Land: Elizabeth KIRBY to James MOUNT, 1839 : Upper Freehold Twp, Monmouth Co, NJ Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Kirby Heard. USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: Printing this file within by non-commercial individuals and libraries is encouraged, as long as all notices and submitter information is included. Any other use, including copying files to other sites requires permission from the submitters PRIOR to uploading to any other sites. We encourage links to the state and county table of contents. ____________________________________________________ Monmouth Co Deed Book X3 page 5-6 Elizabeth KIRBY | To All to whom these Presents shall To | come Elizabeth KIRBY of the Township James MOUNT | of Upper Freehold in the County of Monmouth and the state of New Jersey, Widow of Nathaniel KIRBY Late of the same Place sends greeting know ye that the said Elizabeth KIRBY for and in consideration of the sum of four hundred and seventy seven dollars and forty cents money of the United States to her in hand paid at and before the sealing and Delivery of these Presents by James MOUNT of the same place well and truly paid the receipt where of is hereby acknowledged by the said Elizabeth KIRBY and thereof Doth requit and Discharge the said James MOUNT his heirs Executors and Administrators and afsigns forever she the said Elizabeth KIRBY Widow as aforesaid hath granted remised released & forever quit claimed and by these Presents Doth fully and absolutely grant remise Release and forever Quit Claim, unto him the said James MOUNT his heirs and afsigns forever All the Dower and Thirds right and Title of Dower and Thirds and all other right Title Entreat claim and Demand whatsoever in Law or Equity of her the said Elizabeth KIRBY of in and to all the following Described Tract of Land and premises Situate Lying and Being in the Township of Upper Freehold in the County of Monmouth and State aforesaid and Bounded and followeth Forest on the North to Empty Box Brook on the West to Land Late the Property of Isaac ELY dec'd now Lucy ELY on the South the Sanpink Brook and Charles BUTCHER and on the East to Lands of Samuel CRAFT and Hiram UPHAUS[?] Containing two hundred and thirty eight acres and seventy hundredths so that neither she the said Elizabeth KIRBY her heirs Executors or Administrators nor any other person or persons for her them or any of them shall have claim challenge or Demand or pretend to have claim challenge or Demand any Dower or Thirds or any other right Title Claim or Demand __ or to the said Described Tract of Land and premises But Thereof and Therefrom shall be utterly Delivered and Excluded forever by these presents. In writing where of the said Elizabeth KIRBY hath hereunto set her hand and seal this first day of April AD Eighteen Hundred and thirty nine | Signed Sealed and Delivered in the | Presence of John W. DAVISON | Elizabeth KIRBY L.S. State of New Jersey Monmouth County Be it known that on the first day of April AD Eighteen hundred and Thirty nine Personally appeared before me John W. DAVISON one of the Judges of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas in and for the said County Elizbeth KIRBY who is well known to me to be the widow of Nathaniel KIRBY deceased and as such the grantor of the foregoing Release of Dower and Thirds the contents thereof were first made known to her by me and th__p__ she acknowledged that she signed sealed & Delivered the same as her voluntary act and Deed for the uses and purposes therein Exprefsed, Acknowledged that the day and year aforesaid Before me John W. DAVISON Rec'd & Recorded April 23 1839 D.H. ELLIS Co Clk