Excerpts from: Annual Reports Elizabeth Fire Department 1926, Union County, NJ ==================================================================== USGENWEB NOTICE: In keeping with our policy of providing free information on the Internet, data may be used by non-commercial entities, as long as this message remains on all copied material. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or for presentation by other persons or organizations. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material for purposes other than stated above must obtain the written consent of the file contributor. This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Robin Chalmers, RLCww@aol.com ==================================================================== Twenty-fifth Report of the Board of Fire Commissioners with Reports of the Officers in Charge of the Various Branches of the Elizabeth Fire Department for the Year Ending December 31, 1926 Board of Fire Commissioners 1926: August Kaczmarek, President Charles Chandler Dr Otto Wagner Grenville A. Harris Jacob Reuter Secretary William J. Cox Officers of the Department: Chief August Gerstung Deputy Chief William H. Kenah Battalion Chief Frederick Clark Department Physician Frank H. Warncke Motion Picture Operator Examiner Thomas A. Liddy [detailed information about fires and equipment} p.13 [under Fire Prevention inspections for 1926] District No. 1-Captain Kirk, inspector District No. 2-Captain Lavin, inspector District No. 3-Captain Jarvais, inspector District No. 4-Captain Keelan, inspector District No. 5-Captain Luxich, inspector District No. 6-Captain Grouss, inspector District No. 7-Captain Halpin, inspector District No. 8-Captain Riley, inspector (deceased) District No. 9-Captain Cummings, inspector District No. 10-Captain Weber, inspector District No. 11-Captain Bauerman, inspector p.14 Casualties I exceedingly regret to report the death of Captain William H. Riley of Engine Company No. 2 of this Department, which resulted while working at a fire, 1183 East Grand Street, where he walked off a second story roof, failing to the pavement below and was instantly killed. Fatalities other than Fire Department members for the year follows: May 19th-Fred Stocker, 314 Atlantic Street was fatally burned. July 10th-James Carroll was fatally burned at a fire at the Hayes-Hunt plant I would also report that on December 27th Mrs. Robert Collough, of 811 South Street, was painfully burned and confined to the hospital for several weeks, as a result of cleaning some wearing apparel with gasoline. [machinery recommendations] p.16-21 Companies, Apparatus, and Crews Fire Headquarters and Fire Alarm Staff Name Position Date of Assuming Duties August Gerstung Chief January 1st 1902 William H Kenah Deputy Chief August 15th 1902 Frederick Clark Battalion Chief January 1st 1902 William J Cox Secretary October 7th 1909 Alexander Cochran Dept Machinist December 1st 1916 John Krug Asst. Machinist August 15th 1912 William Hance Supt. Fire Alarm September 7th 1922 John Grous Jr. Asst. Supt. Fire Alarm September 7th 1922 John Traub Chief's Driver August 17th 1913 William F Conway Deputy Chief Driver April 1st 1918 William Eilbacher Battalion Chief Driver May 16th 1925 Jacob Swick Utilityman January 1st 1902 Michael Donovan Extraman August 15th 1912 Engine Company No. 1 Located at 24 South Broad Street Name Position Date of Assuming Duties James J Halpin Captain February 4th 1902 Edward Syers Lieutenant August 15th 1912 Michael Long Hoseman April 15th 1902 Edward A Egbert Hoseman August 15th 1912 Edward J McCormack Hoseman August 15th 1912 Eugene A Link Hoseman September 15th 1912 Melville H Metzler Hoseman October 16th 1917 Charles J Moore Hoseman April 1st 1918 Oscar L Eldridge Hoseman April 1st 1918 William J Maher Hoseman August 1st 1918 Frank J Flynn Hoseman December 16th 1919 Harold Gernandt Hoseman July 1st 1926 Engine Company No. 2 Located at 1201 East Grand Street+A61 Name Position Date of Assuming Duties [blank] Captain [blank] Frederick Bauerman Lieutenant October 1st 1902 William Biskey Hoseman June 1st 1905 John Motley Hoseman June 2nd 1909 George Schaffer Hoseman December 16th 1917 Thomas O'Brien Hoseman April 1st 1918 Peter Smith Hoseman April 1st 1918 Frank J Breidt Hoseman April 1st 1918 William J Donnelly Hoseman April 1st 1918 William Reilly Hoseman April 1st 1918 Bernard Savage Hoseman June 1st 1922 Karl H Nehring Hoseman May 16th 1925 Engine Company No. 3 Located at 733 New Point Road Name Position Date of Assuming Duties William Luxich Captain July 1st 1911 George Christman Lieutenant January 1st 1915 William Decker Hoseman March 1st 1911 Charles Korn Hoseman October 16th 1916 John Huff Hoseman October 16th 1917 Frederick Durrschmidt Hoseman April 1st 1918 Otto Stack Hoseman April 1st 1918 Julius Fischback Hoseman April 1st 1918 Robert Kirkman Hoseman April 1st 1918 Harry A Orsini Hoseman May 16th 1925 Frank Tesnar Hoseman May 16th 1925 James V Corcoran Hoseman May 16th 1925 Engine Company No. 4 Located at 149 Elizabeth Avenue Name Position Date of Assuming Duties Edward Lavin Captain August 15th 1912 William F Mahoney Lieutenant April 1st 1918 George Huff Jr Hoseman October 16th 1917 Moses Lowther Hoseman May 15th 1903 Frederick Stewart Hoseman April 1st 1918 John F Froelich Hoseman October 1st 1918 John C Reilly Hoseman October 16th 1919 John L Donovan Hoseman February 1st 1921 Walter J Leary Hoseman May 16th 1925 Walter S Sleckman Hoseman December 1st 1925 Allen J Huelsenbach Hoseman April 1st 1926 Edward W McMeel Hoseman July 16th 1926 Engine Company No. 5 Located at 146 Third Street Name Position Date of Assuming Duties Barth J Kirk Captain September 1st 1905 William O'Sullivan Lieutenant September 1st 1908 George Huff Sr. Hoseman March 15th 1908 Henry Roberts Hoseman September 15th 1912 Louis Fraatz Hoseman September 15th 1912 Harry Cornell Hoseman October 16th 1917 Andrew Donovan Hoseman April 1st 1918 John Logan Fay Hoseman May 26th 1918 John J Gillespie Hoseman October 1st 1918 Stephen Grezsiak Hoseman July 1st 1921 Walter Barry Hoseman June 1st 1922 Patrick Mahoney Hoseman May 16th 1925 Engine Company No. 6 Located at 605 Pennsylvania Avenue Name Position Date of Assuming Duties John J Cummings Captain September 1st 1905 Frank Corrigan Lieutenant April 1st 1918 Thomas Ryan Hoseman March 15th 1909 Joseph L Coakley Hoseman September 15th 1912 Patrick Kehoe Hoseman October 16th 1917 Michael Dillon Hoseman November 16th 1917 Edward P Watson Hoseman April 1st 1918 John J McKenna Hoseman April 1st 1918 James Powers Hoseman July 1st 1918 Leo F Gillen Hoseman August 1st 1921 Edward Sisk Hoseman March 1st 1924 John E Cronin Hoseman May 16th 1925 Engine Company No. 7 Located at 83-85 Prince Street Name Position Date of Assuming Duties Herman Weber Captain April 1st 1907 Frank Johnson Lieutenant March 1st 1903 James O'Rourke Hoseman June 1st 1904 William A C Rief Hoseman September 15th 1909 Rudolph Meder Hoseman May 15th 1915 Francis Burns Hoseman October 16th 1917 Perry Osborne Hoseman October 16th 1917 John A Corcoran Hoseman April 1st 1918 John Flynn Hoseman April 1st 1918 Samuel Buchser Hoseman September 1st 1918 Hubert Conrad Hoseman December 1st 1923 John J Donahue Hoseman April 1st 1925 Engine Company No. 8 Located at 524 West Grand Street Name Position Date of Assuming Duties Robert Bauerman Captain January 1st 1902 Charles F Koehler Lieutenant April 1st 1918 John Macauley Hoseman April 15th 1913 John J Donnelly Hoseman September 1st 1913 William Hugo Hoseman September 19th 1913 Peter Kenny Hoseman April 1st 1918 George Bender Hoseman March 16th 1918 Frederick Eisenrieth Hoseman January 1st 1919 Edward Nicholson Hoseman March 1st 1920 James J Gillick Hoseman May 1st 1920 Edward M Neafsey Hoseman May 16th 1925 Jacob Smith Hoseman January 16th 1926 Truck Company No. 1 Located at 28 South Broad Street Name Position Date of Assuming Duties John Grouss Sr Captain September 1st 1908 Charles Laing Lieutenant September 1st 1908 John Armitage Ladderman March 16th 1906 Joseph Bluish Ladderman October 16th 1917 Frank M Haas Ladderman April 1st 1918 Adolph Diehl Ladderman April 1st 1918 Walter Guellnitz Ladderman August 1st 1918 Edward Seybold Ladderman December 16th 1923 William Uhlig Ladderman May 8th 1924 Thomas Dowd Ladderman May 16th 1925 Joseph Driscoll Ladderman December 1st 1926 [blank] Ladderman [blank] Truck Company No. 2 Located at 151 Elizabeth Avenue Name Position Date of Assuming Duties Harry Jarvais Captain December 27th 1906 Carol Bender Lieutenant May 1st 1918 John L Sullivan Ladderman April 1st 1918 Eugene Henry Ladderman April 1st 1918 Joseph Smith Ladderman April 1st 1918 Thomas Hayes Ladderman September 7th 1918 John Palkovicz Ladderman January 1st 1923 Richard Carolan Ladderman March 1st 1924 James Delaney Ladderman May 1st 1923 maurice Dunn Ladderman May 16th 1925 William F Cunningham Ladderman May 16th 1925 Peter Liotta Ladderman October 1st 1926 Truck Company No. 3 Located at 735 New Point Road Name Position Date of Assuming Duties Patrick Keelan Captain August 15th 1912 Lawrence Wayson Lieutenant April 1st 1918 Eliaken Van Pelt Ladderman August 17th 1902 William Curtis Ladderman September 1st 1905 August Schulties Ladderman September 1st 1908 Timothy Donnelly Ladderman October 16th 1917 Joseph McBride Ladderman April 1st 1918 Henry McNamara Ladderman April 1st 1918 Peter Newallis Ladderman May 16th 1923 John Rafferty Ladderman August 16th 1923 Edward J Fitzgerald Ladderman May 16th 1925 Roland Hannah Ladderman April 16th 1926 p.23 Widows and Members Retired on Pension Elizabeth Fire Department as of December 31, 1926 Widows Date of Pension Marie Zellmer August 1st 1916 Agnes Hastings April 1st 1919 Margaret McLoughlin February 1st 1920 Anna Beirne June 11th 1921 Matilda Neefus July 11th 1922 Margaret Holt November 24th 1923 Alice V Desmond December 7th 1923 Ella M Riley December 6th 1926 Retired Members Date of Retirement James McGergan February 1st 1908 Harrison Fine August 1st 1919 Louis A Bickel January 1st 1922 Charles J Linn February 9th 1922 John P Schardien February 1st 1924 Robert S Davies March 1st 1924 George J Boehm March 1st 1925 Bernard J Travers December 1st 1925 Dennis J Sullivan December 31st 1925 William J Mahoney March 1st 1926 John Streep April 1st 1926 Louis F Stein May 20th 1926 James Osborne July 1st 1926 Joseph Hoplock September 1st 1926 Charles Schwab November 1st 1926 Peter McGurk December 1st 1926 p.23 In Memoriam William H Riley Captain Engine Company No. 2 Appointed April 7th 1908 Died December 5th 1926 p.24 to end reports inventory fire alarms