Morris County NJ Archives Wills.....Young(s), John March 23, 1784 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Rebecca Frank February 11, 2008, 12:03 pm Source: Young, Edward Hudson, Our Young Family In America, “the Will Of John Young.” Durham, N.c.: 1947. Ppxi. Written: March 23, 1784 Young, Edward Hudson, Our Young Family in America, “The Will of John Young.” Durham, N.C.: 1947. ppxi. In the Name of God Amen, this twenty –third day of March in the year of out Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy Four, I John Youngs of the County of Morris in the Province of New Jersey, in good health and sound in mind and memory:---calling to mind the frailty of man and that it is appointed for all mankind to die, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament, that is to say, Principally and first of all I recommend my soul into the hands of God, who gave it me, and my body to the earth to be buried in a decent and Christian like manner at the discretion of my Executors. And as touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, devise and dispose of te same in the following manner: Imprimis, it is my will, and I do order that all my just debts and funeral charges be paid. Item, I give to James Youngs (the son of Robert Youngs) the sum of twenty pounds money at eight shillings the ounce to be paid him by my Executors hereinafter named. Item, In like manner I give to Elizabeth the wife of Morgan Youngs the sum of ten pounds. Item, I give and bequeath to James Puff Losey, in like manner, the sum of twenty pounds. Item, I give and bequeath in like manner to John Losey (the brother of James) the sum of ten pounds. Item, I give to Philip Losey, in like manner, the sum of ten pounds. Item, I give to Jacob Losey (the son of James Losey), when he arrives to the age of twenty one years, the sum of ten pounds, in manner aforesd. Item, In like manner I give to Samuel Tuthil (the son of Samuel Tuthill, Esq.r/the sum of ten pounds at my decease, to be paid him by my Executors hereafter mentioned as af/d. Item, I give to Jacob Tuthill (the son of Samuel Tuthill, Esq.r/the sum of five pounds to be paid him in the manner as last aforesaid. Item, I give to Samuel Converse, (to whom I learnt the weavers trade) if living at the time of my decease, the sum of twenty pounds to be paid him by my Executors, as fist aforesaid, and if not living , then this twenty pounds is to be paid to James Losey, the son of Timothy Losey, when he arrives to the age of twenty one years. Item, I give to Nathaniel Doty the sum of ten pounds to be paid him by my Executors. Iten, in like manner I give to Timothy Losey the sum of five Pounds. Item, in like manner to Thomas Carryl (the son of Daniel Carryl) the sum of ten pounds. Item, in like manner I give to Thomas Youngs (the son of Thomas Youngs) the sum of ten pounds. Item, in like manner I give to John Burwell (the son of John Burwell of Rockaway) the sum of ten pounds whenever he arrives to the age of twenty one years. Item, I give to Elizabeth, the daughter of John Losey deceased, the sum of ten pounds, to be paid her by my Executors. Item, in like manner I give the three daughters of Daniel Carryl, viz--- to Mary, to Peggy, and to Hannah five pounds each. Item, I give to John, to Robert, and to Morgan Youngs (the sons of Morgan Youngs) to each of them, the sum of ten pounds, in the manner as afore’d. Item, I give to Morgan and to Robert Youngs (the sons of Robert Youngs) to each of them the sum to twenty pounds, in manner as afore’d. Item, I give to John Clark (the son of my sister Anny) the sum of twenty pounds, in manner as afores’d. Item, I give to the children of my brother Hercules Youngs the sum of twenty pounds to be equally divided among them, share and share alike, to be paid as afores’d. Item, I give to Jean, the wife of Asher Lyon, the sum of ten pounds in manner afores’d. Item, I give to Daniel, and to Hercules Carryl, to each of them, the sum of ten pounds, in manner as afores’d, viz. the sons of Daniel Carryl. Item, I give to Charity, the wife of Jacob Drake, the sum of ten pounds, in manner as afores’d. Item, I give to Anne, the wife of Abraham Drake, the sum of ten pounds, in manner as afores’d. Item, I give to Morgain Youngs (the son of Thomas Youngs) the sum of five pounds. Item, It is my will and I do order that in case of the decease of anyone or more of the above persons to whom I have made bequests before thy arrive to the full age of twenty one years, that in such case the sum so ordered to be paid to him or them, shall be equally divided among the survivors, share and share alike, excepting Samuel Tuthill and Jacob Tuthill as before excepted. Item, I do give and bequeath to the Members of the Quaker Meeting in the Township of Mendham, the sum of twenty pounds, to be paid them by my Executors as afores’d. Item, I do give and bequeath to each and every of the children of my brother Robert Youngs, of my brother Thomas Youngs, deceased and of my brother Hercules Youngs, of my sister Anny, my sister Margaret, and my sister Mary as though here particularly called by name, the sum of five pounds. Item, It is my will, and I do further order that if yet there remains any part of my estate, it shall be equally divided, share and share alike among my legatees af’d. and in order to enable my Executors hereafter to be named to pay the several before recited bequeaths, I do hereby fully empower and order my Executors, or in case of the decease of one or more of them, the surviving Executor or Executors to sell all and singular my real and personal estate, and to execute good and sufficient conveyances in the law for the same, as tho’ I were present; and my will is further that my Plantation lying on both sides of the Rockaway river be sold at ten years credit with the lawful interest being paid from date of sale and the principal well and sufficiently secured to the satisfaction of my Executors, and the interest well and faithfully paid every years. The bond to be given payable in one year, but to say the term of ten years as af’d if te interest is punctually paid and my Executors think the money still lays safe. Item, I constitute, make and ordain Samuel Tuthill, Esq.r., Moses Tuttle, Esq.r, and Hartshorn Fitz Randolph the sole executors of this my last Will and Testament. And I do hereby utterly disallow, revoke and disannul, all and every other Testaments, Wills, Legacys & Bequests, and Executors by me in anywise before willed, named and bequeathed. Ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above written, Signed, sealed and published, pronounced and declared by the said John Youngs as his last Will and Testament in the presence of: Peter Mackie Jno. Doughty, James Ford, jr. John Youngs The following oath is attached to the Will:--- “Peter Mackie, one of the witnesses to the foregoing Will, hereto annexed, being duly sworn, did depose and say that he saw John Young, the Testator therein named, sign and seal the same, and heard him publish, pronounce and declare the foregoing writing to be his last Will and Testament, and that at the doing thereof the said Testator was of sound and disposing mind and memory as far as this deponent knows an das he verily believes, and that Jn. Doughty and Jacob Ford, Jun., the other subscribing witnesses were present at the same time, and signed their names as witnesses to the said Will together with this deponent in presence of the said Testator. Singed---Peter Mackie Sworn at Morris Town This 8th day of July 1784 Before me Jos. Lewis This file has been created by a form at File size: 8.1 Kb This file is located at