Cemeteries: Friends' Meeting House Yard, Shrewsbury, Monmouth Co, NJ Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Maureen Foster. mfoste3@home.com USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: Printing this file within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. http://www.usgwarchives.net/ ____________________________________________________ Sources: 1) Physical inspection of the cemetery -1999/2000, 2) Inscriptions from the Friends' Meeting House Yard, Shrewsbury N.J., from Historical & Genealogical Miscellany, Data Relating to the Settlement and Settlers of NY & NJ, Vol. I, by John Stillwell, M.D., 1903. 3) A 1953 list, compiled by an unknown Friend. [Wolcott family info from Joe Patterson/Mike Wolcott] Quaker gravestones from the Shrewsbury Monthly Meeting, (Shrewsbury, Monmouth County, NJ) cemetery: Deborah H. WHITE Wife of Corlies Tilton Died March 13, 1884 Aged 76 Years 9 Months 11 days Corlies TILTON Died August 13, 1889 Aged 87 Years 11 Months 12 Days Miriam TILTON Died 8th Month 5th 1851 Aged 82 Years 5 Months 3 Days The 1953 List shows 2 other TILTON stones, but I could not locate them. They are: Joseph TILTON Died 3rd Month 8th 1858 Aged 83 Years 2 Months 28 Days Obadiah TILTON (no inscription on the 1953 List) But, the 1903 Stillwell List shows: Obadiah TILTON HANCE Died 8 Month 26th 1825 Aged 9 Years 5 Months 11 Days W. Henry BORDEN Born 20th Day 10th Month 1831 Died 14th Day 2nd Month 1920 There is a marker next to this grave to indicate that W. Henry was a member of the Eatontown, NJ Fire Department. Janie BORDEN Wife of W. Henry Borden Born 9th Day 10th Month 1842 Died 2nd Day 7th Month 1913 The following HANCE stones are badly deteriorated and are very hard to read. The inscriptions are taken from the Lists. Robert H. HANCE Born 4th Month 4th Day 1798 Died 9th Month 3rd Day 1876 Aged 78 Years 4 Months 29 Days Elizabeth HANCE Wife of Robert H. Hance Died 6th of 6th Month 1872 Aged 70 years 2 Months 24 Days William HANCE Died 1st Month 30 1827 Aged 66 Years 8 Months 10 Days Margaret Wife of William Hance (NOTE: The 1953 List - Died 8th Month 22nd Day 1819) (NOTE: The 1903 List - Died 8th Month 22nd Day 1849) Aged 80 Years 9 Months 28 Days Since this stone has deteriorated so badly, I can not confirm the year of death. [Archivist's note: Seen on other cem readings, the numeral "4" often deteriorates and is read as a "1".] Lewis Wolcott Born 11th month 3rd 1818 Died 6th 1st 1852 Manuel Wolcott Son of Lewis Wolcott Died July 1st 1854 Aged 5 years 9 days Ann Wolcott Born 3rd month 8th 1784 Died 2nd month 15th 1852 Caroline Wolcott Died 3rd month ? ? [Archivist's Note: This may be Caroline Allen Wolcott daughter of Henry W. And Sybilla Potter Wolcott Died 21 Mar 1847. Info from family files.] Mary L. Wolcott [Mary Lewis Wolcott] Wife of Joseph Wolcott Died 7th month 30th 1871 Age 82 Years John Wolcott Born 3rd month 22 1780 Died 3rd month 26 1826 Henry W. Wolcott Born May 22 1799 Died September 20 1884 Note: This is on the 1953 list, but I could not find the stone. ? Wolcott ? Died 11th Month 23rd 1818 Note: This stone is not on Stillwell's 1903 list. Henry Wolcott Born November 1853 Died December 17 1853 Note: This stone is not on Stillwell's 1903 list. Hannah Wooley Born February 19 1833 Died September 5 1890 Note: This stone is not on Stillwell's 1903 list. Albert Wooley Born October 28 1828 Died April 12 1896 Margy Potter [also seen as Mercy/Mary] Wife of John Wooley Born in Newport Rhode Island 1664 Died 1735 Note: I can not find this stone in the cemetery, and it is not on the 1903 list, but is on the 1953 List. John Wooley, Son of Emanual Born in Newport Rhode Island 1659 Died 1714 Note: Not on Stillwell's 1903 List. Patience Lippit Wife of John Wooley Born 1698 Died 1775 Note: Not on Stillwell's 1903 List. John Wooley Jr. Born 1690 Died 1772 Hannah M. Daughter of Edmund and Sarah Ann [Dangler] Wolcott Died 3rd Month 11, 1858 Age 2 years, 3 Months 24 Days Ann W. Lafetra [daughter of Wm P and Eliz.] Died 3rd Month 13 1858 Aged 29 Years, 5 Months 9 Days Elizabeth Lafetra [Elizabeth T. Woolley] Wife of Wm. P. Lafetra Died 6th Month, 1st day 1862 Aged 54 years, 6 Months, 20 Days Note: In 1953, this stone was too worn to read, except for the name. The rest of this inscription is from Stillwell's 1903 list. William P. Lafetra [William Penn] Born 5th Month, 8th day, 1803 Died 6th Month, 25th Day, 1873 Aged 70 years, 1 Month, 17 days Note: In 1953, this stone was too worn to read anything except the last name. In 1999, I could not locate this stone. The dates come from Stillwell's list. Mary White Wife of William Parker (No other details available in 1953 or 1999) William Parker 1736 - 1815 (No other details available in 1953 or 1999) Robert Parker ? (No other details available in 1953 or 1999, but on the 1903 list I find Robert W. Parker; born 8th Month, 1st Day 1801; died 9th Month, 4th Day 1813.) William Parker ? (No other details available in 1953 or 1999, but on the 1903 list I find William Parker; born 9th Month, 9th Day, 1760; died 1st Month, 24th Day 1833.) ? Parker (No other details available in 1953 or 1999) Jane Parker Born 4th Month, 15th Day 1834 Died 4th Month, 2nd Day 1838 (Note: In 1953 and in 1999, this stone was too worn to read anything except the name. The dates come from Stillwell's list.) ? Parker (No other details available in 1953 or 1999) ? Parker (Much of this stone is buried; no other details are available) Elizabeth Parker Died 1st Month 1st 1892 (No other details available in 1953 or 1999) Elizabeth Parker Wife of ? Age 49 Years (No other details available in 1953 or 1999) Susan Parker Wentringham (Note: 1999 stone buried, only Susan Parker shows above ground) H.B. (Note: True to Quaker style, this is all that is on this stone.) M.B. (Note: True to Quaker style, this is all that is on this stone.) M.M.B. (Note: True to Quaker style, this is all that is on this stone.) Mary A. [Wolcott] Wife of George Applegate [George Henry W Applegate] Died 9th Month, 9th, 1861 Age 21 years 7 months 8 days [Shown as 24 years, b. Feb or Mar 1837] Mary E. Wolcott Born 5th month 28 1818 Died 7th month 14 1895 Catherine Cook Wife of Benjamin Wooley Born 1720 Died 1784 Benjamin Wooley Son of John Jr. Born 1718 Died 1798 Emma Hutchinson Conrow 1872 - 1951 Herman Conrow 1873 - 1966 Jacob Woolley Son of Benjamin Born 1760 Died 1826 Elizabeth Tucker Wife of Jacob Woolley Born 1767 Died 1854 Eden Woolley 1805 - 1892 Elizabeth T. Wife of Eden Woolley 1810 - 1891 Richard Wyekoff Woolley Died 14th Day of 5th Month 1862 Aged 41 years 1 Month 2 Days Note: Stillwell's list spells this name as Wykcoff Alice Wyekoff Wife of Benjamin Woolley Born 9th Month 1791 Died 12th Month 25th 1821 Note: Stillwell's list spells this name as Wyckoff. I was not able to find this stone. Benjamin Woolley Died 18th Day of 2nd Month Aged 79 4 Months 29 Days Note: This stone is broken. Zilpha Corlies Wife of Benjamin Woolley Born January 25th 1791 Died December 30th 1876 Jacob Woolley Died 11th month 19, 1871 Aged 82 Years 5 Months 26 Days Letitia Wife of Jacob Woolley Died October 3rd 1888 Aged 83 Years 1 Month 27 Days T.E Wolcott [Thomas Elliot] Co. A. 25th Inf Died 1863 Note: I have inspected this stone and found the above inscription, but Stillwell's list has this as: Thomas E. Son of John T. and Mary Wolcott Died 2nd Month, 7th Day 1863 Aged 19 Years, 10 Months, 4 Days There was a Veteran's flag in the ground next to this stone. Meribah S. Lafetra ? Note: Could not find this stone, but Stillwell's list has Meribah S. Lafetra Born 10th Month 6th Day 1804 Died 4th Month 5th Day 1885 Elizabeth R. Daughter of Rylee A. and Meribah Lafetra Born 3rd Month 13 1826 Died 2nd Month 19 1876 Mary T. Spinning [Mary Trembly Spinning] Wife of Benjamin Wolcot Died September 22 1859 Note: Stone is worn. 1953 list has: Aged 16 Years 9 Months 2 Days Stillwell has: Aged 46 Years, 9 Months 2 Days Elizabeth Daughter of John and Ann Wolcott Born 11th Month 1811, 19th Day Died 3rd Month, 26th Day 1884 Benjamin Wolcott Born 10th Month 6th Day 1808 Died 2nd Month 28th Day 1893 Martha Wolcott Born March 6th 1850 Died September 8th 1908 [Martha Frances Wolcott daughter of Mary T and Benjamin Wolcott, died unmarried.] Timothy S. Son of Joseph and Sarah Herbert ? ? Sarah B. Herbert Died February 3rd 1899 Aged 67 Years Joseph Herbert Died July 29 1885 Aged 84 Years Note: Stillwell's list says Aged 64 years, 1953 list - 84 years. Stone is worn and I can't confirm the age. Meribah Herbert ? ? Scott Herbert ? ? Catherine Wife of George J. Brown Born August 13th 1823 Died March 22 1894 ? Woolley Died 1896 Born 1813 Note:From 1953 List; Missing stone [Possibly Forman Woolley shown as 1812-1896 in family files] Barbara E. Woolley [Cropsey] Wife of Forman Woolley Died 1 Month 15 Day 1884 Aged 62 Samuel Woolley Died 9th Month 16th Day 1875 Aged 97 Years Note: Inscription is from the 1903 list; it is not legible now. Ann Woolley [Hannah Ann Corlies] Wife of Samuel Woolley Died 8th Month 6th Day 1871 Aged 86 Years Note: Inscription is from the 1903 list; it is not legible now. Mahlon Woolley [Mahlon L.] Died 12th month 17 1839 Aged 29 Years