Adams Family of Langdon, New Hampshire Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by MLM, Volunteer 0000130. For the current email address, please go to Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************************************ Full copyright notice - USGenWeb Archives - ************************************************************************ Source: History and Genealogical Register of the Town of Langdon, Sullivan County, New Hampshire by Frank Burnside Kingsbury Press of Right Printing Co., White River Junction, VT, 1932, pages 265-269 3. JOHN QUINCY1 ADAMS, b. Cambridge, Mass., a showmaker, "settled in that part of C., which was set off to L." He m. Esther Jane Taylor. Ch. b.; 4. i. Lewis2, b. Sept. 22, 1811; d. L. Nov. 9, 1884; int. Drewsville. ii. Hannah2, b.---; m. Adrian Hathorne; rem. to Bridgewater, Vt. iii. Eliza2, b.---; m. rem. West and d. iv. Albert2, b.---; d.--- in B.F.; a showmaker. v. John2, b.---; m. Lucy Stoddard, rem. to Topsfield, Mass. vi. Susan2, b.---; m. --- Jason Majors of White River Jct., Vt., who was killed on R.R.; had 3 ch. vii. Sarah2, (twin) b.---; d. young. viii. Samuel2, b.---; perhaps the man in L., 1855 who m. Adelaide A. Davis; rem. to Claremont; had 12 ch. b. 5. ix. Artemas2, b. L., June 2, 1823; d. C., Mar. 4, 1884. x. Esther Jane2, b.---; m. Harley Cone; rem. to Weathersfield, Vt. 6. xi. Warren2, b. Nov. 27, 1827; d. in C. xii. George2, b.---; d. in C. 4. Lewis2 Adams (John Quincy1), a soldier in Civil War, qv.; farmer; res. in L., as a young man, then in C., after which he returned to L. about 1858. He was sick in bed on the night of Nov. 6/7, 1884, at the Gardner L. Wood house, No. 78, being cared for by his son Charles N. Adams, when at 2:30 in the morning the barns were discovered on fire. Mr. Adams got up in his night clothes and fled to the home of Frederick Royce, No. 74 but fell as he neared the Royce house, and expired two days later. Mr. Adams while haying for Edward Holmes about 1874, stated to Herbert A. Holmes, "I proposed to my first wife while standing in front of that house." It was 106; see map. He m. (1) Westminster, Vt., Mar. 6, 1834, Elvira Bundy, b. Putney, Vt., or W-d. July 31, 1816; d. L., Sept. 12, 1863; int. D.V.C.; at which time they were living at No. 63; dau. of Allen Bundy, qv. He m. (2) ---; Mrs. --- Hart, probably of C. He m. (3) W. Feb. 26, 1866, Miss Sarah Jane Marsh, of W., b.---, 1809/10. He m. (4) ---; Mrs. Lucinda (---) Parker of C. Ch. b. (1) wife; i. Ellen Taylor3, b. R-m. Feb. 27, 1835; d. L., Mar. 31, 1897, int. C., m. (1) 1853, Charles F. Stearns, qv.; m. (2) 1864, Israel G. Gibson, qv. 7. ii. Norman Lewis3, b. July 8, 1838; d. Grafton, Vt., July 19, 1908. 8. iii. John Loren3, b. Mar. 3, 1840; d. Sept. 12, 1902; int. C. iv. Sibel D.3---, b. Spet. 9, 1842; d. Mar. 18, 1855; int. D.V.C. v. Mary E.3---, b. July 7, 1845; d. Jan. 9, 1851; int. D.V.C. vi. Laura Ann3, b. Al. Dec. 1, 1847; d. Keene, Feb. 16, 1917; m. (1) Charles H. Wright, qv.; m. (2) Thomas B. Fish, qv. 9. vii. Charles Nelson3, b. May 9, 1851; d. C., Dec. 27, 1910; m. Mary Hunter? viii. Anna Elvira3, b. May 5, 1856; d. B.F. June 11, 1886; m. 1878 George Ambrose Willard, qv. ix. Ira George3, b. Oct. 1, 1862; d. Feb. 2, 1865; int. D.V.C. 5. Artemas2 Adams (John Q.1), farmer; res. on the Col. S. King-Jacob farm, No. 198, 1872. He m. Dec. 4, 1845, Harriet Elizabeth Davis, b. Champlain, N.Y., Feb. 23, 1828; d. Steep Falls, Me. Apr. 2, 1914; dau. of Frederick and Lucia (Holmes) Davis. Mrs. Lucia Davis and Mrs. Harriet E. Adams joined L. chh. by letter from a chh. in N.Y. state, Apr. 5, 1867. Ch. b.: i. Harriet Elizabeth3, b. Plattsburg, N.Y., Jan. 12, 1847; d. Steep Falls, Me., Apr. 4, 1918; m. 1873 Milton J. Clark, qv. ii. John Henry3, b. Plattsburg, Feb. 13, 1849; d. C., Feb. 8, 1908; m. June 28, 1871, Mrs. Lydia (Randall) Merrill, qv. Ch. b. 1. Frank L.4, b. Sept. 9, 1873, res. in C., 1930. iii. Lucia Ellen3, b. W. Sept. 9, 1851; d. Burlington, Vt. Sept 13, 1923. iv. Esther Celena3, b. Champlainm Mar. 4, 1853; d. Longmeadow, Mass. Mar. 5, 1886; int. L.V.C. 9a. v. Joseph Kitterage3, b. Champlain, Jan. 14, 1856; d. N.Y. City, Feb. 6, 1896. 9b. vi. Artemas Albert3, b. Champlain, May 3, 1858; res. (1929) N.Y. City. vii. Emily Ann3, b. Altona, N.Y., Apr. 7, 1861; d. Steep Falls, Me., Nov. 10, 1920; m. Charles J. Henderson, of Portland, Me. 9c. viii. Louis Harley3, b. L., May 18, 1864; d. B.F. Feb. 12, 1904. ix. Pliney Moore3, b. L., Mar. 12, 1869; d. Apr. 13, 1869; age 3 weeks; L.V.C. 10. x. Chauncey Corbin3, b. C., Oct. 24, 1872; res. (1929) Burlington, Vt. 6. Warren2 Adams (John Q.1), res. in L., mostly between 1855 and 1869; also many years in C. He m. Aug. 17, 1854, Sarah Brown, b. Odletown, Canada, July --, 18--. Ch. b.--records incomplete: i. Emma Jane3, b. L., Jan. 3, 1856; m. --- Gilbert Richardson, of C. ii. Ella Almira3, b. Oct. 31, 1861; res. (1930) in C.; m. (1) Charles Blood, a blacksmith, in C.; m. (2) --- Fred I. Putnam, qv. By her (1) husband she had a dau. (Blood) 1. ---4, b.----; m. H.--- H. Ward of C. iii. Henry E.3, b. Sept. 2, 1871; res. (1830) Hubbard, Ore.; m. ---; 2 ch. 7. Norman Lewis3 Adams (Lewis2, John Q.1), res. in L. 1859; soldier in Civil War qv. Also res. in C. He m. Aug. 14, 1862, Hannah Maria Prouty; res. (1930) with her dau. Mrs. Charles H. Wright, Grafton, Vt.; dau. of George Prouty, qv. She has assisted in compiling the Pouty-Adams records. She states "I had a good many papers burned when my house burned", Dec. 22, 1925. Ch. b.: i. Ira Alfred4, b. C., June 5, 1866; m. B.F., Feb. 8, 1898, Jenny Pelkey, of B.F. Ch. b. 1. Norman W.5, b. B.F. Apr. 28, 1902. ii. Amy Mabel4, b. C., Sept. 25, 1870; m. Oct 25, 1892, Charles Herbert Wright, b. Grafton, Vt., June 20, 1869. Ch. (Wright) b. Grafton: 1. Eva Adams5, b. July 8, 1893. 2. Daniel Herbert5, b. Oct. 27, 1894; m. Oct 2, 1918, Olive Edna Millington, Ch. b., (Wright): (1) John Millington6, b. Wilmington, Vt., Aug. 31, 1919. (2) Virginia May6, b. W. Brattleboro, Vt., June 26, 1921. (3) Jane ? Frances6, b. W. Brattleboro, Vt., June 5, 1923. 3. Norman Alfred5, b. Aug. 21, 1896; served in World war; m. June 19, 1924 Rosanna Jackson. Ch. b. (Wright): (1) Phyllis Marian6, b. June 1, 1925. (2) Joyce Arline6, b. Apr. 10, 1927. 4. Arthur Peabody5, b. May 25, 1898. 5. Amy Elizabeth5, b. July 19, 1903; m. May 3, 1924, Dwight W. Bell. Ch. b. in Grafton (Bell): (1) Malcolm Dwight6, b. Jan. 8, 1925. (2) Frances Jordan6, b. Apr. 24, 1928. 6. Charles Donald5, b. Aug 9, 1910. iii. Eva Maria Elizabeth4, b. July 10, 1874; d. L., Apr. 23, 1884. 8. John Loren3 Adams (Lewis2, John Q.1), a native of R-m, Vt., also called, "Loren J." and "Lo Adams"; res. in L. to quite an extent, 1859-77; a Civil war soldier, qv. Also lived in C. for nearly 40 y. "A brave soldier; a good citizen; always cheerful, though a constant sufferer after his discharge from the Civil war"--Extract from C.R. Journal, 1902. He m. Sept. 30, 1865, Ellen Wilson Prouty, sister of his bro. Norman L. Adams' wife, and dau. of George Prouty, qv. Ch. b.: i. Mary Elvira4, b. Dec. 15, 1866; d. Oct. 6, 1918; m. Edwin Brooks, of C., res. Goulds Mills. Ch. b. (Brooks): 1. George K.5, b. Dec. 16, 1889; m. Grace Kinsman, of Winchester, N.H. Ch. b. (1) Sylvia6, b. Dec. 3, 1913. 2. Fannie M.5, b. July 19, 1891; m. Leonard Sargent, of Brattleboro, Vt. Ch. b. (Sargent): (1) Walter6, b.---; d. aged a few days. (2) Clyde6, b. Sept. 17, 1915. (3) Mildred M.6, b. Jan. 14, 1917. (4) Raymond E.6, b. Aug. 18, 1920. (5) Leona L.6, b. Jan. 19, 1922; d.---young. 3. Clarence E.5, b. May 6, 1893; m. Feb. 19, 1916, Emma ---; Ch. b.: (1) Barbara6, b. Apr. 19, 1916. 4. William E.5, b. May 26, 1894. ii. Olive Amelia4, b. June 4, 1868; d. July 28, 1899; m. William B. Prouty, of Evanston, Ill.--her cousin. iii. Edward Loren4, b. Oct. 4, 1869, m. ---Nettie Gertrude Breed, of C., b. Aug. 25, 1873, dau. of George N. and Mary Matilda (Cochran) Breed. Ch. b.: 1. Gladys5, b. Jan. 14, 1895. 2. Chester A.5, b. Sept. 5, 1899; d. Oct. 31, 1899. 3. Phyllis5, b. Dec. 2, 1913. iv. Walter Eugene4, b. L., Apr. 4, 1872; d. Apr. 13, 1909; m. Flora E. Rumrill, of Randolf, Vt., who d. Jan. 10, 1919. Ch. b.: 1. Clifton W.5, b. Feb. 3, 1901. 2. Ethel M.5, b. May 1, 1903; m. Joseph Bell, of Everett, Mass. Ch. b. (Bell): (1) Eleanor6, b. Sept. 26, 1923. 9. Charles Nelson3 Adams (Lewis2, John Q.1) b. and spent his early years in L.; was with Charles Hoyt, the playwright and "a man of letters". Mr. Adams was unlike other lads when young; quiet and original in manner; his peculiar characteristics were recognized by Charles Hoyt. He was emp. as superintendent for Mr. Hoyt for many years, who interwove his droll expressions into comedy, "Mike Jones", "The Temperance Town," etc. 9a. Joseph Kitterage3 Adams (Artemas2, John Q.1), m. Freda Frantzen. Ch. b.: i. Harriet4, b.---; res. Steep Falls, Me.; m. Guy Sanborn. 9b. Artemas Albert3 Adams (Artemas2, John Q.1), res. N.Y. City; m. Margaret McGaffney, of Windsor, Vt. Ch. b.: i. Harry Pliny4, b. Windsor, Jan. 27, 1884; d. July 21, 1921. ii. Clarence Artemas4, b. do. Sept. 15, 1885; res. New London, Conn. iii. Edward Winfred4, b. do. Sept. 19, 1890; res. N.Y. City. iv. Dorothy May4, b. New London, Dec. 14, 1901; d. Feb. 16, 1907. 9c. Louis Harley3 Adams (Artemas2, John Q.1), res. Springfield, Mass.; B.F., etc.; m. Jennie S. Wiley, of St. Johnsbury, Vt. Ch. b. Springfield: i. Douglas4, b. Nov. 29, 1892; res. (1929) San Diego, Calif. ii. Dorothy4, b. July 16, 1895; m. William J. Brown; res. S. iii. Robert C.4, b. Dec. 13, 1897; res. S.; m. Christine E. Conery, of S. 10. Rev. Chauncey Corbin3 Adams, D.D. (Artemas2, John Q.1) was educated at Dartmouth College, 1896; Chicago (Ill.) Seminary 1900; ordained Sept. 6, 1900; a Congregationalist; labored at Hinesburg, Vt., Oct. 1901-Feb. 1907; Essex, Vt. in 1907. Is now (1930) pastor of First Congl. chh. Burlington, Vt. He has assisted on the Adams records; m. Donna G. Anderson, of Franklin, Vt. Ch. b.: i. Bertha Harriet4, b. Hinesburg, July 10, 1902; m. Earl C. Heap, of Worcester, Mass.; res. Burlington. ii. Dorcas Anderson4, b. Essex Jc., Mar. 4, 1914. iii. Chauncey Corbin4, Jr., b. Burlington, Mar. 9, 1923.