Henry Adams Family of Langdon, New Hampshire Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by MLM, Volunteer 0000130. For the current email address, please go to http://www.rootsweb.com/~archreg/vols/00001.html#0000130 Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************************************ Full copyright notice - http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm USGenWeb Archives - http://www.usgwarchives.net ************************************************************************ Source: History and Genealogical Register of the Town of Langdon, Sullivan County, New Hampshire by Frank Burnside Kingsbury Press of Right Printing Co., White River Junction, VT, 1932, pages 269-273 11. HENRY1 ADAMS, b. England, with family came to America about 1632/33. He res. in Braintree, Mass. where he d. Oct. 6, 1646. (From family records, histories of C., and Rockingham, L.W.C., etc.) 12. Thomas2 Adams, b. Eng. 1612; res. Braintree, Concord and Chelmsford, Mass. where he d. July 20, 1688; m. 1642, Mary Blackmore?. 13. Timothy3 Adams, b. Feb. 15, 1648; d. Chelmsford, 1707; m. Mary ---. 14. Thomas4 Adams, b. 1675; d. Feb. 18, 1746; Judith --- b. 1680; d. 1754. 15. Zachariah5 Adams, b. C-f-d, Nov. 5, 1718; res. New Ipswich, N.H. m. Ann ---. 16. Eli6 Adams, b. New Ipswich, Apr. 15, 1759; d. Springfield, Vt. Aug. 10, 1825. He lived in Stoddard and rem. to Springfield in 1791. He m. Mar. 8, 1783, Hebsibah Farley, b. Mar. 3, 1764; d. in L. Aug. 28, 1854; int. L.W.C. 17. Amos Farley7 Adams (Eli6, Zachariah5, Thomas4, Timothy3, Thomas2, Henry1), b. Springfield May 7, 1794; d. So. C., June 20, 1875; int. L.W.C. He came to L. in 1841/42, lived at No. 49; a farmer; while here he was engaged in the cultivation of hops. He m. Mar. 21, 1816, Philena Goodnow, b. Grafton, Vt. May 3, 1793; d. Sept. 12, 1865, dau. of Abel and Rhoda (---) Goodnow; int. L.W.C. Ch. b.: 18. i. Horace8, b. Springfield, Sept. 16, 1817; d. B.F. Oct. 18, 1883; int. L.W.C. ii. Olive8, b. Dec. 28, 1818; d. June -- 1881; m. (1) Amos Blanchard; m. (2) C. P. Felch. iii. Mary8, b. R-m. May 2, 1825; d. Al. Oct. 26, 1914; m. Benjamin Sartwell, qv. 19. iv. Eli8, b. Sp-fd. July 8, 1828; d. So. C. Dec. 1, 1889; int. L.W.C. 18. Horace8 Adams (Amos F.7, Eli6, Zachariah5, Thomas4, Timothy3, Thomas2, Henry1), learned the trade of milllwright. He left his native town when a boy and lived in B.F.; later he lived in L., Al., Keene, then in B.F. He removed to L. 1842? and remained about twenty years, at which time he ran the Bates sawmill, No. 53. He was a member of the town militia into 1854; selectman, treasurer and constable. He ret. to B.F. in 1875, purchased the saw and grist mill "under the hill" which he operated until his d. He was a Universalist, a Democrat and a successful merchant. He m. Jan. 1, 1850, Olive Sartwell, dau. of Simon Sartwell, qv. Ch. b. in L.; others in Al.: i. Ida M.9, b. Dec. 28, 1850; d. unm. Apr. 23, 1863; int. L.W.C. ii. Abbie9, b. Aug. 4, 1854; d. July 17, 1929; m. Oct. 6, 1881, Daniel D. Howard, b. Benson, Vt., Aug. 15, 1854; a merchant; res. B.F., Keene, Kennett Square, Penn., and Wilmington, Del. where his wife d. Ch. b. (Howard): (1) Edith Lucile10, b. B.F. May 28, 1885; a well known artist; has a studio at Wilmington, and also in New York City. 20. iii. Frank9, b. Feb. 1, 1857; d. B.F., June 30, 1929; int. B.F. 19. Eli8 Adams (Amos F.7, Eli6, Zachariah5, Thomas4, Timothy3, Thomas2, Henry1), res. in L., rem. about 1852, settled in C. He m. Jan. 1, 1854, Helen J. Fish, who d. in C., Mar. 7, 1899; int. L.W.C.; dau. of Charles M. Fish, qv. Ch. b. i. Elsie M.9, b. May 14, 1856. ii. William E.9, b. C. Sept. 12, 1864. For years he has been emp. in the Adams grist- mill at B.F.; m. 1890, Lula W. Willard, see Samuel Wiley, Jr. Ch. b.: 1. ---.10 2. Clarence.10 3. Raymond.10 20. Frank9 Adams (Horace8, Amos F.7, Eli6, Zachariah5, Thomas4, Timothy3, Thomas2, Henry1) res. Al., Keene and rem. to B.F. with his parents, where he succeeded his father in the mill and continued until his d., a period of over 45 years. He carried on an extensive business in grain, flour and feed, in the B.F. mill, which is now being continued by his son Eugene G. Adams. He was a member of the Universalist chh., and a prominent member of King Solomon's Temple Lodge, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, of which he was treasurer for over 30 years. He was past master of the local body and past commander of Holy Cross Commandery, Knight's Templar. He m. June 5, 1889, Stella H. Allis of Cold Spring, N.Y., who d. Jan. 5, 1918; dau. of Sylvester B. and Frances (Hill) Allis. Ch. b.: i. Walter Frank10, b. Feb. 1, 1890; a grad from Norwich Univ. 1912; served on Mexican Border and in World war; is now a Major, At Fort Davis, Canal Zone. He m. Sept. 4, 1922, Eva Hobart of Grafton, Vt. Ch. b.: 1. Jane Marie11, b. Feb. 2, 1929 in Washington, D.C. ii. Eugene Gerald10, b. July 20, 1895; grad. from Norwich, 1916; 2nd Lieut. in World war; is now proprietor of Adams grist-mill at B.F. He m. Oct. 31, 1931, Avis Edna Newell, of Lynn, Mass. iii. Doris Christine10, b. June 14, 1899, a grad from Wellesley College, 1920; a student of music and professional accompanist in N.Y. City; m. Oct. 12, 1925, Hiram Simonds Hunn, of Harvard College, 1921; a lawyer, 1931, at Des Moines, Iowa. ************************************************* * * * * NOTICE: Printing the files within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. 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