FORD Family in New Jersey State Archives Contributed to the USGenWeb Archives by David Tourison Copyright. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************* Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series; Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey, Volume XXI; Calendar of Records in the Office of the Secretary of State (Deeds, Surveys, Etc.); 1664-1703; edited by William Nelson; Paterson NJ 1899. Ebenezer - p. 144: From EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER C: 1692-3 March 26. Do. [[Deed]] John Conger of Woodbridge to Ebenezer Ford, for 16 acres, E. grantor, N. a common or sunken meadow. Page 172. p. 236: From EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER E: 1695-6 Feb. 19. Letters of administration on the estate of Ebenezer ffoord of Woodbridge, dec'd intestate, granted to Capt. Bishop of the same place. Page 399. Edward - p. 632: From SALEM DEEDS, NO. 7: 1702 May 8. Do. [[Deed]] Thomas Mason of Tindall's Bowery, Salem Co., yeoman, and his wife Elizabeth to Richard Woodnutt of Levefor's Chase, same Co., bricklay, for 300 acres near the Main Creek and now occupied by Edward Ford, adjoining Samuel Hedge's 500 a. lot, called Virgins Spring, part of the 500 a. bequeathed by Richard Tindall to his then wife, the aforesaid Elizabeth. Page 125. George - p. 68: From EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER A: 1685 October. List of servants of James Johnston, imported by him: Margarett Welch, Margarett Eubb, Alexr Adam, William Mountt, James Johnston, John English, John Gibb, George fford and Robert Moure. Page 226. Philipp - p. 507: From WEST JERSEY RECORDS, LIBER B, PART 2: 1681 Sept. 22. Mortgage. William Haige to Philipp Ford, both of London, merchants, on one share of W. J. for 500 years. Page 624. 1697 Oct. 1. Deed. Philipp Ford to Wm. Penn of Worminghurst, Sussex Co., for the preceding share of W. J. Page 624. Sarah - p. 233: From EAST JERSEY DEEDS, ETC., LIBER E: 1695 June 6. Deed of Trust. Nicolas Mundie of Piscataway, who is about to marry Elizabeth Doutey, late of Sumerset Co., to Mark Dusasway (Dusochoy) of Staten Island, for all his real property in Piscataway and Woodbridge, to-wit: 1, a townlot of 6 acres in Piscataway, N. John Langstafe, W. a road, S. Daniel Hendricks, E. a swamp; 2, 19 a. woodland, S. John Langstafe and a brook, E. Daniel Hendrik, N. and W. roads; 3, 3 1/2 a. of meadow, W. Daniel Hendrik, E. Vincent Runyon, N. upland, S. William Sutten; 4, 3 1/2 a. of meadow, bo't of Vincent Runyon, N. upland, W. Nicolas Mundie, S. William Sutton, E. Richard Smith and George Wimblefield; 5, 7 a. of meadow at the Roundabout, Woodbridge, bo't of William Compton, N. said Compton, E. Josuah Brodley, S. Mathew Moore, W. Rariton R., in trust for grantor, his wife and prospective children, with testatmentary bequests to servant Sarah ffoord, son Nicolas Mundie, dau. Elizabeth, wife of John Compton. Page 359. --------------- Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series; Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey, Volume XXII; Marriage Records, 1665-1800; Edited, by William Nelson; Paterson NJ 1900. Marriage Licenses: Page 139: Foerd, Samuel, Jr., Woodbridge, and Charity Frazee, Woodbridge 1757 July 5 Page 140: Ford, Benjamin, Chester, Pa., and Sara Key 1782 Oct. 11 Ford, Benjamin, Chester, Pa., and Henrietta Hooff 1784 May 6 Ford, Charles, Burlington, and Elizabeth Shinn 1768 Dec. 12 Ford, Gabriel W., Morris, and Grances Gualdo 1790 Jan. 25 Ford, John, Hunterdon, and Anna Vanhess 1782 Jan. 13 Ford, Thomas, Burlington, and Rachel Leek, Burlington 1747 July 2 Ford, Thomas, Burlington, and Mary Drummond 1782 Feb. 19 Ford, William, Essex, and Margaret Mathews, Monmouth 1740 June 23 Ford, William, Middlesex, and Ann McCohn, Middlesex 1762 Dec. 29 Ford, William, Burlington, and Sarah Wills 1783 April 19 Page 148: Foord, Elizabeth, Woodbridge, and Richard Cutler, Jr., Woodbridge 1750 April 3 Foord, Sarah, Woodbridge, and Timothy Bloomfield, Jr., Woodbridge 1749 May 22 Foord, Sinty, and Jacob Halenbeck 1762 Mar. 16 Ford, Anna, and Isaac Larowe, Hunterdon 1780 April 23 Ford, Anne, Burlington, and James Cubberly, Burlington 1777 Nov. 8 Ford, Elizabeth, and Thomas More, Salem 1732 Jan. 17 Ford, Elizabeth, and Andrew Bankson 1778 Feb. 24 Ford, Esther, and James Silver, Allentown 1745 Nov. 1 Ford, Hannah, Burlington, and Daniel Estell, Burlington 1761 Nov. 13 Ford, Mary, Woodbridge, and Nathaniel Heard, Woodbridge 1752 Feb. 14 Ford, Mary, Middlesex, and James Manning, Middlesex 1752 Mar. 21 Page 149: Ford, Mary, Morris, and Azariah Dunham, Piscataway 1753 May 17 Ford, Sarah, Woodbridge, and Samuel Parker, Jr., Woodbridge 1764 Mar. 1 Ford, Sarah, and William Pattison, Maidenhead 1780 Mar. 6 Ford, Tabitha, and Vanroom Robins, Nottingham 1783 Nov. 8 Hackensack (Dutch) Reformed Church Marriage Records: None Schraalenburgh Church Marriage Records: None Paramus Reformed (Dutch) Church Marriage Records, 1799-1801: None Bergen County Clerk's Marriage Records, 1795-1800: None Essex County Clerk's Marriage Records, 1795-1801: None Baptist Church at Lyons Farms Marriage Records, 1795-1800: None Second River Reformed (Dutch) Church Marriage Records, 1730-1774; 1794-1800: None Christ Church, New Brunswick, Marriage Records, 1758-1778: None Middlesex County Clerk's Marriage Records, 1795-1800: Page 632: Ford, Charles, and Elizabeth Watkins 1798 Oct. 18 Piscataway Seventh Day Baptist Church Marriage Records, 1745-1776: None Scotch Plains Baptist Church Marriage Records: None Chesterfield (Burlington County) Friends' Monthly Meeting Marriage Records, 1686-1800: None --------------- Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series; Documents Relating To The Colonial History of the State of New Jersey, Volume XXIII; Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Vol. 1, 1670-1730. Nelson, William; Paterson NJ 1901. Page 168: 1695-6 Feb. 19. Foord, Benjamin. Adminstration on the estate of, granted to Capt. Bishop, both of Woodbridge. N.J. Archives, XXI., p. 236 1695-6 Feb. 20. Bond of Capt. John Bishop of Woodbridge, as administrator of the estate of. Middlesex Wills. Pp. 168, 169: 1695-6 Feb. 17. Ford, Ebenezer, of Raway. Inventory of the estate (£10.12.10 1/2 all personal); made by Robert Wright, John Conger and Noah Bishop. 1695-6 Feb. 17. Verdict of Coroner's Jury, that said Ford died a natural death; Coroner, Edward Slater; Jury--Samuel Hale, John Hale, Richard Powel, Samuel Dennes, Epherim Andrus, John Gilfillen, James Walker, John Corbitt, Obadiah Ayrs, Thomas Pike, Jerimiah Reeder, [[p. 169]] Ezekiel Blomfeild, John Blomfield, Stephen Kent, David Donham, Jonathan Donham, Stephen Tuttle, Wm. Walker, Wm. Elison, Sam'l Moore and Isaac Tappin. Essex Wills 1721 Oct. 20. Ford, John, of Hannover, Hunterdon Co., carpenter; will of. Wife Elizabeth. Children--Jacob, Samuel, Experience. A lot of 200 acres in Hannover between Joseph Harriman and Abraham Kiitchell, land at Windom above New Norridg, cedar swamp in Duxbery, Matitutes (Massachusetts) Bay, land at Quenebog up New London River, derived from father. Executors--the wife and Josiah Ogden of Newark. Witnesses--John Lindly, Joseph Harriman, Elisabeth Ford. Proved February 17, 1721-2. Lib. A, p. 207. 1727 June 9. Ford, Oswell, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co. Administration of the estate of, granted to John Dorland, principal creditor of the deceased. Lib. B, p. 32. Indexed given names other than mentioned in above will abstracts for FORD/FOARD, FOORD: Edward - p. 6: Edward White, Edward and Mary Foard, and Samuel Hedge, Jr., were witnesses to the will of Thomas Alewell or Elweall, senior, of Piles Grove Precinct, Salem Co., planter; will date 25 Apr 1706, proved 26 Apr 1707. Lib. 1, p. 176. Elizabeth - p. 3: Elizabeth Ford received payment from the estate of Fenwick Adams, of Fenwick's Grove, Salem Co., as listed in an accounting date 9 Jan 1725. Will date 7 Jun 1689, recorded 26 Aug 1689. Salem Wills, A, p. 32. Fenwick Adams died by drowning. John - p. 117: John Foord is listed as one of the witnesses to the will of John Cranmer or Cramer of Essex Co., dated 22 Apr 1716, proved 22 Jun 1716. Lib. A, p. 23 Mark - p. 53: Mark Ford is listed among the large list of all persons owing the estate of John Bowne, of Mattawan, Middleton, Monmouth Co.; will date 14 Sep 1714. Lib. A, pp. 10, 27 Mary - p. 6: see will of Thomas Alewell or Elweall, senior, above. Oswald - p. 435: Oswald Foord & Oswald Foord junior, and Thos. Pike, are listed as witnesses to the will of Richard Soper, of Woodbridge Middlesex Co., planter; will date 20 Jun 1723, proved 2 May 1729-30. Lib. B, p. 266 Oswald Jr. - p. 435: see will abstract of Richard Soper, above. Thomas - p. 3: 15 Feb 1724-5, Hanah Adams, daughter of James Adams, of Chest Township, Burlington Co., and wife Esther, was placed under the guardianship of Thomas Ford, of the same place. Will date 24 Mar 1721-1, proved 22 May 1722. Lib. 2, pp. 189, 274, 307. Wm - p. 398: Wm. Ford and John Ithell are listed as witnesses to the will of William Rumsey, of Manneton, Salem Co., cordwainer; will date 1702 5th d. 3d m. (May), proved 15 Sep 1702. Salem Wills, III, p. 145. --------------- Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series; Documents Relating To The Colonial History of the State of New Jersey, Volume XXX; Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Administrations, etc., Volume II, 1730-1750; Honeyman, A. Van Doren; Somerville NJ 1918. Beginning Page 182: 1742, Sept. 30. Ford, Nathaniel, of Morris Co., joiner; will of. Executors to sell house and land at Aquuackamung, Essex Co., purchased of Gerret Debo. Wife, Mary, executrix. Eldest son, Nathaniel. Son, John. Daughter, Joan. Son, James. Trustee--Joseph Bartram. Witnesses--Jacob Mead, Martin Berry, Poulus Berry. Proved 27 March, 1745. 1744-5, March 7. Inventory (£56.12.6) includes 2 English Bibles, Dutch Testament, gun and sword. Appraisers--Philip Schuyler, Peter Post. [[page 183]] 1745, March 27. Letters testatmentary granted to Mary Lock, lated Mary Ford, executrix. Lib. 5, p. 110. 1731, April 19. Ford, Thomas, of Chester, Burlington Co., yeoman. Int. Elizabeth Ford, widow, requests that administration be granted to such person as the Judge of the Prerogative Court shall appoint. Witnesses--Robert Dennis, Mahlon Stacy. 1731, April 26. Adm'r, Thomas Coles, of Gloucester Co., yeoman. Joseph Rockhill, innkeeper, of Burlington, fellow bondsman. Lib. 3, p. 100. 1731, May 10. Inventory, £88.2; made by Joseph Heritage and Thomas Hackney. Includes Bible and negro boy. 1732, Feb. 27. Account. Paid executor of Isaac Blanchard, John Fordham and Hannah his wife, Edw'd Rudolph Price, John Bowne. Indexed given names other than mentioned in above will abstracts for FORD/FOORD: Charles - p. 17: Charles Ford, in an entry dated 29 Jan 1750, is among list of persons owing the estate of Zachariah Allen, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., yeoman; will date 13 Jan 1750. Lib. E, p. 473. Henry - p. 323: Henry Ford is listed in the Inventory of personal estate, dated 25 Oct 1744, as owing the estate of Joshua Marsh, of the Borough of Elizabeth; will date 20 Sep 1744, proved 20 Oct 1744. Lib. D, p. 185. p. 544: Henry Ford apparently owed estate, in and inventory done 25 Feb 1747-8, of Caleb Woodruff, Jr., of Elizabeth Town, Essex Co., cordwainer; will date 10 Feb 1747-8, proved 24 Feb 1747-8. Lib. E, p. 254. Jacob - p. 122: apparent former land owner at Hanover, who sold same to John Crane, of Hanover, Hunterdon Co., deceased, as state in will dated 2 Jan 1734, proved 16 Mar 1738. Lib. C, p. 262. p. 137, as follows: 1750-1, Jan. 16. Day, George, of Essex Co., bloomer. Neomi Allen, late widow of George Day, and Jacob Allen, renounce their rights of administering the estate, and desire that Jacob Ford, of Morris Co., be appointed. 1750-1, Feb. 23. Adm'r, Col. Jacob Ford, Esq., principal creditor. John Deare, of Perth Amboy, fellow bondsman. Lib. E, p. 497. p. 138, as follows: 1750-1, March 20. Dayton, Isaac, of Morris Co., clothier. Int. Admr. Col. Jacob Foord, of said Countyr. Bondsman--John Deare, of Perth Amboy. 1750-1, March 14. Renunciation of Anne, of Hanover, Morris Co., widow. Lib. E, p. 497. 1751, July 15. Inventory, £8.15.8; made by Timothy Tuttle, Joseph Wood. Accounts paid: Ben Trogar, Wm. Winds, James Frost, Timothy Johnes, John Ford, Joseph Harriman, "Memo. The price of the plantation with sum interest added sold Ebenrs. Stiles sd plantation £84.0.5, to the price of a fuling mill begun but not finished, sold to Conar Clothier, £26." Jesse - p. 50: Jesse Ford appears in an inventory, dated 27 Sep 1747, as a debtor to the estate of Cornelius Board, of Bergen Co., yeoman; will date 29 Jan 1744-5, proved 15 Sep 1747. Lib. E, p. 97; Lib. E, p. 100. John - p. 138: see will abstract of Isaac Dayton, above. p. 210: John Foord is listed as one of the witnesses to the will of Daniel Hains, of Allen Town, Monmouth Co.; will date 18 May 1740, proved 10 Jun 1740. Lib. 4, p. 241. p. 335: John Foord appears in the inventory, as "bonds, etc., of" for the estate of Jonathan Middleton, of Upper Freehold, Monmouth Co., who died intestate. Entry date 6 Jan 1743-4. Lib. 5, p. 11. p. 427: John Ford appears in the 'Vendue List', or 'sales to', dated 8 Apr 1743, for the estate of John Shan, of Somerset Co., bricklayer, who died intestate. Lib. D, p. 24. Joseph - p. 425: Joseph Ford of Long Island is listed, in the volumous inventory "as appears by a list of debts as they now stand upon his book," in the will of John Severns, of Trenton, Hunterdon Co.; will date 29 May 1732, proved 10 Jul 1732. Lib. 3, p. 202. Oswald - p. 18, as follows: 1743, Oct. 2. Alward, John, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., yeoman; will of. Children--John, Mary, Euphemy, and Rachel, all under age. Wife, Anne, sole executrix. Real and personal estate. Witnesses--Oswald Foord, Robert Dennes, William Kent. Proved April 10, 1745. 1745, April 2. Inventory of personal estate, £63.19; incl. 17 Ghees, knives and forks, and debts due from John Eastwood, Benjamin Allward, Samuel Foord. 1745, April 15. The widow Anne having died without proving the will, administration on estate granted to Benjamin Allward, the brother, and Oswald Foord, brother-in-law, both of Woodbridge. 1745, April 15. Administration bond signed by Benjamin Allward, Oswald Foord and Sam'll Foord. 1746, May ---. Account of Oswald Foord and Benjamin Allward as administrators; showing payments made to William Foord, John Kent, John Smith, William Kent. Lib. D, pp. 259, 261. p. 88, 89, as follows: 1747, Aug. 25. Cawood (Cawod), Thomas, Sen'r, of Perth Amboy, Middlesex Co.; will of. Children--Thomas, Benjamin (under age), Sarah Letts, Phebe and Sarah. Real and personal estate. Executors--son, Thomas, and friend, Samuel Foord. Witnesses--Abigail Brown, William Kent, Oswald Foord. Proved Sept. 14, 1747. Lib. E, p. 79. [[page 89]] 1747, Sept. 25. Inventory of personal estate, £69.10.7; made by Oswald Foord and David Kent. Samuel - p. 18: see will abstract of John Alward, above. p. 73: Sam Ford is mentioned in the will of John Budd, of Hanover Township, Morris Co., will date 6 Sep 1749, proved 20 Mar 1749-50, as follows: "Wife, Sarah, sole executrix, and to hold "the meadow joining Matthis Burnet from John Kineys to the Black Brook to Sam Ford's lots and to David Kitchell's land," that she may sell the same for £240. Lib. 8, p. 41. [[this is a most interesting will abstract; future transcription upon request.]] p. 88: see will abstract for Thomas Cawood, Sr., above. p. 260: William Ford is among a list in the inventory, dated 1750, 9th mo. (Nov.), 7th d., of many persons owing the estate of James Jackson, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., who died intestate. Entry date is 5 Nov. 1752. Lib. E., p. 461. p. 479: Saml. Ford is listed among the 'List of debtors", dated 8 Sep 1750, in the will of Stephen Thompson, of Morris Co., blacksmith; will date 19 Jun 1750, proved 9 Jul 1750. Lib. E, p. 430. William - p. 18: see will abstract of John Alward, above. p. 106: William Foord and Richard Carman performed an inventory, 29 Aug 1730, on the estate of Robert Combs, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co.; will date 9 Jun 1730, proved 11 Sep 1730. Lib B, p. 166. p. 260: see data for will of James Jackson, above. p. 383: Wm. Foord is among other persons for "Articles sold at vendue and bought by...", 25 Jan 1741-2, for the estate of Henry Potter, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co.; date of entry, 19 Jan 1741. Lib. C, p. 469. --------------- Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series; Documents Relating To The Colonial History of the State of New Jersey, Volume XXXII; Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Administrations, Vol. III, 1751-1760; Honeyman, A. Van Doren; Somerville NJ 1924. Page 119: 1752, Aug. 5. Ford, Samuel, of Hanover, Morris Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Sarah. Children--Samuel, Jonathan, Demas, James, Charity, Hanah and Eunis. Real and personal estate. Executors--the wife, only brother Jacob Ford and Daniel Lindsly. Witnesses--Nathaniel Stilvel, Jean Wick, Jacob Ford. Proved Nov. 23, 1752, when Jacob Ford, one of the Executors named, refuses to act. Lib. F, p. 76. Indexed given names other than mentioned in above will abstracts for FORD: Charles - p. 66: Charles Ford and Henry Sutton performed an Inventory, 14 Jun 1758, on estate of William Compton, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co.; will date 16 May 1754, proved 4 Jun 1754. Lib. F, p. 183. Jacob - p. 10: Jacob Ford, principal creditor is named Administrator by Sarah Allen, who resigns her right, as widow, to deceased, Jonah Allen, of Pequanack Township, Morris Co., who died intestate; entry date 26 Nov 1756. Jacob Ford, as Adm'r, posted Bond 4 Dec 1756; William Gamble was Fellowbondsman; both of Morris Co. Lib. F, p. 433. p. 43: Jacob Ford posted Bond, as principal creditor, Administrator of the estate of John Brown, of Morris Co., miner, who died intestate; entry date 18 Nov 1755. Lib. F, p. 294. p. 64: Jacob Ford and Joseph Prudden are listed as 'Fellowbondsmen' to Phebe Cole, widow, Administratrix of estate of her husband, James Cole, of Morris Town, Morris Co., who died intestate; entry date 31 Jan 1754. Lif. F, p. 157. p. 211: Jacob Ford, Esq., of Morris Co., principal creditor, posted Bond as Administrator of estate of William McKenny, of "Mendum," Morris Co., yeoman, who died intestate; entry date 7 Feb 1759. Jonathan Freeman, of Woodbridge, was fellowbondsman. Lib. G, p. 31. p. 213: Bathshua, widow of Ebenezer Mahurin, of "Paqunack," Morris Co., collyer, who died intestate, resigned her right of administration to Jacob Ford, one of the largest creditors. Entry date 17 Nov 1755. Jacob Ford, Esq., posted Bond 18 Nov 1755. Inventory, £86.5.8, as sold at vendue on 6 months' credit by order of the Adm'r. Lib. F, p. 294. p. 243: Jacob Ford, of Morris Township, is listed as Executor of the estate of Samuel Palmer, of "Mendum" Township, Morris Co.; will date 7 Nov 1759, proved 29 Nov 1759. Lib. G, p. 137. p. 255: Susana, widow of Robert Pool, of Morris Town, Morris Co., labourer, who died intestate, declined to administer estate in favor of Jacob Ford, principal creditor. Entry date 24 Feb 1752. Jacob Ford, Esq., of Morris Town, as administrator, posted Bond 20 Mar 1752. Inventory was done 6 Apr 1752., and Jacob filed the Account 7 Sep 1756. Lib. F, p. 32. p. 256: Jacob Ford and Joseph Potter are named Executors in the will of Isaac Potter, of Hanover, Morris Co.; will date 5 Feb 1759, proved 23 Feb 1759. Lib. G, p. 52. p. 326, as follows: 1757, Nov. 16. Titsoort, Isaac, of Newtown, Sussex Co. Int. Letter from Henry Simson, Joseph Byram, John Anderson, Thomas Woolverton and Joseph Parry to "Your Honour," stating, that Isaac Titsoort had gone with Col. Jacob Ford and Col. Abraham van Campen, to make a treaty with the Indians on the "front Tears," where he is said to have been killed. The widow, being "considerably Bereaved of hur naturall Reason, " the writers recommend the eldest son, Lenard Titsoort, as Adm'r of the estate. 1757, Nov. 17. Bond of Lenard Titsoort, as Adm'r; Constant Hart fellowbondsman. Both of Newtown. Lib. F, p. 466. 1758, Jan. 21. Inventory, £176.8.4, incl. a new beaver hat, £1.18; 21 bush. of wheat @ 4s., £4.4; made by Constant Hart and George Havens. p. 355: Jacob Ford, Gershom Mott, Timothy Tuttle, John Ross, and Charity Wheeler, widow of deceased, David Wheeler, of Hanover, Morris Co., are named as Executors of the estate. Will date 25 May 1751, proved 29 Jul 1757. Lib. F, p. 439. John - p. 184/185, as follows: 1756, June 24. Keney, John, Jr., of Morris co. Int. Bond of Samuel Tuthill and wife, Sarah (late Sarah Keney) widow, as Adm'x; John Ford, of said Co., fellowbondsman. Lib. F, p. 362. 1756, Sept. 20. Inventory, £36.12.4, incl. 4 silver spoons; 2 looking glasses; 2 Bibles; a negro wench "of no value;" a negro boy, £11.12; made by Samuel Palmer and Henry Primrose. [On the same sheet [[page 185]] and under same date is an additional inventory of goods, said to be in the hands of John Kiney, Sr., and valued at £133.5.1; signed as before]. p. 294, as follows: 1757, June 4. Silver, James, Jr., of Upper Freehold, Monmouth Co.; will of. Wife, Hesther. Children--Mary, John, Rebecca and Amos, all under age. Real and personal estate. Exeuctors--brothers John Silver and John Foord. Witnesses--Isaac Price, James Newell and Thomas Lawrie. Proved Nov. 9, 1757. Lib. 8, p. 465. 1757, Nov. 3. Inventory, £132.14; incl. bills, bonds, bookdebts and cash, £70.12; books; 255 lbs of new iron, £3.7; a looking glass; made by Moses Robins and Bartholo West. 1758, Sept. 30. Silver, James, of New Winsor Township, Middlesex Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Mary. Children--John, David, Job (under 14), Archibald, Gershom, Mary (wife of Francis King). Children of dec'd son James, viz., Mary, John, Rebecca and Amos. Real and personal estate. Executors--son, John, Isaac Coverly and Nathaniel Robins. Witnesses--John Foord, Thomas Foord and Stephen Foord. Proved Jan. 24, 1759. Lib. G, p. 149. 1758, Dec. 28. Inventory: Real, being a plantation £800; personal £144.0.7, incl. a book "General Acts of N. J. Assembly," 15s.; made by John Hammell, Jr., and John Foord. Rachel - p. 194, as follows: 1753, March 14. Leek, Stephen, of Little Eggharber, in Burlington Co., yeoman; will of. Wife Sarah, to have use of house and land. Son, John (made Executor), the land after my wife's death. Daughter, Hannah Garrison, 10 shillings. Daughter, Rachel Ford, 10 shillings. Daughter, Sarah Leek, 10 shillings. Witnesses--Mathias Johnson, Lydia Gail, Samuel Lewis. Proved May 14, 1753. 1753, April 25. Inventory, £32.9.0, by Stephen Cramer and Samuel Lewis. Lib. 7, p. 334. Stephen - p. 294: see will of James Silver. Thomas - p. 294: see will of James Silver. --------------- Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series; Documents Relating To The Colonial History of the State of New Jersey, Volume XXXIII; Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Administrations, Vol. IV, 1761-1770; Honeyman, A. Van Doren; Somerville NJ 1928. Page 146: 1757, Aug. 16. Foord, William, of Nottingham Twsp., Burlington Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Margaret, all moveable estate and profits of my plantation, to bring up my children. Sons, William and James, said plantation at wife's death or marriage. Daughters, Elizabeth, Rebeckah, Sarah, Margaret, Anne and Lidia Foord, £5 each. Executors--my brother, John Foord, and Joseph Kille. Witnesses--Cornelius Appleton, Josiah Appleton, John Abbott. Proved Feb. 26, 1765. 1763, March 30. Joseph Killy renounced. 1763, April 4. John Foord renounced. Lib. 12, p. 78. 1762, Sept. 25. Foord, William, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co.; will of. Lands to be sold. Son, Samuel, £200. Youngest daughter, Sarah Foord, £50, and as much goods as my other daughters had at their marriage. Granddaughter, Unice Cutter, a bed. Wife, Mary, rest of estate. Executors--my wife, my friend, David Evins, and my son, Samuel. Witnesses--Dennes Combs, Stephen Carman, Jr., David Herriot. Proved Nov. 10, 1762. 1762, Nov. 19. Inventory, £387.17.1, made by Alexander Edgar and Nathaniel Fitz Randolph. Lib. H, p. 201. 1763, April 18. Inventory, £86.5.6, made by John Abbott and Joseph Chambers. (Margaret Foord, Adm'x with will annexed, was sworn in 1765). Page 147: 1767, Feb. 6. Ford, John, of Morristown, Morris co.; will of. Moveable estate to be sold, and, out of the money, my four children, Mahlon, Chilion, David and Nathan, shall be brought up. The plantation where I live, and that where Solomon Brown lives by lease, and known by name of Mallepardis, and the land in Roxbury Twsp., all are to be divided when my eldest son, Mahlon, is 21, and he shall have his choice; and Chilion, when he is 21, shall have his choice; and the same with David and Nathan, when they are 21. Executors--my father, Jacob Ford, Jacob Ford, Jr., Samuel Tuthill and Moses Tuttle. Witnesses--Jabez Campfield, Joseph Wood, Frederick King. Proved March 12, 1767. Lib. 1, p. 186. Indexed given names other than mentioned in above will abstracts for FORD, FOORD: Eunice - p. 13: Eunis Ford is listed as one of the witnesses to the will of John Allen, of Hanover, Morris co., weaver, will date 12 Apr 1762. Jonathan Ford and Benjamin Halsey are listed as Executors. Will proved 20 May 1762. Lib. H., p. 126. Grace - p. 35: Grace Ford, Joseph Foster and Moses Kitchel are listed as witnesses to the will of Thomas Bates, of Hanover, Morris Co., will date 6 Sep 1765, proved 3 Dec 1766. Nehemiah Baldwin and Joseph Kitchel are listed as Executors. Lib. 1, p. 180. Jacob - p. 153: Jacob Ford, John Mitchell, Jr., and Timothy Johnes, are listed as witnesses to the will of Stephen Freman, Jr., of Hanover, Morris Co., will date 30 Jan 1762, proved 9 Mar 1762. Lib. H., p. 143. p. 383: Jacob Ford, of Hanover, Morris Co., was appointed Administrator of the estate of Benjamin Shipman, also of the same place, who died intestate; entry date 8 Jul 1763. On 28 Mar 1763, Charity Shipman, widow, renounced Administratrix, in favor of Jacob Ford, the principal creditor. Lib. H, p. 259. p. 476: Jacob Ford, principal creditor, was appointed Administrator of the estate of Crowell Wilkinson, of Hanover, Morris Co., who died intestate; entry date 24 Sep 1767. Jacob Ford, Jr., is listed as Fellowbondsman, and both are of Hanover, Morris Co. Martha Wilkinson, the widow, renounced 22 Jun 1767. "Said Crowell Wilkinson died April 25, 1767). Lib. 1, p. 208; File No. 229 N. Jacob, Jr. - p. 13: Jacob Ford, Jr. was appointed Administrator of the estateof Job Allen, of Pequanack Twsp., Morris Co., who died intestate; entry date 16 Nov 1767. Christian Allen renounced as Administratrix 10 Nov 1767. Lib. 1, p. 208. p. 74: Jacob Ford, Jr. is listed as 'Fellowbondsman' to Administrator, Thomas Kinney, of the estate of Jacob Catterling, of Morristown, Morris Co., who died intestate; entry date 10 Oct 1763. File No. 180 N. p. 229: Jacob Ford, Jr., and Thomas Kenney are listed as Executors to the estate of John Kenney, of Hanover, Morris Co., will date 27 Feb 1766, proved 19 Mar 1766. Lib. 1, p. 177. p. 476: Jacob Ford, Jr. is listed as 'Fellowbondsman' to Jacob Ford, prinicipal creditor, appointed Administrator to the estate of Crowell Wilkinson, of Hanover, Morris Co., who died intestate; entry date 24 Sep 1767; Martha Wilkinson, the widow, renounced 22 Jun 1767; said Crowell Wilkinson died 25 Apr 1767. Lib. 1, p. 208; File No. 229 N. John - p. 231: John Ford was named as 'friend' and one of the executors of the estate of Joseph Killey, of Upper Freehold Twsp., Monmouth Co., will date 10 Jun 1752, proved 15 Mar 1769; the other executor was Hannah Killey, wife of deceased. John Foord renounced 10 Jan 1765. Hannah Killey renounced 15 Mar 1769; David Killey appointed Administrator 15 Mar 1769. Lib. 14, p. 31. Jonathan - p. 13: Jonathan Ford and Benjamin Halsey are listed as Executors of estate of John Allen, of Hanover, Morris Co., weave; will date 12 Apr 1762, proved 20 May 1762. Eunis Ford, David Ogden and Ezekiel Cheever are listed as witnesses. Lib. H, p. 126. Margaret - p. 432: Margaret Foard, Richard Lawrence and Obadiah Tilton are listed as witnesses to the will of Amos Tilton, of Middletown, Monmouth Co.; will date 8 Oct 1765, proved 17 Oct 1765 Nathaniel - p. 280: Nathaniel Ford, Robert Hogg and Jacob Haulenbek are listed as witnesses to the will of John Mead, of Pompton, Bergen Co., yeoman; will date 12 Aug 1762, proved 4 May 1769. Lib. K, p. 95. p. 389: Nathaniel Ford is one of 3 persons named as Executors to the estate of Samuel Slengerlandt, of Hanover, Morris Co.; will date 8 Aug 1764, proved 6 Nov 1764. Lib. H, p. 553. Samuel - p. 97: Samuel Ford, Eleazar Hatheway and William Dixon are listed as witnesses to the will of Edmund Crane, of Morristown, Morris Co., yeoman; will date 8 Apr 1761, proved 9 Mar 1762. Deceased's wife Abigail and brother-in-law Joseph Kitchel are listed as Executors. Lib. H, p. 148. p. 183: Samuel Ford, Benjamin Lindsly and Timothy Johnes, are listed as Witnesses to the will of Benjamin Hatheway, Esq., of Morristown, Morris Co.; will date 12 Feb 1762, proved 26 Apr 1762. Executors are Mathew Lum and Benjamin Halsey. Lib. H, p. 117. --------------- Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series; Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary & Post-Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, Volume XXXIV; Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Administrations, Etc., Volume V, 1771-1780; Edited by A. Van Doren Honeyman; Trenton, NJ, 1931. Page 183: 1770, May 10. Foord, Mary, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co.; will of. Grandson, William Foord, son of my son, Samuel Foord, £40, when 21. Grandson, Foord Cutter, £20, when 21. Granddaughter, Eunice Cutter, £20, when 18. Granddaughter, Elizabeth Cutter, £20, when 18. Granddaughter, Rachel Cutter, £20, when 18. Granddaughter, Elizabeth Foord, daughter of my son, Samuel Foord, 6 silver teaspoons. Granddaughter, Mary Parker, £20, when 18. Daughters, Mary Heard and Rachel Manning, the rest of estate. Executors--sons-in-law, Nathaniel Heard and Jeremiah Manning. Witnesses--Israel Thornel, Lewis Evens, Reuben Evens. Proved Nov. 13, 1773. Lib. L, p. 31. 1768, Jan. 28. Foord, Samuel, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co.; will of. Son, John Foord, all my lands, allowing my brother, Oswald Foord, the use of my homestead, during his life. Son, John, and my daughter, Isabel, now wife of Ebenezer Foord, my personal estate. Executors--son, John, and my son-in-law, Ebenezer Foord. Witnesses--John Allward, Joseph Allward, Nathaniel Fitz Randolph. Proved April 1, 1774. Lib. L., p. 133. Page 184: 1777, Feb. 6. Ford, Hannah, of Morristown, Morris Co., widow of John Ford, Esq.; will of. My husband in his will did devise to the children of the deceased sons, John and Jacob, ther greater portion of his estate, more than to his daughters; therefore, to do justice to my children, I do give to my daughters, Phebe Phillips, Sarah Tuthill, Mary Dunham and Jane Tuttle, all my real and personal estate. Executors--sons-in-law, Azariah Dunham, Samuel Tuthill and Moses Tuttle. Witnesses--Peter Mackle, Andrew Whitehead, David Ford. Proved Nov. 12, 1777. Lib. 19, p. 411. 1777, Jan. 15. Ford, Jacob, of Morristown, Morris Co., merchant; will of. Wife, Hannah Ford, £1,000. to the heirs of my son, Jacob, deceased, persuant to the directions of his will, dated July 1st, last, my house and land where I live, except what is given to the sons of my eldest son, John, deceased, which land was conveyed to my son Jacob, by deed March 24, 1762. To my grandsons, the children of my son, John, that is to say, to Mahlon, Chillion, David and Nathan, the lots as directed in his will. To the 5 children of my son, Jacob, Timothy, Gabriel, Elizabeth, Jacob and Phebe, 1/6 part of the residue, and to the 4 sons of my deceased son, John, 1/6 part. Daughter, Phebe Phillips, 1/6 part; daughter, Sarah Tuthill, 1/6 part; daughter, Mary Dunham, 1/6 part, and daughter, Jane Tuttle, 1/6 part. Executors--sons-in-law, Azariah Dunham, Samuel Tuthill and Moses Tuttle. Witnesses--Abraham Ogden, Joseph Lindsey, James Lesley. Proved Nov. 12, 1777. Lib. 19, p. 406 1776, July 1. Ford, John, Jr., of Morristown, Morris Co.; will of. Tract in Pequanock Township, called Long Meadow, held in partnership with Moses Tuttle, and conveyed to us by my father, to be sold; also the forge at the cut lot. Father, Jacob Ford, 200 acres in Morristown, which was conveyed to me by him 24 of March, 1762. My mother to enjoy the use of the house where my father now lives, and the said 200 acres. My wife, £500, and the rents of the Mount Hope estate. Sons, Timothy, Gabriel and Jacob, to have good educations, and my daughters, Elizabeth and Phebe, to have a good English education. Children, Timothy, Gabriel, Jacob, Elizabeth and Phebe, the rest of my estate, as they arrive to age. Executors--father, Jacob Ford, Esq., Rev. Timothy Johnes, Samuel Tuthill and Moses Tuttle. My wife, daughters, and each of my sisters to have a gold '"morning" ring. Witnesses--John Lindsly, Eleazer Lindsly, Ebenezer Condict. Proved Nov. 13, 1777. Lib. 19, p. 413. Indexed given names other than mentioned in above will abstracts for FORD (FOORD): David - p. 580: David Ford, Moses Tuttle and Azariah Dunham are listed as witnesses to the will of Andrew Joline Whitehead, of Morristown, Morris Co., will date 12 Mar 1777, proved 16 May 1778. Samuel Tuthill and Frederick King performed an inventory, 13 May 1778. Lib. 20, p. 163. Ebenezer - pp. 49 and 50, as follows: 1777, Aug. 11. Bloomfield, Jonathan, of Middlesex Co. Ward. Son of Samuel Bloomfield, of said Co., deceased. Said Ward, having real estate, makes choice of Ebenezer Ford as his Guardian. 1777, Aug. 11. Guardian--Ebenezer Ford. Fellowbondsm3n--Benjamin Enjard and John Conger; all of Somerset Co. Witnesses--Daniel Hampton and Henry Alward. Lib. 18, p. 621. 1777, June 27. Bloomfield, Samuel, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co. Invenrory, £488.15.10, made by Henry Alward and John Conger. The said Inventory includes 10 acres of land where the house stands, £100, and 10 acres of salt meadow. Ebenezer Foord, Guardian of Jona- [[page 50]] than Bloomfield, son of Samuel Bloomfield, deceased, an infant above 14, was sworn and said that the above is a true inventory. Sworn Nov. 8, 1777. File No. 5335 L. p. 521: Ebenezer Ford was one of two persons who performed an inventory, 9 Apr 1777, on estate of Thomas Terrill, of Barnardstown, Somerset Co., who died intestate; entry date 11 Sep 1777. Lib. 16, p. 524; Lib. 18, p. 619. Jacob - p. 42: surname spelled Ford - was a Fellowbondsman to Elizabeth Biglow, Administratrix of husband, John, of Morris Co., who died intestate, entry date 3 Mar 1773. Lib. K, p. 450. p. 59: surname spelled Ford - appears in the will of Solomon Boyle, of Morris Co., planter, will date 27 May 1769, proved 22 Jul 1771, the following: "By a marriage contract in the hands of Jacob Ford, I agreed to give my wife, Sarah, £12 yearly." Lib. K, p. 356. p. 602: Jacob ford is listed as 'Fellowbondsman' to John Jacob Faesh and Moses Tuttle, Administrators to the estate of Daniel Wriesburg, of Morris Co., who died intestate. Entry date 30 Jun 1774, and all above named, of the same Co. Lib. 15, p. 512; Lib. 16, p. 189. Jonathan - p. 74: surname spelled Ford - is listed as one of 2 persons performing an inventory on 3 Jan 1778, on estate of Barn Budd, of Morristown, Morris Co., doctor, who died intestate. Entry date 14 Jan. 1778. Lib. 20, p. 2. p. 354: Jonathan Ford is listed as 'Fellowbondsman' for Unice Moore, widow, Administratrix of estate of Stephen Moore, who died intestate; entry date 21 May 1777. Both of Morris Co. Lib. 19, p. 209. p. 358, as follows: 1776, May 9. Morris, Joseph, of Hanover, Morris Co.; will of. Wife, Hannah Morris, and my son, Jonathan Ford Morris, all the estate. Jonathan not yet 21; and part given to him for Sarah Kitchell, daughter of Abraham Kitchel. Executors--wife, Hannah, and Jonathan Ford, andDoctor Jabez Canfield. Witnesses--Joseph Hatheway, Alexander Carmichael, Elizabeth Carmichael. Proved Feb. 19, 1778. 1778, March 3. Inventory, £489.12.2, made by Benjamin Lindsey and Stephen Ogden. Lib. 18, p. 687. Margaret - p. 33: surname spelled Foord - was one of the withnesses to the will of Gertrude Barberie, of Perth Amboy, Middlesex Co., widow of John, will date 26 Nov 1775, proved 24 Jun 1776. Lib. 17, p. 339. Mary - p. 307, as follows: 1777, Aug. 16. Lewis, Thomas, of Mendham, Morris Co., clerk; will of. Wife, Joanna Lewis, £80, cows, negro wench and some furniture. Son, Samuel, £200 and apparel. Granddaughter, Anna Lewis Phillips, £20. Daughter, Sarah Lewis, £40. Daughter, Mary Ford, £10. Daughters, Rebeckah, Elizabeth and Joanna, £100 each. Executors--David Thompson and Daniel Cooke, of Mendham. Witnesses--Jacob Thompson, Henry Conkling, Josiah Conkling. Proved Sept. 6, 1777. Lib. 19, p. 289. Tasumia - p. 528, as follows: 1779, April 1. Tirne, Thomas. Account by Tasumia Ford, Adm'x. Lib. 22, p. 67. Thomas - p. 431: Thomas Ford is listed as 'Fellowbondsman' for Mary Rogers, Administratrix of estate of John Rogers, who died intestate; entry date 17 Apr 1777. John and Mary of Upper Freehold, Monnmouth Co.; Thomas Ford of Middlesex Co. Lib. 18, p. 208. William - p. 20: surname spelled Foord - performed an inventory, with John Phares, on 8 Apr 1779, on estate of Cornelius Appleton, of Nottingham Township, Burlington Co., will date 21 Oct 1758, proved 9 Apr 1779. Lib. 21, p. 232; Lib. 25, p. 101. --------------- Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series; Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary & Post-Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, Volume XXXV; Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Administrations, Etc., Volume VI, 1781-1785; Edited and Indexed by Elmer T. Hutchinson; Trenton, NJ, 1939. Page 148: 1781, Feb. 17. Foard, John, of Windsor, Middlesex Co., yeoman; will of. Daughter, Susannah Foard, £30 and her mother's apparel. Son, Amos, 100 acres of the west end of my plantation, and, after his death, my son, John, is to have it. Son, John, the rest of this plantation. Children to be provided with comfort. Executors--friends, Isaac Rogers, son of John Rogers, and Vanroom Robins. Witnesses--Stephen Foord, William Caffarty, Thomas Foord. Proved March 5, 1781. 1781, Feb. 28. Inventory, £152.4.6, made by William Caffarty and Nathan Robbins. Lib. 22, p. 176. Page 149: 1775, Jan. 10. Foord, Charles, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co.; will of. Wife, Mary, £50. Son, William, 1/2 of my Patent land. Son, Benjamin, the other 1/2. Son, Ebenezer, the land I bought of John Harriot. To the Presbyterian Church at Mutuchin, £10. Daughter, Anna, £10. Sons, William and Benjamin, and my granddaughter, Mary Bloodgood, daughter of Moses Bloodgood, rest of estate. Executors--son, William, and son-in-law, James Maning. Witnesses--Henry Sutton, Joseph Sutton, John Sutton. Proved Feb. 19, 1784. Feb. 26, p. 237 [[probably should be Lib. 26, p. 237]] Indexed given names other than mentioned in above will abstracts for FORD (FOARD, FOORD): Col. - p. 247: apparent former land owner who land was bought by John Lindsly, of Morristown, Morris Co., mentioned in his will of 7 Sep 1784, proved 29 Sep 1784. (Lib. M, p. 208) Ebenezer - p. 137: surname spelled Foord - named as one of the Executors, and called 'friend' in the will of Elizabeth Evans, of Woodbridge, Middlesex co., will date 2 Dec 1782, proved 30 Oct 1784. Lib. 26, p. 298. p. 139: surname spelled Ford - named as one of the Executors of the estate of David Evens, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., will date 16 May 1781, proved 28 Feb 1782. Lib. 24, p. 50. Gabriel - p. 184: listed as a witness for estate of Gideon Hedges, of Hanover, Morris Co., who died intestate; entry date 10 Mar 1783. Lib. M, p. 165. p. 448: listed as a witness for estate of Lawrence Wilson, of Hanover, Morris Co., who died intestate; entry date 14 Oct 1784. Lib. M, p. 216. Jacob - p. 321: listed as a witness to the will of William Read, of Great Egg Harbor, Gloucester Co., will date 3 Aug 1784, proved 25 Sep 1784. Lib. 25, p. 558 Jacob, Jr. - p. 21, as follows: 1764, Aug. 1. Arnold, Samuel, of Morris Township, Morris Co.; will of. Wife, Phebe, profits of real estate, till my son, Jacob, is 21. To the Presbyterian Church of Morristown, £15. Son, Jacob, my lands. Daughters, Phebe and Anne, £240. My nephew to have support. Executors--my brother-in-law, Jacob Ford, Jr., friend, Samuel Robarts, and Samuel Tuhill. Witnesses--Mattaniah Lyon, Benjamin Pierson. Proved Oct. 29, 1764. Lib. H, p. 472. p. 460: listed as one of the witnesses to the will of John Young, of Morris Co., will date 23 Mar 1774, proved 8 Jul 1774. Lib. M, p. 211. Mahlon - p. 150: named as a witness to the will of Aaron Forman, of Morris Co., dated 12 Jul 1783, proved 28 May 1786. Lib. 27, p. 547. p. 438: listed as Fellowbondsman for the Administrator, Jacob Arnold, of the estate of Joshua Whitehead, of Morristown, Morris Co., who died intestate; entry date 1 Oct 1785. There was some question that a will might have existed. see Lib. 28, p. 487. Sarah - p. 137: mentioned in the will of Elizabeth Evans, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., will date 2 Dec 1782, proved 30 Oct 1784. Sarah Foord is listed as the mother of grandson, Lewis Evans, with the statement that she is 'to educate him.' p. 138: listed as a legatee, and daughter-in-law, who received a book, in the will of Thomas Evans, of Evesham, Burlington Co., will date 17 Jun 1782, proved 10 Feb 1783. Lib. 25, p. 55; Lib. 25, p. 544. Stephen - p. 143: surname spelled Foord - performed an inventory, along with Joseph Brown, 5 Feb 1782, on estate of Peter Finginger (Finkeneer, Finkaneer), of Chesterfield Township, Burlington Co., who died intestate; entry date 5 Feb 1782. File No. 10818 C. William - p. 16: surname spelled Foord - performed an inventory, along with Ephraim Martin, 7 May 1782, on estate of Henry Alward, of Bernards Town, Somerset Co., will date 17 Feb 1782, proved 8 May 1782. Lib. M, p. 120. p. 209: surname spelled Ford, of Greenwich Twsp., Gloucester Co., is chosed Guardian of Wards, Esther and Jesse Hughes, of Gloucester Co., 14 Mar 1785. Both are children of John Hughes Lib. 17, p. 487. p. 210: surname spelled Ford, of Greenwich Twsp., Gloucester Co., is chosen Guardian of John Hughes, ward, son of John Hughes, dec'd, 14 Mar 1785. Lib. 17, p. 488. --------------- Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series; Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary & Post-Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, Volume XXXVI; Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Administrations, Etc., Volume VII, 1786-1790; Edited and Indexed by Elmer T. Hutchinson; Trenton, NJ, 1941. Page 82: 1790, April 23. Ford, John, of Maidenhead, Hunterdon Co. Int. Adm'x--Elizabeth Ford, of said place. Fellowbondsman--John Johnson, of Western Precinct of Somerset Co. 1790, March 30. Inventory, £202.6.0. made by Jonathan Hunt and John Johnson. 1792, Oct. 20. Account by Adm'x. To the Trustees of Maidenhead Church, £12. Lib. 30, p. 318. Indexed given names other than mentioned in above will abstracts for FORD: Benjamin - p. 128: listed as Administrator of the estate of John Kay, of Woolwich Twonship, Gloucester Co., who died intestate, entry date 10 May 1788. Lib. 31, p. 35. p. 130, as follows: 1790, May 27. Key, Joseph, of Gloucester Co., yeoman; will of. Wife, Sarah, household goods and a walnut table now in the possession of Jacob Featherer; also the goods she had when we were married. My wife is to maintain my children. Sons, John, William and Joseph, my plantation, at wife's death, which place I bought of John Key. Executors--brothers, Benjamin Ford and Thomas Key. Witnesses--Joshua Lord, Andrew Strang, Matthew Gill, Jr. Proved Nov. 22, 1790. 1790, Nov. 18. Inventory, made by Joshua Lord and Peter Beckett. Lib. 31, p. 439. David - p. 27: listed as Fellowbondsman, for John Cobb, appointed Guardian of John Bowers, son of Dr. John Bowers, dec'd. All of Hanover, Morris Co. Lib. 30, p. 481. Philip - p. 228: listed as one of the witnesses to the will of Charles Thomson, of Greenwich Township, Gloucester Co., will date 21 May 1790, proved 16 Jun 1790. Lib. 31, p. 466. William - p. 57: performed an inventory, 19 Feb 1788, along with John Groff, on estate of Thomas Cox, of Greenwich Township, Gloucester Co., who died intestate; entry date 20 Feb 1788. p. 96: listed as a Fellowbondsman for Margaret Halsey, Administratrix of estate of Ananias Halsey, of Hanover, Morris Co., who died intestate; entry date 2 May 1787. William is listed as of Hanover, Morris Co. Lib. 29, p. 474. p. 162: performed an inventory, 14 Mar 1787, on estate of Richard Mount, of Nottingham Township, Burlington Co., who died intestate; entry date 15 Mar 1787. William Foord further made a second inventory 12 Apr 1787. Lib. 29, p. 73. p. 169: listed as a witness, along with Thomas Thomson, to the will of Robert Nixson, of Greenwich Township, Gloucester Co., will date 6 May 1787, proved 19 Nov 1787. Lib. 29, p. 114. --------------- Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series; Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary & Post-Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, Volume XXXVII; Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Administrations, Etc., Volume VIII, 1791-1795; Edited and Indexed by Elmer T. Hutchinson; Jersey City, NJ, 1942. Beginning page 136: 1784, April 18. Foord (Ford), Mary, of Piscataway, Middlesex Co., widow of Charles Foord; will of. To cousin, Catharine Wright, £5. To Anna Martin (daughter of David Wright, now wife of James Martin), 1/2 of real and personal. To Cambell Dunham (son of Daniel and Cathareine Dunham), the other 1/2 of real and personal, when 21; should he die before coming of age, his share to Catharine Wright (daughter of David Wright). Executors--John Arnold (son of Bowley Arnold) and Henry Sutton; both of Piscataway. Witnesses--John Sutton, Henry Sutton, Jr. and Priscilla Sutton. Proved July 17, 1795. Lib. 35, p. 131; File 8607--8608L. 1787, Sept. 5. Foord (Ford), Thomas, of Windsor Twsp., Middlesex Co., will of. Wife, Ann, a horse and side saddle, 1 cow and all household goods she brought with her; also privileges of the house, pasture, etc., and 1/3 of the profits of plantation while she remains my widow. Son, Stephen, use of plantation for 10 years after my decease. Grandson, Thomas Ford, (son of son, Stephen), the plantation whereon I now live at the expriation of 10 years after my decease; he paying debts and legacies. To daughter, Margaret Webster, £5. Moveables to be sold to pay debts. Executors--son, Stephen Ford, and grandson, Thomas Ford. Witnesses--Van Room Robins, Daniel Hendrickson, Robt. Lawrence. Proved Mar. 21, 1791. 1787, Dec. 5. Codicil. Having failed to mention grandson, James Ford, to him £300, to be paid by his brother Thomas, when he comes into possession of plantation. Lib. 32, p. 429 1791, Mar. 10. Inventory, £89.12.9, made by Vanroom Robins and David Rulon. File 7769--7770L, 8193--8194L. 1793, Nov. 23. Ford, Daniel, of Gloucester Co. Int. Adm'x--Hannah Ford. Fellowbondsman--Laurence McCoy; both of said Co. Lib. 33, p. 101. [[p. 137]] 1793, Nov. 4. Inventory, £255.15.6; made by Wm. White and Daniel Sutherland. File 1851H. 1793, Jan. 15. Ford, William, of Morris Co. Int. Adm'rs--Jemima Ford and Samuel Denman. Fellowbondsman--Samuel Ford; all of said Co. Lib. 33, p. 331. 1793, Jan. 2. Inventory, £86.1.6; made by Jacob Howell, Moses Kitchel and Jedrethrin Day. File 820N. Indexed given names other than mentioned in above will abstracts for FORD (FOORD, FOARD, FORDE): Benjamin - p. 208: performed an inventory, 27 Jan 1792, on estate of Thomas Jones, of Gloucester Co., who died intestate; entry date 13 Jan 1792. (Lib. 34, p. 442; File 1819H). p. 213, as follows: 1792, June 18. Key, Hannah, of Gloucester Co. Ward. Daughter of John Key, of said Co., dec'd. On petition of Thomas Key, William Key, Samuel Beckett and Hannah, his wife; that Guardian be appointed; said ward being under 14. Guardian--Benjamin Ford. Fellowbondsman--Nicholas Justice; both of said Co. Lib. 34, p. 446; File 1820H. 1800, Mar. 3. Said ward, being out of the Wardship of her Guardian in Soccage, makes choice of John Thomas, as her Guardian. Fellowbondsman--Nicholas Justice; both of said Co. Lib. 39, p. 86; File 2292H. p. 290: performed an inventory, 28 May 1794, on estate of William Price, of Woolwich Twsp., Gloucester Co., who died intestate. (Lib. 35, p. 80; File 1904H). Ebenezer - p. 55: listed as Fellowbondsman to Thomas Heath, chosen Guardian of Thomas Lewis Brown, of Middlesex Co., ward and son of William Brown of said Co., dec'd. Thomas Heath and Ebenezer Ford also of said Co. (Lib 34, p. 317; File 7957--7960L). p. 120: performed an inventory, along with Henry Sutton, 28 Aug 1792, on estate of James Eddey, Sr., of Woodbridge Twsp., Middlesex Co.; will date 28 Jul 1792, proved 27 Aug 1792. (Lib. 34, p. 299; File 8015--8020L.). p. 130, as follows: 1793, Mar. 20. Evens, Lewis, Jr., of Middlesex Co. Ward. Son of Lewis Evens of Woodbridge, said Co., dec'd. Said Ward being out of the Wardship of his Guardian in Soccage, makes choice of Ebenezer Ford, Guardian. Fellowbondsman--Jonathan Bloomfield. Lib. 33, p. 232; File 8181--8184L. Frances - p. 291, as follows: 1790, Sept. 2. Randolph, Benjamin, of Speedwell, Burlington co.; will of. Wife, Mary, (per agreement before our marriage), £20 and no more. Niece, Margaret Robins, (daughter of Moses and Rhoda Robins), £50. Daughter, Anna Randolph, 2/3 of remainder of personal and real property. Frances Ford, (wife of Gabriel Ford,) the other 1/3 part. Executors--friend, Joseph Paschal, daughter Anna Randolph, and Joshua A. Wallace. Witnesses--Charles Lyon, Benjamin Dunham and John Warren. Proved Feb. 14, 1792. Lib. 34, p. 398; File 11460C. Gabriel - p. 202: although not shown as a legatee in the will of Timothy Johnes, Sr., of the Town and County of Morris, will date 4 Aug 1794, and proved 24 Oct. 1794, his was appointed one of the Executors of the estate, and labeled as grandson to Timothy Johnes, Sr. (Lib. 35, p. 154; File 853N). p. 291: see will abstract of Benjamin Randolph, above. John - p. 118, as follows: 1792, Oct. 17. Earle, John, of Saddle River Twsp., Bergen Co.; will of. Daughters, Sarah and Martha, and granddaughter, Mary, (daughter of Martha), dec'd wife's clothes. Grandson, John Ford, (son of daughter Martha), 20 shillings. Grandson, John Plantain, (son of daughter Sarah), 20 shillings. Son, James, remainder of estate. Executor--friend, Adrian Post, of Pompton. Witnesses--Adrian P. Post, Richard Van Reyper and Isaac Haulenbeck. Proved Jan. 23, 1793. Lib. 33, p. 159. 1793, Jan. 23. Renunciation by Adrian P. Post. 1793, Jan. 23. Adm'r--James Earle. Fellowbondsman--Cornelius Cooper; both of said Co. File 2293B--2295B--2297B. p. 165: apparent land owner stated in will of Jonathan Harned (the Elder), of Middlesex Co., will date 10 Mar 1774, proved 4 Sep 1794, in which was willed "...To Jonathan Harned (eldest son of cousin, Nathaniel Harned), lot of land adjoining John Foard's land..." (Lib. 34, p. 525; File 8449--8452L Lydia - p. 153, as follows: 1791, Apr. 8. Grantham, Lydia, of Woolwich Twsp., Gloucester Co.; will of. To Jane Alexander, a bed, beddding and some wearing apparel. To sister, Mary Lock, best bed, silver table spoon, remainder of wearing apparel; also 1/2 of my Continental certificates, and 1/2 of the two £10 notes--one to William Richman, the other on Thomas Harden. To brother, William Matson, lot of land whereon I now live (in trust for life); after his decease, to be equally divided between Magdalen Lock and Judith Kirby. Brother, William, to have a bed and the other 1/2 of Continental certificates and the 2 notes. To Lydia Ford (wife of William Ford), a chest of drawers. To Margaret Wilson, my gold buttons. To Abigail Thomson, my gold ring. To Deborah Matson, pair of curtains. To my brother's son, Andrew Matson, £1. To Magdalen Lock and Judith Kirby remainder of furniture. Executor--friend, William Ford. Witnesses--Leonard Welsly, Rebekah Welsly, Elinor Heckman. Proved Aug. 6, 1791. Lib. 32, p. 192. 1791, July 9. Inventory, £160.15.5 1/2, made by John Van Dyke, John Smith. File 1770H Martha - p. 118: see will abstract of John Earle, above. Mary - p. 118: see will abstract of John Earle, above Nathan - p. 43: listed as attorney of Aletta Bogart, widow of Thunis Bogart, of Boonton, Morris Co.; nuncupative will date 16 Jan 1791, as follows: "1791, Mar. 28. Confirmation of the nuncupative will presented by the widow Aletta Bogart, on the motion of her attorney, Gabriel H. Ford. Signed by Jabiz Campfield, Surrogate." His is also listed as a Fellowbondsman to widow and George D. Brinnckerhoff, who posted bond as Administrators. File 761N. Samuel - p. 51: apparent land owner so stated in will of John Brookfield, of Morristown, Morris Co.; will date 1 Jun 1795, proved 29 Jun 1795, in willing of portion of land to a daughter, as follows: "...Daughter, Rachel Goble, tract of land corner of above 4 acre lot and along land devised to daughter Phebe, crossing land bought of Zopher Hatheway, to stake in line of late Nathan Reeve, but now Sam Ford's..."; the 4 acre lot referenced as 'above' refers to a separate devise, to Granddaughter Mary Brookfield (daughter of son James, dec'd) and great grandson James Brookfield Stites (son of Daniel Stites, dec'd). Lib. 36, p. 70; File 867N. Standish - p. 23: "Executors--friend Standish Forde and John Head, Jr." in will of John Head Baker, of Phila. Penna., hatter; copy of will, dated Jun 1790, copy certified 2 Feb 1792. Note - Standish Forde renounced, and John Head, Jr. was deceased by 23 Nov 1791; Joseph Baker and Samuel Baker were then appointed new Administrators of the estate. William - p. 153: see will abstract of Lydia Grantham, above. p. 156: performed inventory, 31 Mar 1795, on estate of Richard Groff, of Greenwich Twsp., Gloucester Co., who died intestate; entry date 4 Apr 1795. (Lib. 35, p. 305; File 1939H), p. 204: performed inventory, 10 Apr 1793, on estate of John Johnson, of Greenwich Twsp., Gloucester Co., will date 21 Aug 1793, proved 1 Oct 1793. (Lib. 33, p. 85; File 1861H). p. 233: performed inventory, 13 Mar 1795, on estate of John Lock, of Deptford Twsp., Gloucester Co., who died intestate; entry date 13 Mar 1795. (Lib. 35, p. 301; File 1961H). p. 253: performed an inventory, 10 Apr 1795, on estate of Jacob Middleton, of Gloucester Co., who died intestate; event date 15 Apr 1795. (Lib. 35, p. 306; File 1965H). p. 392: listed as a Fellowbondsman for Rebecca Wells, Administratrix of estate of Daniel Wells, of Greenwich Twsp., Gloucester Co., who died intestate; entry date 12 Jan 1795; William Ford also performed an inventory on said estate, 13 Sep 1794, along with Valentine Reynold. (Lib. 35, p. 300; File 1994H). --------------- Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series; Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary & Post-Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, Volume XXXVIII; Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Administrations, Etc., Volume IX, 1796-1800; Edited and Indexed by Elmer T. Hutchinson; Newark, NJ, 1944. Page 130: 1800, Nov. 7. Ford, Col. Chilion, of Morris Co. Int. Adm'r--David Ford. Fellowbondsmen--Gabriel H. Ford and Major Daniel Phoenix, of Morristown, said Co. Lib. 39, p. 202 1800, Oct. 30. Inventory, $1,678.18; made by John Doughty and Daniel Phoenix, Jr. File 1034N. 1797, Aug. 4. Ford, Ebenezer, of Woodbridge Twsp., Middlesex Co. Int. Adm'r--Phineas Manning. Fellowbondsen--John Manning and William Bloomfield; all of said Co. Lib. 36, p. 548. 1797, Aug. Inventory, £2592.2.6; made by William Bloomfield and Thomas Heath. File 9069--9078L. 1798, Jan. 16. Ford, Isabella and Samuel, of Middlesex Co. Wards. Children of Ebenezer Ford, of said Co., dec'd; being out of the Wardship of their Guardian in Soccage, make choice of Phineas Manning. Fellowbondsman--William Bloomfield; all of said Co. Lib. 37, p. 335; File 9329--9332L. Indexed given names other than mentioned in above will abstracts for FORD (FOORD): Benjamin - p. 210: is listed as a Fellowbondsman for the Administrator of the estate of Mary Key, of Gloucester Co., who died intest. Date of event is 6 Oct. 1800. Benjamin Ford was also of Gloucester Co. Lib. 39, p. 147; File 2293H. David - p. 124: performed an inventory in Aug 1799, on estate of John Jacob Faesch, of Hanover, Morris Co., who died intestate. Date of entry is 9 Sep 1799. Lib. 38, p. 485; File 1019N. p. 207: appointed Executor, along with John Jacob Faesch, of the estate of Capt. Michael Kearny, of Hanover Twsp., Morris Co., who died intestate. Date of event 11 Apr 1797. Fellowbondsmen are David Ford, Nathan Ford and Gabriel H. Ford; all of said Co. Lib. 37, p. 238; File 943N. p. 242: appointed Administrator of the estate of Samuel Edward Majoram, of Sussex Co., who died intestate. Date of event 22 Apr 1797. Lib. 37, p. 280; File 743S. p. 264: listed as one of two Fellowbondsmen for Sarah Newell, Administratrix of the estate of Doctor Elisha Newell, of Allentown, Monmouth Co., who died intestate. Entry date is 26 Feb 1799. Lib. 38, p. 321; File 8121--8122M. Demas - p. 10, as follows: 1798, Dec. 27. Allen, Jacob, of Morristown, Morris Co., a private soldier in First New Jersey Regiment, and a weaver by trade. Int. Adm'r--Demas Ford. Fellowbondsmen--Isaac Woolley, of Hanover and Henry King, of Morristown; all of said Co. Lib. 38, p. 165. 1799, Jan. 7. Inventory, $465.00; made by Timothy Johnes and Stephen Ogden. File 961N. p. 231/232, as follows: 1798, Dec. 27. Little, Simeon, of Mendham Twsp., Morris Co., a private soldier of the First New Jersey Regiment; laborer. Int. Adm'r--Demas Ford. Fellowbondsmen--Isaac Woolley, of Hanover and Henry King, of Morristown; all of said Co. Lib. 38, p. 165. 1799, Jan. 7. Inventory, being 100 acres for military lands, 15 dollars, and final settlement notes of 450 dollars; made by Timothy Johnes and Stephen Ogden. File 981N. Gabriel H. - p. 207: see entry for David Ford, above. George - p. 242: he and Carl Marlsbury (signs Kerlin Marlsbury), are listed as Administrators of the estate of Jonathan Marlsbury, of Burlington Co., who died intestate. Entry date is 6 Oct 1798. Lib. 38, p. 37; File 11791C. Jesse - p. 397: listed as one of the witnesses to the will of Mary Walling, of Hardyston, Sussex Co., will date 26 May 1798, proved 3 Aug 1798. Lib. 37, p. 547; File 805S. Nathan - p. 207: see entry for David Ford, above. Thomas - p. 124: is named in will of William Everingham, of Upper Freehold Twsp., Monmouth Co., who willed to a brother, Thomas, " held against Thomas Ford...". Will date 13 Mar 1793, proved 2 Jun 1798. Lib. 37, p. 337; File 7859--7860M. William - p. 76: performed an inventory, 13 Apr 1798, on estate of Thomas Comb, of Piscataway Twsp., Middlesex Co., will date 29 Mar 1797, proved 16 Apr 1798. He was also one of the witnesses to the signing of same will. (lib 37, p. 318; File 929--9300L). p. 368: performed an inventory, 8 Feb 1798, on estate of William Thickstun, of Woodbridge Twsp., Middlesex Co. (Lib. 37, p. 332; File 9437--9442L). William, Jr. - p. 341/342, as follows: 1799, Oct. 10. South, Benjamin, Sr., of Windsor Twsp., Middlesex Co.; will of. Wife, Amy, all goods she had at time of marriage; likewise 3 cows and £100; also use of 2 rooms in house and other privileges, while widow. Son, Benjamin, plantation I now live on. Plantation in Nottingham Twsp. (Burlington Co.) where William Ford, Jr. now lives to be sold. Children, Mary, James, Lydia, Charlotte and Ezekiel, the remainder of estate, divided between them; Ezekiel to have £50 deducted from his share. Executors--sons, Benjamin and Ezekiel, and son-in-law William Ford, Jr. Witnesses--James McCabe, Henry Chambers and Joseph Satchwill. Proved May 13, 1800. Lib. 39, p. 25 1800, Mar. 25. Inventory, £1238.6.0; made by William Cubberly and Daniel Bowne. File 9831--9835L. --------------- Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series; Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary & Post-Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, Volume XXXIX; Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Administrations, Etc., Volume X, 1801-1805; Edited and Indexed by Elmer T. Hutchinson; Trenton, NJ, 1946. No Wills. Indexed given names other than mentioned in above will abstracts for FORD (FOORD): Ebenezer - p. 295: apparent land owner who sold land to deceased, Henry Marsh, of Woodbridge Twsp., Middlesex Co., will date 29 Dec 1802, proved 13 Feb 1804, with said land willed to said son James, to wit: "...Son, James, several lots of land on northerly side of highway (18 acres) purchased severally of Samuel Marsh, Andrew Bloofield, Marmaduke Hunt, Thomas Alston, Ebenezer Ford and Thomas Edgar..." (File 10031 L.). Lydia - p. 309: listed as one of the witnesses, along with Joseph T. Talman and William Ford, to the will of James Miller, of Greenwich Twsp., Gloucester Co., will date 24 Oct 1803, proved 7 Apr 1804. )File 2504 H.). Margaret - p. 197, as follows: 1803, Nov. 1. Hankins, Joseph, of Nottingham Twsp., Burlington co.; will of. Wife, Ann, lot of land 1/4 acre, bought of Samuel Lemon. Daughter Margaret Ford, bed and bedding. Daughter, Mary McCabe, pewter and swarm of bees. Daughter, Ann Fowler, chest and swarm of bees. Granddaughter, Exercise Swem, swarm of bees. Residue to be sold and divided among my children, viz. John Hankins, Jemima Rulon, Mary McCabe, Timothy Hankins, Ann Fowler and William Hankins. Executor--son, John Hankins. Proved Jan. 25, 1804. Lib. 40, p. 466. 1804, Jan. 27. Inventory, $35.50; made by Michael Allen and Jacob Taylor. File 12171 C. Thomas - p. 364: surnamed spelled Foord - listed as one of two Fellowbondsman for the Executor, John James, in the will of Asa Radford, of East Windsor Twsp., Middlesex Co., will date 20 Mar 1802, proved 28 Dec 1802 (Lib. 40, p. 227). Thomas Foord is also listed as one of two persons who performed an inventory on said estate, 1 Nov 1802. File 9938 L. Thomas Lin - p. 355, as follows: 1805, Sept. 11. Post, Halmagh, of Acquacknonk Twsp., Essex Co. Inventory (not totaled); made by Paul Rutan and Thomas Lin Ford. Sworn to by Adrian H. Post, Adm'r, Dec. 28, 1805. File 10366 G. William - p. 89: performed an inventory, along with Nathaniel Martin, on estate of James Colyer, of Middlesex Co. Entry date is 17 Nov 1804, and was sworn to by Moses Colyer, Adm'r, September 23, 1805. File 10052 L. p. 278: listed as one of two persons who performed an inventory, dated 1 Oct 1803, on estate of Hannah Lippincott, of Evesham Twsp., Burlington Co.; will date 7 Oct 1793, proved 19 Sep 1803 in Gloucester Co. (Lib. 40, p. 386) Hannah Lippincott died in Greenwich Twsp, Gloucester Co. File 2418 H. p. 309: listed as one of the witnesses, along with Joseph T. Talman and Lydia Ford, to the will of James Miller, of Greenwich Twsp., Gloucester Co., will date 24 Oct 1803, proved 7 Apr 1804. )File 2504 H.). --------------- Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series; Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary & Post-Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, Volume XL; Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Administrations, Etc., Volume XI, 1806-1809; Edited and Indexed by Elmer T. Hutchinson; Trenton, NJ, 1947. Page 129: 1809, Feb. 7. Ford, Charles, of Bergen Co. Inventory (not totaled); made by Samuel Garret and Theunis Hennion. Sworn to by Henny Wethy,* Adm'r, Feb. 7, 1809. File 3458 B. * Signed by mark. Page 130: 1809, Aug. 19. Ford, Elizabeth, widow. Int. Inventory, $66.82; made by William Tuttle and David Mills. Sworn to by said appraisers, Oct. 17, 1809, at Morristown (Morris Co.) File 1393 N. Indexed given names other than mentioned in above will abstracts for FORD (FOORD): Anastasia - p. 200, as follows: 1798, Mar. 19. Kearny, Isabella, of Morris Co. (formerly of Monmouth Co.); will of. Real and personal estate to be sold. To Mary Van Horn (daughter of James Van Horn, dec'd), £50. Negro man, Mars, to be set free. To nieces, Mary Cooke, Sarah Newell, Grace Clarkson, Isabella Halles, Lydia Cooke, Annastatia Ford (daughter of Rev. Samuel Cooke, dec'd) and Susan Faesch (daughter of Euphemia Leonard), remainder of estate in equal shares. Executors--Rev. Joseph Clarkson, of Wilmington, Delaware, and David Ford, of Morristown. Witnesses--Jacob Ball, Theophilus Hathaway, Abraham Ball. 1805, Mar. 30. Codicil. Bequest of £50 to Mary Van Horn (now Mary McKay) revoked, and to her instead, £100. To Elizabeth Van Horn, $65, when 18. Witnesses--Phebe Emmet, Henry King. Proved Mar. 27, 1806. File 1288 N. David - p. 20: apparent landowner who deeded land to Jacob Ball, of Hanover, Morris Co., so stated in his will of 20 Oct 1804, and then left to his son, Isaac, to wit: "...and 5 acres deeded me by David Ford (surviving Adm'r of estate of Capt. Michael Kearney), Sept. 29, 1800;..."; will proved 15 Dec 1808. (File 1370 N). p. 131: performed an inventory on estate of Shadrack Fountain, of Sussex Co., who died intestate. Event date 29 Apr 1809; sworn to by Administrators, 7 Aug 1809. (File 1200 S.). p. 200: See will abstract of Isabella Kearny. Gabriel H. - p. 59: apparent land owner stated in will of Alexander Carmichael, of Morristown, Morris Co., will date 25 Dec 1806, proved 30 Jan 1808, and willed to his son Charles, to wit: "...Son, Charles, 44 acres of land (being part of farm whereon I now live beginning in line of lands belonging to Gabriel H. Ford, Esq. (per described courses)..." (File 1373 N.). John - p. 131: one of three witnesses to will of Uriah Foster, of Evesham Twsp., Burlington Co., will date 26 May 1804, proved 14 Feb 1809. (File 12407) p. 187: one of three witnesses to will of John Humphreys, of Upper Penns Neck, Salem Co.; will date 11 Aug 1809, proved 7 Sep 1809. (File 3043 Q). Mahlon - p. 97: one of two persons who performed an inventory on the estate of William B. Delaplaine, of Morris Co. Event date 20 Jun 1808. (File 1379 N.). p. 382: one of two persons who performed an inventory on the estate of Elizabeth Woodruff, of Westfield, Essex Co.; sworn to at Morristown. (File 1367 N.) Sarah - p. 287, as follows: 1805, May 6. Ross, John, of Bonham Town, Middlesex Co.; will of. Wife, Sarah, $250; also income from monies to be invested from sale of estate, while my widow; should she marry, $100. After wife's decease or marriage monies to be collected and divided in 14 parts, sons, Jackson, James, Phineas, Richard and John, each 2 parts, and daughters Mary, Catharine (wife of Nathaniel Martin), Sarah (wife of William Foord), and Margaret, each one part. Executors--sons, James Ross and Richard Ross and son-in-law Nathaniel Martin. Witnesses--David Dunham Jr., David Dunham, Nathan Mundy. Proved Sept. 29, 1806. 1806, Sept. 30. Inventory, $1,014.96; made by Isaac Cotheal and William F. Manning. File 10118 L. Thomas - p. 327: Swore, along with Sarah Tantum, 27 Sep 1808, as Administrators, to the inventory done on estate of Joseph Tantum, of East Windsor Twsp., Middlesex Co., event date of 26 Sep 1808. (File 10200 L.). William - p. 70: named as friend and Executor, along with William West, of estate of John Coleman, Sr., of Nottingham Twsp., Burlington Co., will date 10 Oct 1802, proved 14 Feb 1806. (File 12256 C.). p. 80: helped perform an inventory on estate of Bartholomy Cotter, of Woolwich Twsp., Gloucester Co., 16 Oct 1807. (File 2636 H.). p. 287: see will abstract for Sarah Ford, above. --------------- Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series; Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary & Post-Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, Volume XLI; Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Administrations, Etc., Volume XII, 1810-1813; Edited and Indexed by Elmer T. Hutchinson; Bayonne, NJ, 1949. Page 137: 1809, May 25. Ford, Anne*, of Chesterfield Twsp., Burlington Co.; will of. Three sons, John White, Aaron Bowger, Joseph Hancock and my brother, Judiah Lippincott, each $2. Daughters of my brother, John, i.e., Hannah, a bed and bedding, Phebe, Bureau, Mary, my chest, breakfast table, 6 pewter plates and iron kettle. Granddaughter, Anne White, 6 silver teaspoons. Three sisters, Sarah Pittman, Phebe Hancock, Mary Lippincott, wearing apparel. Residue of all estate to brother, John. Executors--brother, John Lippincott, and his son, William Lippincott. Witnesses--John Hall, Clarissa Chapman. Proved Apr. 21, 1813, when John Lippincott signed as exexutor. File 12641 C. *Signed by mark. 1810, Apr. 16. Ford, Benjamin, of Woolwich Twsp., Gloucester Co. Int. Inventory, $1,104.56; made by Samuel Cooper, Jehu Willson. Affirmed by William Ford, Adm'r, Apr. 17, 1810. File 2775 H 1811, Nov. 11. Ford, Benjamin, of Perth Amboy Twsp., Middlesex Co. Int. Inventory, $1,479.41; made by David Samlley, James Harriot. Includes a slaughter house and apparatus, sword and belt. Sworn to by Charles Ford, Adm'r, Nov. 23, 1811. File 10294 L. Indexed given names other than mentioned in above will abstracts for FORD (FOORD): Benjamin - p. 96: apparently owed money to the estate of William Cross, of Perth Amboy, Middlesex Co., who died intestate; entry date 20 May 1812. (File 10337 L) p. 154: apparently was a land owner who sold a lot, and which was to be sold as directed in the will of Edward Griffeth, of Piscataway, Middlesex Co.; will date 6 Dec 1808, proved 15 Apr 1813. (File 10401 L) Eliza - p. 341/342, as follows: 1811, Feb. 10. Smiley, Andrews, of Weymouth Twsp., Gloucester Co., storekeeper, "now in City of Philadelphia"; will of. All debts to be paid. Sister, Margaret (wife of John Ford of Great Eggharbour), $300. Eliza Ford, Nancy Ford, and Nathaniel Ford (children of said sister, Margaret), all that messuage, or two tracts of land and swamp in Gloucester Co., containing 200 acres and 1 and three tenths acres which were conveyed to me on Apr. 18, 1804 by Thomas Fowler and his wife, Rebeckah; also to each $100. All residue of estate to such of my brothers and sisters as are now living in Ireland. Executors--friend, John Willis, of City of Philadelphia, storekeeper, and Martin Synnott of Great Eggharbour Twsp., storekeeper. Witnesses--John Davis, David Ray, Bayes Newcomb, Jr. Proved. Mar. 9, 1811. -----, -----, -----. Inventory, $6,980.45; made by Thomas Doughty, John Estill. It being one half the goods of the Firm of Synnott and Smiley (Martin Synott being the surviving partner). Addition of personal estate (p.342) makes amount $7,545.81. Includes 1/2 the sloops called "Friendship" and "Mermaid". Sworn to May 30, 1811. 1811, July 22. Letter, headed Mays Landing to James Matlack, Esq. "Sir: We find on regularly settling all our Company account between Mr. Andrew Smiley, deceased, and me, that there is a balance yet to be placed to his credit of $569.65, which is to be taken from the amount of my estate and added to the Inventory of his estate in your office, then the accounts will appear as they are on the Company Books, that is, that he put in to trade $439.30 more than me and so it will appear on Document in your possession, which we now have settled. Yours. /s/ Martin Synott." File 2810 H. Gabriel H. - p. 206: listed, along with Henry A. Ford, as one of three witnesses to the will of Stephen Jackson, of Pequannock Twsp., Morris Co.; will date 25 Jun 1810, proved 11 Apr 1812. (File 1488 N). Henry A. - p. 206: see entry for Eliza Ford. John - p. 201: apparent land owner who sold same to John Imlay, of Allentown, Monmouth Co., as stated in his will, dated 16 Dec 1812, leaving the following to a son: "...Son, John, house and lot now in tenure of my son, James, valued at £900; also land (10 acres) purchased of Thomas Ford in E. Windsor Twsp. (Middlesex Co.), valued at £10 oer acre; also woodland puchased of John Noer in Middlesex Co., adjoining Asher Borden and John Foord, valued at £200..." Will proved 25 Feb 1815. (File 9035 M). p. 341: see entry for Eliza Ford. John O. - p. 210: appears in the 'inventory of accounts' in the will of Samuel Johnson, of Hardiston Twsp., Sussex Co., who died intestate, 8 Nov 1811, and sworn to by the widow Mary, Adm'x, 14 Nov 1811. (File 1287 S). Josiah - p. 226: performed an inventory on estate of Nicklas Laforce, of Perth Amboy, Middlesex Co., who died intestate 4 May 1813, and sworn to by Benjamin Laforge, Adm'r, 10 May 1813. (File 10414 L). Mahlon - p. 295: performed an inventory, dated 15 May 1810, on estate of Mary Pierson, of Morristown, Morris Co., widow of Aaron; will proved 22 May 1810. (File 1430 N). Margaret - p. 341: see entry for Eliza Ford. Mary - p. 68, as follows: 1807, Jan. 1. Clark, Daniel, of Trenton Twsp., Hunterdon Co.; will of. Daughter, Abigail McNear, £20. Mary Carle (daughter of my daughter, Nancy), £40. Elizabeth Hutchinson and Charles Barber (children of my daughter, Sarah Barber, dec'd), £20 each. Children of my daughter, Nancy Howell, dec'd, namely, Theodosia, Samuel and Ann Howell, £10 each. Grandson, Charles Clark, £5. Son, Samuel, £5. Three daughters, Mary Ford, Ruth Chambers and Phebe Hutchinson, and my five grandchildren (children of my daughter Elizabeth Barber, dec'd), Sarah, Jemima, Abigail, Meriah and Suannah, all remainder of my property with understanding that said five grandchildren are to allow my son, Samuel, his just account for what he has given the family since the death of their father, William Barber. Executors--son, Samuel, and son-in-law David Chambers, of Cranberry. Witnesses--John C. Moore, Aaron Moore, Edward Baker. Proved May 8, 1812, when Samuel Clark signed as executor. 1811, Dec. 30. Inventory, $1,343.19; made by James Clark and Israel Fish. File 2522 J. Nancy - p. 341: see entry for Eliza Ford. Nathaniel - p. 341: see entry for Eliza Ford. Samuel - p. 175: listed as one of the witnesses to the will of Thomas Heath, of Woodbridge, Middlesex Co., dated 15 Jan 1808. (File 10253 L). p. 262: apparent land owner who sold same to Thomas Miller, of Morris Twsp., Morris Co, in his will dated 12 Sep 1810, proved 19 Oct 1810, and which was given to a son: "Youngest son, John, $150; also 5 acres bought of Samuel Ford, when he is 21." (File 1427 N). Stephen - p. 372, as follows: 1810, Jan. 3. Tantum, Joseph, of East Windsor Twsp., Middlesex Co. Int. Inventory, $725.32; made by Jacob Fisher, Robert Willson. Inventory is as follows: "Ballance in hands of Thomas Ford, Administrator of Joseph Tantum. Rents due from William Gaston for Tavern house and orchard. Rent due from Samuel Gillam for house and lot. Rent due from John Likes for house and lot." Also lists lands: Lott No. 1 deed from John Hepburn to Joseph Tantum containing y acres; lot No. 2 deed from John Rogers to Joseph Tantum, containing 29 acres; No. 3 deed from Samuel Reford to Joseph Tantum containing 5 acres. No. 4 deed from Stephen and Thomas Ford to Joseph Tantum, 17 acres of timber land." Affirmed by Thomas Ford, guardian of George, Mary, Robert, Elizabeth and Sary Ann Tantum, children of Joseph Tantum, at New Brunswick Feb. 20, 1811. File 10323 L. Thomas - p. 139: performed an inventory on estate of Samuel Fowler, of East Windsor, Middlesex Co., who died intestate, 7 Apr 1813. (File 10396 L). p. 201: apparent land owner who sold same to John Imlay, of Allentown, Monmouth Co., as stated in his will, dated 16 Dec 1812, leaving the following, first to a son - ": "...Son, John, house and lot now in tenure of my son, James, valued at £900; also land (10 acres) purchased of Thomas Ford in E. Windsor Twsp. (Middlesex Co.), valued at £10 oer acre"; and then to a daughter: "Daughter, Elizabeth Holcombe..." "...also house and land in Middlesex Co. purchased of Asa Radford (200 acres); also 5 acres adjoining, purchased of Thomas Ford, and at her death, to her children." (File 9035 M). p. 372: See entry for Stephen. William - p. 262: performed an inventory on estate of Isaac Mills, of Greenwich Twsp., Gloucester Co., who died intestate 8 Jun 1813, and affirmed by Patience Mills and Isaac Green, Adm'rs, 9 Jun 1813. (File 2931 H). p. 355: performed an inventory on the estate of John Stetser, of Greenwich Twsp., Gloucester Co., who died intestate; entry date 9 Jul 1813. Administrators affirmed 29 Jul 1813. (File 2915 H). p. 377: was one of the witnesses to the will of Isaac Thomson [incorrectly indexed as Isaac Thomas], of Woolwich Twsp., Gloucester Co.; will date 22 Jan 1812, proved 21 Mar 1812. (File 2876 H). p. 427: apparent land owner who sold land, and is stated in estate of Eli Wilson, of Greenwich Twsp., Gloucester Co.; will date 12 Aug 1812, proved 21 Sep 1812; land is willed to son Eli, to wit: "...Son, Eli, homestead whereon I live, on Delaware River, adjoining Daniel Sutherland (145 acres), part of which was bought of Isaac and Thomas Thomson, William Ford, and their wives and Abigail Thomson in 1796...". (File 2884 H). --------------- Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series; Documents Relating to the Colonial, Revolutionary & Post-Revolutionary History of the State of New Jersey, Volume XLII; Calendar of New Jersey Wills, Administrations, Etc., Volume XIII, 1814-1817; Edited and Indexed by Elmer T. Hutchinson; Trenton, NJ, 1949. Page 160: 1814, Jan. 21. Ford, Jonathan, of Hanover Twsp., Morris Co.; will of. Wife, Eunice, no specific legacy. Daughter, Charlotte Condict, $1,500. Grandson, Mahlon Ford Dickerson, $300 when 21; but if he dies before then, smae to my children equally. Daughter, Caty Wills, $1,500; but if she dies leaving no issue, said sum to children of my son, Henry. Son, Henry, $3,500, the sum of $2,100 to be advanced for his education. Son, John, all my Mallipardis lands, adjoining lands of John Ogden, dec'd. whereon Daniel Smith lives (150 acres); shares of Union Turnpike; shares in Paterson and Hamburg Turnpike; also my 1/2 of the Jonah Mine and my Headly Mine and the 10 acres containing it, he paying to my son, Henry, $500. Son, Charles, all residue of estate, he paying debts and legacies. Executors--wife, Eunice, 2 sons, John O., and Charles. Witnesses--Lindsley Burnet, Caleb Comstock, Stephen Tunis. Proved July 15, 1817, when John O. and Charles Ford signed as Executors. File 1686 N. 1815, Jan. 2. Ford, William, of Woodbridge Twsp., Middlesex Co. Int. Inventory, $1,575.69; made by William F. Manning, William Tappen. Includes only a bond and interest thereon. Sworn to by William Washington Ford, Adm'r, June 16, 1815. File 10539 L. Indexed given names other than mentioned in above will abstracts for FORD (FOORD): Charles - p. 65: listed as a 'son-in-law' in the will of Benjamin Burroughs, of Chatham Twsp., Morris Co.; possible wife of Charles ?Susan, ?Phebe, ?Nancy, ?Polly, ?Rachel, ?Lucinda, as is stated in the will "if any of my daughters not mentiond in above should become destitute or want a home, they are to have one in the house where I now live ...; but they are not to have use of my house except they become widows, for they are not to bring husbands with them..."; will date 7 Dec 1815, proved 27 May 1816 (File 2983 H); p. 89: listed as one of two persons who performed and inventory on 25 Jul 1816, on estate of Uziah Codington, of Perth Amboy City, Middlesex Co.; will date 29 Jun 1815; not prove (File 10576 L); p. 432: listed as one of the witnesses to the will of Richard H. Townsend, of Upper Twsp., Cape May Co.; will date 12 Feb 1817, proved 15 Mar 1817 (File 929 E); p. 486: listed as 'the child of my wife' in the will of Henry Witty, of Pompton Twsp., Bergen Co.; will date 28 Apr 1815, proved 27 Jun 1815. Wife is listed as Hitty or Hetty Witty. Will abstract further states that Charles "is to be brought up in the same manner until of an age to be put out, and he is to have one English watch." (File 3689 B). Gabriel H. - p. 255: listed as one of the Executors, and 'friend and cousin', in the estate of Joseph Lewis, of Morristown, Morris Co., whose will date was 11 Jan 1796, proved 13 Aug 1814. (File 1554 N) p. 436: stated as owning land adjoining others, in will of Samuel Tuthill, of Morristown, Morris Co. (see statement for Jacob Ford Jr., below) (File 1574 N) George - p. 360; listed as one of the executors to the estate of Mary Rogers, of East Windsor Twsp., Middlesex Co., will date 13 Apr 1815, proved 12 Dec 1815. (File 10555 L). Jacob Jr. - p. 436: was a landowner who sold land to Samuel Tuthill, of Morristown, Morris Co., on Apr. 26, 1773, adjoining William Campfield, Alexander Carmichael, dec'd, Benjamin Lindsley and Gabriel H. Ford. So state in will of Samuel Tuthill, dated 27 Jan 1814, proved 29 Dec 1814. (File 1574 N) James Jr. - p. 495: listed as one of the Administrators, who swore 5 Jul 1815 that the inventory on the estate of Thomas Young, who died intestate, was correct. Event date 1 Jan 1815. Sworn to befroe David Thompson, Suggogate of Morris Co. (File 1624 N) Robert - p. 129: is listed as 'son-in-law' and one of the executors of the estate of John Dey, of South Amboy Twsp., Middlesex Co.; will date 1 Oct 1815, proved 24 Oct 1815. Possible wife of Robert may be Margaret, Mary, Sarah, Martha, or Catharine. (File 10533 L) p. 130: "Proved Oct. 24, 1815, when Seth Dey and Robert Ford signed as Executors." (same File 10533 L) Samuel - p. 69: listed as one of the persons who performed the inventory on the estate of Daniel Cale (who signed 'by mark') of Washington Twsp., Burlington Co.; will date 17 Aug 1816, proved 7 Oct 1816; inventory date 30 Sep 1816. (File 12862 C) William - p. 13: listed as a 'friend' and one of the Executors of the will of Josiah Appleton, Sr., of Nottingham Twsp., Burlington Co.; will date 11 Jan 1812, proved 19 Mar 1814. (File 12692 C). William O. - p. 130: listed as one of the witnesses to the signing of the will of Alexander Dickey, of Springfield Twsp., Essex Co.; will date 15 Jun 1815, proved 28 Jul 1815. (file 10903 G) William Washington - p. 93: He swore, as one of the administrators, on 7 Mar 1817, to apparent ownerage of "1/2 of a sloop's rigging" in the estate of William Compton, of Woodbridge Twsp., Middlesex Co., who died intestate. Event date 12 Dec 1815, (File 10630 L) p. 278: is listed as one of the Executors, and 'friend' of the estate of Walter Martin, of Piscataway Twsp., Middlesex Co., will date 5 Oct 1815, proved 29 Nov 1815. (File 10551 L)