Cumberland County NJ Archives History .....Some Early Physicians Of Vineland ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher August 12, 2015, 10:41 pm There have been in Vineland always, from a very early period, a considerable number of persons who, for some reasons known or unknown, carried the title of Doctor, who yet could scarcely be reckoned as belonging to the local medical fraternity. Some, if quite regular, were still but transient residents ; some were retired from medical practice, possibly engaged in other avocations ; some were specialists ; and some there were of whom it is perhaps enough to say that they were avowedly not regular. In those days dentists and druggists were all Doctors by courtesy. The doctorate degree of the dental profession was then either unknown or less widely distributed than at present. Lemuel H. Aiken, M. D., from Norfolk, Ct., erected and opened the first drug store. Remained but a few months, selling out his unfinished building to Dr. J. R. Elton, who completed it and conducted the business successfully for many years. Dr. E. B. Flagg was practicing medicine in 1866 and at the same time part proprietor of the drug store of Parker & Flagg. He left the place directly after the sale of that business. Dr. Louis W. Brown was a successful Homcepathic practioner from 1865 to 1885. James McClintock, M. D., of Philadelphia, formerly Professor and President of Medical College at Castleton, Vt., came to Vineland in 1867 to establish on the bank of Maurice River a factory of "American" concrete brick. On the failure of that enterprise he returned to Philadelphia. Edward S. Lansing, M. D. had been a successful physician in Watertown, N. Y. He came to Vineland in 1867 with his family for change of climate, not proposing to engage in medical practice. He did, however, occasionally assist his professional brothers in consultation. He purchased a fruit farm and a cranberry bog, and later engaged in railroad building. In 1874 he removed to Burlington, N. J. and engaged in medical practice. He was stricken with paralysis and died a few years later. Dr. Thomas B. Welsh, Dentist, claimed to have graduated M. D. but never engaged in medical practice here. Dr. J. Monroe Stebbins came to Vineland about 1870 with impaired health. Did not engage in medical practice. He became an agent and dealer in real estate. He died in 1874. Dr. W. T. Young, Homoepathic, became a farmer and resided at corner of Park Ave. and Main Road. Dr. James Casper Parkinson, Homoepathic, came about 1869. Resided at N. W. cor. 7th and Landis. Died suddenly in 18—. Dr. E. B. Griswold came from Ontario about 1870. He was located on a farm at N. E. cor. Chestnut and Malaga Roads. Removed to Chicago, Ills. Dr. Richard Dixie, an aged and retired physician lived awhile at 4th and Elmer Sts. Dr. Halloway was owner of a farm on Chestnut Avenue, west. He was already an elderly man when he came to Vineland and lived there but a short time. Dr. James Jennings, also well advanced in years, came in 1869 and had a farm on Chestnut Avenue, east. He claimed to have received his instruction and diploma from the eminent Surgeon, Dr. Valentine Mott, of New York, in 1840. He removed in 1882. Dr. L. K. Coonley and Dr. J. B. Dunton were prominent members of the "Friends of Progress," and had doubtless some medical practice, chiefly if not altogether among people of that affiliation. In the early days of the history of Vineland, there were several ladies practicing medicine. Among them were Mrs. Lucinda Wilcox, 8th and Pear Sts.; Mrs. A. W. M. Bartlett, Mrs. Caroline A. Paul, and some others of transient residence. It cannot be said of any one of them that she filled a large place in the profession. Additional Comments: Extracted from THE EARLY PHYSICIANS OF VINELAND, N. J. Published by the VINELAND HISTORICAL AND ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY 1903 This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.3 Kb This file is located at: