Fort No. 4. by Rev. Saunderson p.497 Jonathan Page one of the proprietors of Charlestown under the New Hampshire charter, m. l727 at Turkey Hills, Mary Farnsworth dau of Samuel Farnsworth and wife, Mary Whitcomb Willard Farnsworth.  She b. l707 (see Farnsworth Memorial and Butler's History of Groton, MA p. 45l) Peter Page, m. Oct l5, l765 Sarah Farnsworth (dau of Stephen Farnsworth and Eunice (Hastings) Farnsworth. Peter b. Charlestown June 30, l748.  The children of Peter Page and his wife Sarah (Farnsworth) Page: l. Peter Page Jr. b. l767 m. Eunice Billings Their    children:    l.Azubah Page b. l792    2.Joseph Scot Page b. l794    3.Rufus Billings Page b. l796 2. Parthena Page b. l769 m. Major Jonathan Grout 3. Patty Page b. l772 m. _____ 4. Polly Page b. l776 5. Eli Page b. l779 Peter Page and his wife Mary Page    l. Enos Page b. l774 m. Asenath West Phineas Page b. Lunenburg MA moved to Charlestown NH when a young man and m. Sarah Larabee.    l. Betsy Page b. l775 d. l776    2. Sally Page b. l777    3. Eunice Page b. l780 m. Samuel Ufford of Fairfax,       Vt. She m. (2) Timothy Olmstead. Phineas Page m. (2) Jane West in l789 and removed to Fairfax, Vt. Benjamin and Susanna Page came from Lunenburg MA l768 with their two children: l. Molly Page 2. Susanna Page 3. Benjamin Page b. Charlestown l768 4. Mary Page b. Charlestown l770. p.498 Dr. William Page was the son of John Page and his wife, Hannah (Robbins) Page of New Fairfield, Conn.  Their children were: Sarah Page b. l739 Keziah Page b. l742 Jonathan Page b. l744 Zeruiah Page b. l746 William Page the subject of this profile b. l749 Hannah Page b.l75l John Page 2d b. l754 Reuben Page b. l756 Lois Page b. l759 Abel Page b. l76l Mercy Page b. l763 Beulah Page b. l765. Little was known of Dr. William Page until he came to Charlestown, NH.  He m. l778 Chloe TODD b. l755 She d. l8l3.  They had 3 children born at Charlestown, NH William Page Jr., Cynthia Page and Lucy Page. William Page Jr. b. l779 entered Yale at age l3 settled as lawyer in Rutland Vt. abt l806. He was twice married m. (l) Mary Boardman b. l785 d. l8l0.  He m. (2) l8l3 Cynthia Amanda Hickok b. l792 d. l866.  He had l3 child- ren by his wives eleven of whom lived to maturity: Among them was the Hon. John B. Page ex-governor of Vt. Also Mrs. Julia Page Kellogg of Pittsford, Vt. and Dr. George Page of Crown Point, New York.  Cynthia Page m. (l) Mr. Tuttle and m. (2) Mr. Lull.   Lucy m. Levi Barnard. Dr. William Page was one of the original corporators of the New Hampshire Medical Society. ************************************************* * * * * NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. * * * * The USGenWeb Project makes no claims or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. It is always best to consult the original material for verification.