NEW JERSEY COLONIAL RECORDS, East Jersey Records: Part 5 - Volume 21 Calendar of Records 1664-1703 Contributed to the USGenWeb Archives by David Tourison and Liz Johnson Copyright. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************* NEW JERSEY COLONIAL RECORDS Volume 21 Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series; Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey, Volume XXI; Calendar of Records in the Office of the Secretary of State, 1664-1703; edited by William Nelson; Paterson NJ 1899. This volume was prepared and edited by authority of the State of New Jersey, at the request of the New Jersey Historical Society, and under the direction of the following Committee of the Society: William Nelson, Garret D. W. Vroom, William S. Stryker, Austin Scott, Francis B. Lee. East Jersey Records Liber No. 1 (1650-1678) Liber No. 2 [a Book of Warrants and Surveys, is in the Office of the East Jersey Proprietors, at Perth Amboy.] Liber No. 3 (1665-1682) Liber No. 4 (1679-1682) Liber A (1676-1698) Liber B (1680-1688 Liber C (1670-1703) Liber D (1672-1694) Liber E (1672-1698) Liber F (1680-1698) Liber G (1683-1702) West Jersey Records Liber A, Town Grants, New Salem (1679-1699) Liber A, or Revel's Book of Survey's (1680-1704) Liber B, Part I (1677-1694) Liber B, Part II (1687-1703) Fenwick's Surveys, 1676-1706 Salem Surveys, No. I (1676-1679) Salem Surveys, No. II (1678-1688) Salem Surveys, 1676 Salem No. 1 (1664-1699) Salem Deeds, Liber B (1672-1702) Salem Deeds, No. 2 (1678-1686) Salem Deeds, No. 3 (1680-1687) Salem Deeds, No. 4 (1683-1689) Salem Deeds, No. 5 (1686-1695) Salem Deeds, No. 6 (1685-1699) Salem Deeds, No. 7 (1698-1703) Nevill's Book of Deeds, Liber A (1684-1692) Greenwich Town Lots (1686-1703) Volume C--Gloucester Deeds, No. 1 (1650-1665) Volume C--Gloucester Deeds, No. 2 (1652-1664; 1684-1700) Liber C--Gloucester Deeds, No. 3 (1681-1703) ********************************************************* PAGE 120 [cont.] East Jersey Deeds, Etc., Liber B. 1685 June 26. Do. Same to her son Joseph FITZRANDOLPH, for 50 acres of upland, S. E. John SMALLY junior, N. W. Richard SMITH, S. W. and N. E. two brooks; also 70 acres, S. W. a fresh brook, N. another, N. E. Thomas FITZRANDOLPH, and 5 acres of meadow, N. a small creek, E. John FITZRANDOLPH, S. RICHARD Smith, W. Benajah DUNHOME; 5 acres of meadow, adjoining the preceding, formerly Samuel AITKINES, bought of William JONES. 413 PAGE 121 East Jersey Deeds, Etc., Liber B. 1685 June 26. Do. Same to her son Thomas FITZRANDOLPH for: 1, 15 acres, E. and S. Michael SYMONS, N. and W. Vincent RUNGINION; 2, 50 a., N. E. Thomas FAIRNSWORTH, S. W. Joseph FITZRANDOLPH; 3, 5 acres of meadow, N. E. upland, S. E. Raraton R., E. and W. Charles GILLMAN. 414 1685 June 26. Do. Same to her son John FITZRANDOLPH for: 1, 2 houselots, 30 acres, E. a small brook, N. Nicholas BONHAME, S. John GILLMAN, formerly Israel FOULSHAME, W. a small spring, coming from John MARTINE senior; 2, 60 acres of upland, W. Nicholas MUNDAY, E. Mistris HIGGINES, N. a swamp, S. John MARTINE Junior; 3, 5 acres of meadow, S. Raraton R., N. unsurveyed meadow, E. Woodbridge line, W. Richard SMITH and Joseph FITZRANDOLPH. 416 1686-7 Feb. 10. Do. Israel ffOULLSHAME of New Piscataway to John GILLMAN of the same place, for all his lands, meadows, etc., in said town. 417 1687 Oct. 12. Do. Nathanile ffOULSHAME of ---------- in Piscataway River, carpenter, to Benjamin FITZRANDOLPH, for 30 acres of upland in said Town of Piscataway, S. Raraton R., W. a small brook, N. John FITZRANDOLPH, E. the Old Mill Brook; also all claims to other land, due him or his brother Israel by right of first settlement in the town. 418 1687 Oct. 11. Deed. Same to Joseph FITZRANDOLPH, for 5 acres of meadow, N. Jeffery MANING, E. Nicholas MUNDAY, S. Rehoboth GANNET, W. Raraton R. 419 1688 May 26. Power of attorney. Alexander LERMOUTH of Newark to Peter ffAULCONER of Woodbridge, merchant, for the collection of debts in East Jersey or elsewhere. 420 1683 Nov. 10. Will of Samuel MOORE of Woodbridge. Wife Hannah, sons Samuel, Thomas, John, Enoch, daughters Hannah, Elizabeth, Frances, Sarah. Real and personal estate: liberates negro woman Nancy. Executors brothers-in-law Samuel DENNES and Samuel HALE with son-in- law John BLUMFIELD. Witnesses John PIKE, John BISHOP, Samuel HAILE, John BLUMFIELD, John ILSLEY, Ephraim ANDRIESE Israell THORNEHILL, Ezekiel BLUMFIELD, Jonathan BISCHOP, Mathew MOORE. 421 1688 June 12. Confirmation to William DOCKWRA of London for 2,000 acres in Somersett Co., W. Milstone R., S. Samuel STANCLIFF, N. W. George WILLOX, N. E. Raraton lots and unappropriated land. 424 1688 June 20. Do. to George and John ALEXANDER, both of Scotland, and each holding by purchase from Robert BARNETT of Lethenty one share of the Province, for 462 acres at the Blew Hills, Essex Co., S. W. Robert ffULLARTONE, S. E. Robert BURNETT, N. W. and N. E. unsurveyed land. 426 PAGE 122 New Jersey Colonial Documents. 1688 June 2. Do. to Thomas COOPER of London, merchant, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share for 2,000 acres in Somerset Co., N. Raraton R., E. John ROYCE and unappropriated land, S. and W. unappropriated. 427 1687 Sept. 2. Do. to Robert ffULLARTONE, late of Amboy Perth, holding by purchase from Robert BARCLAY 1-10 of 1-48 share, for 300 acres at the Blew Hills, Essex Co., S. W. Peter SONMANS, S. E. Robert BURNETT, N. W. and N. E. unsurveyed land. 428 1687 April 1. Do. to Sir John GORDON of Scotland, holding by pur- chase of Thomas COOPER, 1-48 of 1-24 share, for 500 acres at Wickatunck, Monmouth Co., W. Thomas COOPER, S. Wickatunck highway, E. John REID and Gravell Brook, N. unappropriated land. 429 1688 June 20. Do. to Samuel STANCLIFF of London, merchant, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, 5,000 acres in Somersett Co., W. Milston R., N. another tract of 5,000 a., surveyed for grantee, S. and E. unappropriated land. 430 1688 June 24. Do. to Robert BARCLAY, as part of his share, the fol- lowing tracts in Monmouth Co., vizt: 1, a tract below Matcheponis bounded S. by the Flepe Brook, W. by the East branch of the South R., N. by unappropriated land; 2, a boggy meadow, surrounded by barren land; 3, a tract above Matcheponis, surrounded by unappropriated land; 4, a tract bounded N. E. by John REID, on the other side by unappropri- ated land; 5, 48 1/2 acres, at Passequenecqua, S. George CURLIES, N. former- ly Thomas HEWITT, now John HANTONE, W. Burlington Path, E. Passeque- necqua Cr.; 6, 1 1/2 acres of meadow at Passequenecqua; N. and S. upland, E. Abraham BROWNE, W. Peter WHITE; 7, 100 acres, on S. side of Hope R., N. said river, on all other sides unsurveyed land, in all 650 acres. 431 1688 June 24. Do. to Clement PLUMSTEAD of London, merchant, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, 2,000 acres in Somersett Co., E. Milston R., S. Thomas BARKER, W. and N. unappropriated land, N. also John ROICE's claim. 434 1688 June 24. Do. to Thomas BARKER of London, merchant, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, 2,000 acres, in Somersett Co., E. Milston R., S. Thomas HART, N. Clement PLUMSTEAD, W. unappropriated land. 435 1688 June 1. Do. to Thomas HART of London, merchant, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, 4,000 acres in Somerset Co., along Napoick Brook, E. Milston R., N. Thomas BARKER, S. Walter BENTHALL, N. unappropriated land. 436 1688 June 2. Do. to Walter BENTHALL, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, 2,000 acres in Somersett Co., E. Milston R., N. Thomas HART, W. and S. unappropriated land. 437 1688 June 10. Do. to Thomas RUDYARD, one of the Proprietors, et supra, for 170 acres in Woodbridge pretended bounds, at Papiack Creek, E. the Sound and Baccon's Creek, N. the fences, W. a meadow, S. the mouth of Woodbridge Cr. 438 PAGE 123 East Jersey Deeds, Etc., Liber B. 1686 July 23. Receipt. George HIGGINES, "sometyme merchant in Linlithgow" Scotland, now of Woodbridge, to Patrick ffALCONAR of Edinburgh. 439 1688 June 26. Confirmation to William DOCKWRA, on of the Proprie- tors, as part of his share 400 acres in Somersett Co., N. W. Raraton R., S. E. grantor, S. W. George WILLOX. 440 1688 June 10. Patent to Hendrick COURSEN of Raraton River, Somer- set Co., for 500 acres there, E. the North branch of said river, S. Governour HAMILTONE, W. and N. unappropriated land. 441 1688 June 20. Do. to John LANGSTAFF of Piscataway, for the follow- ing tracts there, in all 200 acres, vizt: 1, a houselot of 8 a, N. James GODFREY, E. his first division, S. Nicholas MUNDAY, W. a road; 2, 60 acres of upland, N. a small spring and Nicholas MUNDAY, W. a road, S. a swamp, E. unsurveyed land; 3, 120 acres, on Raraton R.; 4, 3 acres, adjoining to Bottle Meadow, W. and S. Hopewell HULL, E. John GILLMAN, N. a small swamp; 5, 1 1/2 acres of meadow, N. the fence, E. John GILLMAN, S. a small creek, W. the Mill Creek; 6, 5 acres of meadow, S. Raraton R., N. Capt. DRAKE, E. James GODFREY, W. Hugh DUNNE, Andrew WOODEN and John MARTINE; 7, 2 1/2 acres of meadow, S. Raraton R., N. Samuel DOTTY, E. John SMALLY Junior, W. Mr. HIGGINS. 443 1688 March 25. Do. to Alexander ADAMS of Piscataway, for 150 acres, S. Thomas HIGGINES and Charles GILLMAN, W. Charles GILLMAN and unsurveyed land. 446 1688 June 2. Confirmation to Thomas HART of London, merchant, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, 500 acres in Monmouth Co., E. Lideah BOWNE, S. John HANTONE, W. the Gravell Brook, excepting 10 acres of boggy meadow within these bounds, formerly granted to John REID. 449 1688 May 22. Patent to James COOLE senior of Blew Hills, Essex Co., for 125 acres, S. W. George and John ALEXANDER, on all other sides unap- propriated land; granted as headland for himself, wife and two children, imported in 1681. 451 1688 March 25. Do. to William LATTONE of Middletown, for 100 acres in Monmouth Co., E. GROVER's land and Joab THROCKMORTON, S. grantee, W. and N. unappropriated. 452 1688 April 26. Do. to Jeffery MANING of Piscataway, for 100 acres there, on all sides unsurveyed land. 454 1688 April 10. Confirmation to John BACKER, of Wickatunck, Mon- mouth Co., holding by purchase from Thomas COX 1/2 of 1-24 share, for half lot No. 22 at Wickaatunck and 500 acres in the rear of it, S. the small lots, W. Gawen LAWRIE and unappropriated land, E. Thomas COX and common land; also the other half lot No. 22, W. Thomas BARKER, E. Thomas COX, S. a road, N. grantee; in all 750 acres. 456 PAGE 124 New Jersey Colonial Documents. 1688 April 10. Do. to same, for 1,000 acres in Middlesex Co., N. E. John INJONES, on all other sides unappropriated land. 457 1688 April 10. Do. to same, for 1,000 acres in Essex Co., E. Raway R., S. John POPER, W. and N. unappropriated land. 458 1688 June 12. Deed. John BOWNE of Flushing, Queens Co., L. I., to William Leeds, for his share, right, title, etc. in and to land, purchased with others at Naversinks, Norumpsump and Portapaeg, Monmouth Co. 459 1688 July 7. Caveat. William LEEDS of Middletown against granting to his brother Daniel LEEDS a patent for 112 acres of meadow at the Whale Pond Brook, Monmouth Co. 461 1688 July 7. Bond. Same to Govr Andrew HAMILTON for suing his brother Daniel LEEDS for trespass and ejectment. 462 1680 Sept. 1. Will of Robert ROGERS of Woodbridge. Wife Anne, sons Thomas, John, son-in-law Henry ALLWORD. Real and personal estate. The wife executrix with Ephraim ANDRISE and Samuel DENNES as assist- ants. Witnesses John DENNES, Samuel HAILE, John WILKINES. Proved June 15, 1686. 463 1688 April 10. Patent to Benjamin CLARK, late of Amboy Perth, for a lot there, E. the town lots, N. and W. unsurveyed land, S. the road to Piscataway. 465 1687 May 2. Power of attorney. Stephen WEST of West alias Mack- atoy Island, New England, farmer, to his brother William WEST of Shroes- berry, carpenter, for the collection of debts in East Jersey. 466 1688 July 10. Substitution. William WEST of Shroesberry substitutes as attorney of his brother (see preceding) "my loving and trusty brother Thomas WEBLEY" 467 1688 July 13. Caveat. Nicholas BROWNE of Shroesberry against granting to Jeremiah Allan a patent for 30 acres at Strawberry Ncek, Monmouth Co. 469 1688 July 13. Bond. Same to Govr Hamilton, to sue Jedidiah ALLAN for trespass and ejectment. 470 1688 April 7. Certificate, that Samuel DENNES, Samuel HARTE and John BLUMFIELD, all of Woodbridge, refuse to act as executors of the estate of Samuel MOORE. 471 1688 July 9. Letters of administration on the estate of Samuel MOORE, granted to Thomas GORDONE of Amboy Perth. 472 1687 Oct. 26. Deed. Samuel MOORE of Woodbridge to James ARMOUR of Amboy Perth, merchant, for 640 acres on S. side of Raraton R., PAGE 125 East Jersey Deeds, Etc., Liber B. granted to him by patent of December 7, 1672. 472 1688 May 3. Do. to James CLARKSONE of Woodbridge to William KNOX of the same place, tailor, for 4 acres, formerly sold by Isaac TAPPING to Thomas PARKER, who conveyed it to present grantor. 474 1684 Sept. 26. Permit. Gawen LAWRIE, Isaac KINGSLAND, Thomas JOHNSONE, John CURTIS, to Richard BERRY, to have free passage over the land of Thomas STAGG and others to the most convenient land on Pesawick R. 475 1685 Nov. 1. Will of Margaret SPENCE, widow of John VERNER of Dathvick, made aboard the Henry and Francis of New Castle, Capt. Richard HUTTONE. Sister Christian SPENCE, dau. of James SPENCE of Queensferry, Scotland, merchant, sole heiress. ------- McCLELLAND of Barmagachan, James ARMOUR, merchant, James RAINIE, mariner, executors. William LIVINGSTONE, mariner, Alexander ADAM, merchant, Alexr RIDDOCK, writer, witnesses. 475 1685 Nov. 24. Receipt. Mistris Eupham SCOTT, dau. of George SCOTT of Pitlochie dec'd., to Christian SPENCE, for the passage paid to John VERNER of four persons to East Jersey. 477 1686 April 29. Letter. Governour Robert BARCLAY to the Deputy Governour and Council of East Jersey: William DOCKWRA is to sign and seal documents for the Governour and Council in England. 477 1687 Sept. 24. Do. Same to same: Deputy Govr Andrew HAMILTON to have £100 sterl. as a gratuity and henceforth £200 sterl. as annual salary. 478 1687 Oct. 26. Power of attorney. George HENRIE of Edinburgh, mer- chant, to James DUNDAS of Amboy Perth, as general agent in East Jersey. 480 1687 Oct. 18. Do. Charles GORDON of Amboy Perth to George HENRY, late of Amboy, merchant, as agent in place of George WILLOCKS. 482 1687 Oct. 31. Deed. Charles GORDON of Edinbugh, Scotland, to George HENRIE of the same place, for 1-10 of 1-48 share of East Jersey. 484 1688 July 24. Do. David VILANT of South R., Middlesex Co., to James EMOTT of Amboy Perth, for 100 acres, N. Charles GORDONE, W. South R., S. and E. unsurveyed land; also 5 acres of meadow, S. and E. the woods, W. South R., N. unsurveyed meadow. 486 1684 July 25. Order from Govr BARCLAY to the Deputy Governour and Council to survey for John ALEXANDER of Scotland, M. D., 312 1/2 acres as his 1-16 of 1-48 share, bought of Robert BURNETT, also his proportion at Amboy Point in New Perth. 489 1688 July 28. Receipt. Samuel WINDER of Cheesquakes, Monmouth Co., to Andrew BOUNE of N. Y. City, merchant, for the purchase money of PAGE 126 New Jersey Colonial Documents. land at Chingaroras. 490 1688 July 7. Deed. (Donatio inter vivos). William COTTAR of Woodbridge to his wife Janet, for all his land in Woodbridge bounds. 490 1685-6 Feb. 15. Agreement. William COTTAR and wife Elenor of Woodbridge with George ALLAN of Elizabethtown, that the real estate of COTTAR shall become the fee simple of ALLAN, after the death of COTTAR and wife. 491 1688 Aug. 2. Release. George ALLAN to William COTTAR from the foregoing. 492 1684 Dec. 16. Amboy. Draft of an agreement, that John CAMPBELL shall send a footman in velvet to wait on MONYVAIRD as a proprietor, when at Parliament in East Jersey. 493 1687 June 27. Deed. John LANGSTAFF and Symon BRIMLEY, both of Piscataway, administrators of the estate of Michael SYMONS, late of the same place dec'd., to Thomas FITZRANDOLPH, for 25 acres, W. Mistris FITZRANDOLPH and Vincent RONGINIONE, S. Raraton R., E. a small spring, N. Mr. MARTIN. 493 1688 June 12. Deed. John BLUMFIELD of Woodbridge to Thomas FITZRANDOLPH of Piscataway for 7 1/2 acres of meadow, being one half of grantor's 15 acre lot, W. Isaac TAPPINE, N. Richard WORTH alias Benjamin HULL, E. Water Str., S. Mercat Str., W. Mercat Place 496 1687 Dec. 5. Do. Peter SONMANS of Amboy Perth to James ARMOUR of the same place, for a lot in said town, 8 1/2 chains by 1 chain, N. William DOCKWRA, E. Water Str., S. Mercat Str., W. Mercat Place 496 1688 Aug. 2. Caveat. William LEEDS of Middletown against the re- cording for Stephen WEST a patent for 80 acres on Ramsonts Neck; for 3 1/2 his own, having purchased the land from John BOWNE of Flushing, L. I., who had received it from Govr NICHOLLS. 1688 May 10. Confirmation to Thomas COOPER of London, merchant, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, vizt: 1, one half of lot 24, in Wickatunck, S. the road, E. Sir John GORDON, W. LOCKYELL, Sir John GORDON and Lord MELLFOORD, N. unappropriated land, 250 acres; 2 , 12 1/4 acres in Amboy, E. a road, S. Clement PLUMSTEAD, N. and W. unappropriated land. 500 1688 May 10. Do. to William DOCKWRA, one of the Proprietors, ut supra, for 27 acres in the Town of Amboy Perth, S. the road along Rara- ton R., E. Thomas WARNE, N. the road from the Market Place, W. the Scots Proprietors. 501 1688 May 10. Do. to Clement PLUMSTEAD, ut supra, for half of lot 19 in Wickatunck, Monmouth Co., N. the road, E. LETHENTIE's land, W. Thomas ROBINSON, S. unappropriated land; also the half of small lot 19, S. the road, E. Walter BENTHALL, W. Peter SONMONS, S. LETHENTIE, PAGE 127 East Jersey Deeds, Etc., Liber B. both lots 250 acres; 12 1/4 acres in Amboy, N. Thomas COOPER, S. Walter BENTHALL, and Thomas HART, W. unappropriated land. 502 1688 July 10. Do. to Thomas BARKER of London, merchant, ut supra, half of lot 8, Wickatunck, S. the road, E. David MUDIE, N. and W. unappropriated land; also half of small lot 8, S. the road, E. and W. John BACKER, N. the other half of this lot, both 250 acres; 12 1/4 acres in Amboy, S. the country road, E. Thomas HART, N. and W. unappropriated land. 503 1688 Aug. 10. Patent to Richard JONES of N. Y. City, merchant, for 500 acres in Middlesex Co., N. E. Raraton R., S. E. Govr BARCLAY, N. W. Capt. CLEMENT, S. W. unappropriated land. 504 1688 May 10. Confirmation to Walter BENTHALL of London, merchant, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, half lot 17, Wickatunck, Mon- mouth Co., W. Thomas HART, N. the road, E. Thomas ROBINSON, S. un- appropriated land; half of small lot 17, N. the road, W. Clem. PLUMSTEAD, S. Thomas ROBINSON, E. Thomas HART, both 250 acres; also 12 1/4 acres in Amboy, being his proportion therein, W. Thomas HART, N. Clement PLUMSTEAD, E. a road, S. John ffORBIS. 506 1688 April 10. Do. to John GORDON, holding by purchase from Thomas COOPER, one of the Proprietors, 1-48 of 1-24 share, for half of small lot 24, Wickanuck, 15 acres, S. E. the road, S. W. Lord MELLFOORD, N. W. and N. E. Thomas COOPER. 1688 April 10. Patent to Thomas GORDON of Amboy Perth, for 1 acre there, E. Water Str., N. a new street, W. High Str., S. unappropriated lots. 508 1688 May 10. Do. to Benjamin CLARK, late of Amboy Perth, for two lots in said town, the Northernmost 8 1/2 chains long, the Southern 10 ch., both 2 ch. wide, E. Water Str., N. Market Str., W. Market Place and High Str., S. Robert BRIDGMAN. 509 1687 March 25. Do. to John CRAWFORD of Middletown, for the fol- lowing lots, vizt: 1, 100 acres in said township, S. Robert HAMILTON, N. John SMITH and John WILSONE, E. a road and Samuel SPICER, W. unsur- veyed land, to stand for 86 acres; 2, 280 acres, S. W. and W. sinking meadows, Robert HAMILTON and Wm WHITLOCK, N. E. a swamp, N. W. Richard HARTSHORNE, S. E. unsurveyed land, "which (after allowance for barren land and highwayes) is to remaine for 220 acres." 510 1688 July 13. Patent to Stephen WEST of Shroesberry, for 60 1/2 acres on Ramsonts Neck, Shreosberry, S. the road to Long Branch, W. Samuel WOOLLCATT, N. a branch of Naversinks R., E. another road; 3 1/2 acres of meadow at Narawtaconck, W. Robert West, E. Mistris Cathrin BROUN, S. a small creek, N. upland; 2 acres of upland at Goose Neck, S. Sarah REAPE, E. Mrs. Cathrin BROUN, W. John CHAMBERS, N. Shroesberry R. 511 PAGE 128 New Jersey Colonial Documents. 1688 May 10. Do. to Joseph FITZRANDOLPH of Piscataway, for 120 acres in Middlesex Co., N. W. a fresh brook, separating Wm. SUTTON, Dr. GREENLAND and Samuel MOORE from this lot, S. W. another small brook, separating Samuel DOTTY, John SMALLY, Richd SMITH and Mrs. FITZRANDOLPH, N. thomas ffARSWORTH; also 5 acres of meadow, N. a small creek, E. Mrs. RANDOLPH, S. Richard SMITH, W. Benjah DUNHAME; 50 acres of upland, S. E. John SMALLY Junior, N. W. Richard SMITH, S. W. and N. E. two brooks. 513 1688 May 10. Do. to Nicholas BROUN of Shroesberry, for 141 acres on Ramsonts Neck, E. John WORTHLEY, W. and N. roads, S. a small brook; 30 acres on Strawberry Neck, N. John CHAMNIS, S. Eliakim WARDALL, E. a road, W. unsurveyed land; 5 acres of meadow, W. Jacob COOLE, N. the Mill Creek, going almost around it; 2 acres of meadow at Goose Neck, W. Ephraim ALLAN, S. a small creek, N. Shrosberry Ro., E. John WORTHLEY; 2 1/2 acres of meadow on Rancoone Neck, E. Francis BURDEIN, W. Peter TILTONE, S. Racoone Island, N. Shrosberry R. Marginal Note says, grantee surrendered these tracts to the Proprietors October 28, 1693. 514 1688 May 10. Do. to John FITZRANDOLPH of Piscataway, for: 1, 60 acres in Middlesex Co. at the Dismal Swamp, W. Nicholas MUNDAY, E. Mrs. HIGGINES, N. said swamp, S. John MARTINE Junior; 2, two houselots, 30 acres, E. a small brook, N. Nicholas BONHAM, S. John GILLMAN, for- merly Israel ffOULLSHAME, W. a small spring; 3, 5 acres of meadow, W. Rar- aton R., N. unsurveyed meadow, E. Woodbridge line, W. Richard SMITH and grantee. 516 1688 May 10. Do. to Benjamin FITZRANDOLPH of Piscataway, for 112 acres in Middlesex Co., S. E. Rehoboth GANNET, N. W. Richard SMITH, N. E. unsurveyed land, S. W. Raraton R. 517 1688 May 10. Do. to Thomas FITZRANDOLPH of Piscataway, for: 1, 15 acres in Middlesex Co., E. and S. Michael SYMONS, N. and W. Vincent RONGINIONE; 2, 5 acres of meadow in Charles GILLMAN's meadow, N. E. upland, S. E. Raraton R., E. and W. Chas. GILLMAN. 519 1688 May 10. Do. to Samuel HULL of Piscataway, for 80 acres there, S. Dottie's Brook, W. Ambrose's Brook, N. and E. unappropriated land. 520 1688 April 28. Do. to John NEILL of Amboy Perth, tailor, for one acre there, N. Back Str., S. Cove Str., W. John MILL, E. John HUME. 521 1689 Aug. 11. Letters of administration on the estate of Margaret SPENCE, widow of John VERNER of Dalvick, granted to James CLARKSONE of Woodbridge, her brother-in-law. (Supra, p. 475). 522 1688 April 9. Confirmation to Peter SONMANS, late of Amboy Perth, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, for one acre in said town, N. Benjamin GRIFFITH, S. James EMOTT, E. Mercat Place, W. the burying place. 522 PAGE 129 East Jersey Deeds, Etc., Liber B. 1688 April 28. Patent to John MILL of Amboy Perth, tailor, for one acre there, N. Back Str., S. Cove Str., E. John NEILL, W. Jean HANKINSON. 523 1688 April 10. Confirmation to Thomas WARNE of Amboy Perth, for one acre, E. Water Str., N. Robert BRIDGMAN, W. High Str., S. Gawen LAWRIE. 523 1688 May 10. Do. to same, for 18 acres there, S. the road along Rar- aton R., E. Thomas RUDYARD, W. William DOCKWRA, N. the road from Mercat Place. 524 1688 April 28. Patent to William THOMSON of Amboy Perth, carpen- ter, for a lot there, 9 by 1 ch., S. Smiths Str., E. High Str., N. the street from the intended dock, W. unappropriated lots. 525 1688 April 28. Do. to Benjamin GRIFFITH of Amboy Perth, merchant, in right of Jacob RULE, for a lot there, 9x1 chains, bo't of said RULE, e. the intended wharf, N. Cove Str., S. William BROOKFIELD, W. unappropriated lots. 525 1687 Nov. 4. Do. to James MILLER of Scotland, merchant, for a lot of one acre at Amboy Perth, S. Smith Str., W. George KEITH, N. the intend- ed dock, e. COULIE's and unappropriated lots. 526 1687 April 11. Do. to Miles ffORSTER of Amboy Perth, merchant, for one acre there, N. Lord Neill CAMPBELL, S. James EMOTT, E. and W. streets. 527 1688 April 28. Do. to Robert BRIDGMAN of Amboy Perth, merchant, for one acre there, E. Water Str., W. High Str., N. Benjamin CLARK, S. Thomas WARNE. 527 1688 July 10. Do. to James EMOTT of New Perth, for one acre in Amboy Perth, E. the Market Place, W. the burying place, S. a street, N. Robert HARDIE. 528 1688 April 1. Confirmation to Thomas HART of London, one of the Proprietors, for one acre in Amboy Perth, E. Water Str., W. High Str., N. James EMOTT, S. Thomas GORDONE. 529 1688 April 10. Do. to William DOCKWRA of two lots in Am- boy Perth, one, the Southern, 8 chains 50 links, the Northern 10 ch. long, both 2 ch. wide, E. Water Str., S. James ARMOUR, W. High Str. and Mar- ket Place, N. unappropriated lots. 529 1688 April 28. Patent to Samuel GIBSON of Amboy Perth, inn holder, for one acre there, E. the pretended wharf, N. William BROOKFIELD, W. and S. unappropriated lots. 530 1688 April 1. Do. to John COULIE of Amboy Perth, blacksmith, for a lot, 3 by 2 chains, E. Water Str., S. Thomas WARNE, W. James MILLER, N. unappropriated lots. 531 1688 April 28. Do. to John HUME of Amboy Perth, mason, for one acre there, N. Back Str., S. Cove Str., W. John NEILL, E. John MOLLISONE. 531 PAGE 130 New Jersey Colonial Documents. 1688 April 28. Do. to David CAMPBELL of Amboy Perth, cooper, for a lot there, 9 by 1 chains, S. Smith Str., W. High Str., N. the street from the intended dock, E. John TANKINE. 532 1684 July 20. Deed. Robert BURNETT of Lethentie to John ALEXANDER, M. D., for 1-16 of 1-48 share of East Jersey. 533 1688 July 21. Will of Richard SADLER of Middletown. Wife Jean, stepchildren John, Sarah, Mary, Jean PURDY; John JOB Senior, George JOB Senior. Witnesses Safty GROVER, Robd JOHNES. Proved Aug. 31, 1688. 533 1688 Aug. 14. Indian Deed. PAYWARREN of Somersett Co., to Capt. Andrew HAMILTON for the Proprietors, for land on Hollands Brook and Raraton R. 534 1688 Sept. 12. Deed. John TOE and wife Lideah of Elizabethtown to Doctor William ROBINSON of Raway R. in the bounds of said town, for 40 acres on the Westbranch of Raway R., N. and E. Joseph FRAZIE, S. Woodbridge line, W. grantee; also 7 1/2 acres of meadow, purchased by grantor of Roger LAMBERT, bounded by Umphra SPINAGE, Stephen CRANE, Jeffery JONES and William PILES. 535 1688 Aug. 10. Do. Robert McCLELLAND of Woodbridge to John SMALLY of Piscataway, for 13 acres 53 2/3 rods of meadow in Woodbridge great meadow, S. Mathew MOORE. 536 1687 Dec. 21. Deed. (Donatio inter vivos). John SMALLY of Piscat- away, tailor, to his son Isaac SMALLY, for the preceding. 536. EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER C. 1686 March 27. Power of attorney. James MILLER of Amboy Perth, merchant, to John REID of the same place, planter, as general agent. 1 1685 Oct. 13. Warrant. George KEITH to John REID for surveying and laying out land in the Province. 1 1688 June 24. Deed. Robert BARCLAY, by his attorney John REID of Hortencie, to William RONALD of Monmouth Co., for 100 acres at Topone- mus, said County, S. Thomas WARNE, N. Edward BYLLNGS and Alexander NAPER, E. John BAWD, W. Edw. BYLLYNGS and a road. 2 1688 June 24. Do. James MILLER of Carshore, Scotland, merchant, by his attorney John REID of Hortencie, to Robert BARCLAY of Ury, for 16 acres of meadow on the South R., Middlesex Co., N. Thomas ffULERTONE, W. David MUDIE, S. grantor, E. unappropriated meadow. 4 1674 Oct. 27. Do. Elisha ILSLEY of Newberry, Essex Co., Mass., to his brother John ILSLEY of Woodbridge, N. J., for whom brother William ILSLEY has paid the consideration, for a houselot, etc., in Woodbridge, 17 acres, N. E. Joshua BRODLEY, S. Samuel MOORE, highways at both ends; also 5 a. of meadow, N. John TAYLOR, W. Papiack Cr., S. a small creek, S. E. Thomas BLUMFIELD jun., E. the upland of Papiack Neck. 6 PAGE 131 East Jersey Deeds, Etc., Liber C. 1688 Aug. 13. Do. Edward TARTT of Middletown to John WILSONE junior, for all his right, title, etc., in and to the Indian purchase of the three necks, vizt Nensinks, Norrumson and Potipeck, owned for 23 years. 7 1673-4 Feb. 18. Do. Robert ROGERS of Woodbridge in New Nether- land, formerly New Jersey, to John ILSLEY of the same place, carpenters, for a house and lot of 10 acres there, E. a road, N. a small brook, W. grantee, S. John PIKE junior. 7 1688 Sept. 10. Power of attorney. Thomas GORDONE of Amboy Perth to Robert COLE of the same place, to collect a debt from the estate of Samuel MOORE dec'd. 8 1688 Sept. 2. Will of Edward TARTT. Legatees Marjory JAEBES, John RUTMON jr., Thomas RUTMON, Thomas RENSHALL, Sarah RUTMON, John WILSONE junior, sister Elizabeth and her daughter. Executors James GROVER and John WILSONE junior. Witnesses John THROCKMORTON, John STOUTT Proved Sept. 25, 1688. 8 1687 Aug. 20. Deed. Robert BARCLAY to William DOCKWRA, for 500 acres, W. and N. Milston R., E. George Willox, S. unappropriated land. 9 1688 July 31. Do. Henry LYON of Elizabethtown to Patrick ffALCONER of Woodbridge, merchant, for a house and lot in Newark, 9 acres, N. Samuel KITCHELL, W. and E. roads, S. Abraham PEARSONE and Azariah CRANE; also 6 acres of upland in the first division, on the great neck, N. and E. roads, W. John WOOD, Turner; 16 acres of upland in the second division, E. Francis LINDLY, S. Richard ffLETCHER, W. common land, N. a brook; 8 acres of meadow at Beef Point, S. John BALDWINE jun. and com- mon bogs, E. the river, N. John BROWN senior, W. upland; 5 acres of meadow at Beef Point, E. the river, S. John BROUN senior, N. Widow ffREEMAN, W. upland; 2 1/2 acres of meadow, N. Stephen DAVIS, E. and W. Commons, S. Widow ffREEMAN. 10 1688 May 10. Patent to Nathaniel SLOCUME of Shroesberry, in right of Peter TILTONE, for 176 acres on Long Branch Neck, to stand for 161 acres after allowance for highways, S. E. grantee and a small brook, N. W. Henry BOWMAN, S. W. unsurveyed land, N. E. . . . .; also 5 acres of meadow at Portapeck, E. John BURDEIN, S. the small island, N. Shroes- berry Bay, W. unsurveyed meadow. 12 1688 March 25. Do. to William SCOTT of Shroesberry, in right of Peter TILTONE, for 140 acres in Ramsonts Neck, Monmouth Co., to-wit, 136 a. N. Naversinks R., E. John SLOCUME, W. and S. roads, and 4 acres of meadow on RACOONE Neck, W. Nicholas BROUN, E. John BURDEIN, N. Narawataconck R., S. upland. 13 PAGE 132 New Jersey Colonial Documents. 1688 May 10. Do. to Abraham BROUN of Shroesberry for 450 acres there, N. E. a road, S. E. Samuel DENNES, N. W. Naversinks R., S. E. a branch of Shroesberry R., to be called 440 acres; also 7 acres of meadow, E. Robert LELOCK, S. upland, W. a small brook, N. John HANCE; 3 acres of meadow adjoin'g John HANCE on the North. 15 1688 March 25. Patent to Anna HAVENS of Shroesberry, widow, in right of her deceased husband John HAVENS, for 1, a house lot of 24 acres at Narawataconck, N., S. and W. roads, E. unsurveyed land and Samuel WILLCATT; 2, 133 (120) acres on Ramsonts Neck, W. Edmond LAFFETRA, E. Judah ALLAN, N. a road, S. unsurveyed land; 3, 4 a. of meadow at Nara- wataconck, S. E. and S. W. Mrs. Cathrine BROUN, N. W. a branch of Shroesberry R., N. E. Francis BURDEIN; 4, 4 a. of meadow on Racoone Island, S. W. Edmond LAFFETRA, N. W. Narawataconck R., N. Judah ALLAN, E. upland. 16 1688 May 10. Do. to Charles GILLMAN of Piscataway, for 100 acres there, E. Thomas HIGGINES and unsurveyed land, S., W. and N. unsurveyed land. 18 1688 March 25. Do. to George PARKER of Shroesberry, for a tract of ? acres on Ramsonts Neck, Monmouth Co., N. Naversinks R., W. John HANCE, E. John CHAMBERS, S. and S. E. the road to John HAVENS; 3 1/2 a. of meadow, S. W. a small creek, S. a branch of Shroesberry R., E. John GLAYTONE, N. Calib SHERIFF, in all 64 acres. 19 1670 Nov. 29. Assignment of all their right, title, etc. "in this patent" (preceding ?) by David MACKENEY and wife Mary to Samuel MOORE. 21 1673-4 March 2. Do. of all their right, etc., "in this within patent" by Samuel MOORE and wife Mary to John ILSLEY. 21 Mem. "These Indorsements were Entered upon the back of a pattent which is Recorded in Bullen's Records in folio 92." 1688 June 24. Patent to John REID of Hortencie, for 10 acres in Am- boy Perth, E. the Sound and the river, S. Thomas GORDONE, N. MONVEILL's land, W. unappropriated land. 22 1688 June 24. Patent to same, in right of Isobell KEITH and James PAWLL, who sold their headland to present grantee, for 60 acres in Mon- mouth co., S. Sir John GORDONE, E. the Gravell Brook, W. unappropriated land. 23 1688 June 24. Confirmation to Robert BARCLAY, in right of Andrew BURNETT, William RONALD, John BAWD, John WEBSTER, James MELVIN, John NESMITH, John HEPBURNE, John MOLLISON, Alexander SCOTT and wife, Andrew HanTone and wife, Peter WASONE, wife and children, 500 acres in Essex Co. at the mouth of Turkie Brook, E. Raway R., on all other sides unappropriated land; also a tract of meadow in the great meadow of Eliz- abethtown, W. upland, S. grantee, E. and N. unappropriated meadow. 24 PAGE 133 East Jersey Deeds, Etc., Liber C. 1687 Sept. 13. Writ of Execution to Thomas GOODING, Robert BLAINEY, John COLE, John BELLANY and Benjamin WETTON in re John BACKER of London, timber merchant. 25 1687 Sept. 10. Assignment. Thomas GOODING, Robert BLAINEY and Benjamin WETTON, as Commissioners, to Robert WEST of London, of all the personal estate of John BACKER. 27 ------------ Inventory of debts, moneys, goods and chattels of John BACKER mentions: Thomas BRETT of Fairlight, Sussex co., Thomas ACKINE of said place. 30 1687 Sept. 10. Deed. Thomas GOODING, Robert BLAINEY and Benjamin WETTON, commissioners, to Robert WEST for 1/2 of 1-24 share of East Jersey. 31 1688 July 20. Confirmation to Nicholas BROUN of Shroesberry, hold- ing by purchase from Robert TURNER 1-16 of 1-48 share of East Jersey, of 312 1/2 acres in Monmouth Co., W. grantee, S. and W. the main branch of Shirk R., N. E. unsurveyed land, S. E. and E. the North branch of said river, less 5 acres, taken out for Hannah GILFORD. 34 1688 May 1. Do. to Thomas WARNE of Amboy Perth, still holding 1/3 of a propriety, of lot No. 6, Wickatunck, Monmouth Co., 500 acres, E. Peter SONMANS, N. Robert BARCLAY and Peter SONMANS, W. Robert BURNETT, S. unappropriated land. 35 1688 May 1. Patent to Nicholas BROUN of Shroesberry, for 100 acres in Monmouth Co., S. Shirk River, on all other sides unsurveyed land. 37 1688 May 1. Do. to John THROCKMORTON, of Middletown, for the fol- lowing tracts, vizt: 1, 25 acres in Middletown bounds, W. William COMPTON, N. a meadow, E. Edward Tailjour, S. the same and unsurveyed land; 2, 5 acres of an island, joining the meadow, N. the sedges, E. the creek, S. the meadow, W. Thomas MORSER; 3, 14 acres of upland, W. the Cold Spring, N. grantee, S. and E. Job THROCKMORTON; 4, 7 a. of upland, N. and E. Edward TAILJOUR, S. grantee, W. Richard SADLER; 5, 10 a. of meadow at Wackick, E. John SMITH, S. upland, N. the beach, W. unsur- veyed meadow; 6, 35 a. of upland, E. grantee, W. Poplar Brook and SADLER's land; 7, 6 a. of meadow at Shoal Harbour, W. a creek, E. upland, N. John STOUTT, S. Samuel SPICER 38 1688 May 1. Do. to Hannaniah GILFORD of Shroesberry, for 100 acres in Monmouth Co., N. Shirk R., W. John CHAMBERS, S. and E. unsurveyed land. 40 1688 May 1. Confirmation to Robert BURNETT of Lethentie, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, 900 acres near the Blew Hills, Essex Co., a triangle, S. John ffORBIS and Ewan CAMERON, N. W. Peter SONMANS, Robert FULLARTON and Andrew ALEXANDER, E. grantee. 42 PAGE 134 New Jersey Colonial Documents. 1688 May 1. Do. to same, as before, 1200 acres in Middlesex Co., on the S. side of Bound Brook, betw. Ewan CAMERON and John BARCLAY. 43 1688 May 1. Do. to same, as before, 900 acres in Middlesex Co., near Woodbridge stake. 44 1688 May 1. Patent to James ASHTON of Middletown, for 100 acres there, E. Richard DAVIES, S. a gully and unsurveyed land, W. Henry Marsh, N. James AUSTEIN, John JOB and James BOUND. 45 1688 May 1. Patent to John West of Shroesberry, in right of William WEST, for 50 acres in Monmouth Co., S. Shirk R., E. Nicholas BROUN, W. and N. unsurveyed land. 47 1688 May 1. Patent to John WEST of Shroesberry, in right of William WEST, for 50 acres in Monmouth Co., S. Shirk R., E. Nicholas BROUN, W. and N. unsurveyed land. 47 1688 May 1. Confirmation to Ewan CAMERON of Scotland, knight, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, 1000 acres on N. side of the Bound Brook, in Essex Co., S. Bound Brook, E. John ffORBIS, N. Robert BURNETT, N. E. Peter SONMANS, W. unsurveyed land. 49 1688 May 1. Patent to William CHEESMAN of Middletown, for 100 acres at Naversinks, Monmouth Co., S., N. and E. George Mount and Safty GROVER, W. unsurveyed land. 50 1688 May 1. Do. to Stephen WEST of Shroesberry, for 50 acres, N. the Shirk R., S., W. and E. unsurveyed land. 50 1687 Dec. 10. Mortgage. Nicholas and Samuel CARTER of Elizabeth Toun to Thomas OSBURNE of the same place, tanner, for 7 acres of mead- ow, S. a little creek, E. Newark Creek, W. Isaac WHITEHEAD, Senior, N. a small creek, separating LYON's meadow from his. 53 1687 Dec. 16. Deed. Jacob ROWELL, some time of Elizabeth Towne, carpenter, to Thomas OSBURNE, for a house and lot, 3 acres, at the N. edn of said town, N. Henry LYON, E. Henery NORRISE, S. Hur THOMSON, W. a road. 54 1688 Nov. 10. Deed. Peter WATSON of Amboy Perth to John REID of Hortencie, for a tract at the Great Flype, Monmouth Co., N. E. grantee, on all other sides unappropriated land. 55 1688 Nov. 10. Do. John REID of Hortencie to Peter WATSON of Am- boy Perth, for a tract on the Gravell Brook, Monmouth co., S. Sir John GORDON, E. said brook, W. unappropriated land. 56 1688 June 24. Do. Robert BARCLAY, by his attorney John REID, to Peter WATSON, for a tract in Monmouth Co., N. E. John REID, on all other sides unappropriated land. 58 1687 Sept. 24. Order of the Governour and Council in England to the Deputy Governour, to issue his warrant to the Receiver General for the payment of £100 sterl. to Lord Neill CAMPBELL. 60 PAGE 135 East Jersey Deeds, Etc., Liber C. 1683 May 26. Deed. Hugh DICKMAN of Shroesberry to Richard LEPPENCOTT of the same place, for one half share of the land on Norupsons Neck, in Shroesberry, E. Francis JACKSON, W. a road. 61 1683 April 18. Assignment. Richard LEPPENCOTT to Thomas HEWETT of the preceding. 61 1684 April 18. Acknowledgement by Abigail LEPPENCOTT, for her late husband Richard LEPPENCOTT received full satisfaction for the foregoing from Thomas HEWETT. 62 1687 April 14. Deed. Peter TILTOUN of Middletoun to William SCOTT of the same place, for 136 acres in Shroesberry. 62 1686 Sept. 28. Do. Christopher YOUNG and Thomas LONGWORTH, both of Southold, L. I., to Henry LYON of Elizabeth Town, for the whole estate, real and personal, excepting a sloop, bequeathed to grantors by their cousin Capt. Thomas YOUNG of Elizabeth Town dec'd., by his will of April 29, 1686. 63 1686 Sept. 10. Assignment. Colonel John YOUNG of Southold, L. I., to Samuel WILSONE of N. Y. and Henry LYON of Elizabeth Town, of all his estate, right, etc. to a plantation at Young's Point, Elizabeth Town, formerly belonging to his deceased brother, Capt. Thomas YOUNG. 63 1682 July 24. Will of Robert WHITE. Wife --------, children William Andrew, Ann Lee, Elizabeth; Mary LITTLE. Real estate (home lot ad- joining Thomas LEE) and personal property. Witnesses Steven CRANE, Isabell MOORE. 64 1687-8 March 21. Deed. Richard BEECH of Elizabeth Town to Agatha WHITE of the same place, widow, for 10 acres of meadow there, N. W. Thomson's Creek, S. E. the great river, S. W. William PARDON and Charles TUCKER, N. N. E. David OGDEN. 64 1683 May 23. Do. William DOUGLAS of Pembrepock, Bergen Co., to Lawrence ANDRUSS of said County, for half a parcel of land adjoining Cornelius CHRISTIANS, at New Hackensack for half a meadow lot, lying S. E. 66 1688 June 24. Deed. Robert BARCLAY, by his attorney John REID of Hortencie, to John BAIRD of Monmouth Co., for 100 acres at Toponemus, in said County, S. Thomas WARNE, E. Peter SONMANS, N. John NESMITH and Alexr NAPER, W. Wm RONALD. 67 1688 June 24. Do. Same to James MELVIN of Monmouth Co., for 100 a. at Toponemus, in said Co., N. the road, E. Peter SONMANS, S. John NESMITH and Alexr NAPER, W. unappropriated land. 69 1688 Dec. 22. Do. James MELVIN to John REID of Hortencie, both of Monmouth Co., for a lot at Taponemus, bounded N. by the road, E. and S. by Melvin's Brook, W. unappropriated land. 72 1688 June 24. Do. Robert BARCLAY, by his attorney John REID, to John NESMITH of Monmouth Co., for 100 acres at Taponemus, E. Peter SONMANS, S. John BAIRD, W. Alexr NAPER, N. James MELVIN. 74 PAGE 136 New Jersey Colonial Documents. 1688 June 24. Do. Same to Alexr NAPER of Monmouth Co., for 100 acres at Taponemus, S. William RONALD and John BAIRD, E. John NESMITH, N. James MELVINE, W. unappropriated land. 77 1681-2 Jan. 1. Do. John LITTELL of Elizabeth Town, carpenter, to William ROBINSONE of the same place, cordwainer, for 20 acres, S. W. Roger LAMBERT, N. W. Benjamin WADE, N. E. grantor, S. E. the road. 80 1687 Dec. 3. Do. Samuel LEONARD of Monmouth to Ricard STOUTT junior of Middletown, for 200 acres on the N. side of Manasquam R., as granted by patent of June 20, 1687. 81 1688 May 10. Patent to Joseph MARTINE of Piscataway, for 60 acres there, E. and S. Nicholas MUNDAY, N. John MARTINE, W. Jeffery MANING. 82 1688 May 10. Confirmation to Robert GORDONE of Cluny, Scotland, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, for: 1, 500 acres in Middlesex Co., N. William DOCKWRA, S. Charles GORDON, E. the river, W. unsurveyed land; 2, 20 acres of meadow in the Roundabout, S. W. Charles GORDONE, N. William DOCKWRA and the South R., S. said river, E. unsurveyed meadow. 84 1688 May 10. Do. to Philipp SMITH of Rhoad Island, holding by purchase from John THROCKMORTON 1-10 of 1-48 share, 480 acres along Birlington Path, S. W. James ASHTONE, S. E. John THROCKMORTON, N. E. John STOUTT, N. W. unsurveyed land. 85 1688 May 10. Do. to William DOCKWRA of London, one of the Pro- prietors, as part of his share, 2500 acres in Monmouth Co., along the West Jersey line on the West and on all other sides Crosswicks Creek; also 22 acres of meadow, W. the South R., E. the meadow not laid out, N. Robert BARCLAY, S. Robert GORDONE of Cluny. 87 1688 May 10. Do. to Andrew GALLOWAY of Aberdeen, Scotland, mer- chant, holding by purchase from Dr. James WILLOX of Kemnie, Scotland, 1/4 of 1/8 share, 300 acres in Middlesex Co., N. Raraton r., W. Peter SONMANS, now John CRAIGE, S. unsurveyed land, E. a brook and unsurveyed land; also 350 acres in the same Co., S. Robert BURNETT, E. William GERARD, W. and N. unsurveyed land. 88 1688 May 10. Do. to Joseph GROVER of Middletown, holding by pur- chase from John THROCKMORTON 1-10 of 1-48 share, 480 acres in Monmouth Co., S. W. Peter SONMANS, S. Jonathan HOLMES and unsurveyed land, N. E. Joseph THROCKMORTON, N. W. unsurveyed land. 89 1688 May 10. Patent to Walter WALL of Middletown, for a lot there at Cowtrotters Neck, E. old John WILSONE and unsurveyed land, on all other sides unsurveyed land. 91 1688 May 10. Do. to John WILSONE Senior of Middletoun, for 100 acres on Waycack Creek and Mochores Brook, W. Walter WALL, on all PAGE 137 East Jersey Deeds, Etc., Liber C. other sides unsurveyed land. 92 1688 May 10. Do. to Gideon FREEBORNE of Shrosberry, for 100 acres on Ramsonts Neck, Monmouth Co., W. Francis BURDEIN, E. Joseph PARKER, N. and S. roads; also 12 acres of meadow at Narawataconck, E. John WORTHLEY, W. Francis BURDEIN, N. and S. two branches of Shrosberry R. 94 1688 May 10. Do. to John CHAMBERS of Shrosberry, for 50 acres in Monmouth Co. on the S. side of Shark River, N. the brook, W. Stephen WEST, S. and E. unsurveyed land. 96 1688 May 10. Confirmation to Peter SONMANS, one of the Proprietors, as part of his share, 1500 acres in Monmouth Co., S. E. Birlington Path, S. W. Crosswicks Creek, N. E. James GROVER and unsurveyed land, N. W. unsurveyed land. 98 1688 May 10. Do. to same, 480 acres in Monmouth Co., W. Jedidiah ALLAN, S. the same and lots, laid out for Shrosberry men, S. E. Birling- ton Path, N. E. Robert BARCLAY, N. grantee; 20 acres of the South mead- ow, at the head of Manasquam R. 100 1688 May 10. Patent to Thomas RENSHALL of Middletoun, for 30 acres there, S. W. William AUSTINE, W. Robert HAMILTON, N. E. John SMITH and the ffye [1] of Richard SADLER, S. E. Samuel WILLETT. 101 1688 May 10. Do. to John CLAYTONE of Middletoun, for 80 acres there, being a neck called Pine Neck, E. and W. two creeks, S. unsur- veyed land, N. the Way creek; also a small tract on the little neck in Richard HARTSHORNE's line; in all 100 acres. 103 1688 May 10. Confirmation to William GERARD of Scotland, for 350 acres near the Blew Hills, Essex Co., W. Androw GALLOWAY, N. and E. un- surveyed land, S. Robert GORDONE. 105 1688 May 10. Do. to Robert GORDONE of Cluny, one of the Propri- etors, as part of his share, 910 acres in the pretended bounds of Elizabeth Town, Essex Co., S. Woodbridge Town line, E. Thomas HART, W. Robert BURNETT, N. unsurveyed land. 106 1688 June 25. Patent to Gideon FREEBORNE of Shrosberry, for 100 acres in Monmouth Co., N. Manasquam brook and unsurveyed land, on all other sides barren land. 108 1688 June 25. Do. to John WILSON Junior of Middletoun, for 40 acres there, W. his father, on all other sides unsurveyed land. 109 1688 June 25. Do. to John SMALLY junior of Piscataway, for 100 acres there, S. E. Benjamin HULL, on all other sides land not laid out. 111 1688 June 25. Confirmation to Job THROCKMORTON of Middletoun, holding by purchase from John THROCKMORTON, 1-10 of 1-48 share of East Jersey, 474 acres in Monmouth Co., S. W. Benjamin BURDEIN, S. E. and ---------- [1] Dutch for low meadow. PAGE 138 New Jersey Colonial Documents. N. E. the pines, N. W. unsurveyed land; 10 acres of meadow, S. and S. W. the pines, E. and N. E. the same and unsurveyed land; 12 a. of up- land at Sholl Harbour, E. Safty GROVER, S. and N. grantee, W. John THROCKMORTON; 4 acres of meadow at Sholl Harbour, E. James ASHTONE, S. upland, W. Richard GARDNER, N. sedges and marshes. 112 1688 June 25. Do. to John STOUTT of Middletoun, holding by pur- chase from John THROCKMORTON, 1-20 of 1-48 share, for 300 acres, S. W. Phil. SMITH, S. E. the juries, N. E. Benjamin BURDEIN, N. W. unsurveyed land. (Crosswicks, Monmouth Co.). 114 1688 June 25. Do. to Myles FORSTER of N. Y. City, merchant, in right of Gawen LAWRIE, his late father (in-law) dec'd., for half lot No. 20 at Wickatum, Monmouth Co., 250 acres, S. E. a road, S. W. Robert GORDON, N. W. land not laid out, N. E. John BACKER; also half of a town lot, 18 by 8 ch., S. E. the road, N. W. Robert GORDON, N. E. Thomas RUDYARD. 115 1688 June 25. Do. to Joseph THROCKMORTON of Midletoun, holding by purchase from John THROCKMORTON, 1-10 of 1-48 share, 480 acres at Crosswicks, S. W. Joseph GROVER, S. E. Jonathan HOLMES and John SMITH, N. E. James BOUND, N. W. unsurveyed land. 116 1688 June 25. Patent to John WILSON Junior, for 156 acres in Mon- mouth Co., E. GROVER's Brook, N. Mahoras Brook, W. Richard STOUTT Senior, S. John WILSON Senior; 9 a. of meadow, E. Sholl Harbour Creek, S. Edward SMITH, W. upland, N. Thomas COX; also a town lot of 6 acres, N. the road, S. and W. John RUCKMAN, E. John WILSON Senior; an out lot of 9 a., S. Thomas WHITELOCK, W. Mahoras Brook, E. John RUCKMAN, N. un- appropriated land. 117 1688 June 25. Do. to John JOHNSTONE of Monmouth Co., for 150 acres at Matchiponis, said Co., N. E. Matchiponis R., S. W. Govr BARCLAY, S. E. and N. W. unappropriated land. 119 1688 June 25. Do. to James EMOTT of Amboy Perth, for 25 acres in Essex Co., S. E. Raway River, on all other sides grantee. 121 1688 June 25. Confirmation to John THROCKMORTON, holding by pur- chase from Robert TURNER, 1-48 share of East Jersey, 480 acres at Cross- wicks, S. W. John SMITH, S. E. the pines and a brook, N. W. James BOUND, James ASHTON and Philipp SMITH. 122 1688 May 10. Do. to Robert BURNETT of Lethantie, one of the Pro- prietors, as part of his share, half of lot 19 at Wickatunck in Monmouth Co., 250 a., N. W. the road, N. E. Peter SONMANS, S. E. unappropriated land, S. W. Clement PLUMSTEAD; also half of a town lot, 15 acres, N. W. said Plumstead, N. E. Thomas ROBINSON, S. E. Thomas GIBSON, W. Peter SONMANS. 123 1688 May 10. Do. to Robert GORDON of Cluny, one of the Propri- etors, as before, half of lot 20 at Wickatunck, Monmouth Co., 250 acres, S. E. the road, S. W. Thomas RUDYARD, N. W. land not laid out, N. E. Gawen LAWRIE; half a town lot, 18 by 9 ch., S. E. and S. W. GAWEN LAWRIE, N. W. John BACKER, N. E. Thomas RUDYARD. 124 PAGE 139 East Jersey Deeds, Etc., Liber C. 1688 May 10. Patent to James EMOTT of Amboy Perth, for 300 acres in Bergen Co., N. David DEMARRIE, W. the Westbranch of Overpeck's Cr., which is also the bounds of LAWRENCE the drawer and Company's land, called New Hackensack, S. E. and E. unappropriated land. 126 1688 March 24. Patent to John HANS of Shrosberry, for 150 acres on Ramsonts Neck, Monmouth Co., E. George PARKER, W. a road, N. Never- sinks R., S. a small brook; 7 acres of the great meadow, N. Samuel DENNES, S. Abraham BROWNE and Robert LACOKE, E. a small island, W. a small creek. 127 168- -----------. Do. to same, for 247 acres in Shrosberry, where he now lives, S. the South R., called Shrosberry R., N. Neversinks R., W. Ephraim ALLEN, formerly Eliakim WARDELL, E. Thomas HEWIT, formerly Hugh DICKMAN, and a road. 128 1688 May 10. Do. to Samuel LEONARD of Midletoun, for 300 acres on Hog Neck, Monmouth Co., S. E. and S. W. branches of Neversinks R., N. W. Mordecai GIBBONS, N. E. land not laid out and Thurloe's Brook. 129 1688 May 10. Do. to Samuel WILLCOTT of Shrosberry, for: 1, 160 acres there, E. Stephen WILLIAMS, N. Neversinks R., W. unsurveyed land, S. Colonel MORRIS, formerly Sam. LEONARD; 2, 6 acres of meadow, S. W. John HANSE, S. E. the head of a small creek, N. E. Edmond LAFETERA, N. W. upland; 3, 4 acres of meadow on Raccone Island, S. W. Gideon FREBORNE, N. W. ---- --- --- River, N. E. unsurveyed meadow, S. E. Shrosberry R. 130 1688 May 10. Confirmation to Mordacay GIBBONS of Middletowne, for 500 acres in Monmouth Co., S. W., N. W. and S. E. unsurveyed land, N. E. grantee and John VAUGHAN and 40 a. of Conescuncke meadow, N. the beach, S. upland, W. Richard HARTSHORNE, E. Richard Stoute; these lands were first granted to his dec'd, father Richard GIBBONS in 167_. 131 1688 May 10. Patent to Gideon FREEBORNE of Rhoad Island, for 100 acres at the head of Manalopen River near the pines, in Monmouth Co., S. E. said river, N. E. Ephraim ALLEN, S. W. and N. W. land not laid out. 132 1688 May 10. Do. to Daniel ESTALL of Midletowne, for 50 acres there, N. E. Richard HARTSHORNE, S. E. a brook, S. W. and N. W. unsur- veyed land; also a tract at Shole Harbour, N. William WHITELOCKE and unsurveyed land, S. E. and W. each land. 133 1688 May 10. Confirmation to James ASHTONE of Midletowne, holding by purchase from John THROGMORTON 1-10 of 1-48 share of East Jersey, 480 acres at Crosswicks, Monmouth Co., S. W. James BOUND, S. E. John THROGMORTON, N. E. Philipp SMITH, N. W. unsurveyed land. 134 PAGE 140 New Jersey Colonial Documents. 1688 May 10. Patent to Thomas HARBUR of Midletowne, for 140 acres there, S. E. Benjamin DEVELL, S. John JOB, S. W. James ASHTONE, W. un- surveyed land and James GROVER, N. E. James ASHTONE, Richard DAVIS, John JOBS and the Bay. 135 1686-7 Jan. 11. Bond. John SKEEN, Deputy Governour of West Jer- sey, Saml JENNINGS, Thomas OLIVE, George HUTCHESON, Mahlon STACY, Thomas LAMBERT and Joseph POPE, proprietors of said Province, to Lord Neale CAMPBELL, Govr of East Jersey, Capt. Andrew HAMILTON and John CAMPBELL, Proprietors of East Jersey, to stand by the decision of William EMLEY and John REID, concerning the division line. [1] 136 1686-7 Jan. 8. Decision of John REID and Wm EMLEY, that the line is to run from Little Egg Harbour N. N. W. 50 degrees W. to the Delaware River. 137 1685 Dec. 1. Instructions and directions, given by Thomas RUDYARD, "for my son Mr. John WEST and Mr. Samuell WINDER, [2] for the better ob- servation and Execution of such grants, Commissions and Authorities, I have made and given them." (Calls WINDER also "his son"). 137 1679 Dec. 30. Deed. Nicholas BONHAM to Benjamin HULL, both of Piscataway, for all his right, title etc. in and to a lot of land at Piscat- away, N. W. Jabish HENDRICKS, S. E. John SMALLY junior, 70 acres, front- ing on Rariton R. 139 1701 April 14. Do. Thomas CODRINGTON and wife Margaret to Thomas GAUGE, late of Westchester, N. Y., shipwright, for a house and lot at Woodbridge, bounded as described in patent of Decbr. 30, 1670, to Benjamin PARKIS; deed from said PARKIS to Claude VALLET of Aug. 8, 1672, do. from VALLET to George LOCKHART of June 23, 1679, and deed from LOCKHART to present grantor of Dec. 27, 1681. 139 1701 July 25. Do. Elisha PARKER Senior of Woodbridge to Elisha PARKER Junior of the same place, for 60 acres, bo't of Daniel ROBINS, betw. John CONGER, Wm. MERRICKE, John CODINGTON, John BISHOP, Daniel THORPE, Yutt and Rakawa Rivers. 140 1700-1 Jan. 15. Do. John WORTH and wife Jane of Woodbridge to Elisha PARKER, for 100 acres there, S. a meadow, E. Wm. ALGER, N. com- mon land, W. Marmaduke POTTER; 9 acres of Rariton meadows, E. Thomas SUTTON, N. Samuel HALE, W. Charles SALLIER, S. Thomas FITZRANDOLPH; also one freehold in Woodbridge. 141 1701 June 21. Do. John PIKE and wife Sarah of Woodbridge to Elisha PARKER, for 18 acres there on Meeting House Brook. 142 ---------- [1] See N. J. Hist. Society's Proceedings, 3d Series, I., 136. [2] John WEST, merchant, who came to New York in 1678, married Anne, daughter of Thomas RUDYARD in October, 1684. Samuel WINDER, formerly of Staten Island married Margaret, daughter of Thomas RUDYARD, and then removed to a plantation near Middletown, where he died. PAGE 141 East Jersey Deeds, Etc., Liber C. 1675-6 March 5. Do. John WADKINS of Woodbridge, cordwainer, to Dr. Henry GREENLAND, for 10 acres there. 143 1693 Nov. 19. Assignment. Dr. Henry GREENLAND to Henry ALWORD of the preceding 10 acres. 143 1690 Aug. 27. Deed. John BROWN and wife Jane of Woodbridge to Henry ALWARD of the same place, for 50 ACRES there, formerly John WADKINS' accommodation, adjoining John TAYLOR. 143 1701 Oct. 30. Do. Isaac WALKER and wife Desire of Woodbridge to Henry ALWARD, for the following tracts, vizt: 1, 98 acres at Langstaff's Farm or Plain, E. John WATKINS, W. N. W. the road, S. S. W. the road to Piscataway; 2, 17 acres of upland, S. E. of the first; 3, 15 acres of Rari- ton meadows, N. the Commons, S. Robert VANQUELLINE, W. David Mc- KENY and upland, E. Stephen KENT senior. 144 1699-1700 Jan. 11. Do. William THORNELL of Woodbridge, cord- wainer, to Henry ALWARD for several lots, vizt: 1, 60 acres at Langstaff's Farm or Plain, S. a road, W. Samuel DENNES, N. and E. land in common; 2, a lot on the W. side of Slingtale Brook, along Piscataway road and Harman PERCE's Hill; 3, 9 a. of salt marsh, in the Houselot Pond, Rari- ton meadows; adjoining Thomas SMITH. 145 1701 Nov. 26. Deed. John SMITH, late of Piscataway, son and heir of John SMITH of Woodbridge, to Robert Cole of Woodbridge, for 5 acres of Rariton meadows, part of a 30 acres lot, patented to his father by Govr CARTERET, E. John WATSON and Thomas AUGER, W. Daniel GREASER, S. Rariton R., N. Skipper BOND; also an island of meadow, 5-6 acres, S. of the first. 146 1701 Nov. 13. Do. William ALGER to Adam HUDE, both of Wood- bridge, for 15 acres there, adjoining Jonathan BISHOP and grantee. 147 1701 Oct. 29. Indian Deed. TALLQUAPIE et al. to John JOHNSTON and George WILLOKS, both of Monmouth Co., merchants, for the tract on East- side of the N. branch of Rariton R., along MACHCOPOIKEN's land , N. W. to the mountains above Pechpeck and E. along the mountains to the Blew Hills. 148 1701 Nov. 29. Deed. Robert WRIGHT, to his son-in-law John MOORES, both of Woodbridge, cordwainers, for 40 acres, N. grantor. 149 1701 Nov. 18. Do. John JOHNSTON and wife Eupham of Monmouth Co. to Patrick CANAEN of said Co., for a lot in the same County, adjoin- ing Alexr ADAMS, as per patent. 150 1701 March 26. Power of attorney. Thomas COOPER of London, merchant, to Richard SALTER of Freehold, Monmouth Co., planter, to col- lect debts due by James MILLS of N. Y., merchant, and Thomas BOELL of Monmouth Co. 151 1701 Nov. 18. Deed. John ROBESON, glover, to William SPENCE, weaver, both of Woodbridge, for 10 acres there, called Hainses Hill, E. PAGE 142 New Jersey Colonial Documents. the road, S. Jonathan HAINES, now Thomas MORE, W. John DILLIE. 152 1701 Nov. 20. Do. Richard SPENCER, yeoman, to his son William SPENCER, weaver, both of Woodbridge, for 10 acres at Hainses Hill, E. the road, S. Jonathan HAINSE, W. and N. W. John DILLIE, also 14 acres in Elizabethtown, N. the Two Miles Brook, W. by a small run, S. by unsur- veyed swamp, E. Alexander SCOTT dec'd. 152 1700 Oct. 29. Deed. George PACK and wife Elizabeth of Elizabeth- town to John BAKER of Woodbridge, for 22 acres of meadow, N. grantor, S. Rakaway R. and John POPE, E. -------- LAMBERT, W. John POPE. 153 1701 Sept. 16. Do. Thomas BILLS of Shrewsberry weaver, to his son- in-law David KILLIE of Midletown, for one half of the lot on the N. side of Sawmill Brook, W. another brook. 154 1701 Oct. 1. Patent. Col. Andrews HAMILTON, Goverour of East and West Jersey, to Jedidiah ALLEN of Shrewsberry, for 100 acres in any unap- propriated tract. 154 1700 May 15. Deed. Samuel LAYTON and wife Janet to William DAVISON, carpenter, all of Monmouth Co., for one half of a tract in said Co., at Wemoke along the brook, originally belonging to William OLIPHANT, brother of said Janet and of Margaret, wife of said William DAVISON. 155 1701 Dec. 8. Do. John JOHNSTON to Walter KER, both of Monmouth Co., for 100 acres of his share in the second division of the Province, as ordered February 24, 1698-9. 156 1701 Aug. 20. Do. Charles HAYNES, formerly of Midletown, E. J., and now of Sussex Co., [1] annexed to Pennsylvania, to William CLARK of Lewis [2] in said Sussex Co., for 220 acres in Midletown, S. John THROCKMORTON, W. unsurveyed land, N. grantor and John THROCKMORTON, E. Cold Spring Brook, as per patent of Novbr. 23, 1676, less 150 acres, sold to Edward TAYLOR. 156 1701 Aug. 20. Power of attorney. Charles HAYNES to Edward TAYLOR and Jedidiah ALLEN, to acknowledge in Court the preceding deed. 158 1694 Aug. 1. Deed. William REAP, son, and Sarah REAP, his mother and widow of William REAP of Rhoad Island, dec'd., to William, son of Jonathan MARSH of Newport, R. I., mariner, and wife Sarah REAP, grand- son of said Sarah REAP, widow, for a share of the three necks of land in Shrewsberry, held by said Wm REAP dec'd, with others, bounded N. by Rockhill, S. Whalepond Brook, E. a road, W. Sarah REAP, alias Joseph BRIOR (?), 8 acres of meadow at Portpeck alias Racoun Island, N. a small island of upland, E. Samuel SPICER alias Thomas HEWET, S. a branch of Shrewsberry R., W. a road. 158 1698 March 1. Do. Josiah PRICKET of Burlington to John HARRISON of Flushing, L. I., for all his improvements at Cranberry Brook, now occu- paid by Anthony ASHMORE. 160 ---------- [1] Now in Delaware. [2] Lewes. PAGE 143 East Jersey Deeds, Etc., Liber C. 1698 April 1. License to purchase Indian land at Cranberry Brook, granted to John HARRISON, to improve road from Burlington to N. Y. 160 1699 May 8. Indian Deed. HUGHON and LUMOSEECON, Sachems, to John HARRISON, for a tract betw. Cranberry Brook and Milston R., York- road and Thomas Budd. 160 1700 Dec. 17. Deed. John HARRISON of Pennsylvania, merchant, to George RESCARRICK of Woodbridge, for the preceding tract. 161 1701 Oct. 15. Do. George RESCARRICK of Cranberry Brook to the Pro- prietors for the preceding. 162 1696 Nov. 9. Do. John BAINBRIDGE of Maidenhed, Burlington Co., to Peter GROOME of Assinpinck, East Jersey, for 200 acres, adjoining William WATSON, on Assinpinck R., as sold to grantor by John REID of Hor- tencie Feb. 22, 1693-4. 162 1701 Sept. 9. Do. Thomas MOORE and wife Mary to Robert GIL- CHRIST, both of Woodbridge, for the South half of a 100 acres lot at Lang- staff's Farm or Plain; also 10 acres, part of a 45 acres lot of Rariton mead- ows; and the freehold, purchased by grantor's father of Henry LESENBY and conveyed to him by his brother Samuel MOORE. 164 1700 Oct. 28. Do. John JOHNSTON and wife Eupham of Monmouth Co., to Alexander INNES of said Co., clerk, for a lot in said County, W. Col. Morris, S. Peter TILTON, N. and E. the Hope R. 165 1697 Dec. 11. Do. James MILLER of Carshove, [1] Scotland, by his at- torney John REID of Hortencie, to Andrew BURNET of Monmouth Co., for 1-32 share of East Jersey, purchased of Robert BURNET August 15, 1683; and all the tracts on South R., not yet sold; also the tract adjoining hor- tencie and the land of Manalapen, exchanged from Robert BARCLAY Febru- ary 10, 1687-8; the land on Milstone R., acquired by exchange with Robt BARCLAY March 14, 1689-90; 40 acres at Barnagate, acquired as before June 17, 1690. 166 1700 Oct. 12. Do. Andrew BURNET of Monmouth Co. to John REID of Hortencie, for 1-32 share of East Jersey, and the other tracts, as in the preceding. 166 1701 Dec. 8. Do. John REID of Hortencie to his son-in-law John ANDERSON and wife Anna, grantor's daughter, for the tract, called Manalapen, Monmouth Co., as per patents and deeds of January 22, 1689, June 23, 1696, Octbr. 7 and 12, 1700, and June 7, 1701. 167 1701 Dec. 25. Do. Jonathan DONHAM, capenter and millwright, to John MORES, cordwainer, both of Woodbridge, for a tract of 12 acres there, N. E. grantor, along John DILLY. 168 1701-2 Jan. 26. Do. John DILLIE and wife Ruth to George BROWN, ---------- Query: Carronshaore, a village near Carron, in Stirlingshire. PAGE 144 New Jersey Colonial Documents. tailor, all of Woodbridge, for 4 acres of upland there, granted to his father John DILLIE by patent of August 2, 1676, S. W. Mr. SMITH, N. E. Isaac TAPPIN, S. E. common swamp, N. W. common land. 168 1701-2 Jan. 20. Do. Thomas GORDON and wife Jannet of Perth Am- boy to George WILLOKS of Rudyard, Monmouth Co., for a lot in Middlesex Co., betw. the head of Cheesquacks and South R. 169 1701-2 Jan. 26. Do. George WILLOKS of Rudyard to William LETTS of Perth Amboy, for the preceding lot. 170 1699-1700 Jan. 10. Do. Thomas GORDON and wife Jannet of Perth Amboy to William FROST of said place, carpenter, for a lot there, 6 by 10 chains, E. grantor, S. a street, W. David FALCONER, N. William THOMSON, formerly George WILLOKS, as per patent of April 20, 1696. 171 1692-3 March 26. Do. John CONGER of Woodbridge to Ebenezer FORD, for 16 acres, E. grantor, N. a common or sunken meadow. 172 1701 June 7. Do. John REID of Monmouth Co. to the Proprietors, for 300 acres in said Co., below the "boylling" spring of Manalapan, ad- joining James MILLER and Milston Brook, in exhange for 173 1701 Aug. 6. Do. Col. Andrew HAMILTON, Governour, to John REID of Hortencie, for 300 acres anywhere in the unappropriated parts. 173 1701 June 24. Do. George WILLOKS and wife Margaret of Rudyard, Monmouth Co. to John JOHNSTON of the same Co., for a lot in Perth Am- boy at the N. E. end of the Cove, intended for a wet dock, betw. grantee and low water mark. 174 1700 Dec. 20. Do. John REID of Hortencie to George WILLOKS, for 2 1/2 a. in Perth Amboy, whereof one a. is bounded by High Street, N. by the Governour's house, S. by grantee, the other 1 1/2 acres between the highway and the South corner of Robt BARCLAY dec'd; the whole first granted to said Barclay Decbr. 24, 1686, and conveyed to present grantor May 24, 1690. 175 1700 Nov. 10. Do. George WILLOKS of Rudyard, merchant, and wife Margaret to Govr Andrew HAMILTON, for two lots on High Str., Perth Amboy, N. Robert BARCLAY dec'd., W. grantee, S. unsurveyed land, E. High Str., as per patents of February 24, 1698 and Novbr. 28, 1699; also the pre- ceding lot on High Str. 175 1699 July 6. Do. George MACKENZIE of Kildin, [1] Scotland, by his attorney George WILLOKS, to Thomas GORDON of East Jersey, for all his real estate in Perth Amboy, part of his 1-20 of 1-48 share in the Province. 176 1701 July 28. Do. Capt. Samuel LEONARD of Shrewsberry to Thomas DANIELL late of Hempstead, Queens Co., L. I., for 100 acres in Shrews- berry, on Bound Brook, near Manasquam R., along Long Brook and Sarah REAP. 177 ---------- [1] Probably Kildean, the spot where the English crossed the Forth to the fatal battle of Stirling. PAGE 145 East Jersey Deeds, Etc., Liber C. 1686 Sept. 13. Power of attorney. George MACKENZIE of Kildin, Scotland, to George WILLOKS of East Jersey, as land agent. 178 1694 Nov. 12. Will of Hanse HARMENSE and wife Willemtie WAERNAERS of Constaple's Point, Bergen. Willemtie's children by her former husband Harmen of BERKELOO, vizt. Jannetie REYNIES and Harmen of BERCKELOO, Jan HARMANSE of BERCKELOO, William of BERCKELOO; children of this marriage: Tryntie and Annetie HANCE. Witnesses Hessell WIGGERTS and Barent CHRISTIANSE. Proved in 1701. 178 1701 Dec. 3. Letters of administration on the estate of Hanse HARMENSE and wife Willemtie, granted to their daughter Tryntie and her husband Peter LAUWRANSON. 179 1700 Oct. 19. Codicill by Hanse HARMENSEN appointing guardians for his grandson Hartman CLAES, naming sons John HARTMANSON and Daniel SHOTWELL. 180 1698 May 31. Will of Samuel ROOS [1] of Newark. Wife Mary, cousins Hannah BRANT, Sarah MORIS, Abigall BALL, Phebie DAY, daughters-in-law Abigall BUNELL, Hannah CARTER. Personal property. The wife executrix with George HARRISON as assistant. Witnesses Robert YOUNG, Jonathan SERGINT, Jonathan SERGINT junior. Proved Nov. 24, 1701. 180 1701 Dec. 3. Letters of administration on the estate of Samuel ROOS dec'd., granted to his widow Mary. 181 1701 Dec. 3. Order of the Governour, admitting Samuel DENNES and Capt. John BISHOP as guardians of George DARLING, all of Woodbridge. 181 1701 Oct. 1. Deed. David LYELL of N. Y. City, goldsmith, and wife Katherine to John IRELAND of Perth Amboy, yeoman, for 300 acres at Ara- rat, Middlesex Co., N. Rariton R., W. Andrew GALLAWAY and Wm. GERRARD, S. and E. unappropriated land, under conveyance from Ambrose RIGG of Gatton Place, Surrey Place, Surrey Co., England, owner of 1-12 share of the Province, to Thomas ROBINSON of Brant Braughton, [2] Lincoln Co., of 1-48 share, October 23-24, 1682, the confirmation to said ROBINSON of April 16, 1687, the conveyance of the 1-48 share to Andrew HAMILTON of Edinburgh, September 9-10, 1687, the bequest thereof by said Hamil- ton to Doctor Andrew HAMILTON of Edinburgh, who by will of January 21, 1696-7, bequeathed to George CLARKE of St. Martin's Parish in the Fields, Middlesex Co., tailor, from whom present grantor acquired it April 27-28, 1697. 181 ---------- [1] Rose. [2] Brant Broughton is a parish about eight miles east from Newark Lincoln county, England. PAGE 146 New Jersey Colonial Documents. 1699 Dec. 22. Affidavit of Anthony WOODWARD concerning 2500 acres on Crosswicks Creek, belonging to William DOCKWRA of London, whose attorney was John REID. 184 1700 Sept. 11. Do. of Thomas POTTER, about 70 years old, concern- ing boundaries of Poplar Swamp in Shrewsbury. 185 1701 Dec. 17. Deed. John BARCLAY of Perth Amboy and wife Kath- erine to aailliam* STRAYHEAME of Elizabethtown, for 112 acres in the bounds of said town, vizt: 70 acres, S. W. the Two Miles or West Brook, S. E. John WINNANS dec'd., N. E. James HINDES, N. W. Thomas TERRILL; 42 a., N. W. John WINNANS, S. W. said WINNANS and Sawmill Brook, S. E. Thomson's Cr., N. E. Saml WOOD. 186 1701 March 25. Power of attorney. William DOCKWRA of London to Richard SALTER of Freehold, East Jersey, as land agent. 187 1701 March 31. Additional power of attorney by same to same. 189 1701 March 26. Power of attorney. Thomas COOPER of London to Richard SALTER of Freehold and Richard HARTSHORNE of Midletoun, as land agents. 190 1701-2 Feb. 21. Deed. Peter Le CONTE of Staten Island to William BINGLAY of Woodbridge, for 6 1/2 acres of meadow, part of a 12 a. lot in Woodbridge, S. the Sound, E. and W. grantor, N. grantee. 191 1701-2 Feb. 23. Do. William BINGLAY to Adam HUDE, weaver, both of Woodbridge, for the preceding 6 1/2 acres. 191 1701-2 Feb. 14. Deed. John MOORE to John LEE, weaver, both of Woodbridge, for 45 acres there, in Langstaff's Plain, betw. Robert GILCHRIST and George MORRIS; also 5 a. of Rariton meadows, 2 1/2 thereof at Red Root, the other 2 1/2 at the Great Pond. 192 1701-2 Feb. 27. Endorsement on the deed BINGLAY to HUDE (supra p. 191), correcting boundaries on the lot sold. 193 1701 June 30. Deed. John REID of Hortencie to Peter WATSON of Low Hill, Monmouth Co., for a lot West of grantee. 193 1701-2 Feb. 14. Do. John MOORE to George MORRIS, both of Wood- bridge, for 45 acres there, at Langstaff's Plain, being the Easterly half of the tract, given to grantor by his brother Samuel MOORE by deed of gift of January 10, 1694, adjoining Robert GILCHRIST; 5 acres of Rariton meadows, in two pieces, 2 1/2 thereof at Red Root, the other 2 1/2 at the Great Pond. 194 1702 April 2. Do. John REID of Hortencie to James EDWARD of Freehold, for 260 acres in Monmouth Co. on the branches of Rocky Brook adjoining William DOCKWRA; also all the meadow from the head of the N. branch of said brook upward to the upland. 195 1699 June 13. Do. Samuel THORP of Springfield, Burlington Co., West Jersey, cordwainer, to Abraham BROWNE of Mansfield, same Co., for a lot of land and meadow at Freehold, Monmouth Co., E. Jersey, on the - - - - - - - - - - - - * transcribed here as 'aa' when in the original the second 'a' is upside down. PAGE 147 East Jersey Deeds, Etc., Liber C. N. side of Manalapan Brook, N. an Indian path, W. grantee, S. said brook and Gideon FREEBORN, E. Gideon FREEBORN and grantee. 196 1699 June 14. Do. Abraham BROWNE of Mansfield, Burlington Co., to William PARANT of Freehold, Monmouth Co., for 275 acres in the Town of Freehold, S. Manalapan Brook, W. grantor, N. an Indian path, E. Gid- eon FREEBORN and land not laid out. 197 1701 June 7. Patent to Cornelius LONGFIELD of Piscataway, for a tract between Rariton and South Rivers, in Middlesex Co., along Piscopeck or Lawrance's Brook; also one half of the meadow on said two rivers, and along Lawrence's Brook, together 700 acres. 198 1701 Dec. 30. Deed. John REID of Hortencie to Capt. John ANDERSON of the same place, for two tracts in Monmouth Co., the first on Mana- lapan Cr., conveyed to grantor by deed from Robert BARCLAY, Novbr. 4, 1699, and patents of October 7, 1700, and June 7, 1701; the other tract on Milston R., along the same and the Indian path, as per patent of August 8, 1701. 199 1702 April 29. Indian Deed. WICKWELA, Indian Sachem in East Jer- sey, to John JOHNSTON of Scotschester, Monmouth Co., for a tract on Cran- berry Cr. in Middlesex Co., half a mile below the Post road bridge. 200 1701-2 March 11. Will of William LETTS of Perth Amboy, weaver; Wife Ann, sons Francis, William, daughters Ann and Sarah. Real and personal estate. The wife executrix. Witnesses George WILLOKS, Jona- than HINDES, Joseph HALLSY, Robert DOEG. Proved March 31, 1702. 201 1702 April 15. Letters of administration on the estate of William LETTS dec'd., issued to his widow Ann. 201 ---------- Will of Archibald CAMPBELL names John CAMPBELL as heir and executor and leaves a legacy to Elizabeth SWAN; statement of debts due by EDWARDS, Richard CLARKE, William RIDFORD, John COLLINS and due to Elisha PARKER, Miles FORSTER, John BARCLAY, James MORE, John LEE, John McCALM, George CUMINS and Alexander THOMSON. Personal estate. Witnesses James MORE, John FOREMAN, Gawin LOCKHART. Proved May 12, 1702. 202 1702 May 15. Letters of administration on the estate of Archibald CAMPBELL dec'd., issued to John CAMPBELL. 202 1702 May 1. Do. on the estate of William YOUNG, lately deceased intestate, issued to David HARRIOT of Perth Amboy. 203 1701 Oct. 21. Will of Peter MORSS of Elizabeth Town. Sons Joseph, Amos, Joshua, Robert, daughters Mary, Sarah, Hanna, granchild Mary, Joseph's daughter. Real and personal property. Executors sons Amos and Joshua with Joseph MARSH and Saml OLIVER as overseers. Witnesses John BISHOP, Frederick ELLIS, David BISHOP, John WATSON. Proved May 8, 1702. Letters of administration granted to executors named May 15, 1702. 203 PAGE 148 New Jersey Colonial Documents. 1702 April 9. Will of Dennes MORRIS of Elizabeth Town. Wife Jane, sons John, Dennes, daughters Deborah, Mary. Real and personal estate. The wife executrix. Witnesses George PACK, John BISHOP. Proved May 8, 1702. Letters of administration to the widow May 15. 205 1702 May 15. Deed. Robert BURNET, late of Lathantie, Scotland, to Peter WATSON of Freehold, for 400 acres on Milston Brook, betw. Robert HOLMAN, the Pinn Hill and John REID. 206 1702 May 20. Do. Isaac TAPPIN of Woodbridge, cooper, to Adam HUDE of the same place, weaver, for 3/4 acre of meadow there, N. E. grantee, S. W. Nathaniel FITZRANDOLPH, N. W. Sarah MOORE, widow of Mathew MOORE, S. E. a creek. 208 1701-2 Feb. 18. Do. Thomas RIDFORD of Perth Amboy to Francis LETTS of the same place, for 100 acres at the head of Cheesquacks Cr. in Middlesex Co., S. E. siad head of the creek, N. E. Frederick BUCKALEIN, N. W. and S. W. unsurveyed land. 208 1701-2 Feb. 14. Do. John LEE to James GRIER, both of Woodbridge, for 22 acres on Rahaway Neck at Round Ridge, formerly given by the Freeholders of Woodbridge to William BINGLAY, who conveyed the land to present grantor December 10, 1700; also 10 acres adjoining. 209 1702 May 9. Do. John REID of Hortencie to William and John CRAMER of Elizabeth Town, for land at Barnagate on Wisconk Creek, along Doctor COX, as per patent of March 25, 1698. 211 1699-1700 Jan. 31. Do. Thomas SMITH to Edward JONES, both of Woodbridge, for 25 acres there adjoining Mathew FORCE. 211 1702 April 20. Do. George DRAKE to Robert WEBSTER, both of Piscat- away, for 40 acres there, along Ambrose Cr. next to Bay Hull. 214 1701 Oct. 1. Do. John IRELAND and wife Janet of Perth Amboy to David LYELL of N. Y. City, goldsmith, for 250 acres at Taponeumus, Mon- mouth Co., in the read of Wickatunck lots, along the highway, part of the land conveyed by Robert BURNET to Robert GORDON (1-32 of 1-24 shares), August 13, 1683; confirmed by the Governour and Council Sept. 3, 1694, and made over to present grantor by David GORDON, son and attorney of Robert GORDON June 25, 1696. 215 1689 Nov. 22. Do. Halliack CODRICK to Samuel HALE, both of Woodbridge, for 7 1/2 acres of saltmarsh there on Rariton R., W. Elisha PARKER and John ADAMS, E. John SMITH Scotchman and Skipper BUNN, N. ---------, S. said river. Consideration the frame of a dwelling house. 217 1701-2 March 16. Lease for life. John PIKE to James WELCH (has wife Margaret), both of Woodbridge, for 8 acres there, E. and S. lessor PAGE 149 East Jersey Deeds, Etc., Liber C. and a road running S., N. Abaih AIRES, W. Jeremiah READER on a road. 217 1702 June 9. Deed. Eliphalet FRASEY and wife Margaret of Eliz- beth Town to Saml MILES of the same place, for 4 acres of meadow there near the mouth of Rokaway River, E. John FRASEY, N. a small creek, S. John ELSTINE (?). 218 1702 July 9. Do. James HINDES to James HINDES Junior, both of Elizabeth Town, for 50 acres there, E. William DARBY, S. Joseph HALSEY, W. Thomas TERRILL, N. grantor. 218 1690-1 Jan. 30. Do. James JOHNSTON to Walter KER, both of Mon- mouth Co., for 100 acres in said Co. near Wemock Point, W. of William DAVISON, adjoining grantor's farm at Toponemus and along Wm OLIPHANT. 220 1701-2 Feb. 4. Patent to William KER, for 100 acres, to be by him taken and for him surveyed anywhere in the Province from unappropriated lands. 220 1701-2 Feb. 4. Do. to Thomas GORDON of Perth Amboy, for 200 acres as the preceding. Endorsement on this document, dated Feb. 11, same year, states, that patentee has sold the foregoing grant to Miles FORSTER and Mary, widow of William HAIG, dau. of Gawen LAWRIE. 221 1702 July 11. Deed. Isaac TAPPIN to Richard ELINGAM, both of Woodbridge, for 4 acres there at Chestnut Ridge, laid out for grantor by appointment of the Town January 6, 1697; adjoining Matthew BUNN. 221 1701-2 Jan. 30. Do. Quitclaim. Elisha ILSLEY of Portsmouth, N. H., Joseph and Benjamin ILSLEY of Newbury, Essex Co., Mass., sons of Elisha ILSLY of Newbury dec'd., to their brother William ILSLEY of Wood- bridge for all the land owned by their father in East Jersey. 222 1701-2 Feb. 27. Do. Hannah BACHELLER of Redding, Middlesex Co., Mass., wife of John BACHELLER and formerly widow of Elisha ILSLY of Newbury, to her son William ILSLY, for all of her first husband's property in East Jersey. 223 1701-2 Feb. 11. Do. Joseph, son of George LITLE, late of Newbury dec'd., and John, son of Moses LITLE and grandson of George aforesaid, also of Newbury, to William ILSLY, late of Newbury, now of Woodbridge, for a freehold thee, obtained by George LITLE. 224 1701 Aug. 23. Do. John SMITH, son and heir of John SMITH, com- monly calle John SMITH Scotchman, to Saml MORE, both of Woodbridge, for 8 acres, adjoining Jonathan DUNHAM and John SMITH near the Meeting House Brook, originally sold by grantor's father to the father of grantee, but deed lost. 224 1701-2 Jan. 6. Do. Henry FREEMAN to Samuel MOORE, both of Woodbridge, for 10 acres of upland there, S. of John SPEEWELL. 225 1699-1700 March 23. Do. Joseph JOHNSTON to Clas Hendrickson VALKE, both of Newark, for 80 acres there, E. the Third River and the Commons, N. w. and S. Bearskin Brook. 226 PAGE 150 New Jersey Colonial Documents. 1702 May 9. Do. George HARRISON of Newark to Clas Hendricksen VALKE, for 14 acres in Newark bounds, N. Dirrick POULSE and his own land, E. John BRADBURRY, S. Robert YOUNG, W. Barent CHRISTIANSEN. 227 1701-2 March 3. Do. George WILLOKS of Rudyard, Monmouth Co., merchant, to Alexander DOVE of Perth Amboy, carpenter, for 1 1/2 acres in said Perth Amboy, W. of Robert BARCLAY dec'd. 227 1701-2 March 21. Do. William BINGLAY of Woodbridge to his son William, for 14 acres, part of grantor's homelot, along the great creek and adjoining Peter MOSSEE; one of two islands of meadow; one half of his freehold; 3 acres of upland, purchased from George WILLOKS in 1696. 228 1694 Sept. 19. Do. William LEEDS Senior of Burlington Co., cooper, to his second son William LEEDS Junior, for 184 acres in Middletown, as per patent of June 30, 1676, to Richard STOUT, who conveyed the tract to present grantor, S. the Swiming R., dividing it from Falls Neck, bounded S. and S. W. by Hope R. 229 1702 March 27. Do. James EDWARDS, farmer, to James CRAIGE, both of Monmouth Co., for a lot betw. Spotswoods Middle Brook and his South Brook. 230 1702 April 10. Do. John CRAIGE of Amboy to his son Archibald CRAIGE, for a lot in Monmouth Co., S. W. Spotswood Brook, E. Wm LAING. 230 1701 June 3. Indian Deed. WIKQUAYLAS, Indian Sachem of part of East Jersey, to John REID of Hortencie, for the tracts near Manalapan; 1st, betw. grantee, Abraham BROWN, Milston Brook, Robert HOLMAN, and grantee's land on the branches of Rockie Brook; 2d, a tract on Manalapan River, from its mouth to the mouth of Mount Brook. 231 1701 Aug. 20. Release. LeFLOOER alias Renne PEEAT of Piscataway to Miles Forster of Perth Amboy, for 250 acres at the head of Chees- quacks Cr., S. said creek, E. Gawen LAWRIE dec'd., W. and N. unsurveyed land, conveyed by said FORSTER to said PEEAT March 1, 1693, and now re- turned for non-payment. 232 1701 Aug. 21. Deed. Miles FORSTER of Perth Amboy, merchant, to James and Frances PEEAT of Piscataway, for the preceding. 233 1702 May 28. Do. Robert BURNET, late of Lathanty, Scotland, to John CHAMBERS Junior of Piscataway, for: 1, a lot in Monmouth Co., sur- rounded by grantor's land; 2, another tract at the crossing of the new Burlington road and Augustin GORDON's line, S. W. of grantor, both con- taining together 400 acres. 234 1701 April 2. Patent to John SWINIE of Middletown, son and heir of Tharlow SWINIE dec'd., for 110 acres in Midletown bounds, W. Samuel SPICER and barren land, N., S. and E. two small brooks. 235 End Part 5