COL. ISAAC PRESTON WILL & INVENTORY 1777, CUMBERLAND COUNTY, NEW JERSEY Submitted 6 Aug 2001 by Mary Love Berryman ( ***************************************************************** USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.rootsweb/ ***************************************************************** Will & Inventory of Isaac Preston, Cumberland County, NJ - 1777 Recorded in No 18 Pg 166 In the Name of God Amen I- Isaac Preston of Fairfield Township in the County of Cumberland and Provence of New Jersey being Present in a weak and sick state of body, but through the mercy of God and am of sound mind and perfect memory before God for the same; Do make and ordain, this my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following. (Viz;) First and Principally I commit my spirit into the Hands of God who gave it hoping and praying that through infinite merits and Prevalent Intercession of Jesus Christ my only Lord and Saviour to receive a full and free pardon of all my sins and free grace to Inherit Eternal Life; To the next place Assign my body to its Original Dust to be Decently Interred at the descretion of my Executor hereafter named, and as to the Disposition of that Temporal estatewhich God hath entrusted me with I give and give and Demise the same as followeth IMPRIMIS I will that Funeral Charges and all other my Just Debt be discharged by my Executrix hereafter Named ITEM give to my well beloved wife Hannah Preston, one half of my Movable Estate after my Just Debts are paid also I give unto my said wife one Equal third Part of all my Lands and Marsh during her Life also the use of every part of my buildings; Except the New Pecan Log House also the use of one third part of my barn and out-houses during her widowood. Also all my grain in the Barn and all my grain on the ground also all my Indian Corn in the cribb, also all my Pork and Beef in the Celler and six of the best Swine in the Pen and all my store wine. ITEM - I give unto my two daughters Bathsheba and Hannah Preston Twenty Pound each to be paid unto them when they arrive at the age of eighteen years by my executor. ITEM - I give unto my two Sons Isaac and John Bower Preston all my Lands and Marsh (sic) swamps out land not Disposed of as above and my will is that at the Decease of my wife after that my two sons that have all and singular my Land to be Divided equally between them in quantity and quality and that my son Isaac shall have his Choice and my will is that If either of my sons above named should decease with issure that my son David Preston shall arrive at the age of twenty one years that each off of my sons, Isaac Preston and John Bower Preston shall pay unto him that is David fifty pounds each as his Legacy. the true Intent and meaning of thes presentation if the said David Preston should by virtue of this will upon the Decease of e;ither of my sons as above inherit aprt of the Land afforsaid that he shall not have any Legate paid him as above further my will is that if either of my sons should deceas before they shall Arrive at the age of twenty one years that they who shall survive and inheret the Land afforesaid shall pay unto my Daughter Bathsheba and Hannah & Elizabeth Prissilla and Ruth Preston the sum of ten pounds to each of them. ITEM - I give unto my three Daughter Elizabeth, Pricilla and Ruth ten pounds, Each to be to them when they arrive at the age of Eighteen years by my Executor and further my will is tht the profits and rents of my Land should be applyed to bringing up and educating my children and to pay the Legatees above Mentiond by my Executor and in the Last place I do constitute and appoint my beloved wife Hannah Preston to be Executor of this my Last will and Testament - - Signed Sealed Published Pronounced and declared by the within Named Isaac Preston to be his Last Ephrain Harris John Bower Isaac Preston William Preston Hannah Preston Sole Executrix in the written testment names being duly sworn upon the Holy evangelists of almighty God and say, that the within instrment contains the last will and testament of Isaac Preston. The Testator therein named as far as she knows and is verily be the the will and duly perform the same by paying fire the debts of the deceased, and then the Legacies in the said testament specified. So far s the goods chattles and credits of the Said deceased thereunto exetent and that the will make and exhited into the office at Burlington, or everywhere in the State of New jersey a time and perfect New Jersey Archives - 23 Sep 1997 - Copied from Microfilm - Mary Love Berryman