Hudson County NJ Archives Obituaries.....David Alcott Chabasen PELOUBET, October 9, 1895 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gary Abrams September 8, 2010, 6:44 pm The Evening Journal, Oct 11, 1895, Jersey City, NJ Maj. David A. Peloubet Obituary From The Evening Journal, Oct 11, 1895, Jersey City, NJ: Maj. David A. Peloubet died at his home, 121 North Street, early yesterday morning, from Bright's disease, and paralysis of the heart. The major was born at Catskill, Greene County, N.Y., May 14, 1828. His early education was received principally from his elder brother, a minister. At the age of 12 he came to his state with his parents, and two years later he apprenticed to a manufacturing jeweler in Newark, and served his full term. He continued in the jewelry business, and eventually became superintendent of Spadone's jewelry factory on Railroad Avenue and Barrow Street. Later he owned a jewelry store on Newark Avenue, which he conducted until three or four years ago. The major early in life took an ardent interest in politics, and was an ardent republican. He was a charter member of the now defunct Pavonia club, and was one of its early presidents. He was also a charter member of the Five Corners Republican Club and retained his membership in that club until his death. From 1876 to 1882, the major was a police justice, having been re appointed in 1879. In November of the latter year, Maj. Peloubet ran for register against Jeremiah B. Cleveland, but was declared defeated. Fifteen or sixteen years ago, he was a prominent candidate against John B. Toffey for the republican shrievalty nomination, but was beaten and at the subsequent election Toffey was made sheriff. In 1886 the major was selected an assemblyman and served one term. He was recently appointed a clerk in the county clerk's office. He was thoroughly respected by al who knew him. Maj. Peloubet had an extended war record. He assisted in organizing Company E, United States Chasseurs, Sixty-fifth New York Volunteers, early in 1861 and in May of that year was commissioned as captain of the company. The major served during the Peninsular campaign from April 4 to Aug, 16, 1862 and took part in the siege of Yorktown, the Battle of Williamsburg, operations on the Chickahominy river, battles of Fair Oaks, Seven Pines, Malvern Hill, Antietam. He was also engaged in the operations about Chattanooga, and was in the battle of Mission Ridge. He also marched to the relief of Knoxville. He was severely wounded at Fair Oaks and Antietam and was honorably discharged Nov. 7, 1862. On Sept 4 of the following year he re-entered the service in the Thirty-third New Jersey Volunteers and was in command of the camp of detachments or veteran reserves at Chattanooga, Tenn. from January, 1864 until the following May. He resigned and was honorably discharged Aug. 8, 1864. All day long many friend of the dead man have called at his late home. The funeral services will be held in Simpson M. E. Church next Sunday at 3 P.M. Maj. Peloubet leaves a son and two daughters. This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.4 Kb This file is located at: