Misc.: Letter, 1786 from Meriam Hoff ZUTPHEN of Middletown, Monmouth Co., New Jersey to her sister, Mary Hoff CLARK, of St. John, New Brunswick, Canada Contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by Constance Britten. USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.usgwarchives.net/nj/njfiles.htm ____________________________________________________ The following letter was written on 26 Mar 1786 by Meriam HOFF ZUTPHEN (wife of John ZUTPHIN) of Middletown, Monmouth Co., to her sister Mary HOFF CLARK, of St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. The letter was addressed to "Alexander Clarck at Novatia", Mary's husband. He was a loyalist whose property in Freehold, Monmouth Co. was confiscated and sold in Mar 1779. The CLARK family moved to Canada in 1783. Reference is made within the letter to a Sister MAINS (Elizabeth HOFF MAINS, wife of Andrew MAINS) and a Sister BRITON (Abigail HOFF BRITTEN, wife of Benjamin BRITTEN). This transcription was made by Constance Britten of Bothell, Washington on 7 Jun 2007 from a photocopy donated by the Archives and Research Library of the New Brunswick Museum. The original may be found at: Clark Family fonds [Collection] Archives and Research Library New Brunswick Museum Saint John, New Brunswick Canada http://website.nbm-mnb.ca/Palaeo/archives%20screen.htm ____________________________________________________ Middletown March 26th - 1786 Dear Sister I Embrace this Opportunity of Riteing A few Lines to you to let you no that I & All the family are in Good health at this Preasant time. I hope these will Find you & your family in the Same Dear Sister th[..] is the third time I have Rote to you. twise before this that I Never receivd Any answer for. but I hope you will Not forgit me this Time. Sister Mains Receivd A Letter from you was Dait-d in october She informed me you where makeing Ready to Move up the River to your Land I Should be very Glad to hear weather you have Got Setteld & how you like the Place. our Age-d Father [..... ..] Middleing Health when he left us last. Sister Mans Family is all well. & likewise Sister Britons family. I have Nothing more in Particular. only My husband and all the family joyns me in Love to you [...] & your husband & all [...] your family. I Remain your Affectionate Sister till Death. Meriam Zutphen. ____________________________________________________