Cape May County NJ Archives Obituaries.....Primrose, James H. March 17, 1856 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Donald Buncie March 30, 2024, 2:29 am West-Jersey pioneer. (Bridgeton, N.J.) 1851-1884: March 22, 1856 Died at Tuckahoe, March 17, 1856, Rev. James H. Primrose, of the New Jersey Conference, aged 28 years. The subject of this memoir, was a victim of that fell destroyer, Pulmonary Consmpion. Having contracted a severe cold about the latter part of October last, in a few weeks after, the premonitory symptoms of disease of the lungs began to manifest themselves. He continued gradually sinking from that time until his death… On Saturday last, the Rev. Dr. Jones of Bridgeton, called upon him and offered a prayer in his behalf, before “Our Father’s Throne.” About one o'clock on Monday morning it was painfully evident that his end was rapidly approaching. His wife, relatives and friends came around his couch to look upon him they so much loved, in the “dark valley.” Seeing them standing near his bed, he inquired, “Do you think me dying?’’ Some one answered ‘yes!’ then said he, “Bless the Lord! Amen!” he then requested all in the house, as well as the neighbors living near, to be called in, and taking each by the hand, he desired them to bid him good night with a farewell kiss. Then calling his wife he said to her I leave a ‘good night’ for all my friends. “Now, said he, let us lie down and sleep.” Thus resting upon the bosom of the Saviour of men, he passed thro’ the gates of Paradise… He has left a young widow to mourn her irreparable loss. May the “everlasting arms” sustain her, and all the bereaved friends. B. F. W File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.1 Kb