Marriage Records of Baptist Church at Lyons Farms, 1795-1800; Newark, Essex Now Union Co., NJ Contributed to the USGenWeb Archives by David Tourison Copyright. All Rights Reserved. ********************************************************* Extracted from "Archives of the State of New Jersey, First Series, Documents Relating to the Colonial History of the State of New Jersey, Volume XXII, Marriage Records, 1665-1800; Edited, with an Historical Introduction on the Early Marriage Laws of New Jersey, and the Precedents on which they were Founded; by William Nelson; Paterson, N.J. 1900. [[beginning page 599, unpagenated]] MARRIAGE RECORDS OF BAPTIST CHURCH AT LYONS FARMS, 1795-1800 The Baptist Church at Lyons Farms (a village adjacent to the Waverly railroad station, between Newark and Elizabeth, and so called from the first settlers, William and Henry Lyon), was constituted April 16, 1769, by twelve persons, chiefly from the Scotch Plains church. The pulpit was supplied by various clergyment--from Scotch Plains, New York, Morristown and elsewhere--until 1779, when the Rev. ------ Ward was called, being ordained at Short Hills, May 8, 1779. From Oct. 4, 1780, to June 29, 1785, there is but one entry in the records--of a meeting on Sept. 20, 1783. George Guthrie, ministered the rite of baptism on June 29, 1785, and frequently thereafter until April 16, 1788, at which time it appears that the Rev. Joseph Stephens was supplying the pulpit. He was dismissed Dec. 20, 1788, to the churches at Upper Freehold and New-Mills. The next meeting was held on Sept. 26, 1789, when a committee was appointed to secure the services of the Rev. William Vanhorne, of the Scotch Plains church, for one quarter of his time for one year. The next meeting reported in the church book was on March 11, 1792. It was "Agreed to give Bror: Peter Bryant of Piscataway and Invitation to serve us as a Preacher for the next 3 months, requiring two thirds of the Lords days in the said time. Bror: Clisby after informed us that Bror: Bryant accepted the same, the Time to commence the first day of April 1792." The Rev. Peter Bryant was thereupon engaged for three months, and was ordained pastor of the church on Sept. 13, 1792. He continued pastor until the close of the year 1807. He kept the church records in admirable shape, writing a beautiful hand. His register of marriages began January 1, 1793, and was arranged thus: 1703 £ s D Jany 1. 1. John Pray of New-York, Taylor --- to Sally Crane of Lyon's-Farms " 8 " Each marriage was numbered at the beginning, and the marriage fee received was noted at the end. Thus we learn that during the eight years, 1793-1800, he per= formed sixty marriage ceremonies, and received therefor fees amounting to £35, 17s. 6d., or 89.90, an average of $1.50. The usual fee was 8s., or $1; the highest was £1, 4s., or $3. The old book of records is a stout folio, in excellent preservation, bound in parch- ment, and lettered on the front cover: 600 New Jersey Colonial Documents. 1769 LYONS' FARMS Baptist Church Book Record Marriages Jan 1 1793 It contains the records of church proceedings from April 16, 1769, to Nov. 2, 1854, kept in somewhat desultory fashion; also records of baptisms (of adult persons received into the church), and records of marriages. The editor is indebted to the authorities of the church for the loan of this precious volume, for the purpose of copying the following record of marriages prior to 1801. A few notes may be convenient regarding the names of places mentioned in these records: Bridge-Town -- Lower Rahway. Camptown -- known since 1852 as Irvington. Canoe Brook -- a small stream in Livingston township. The struggling settlements along it were known by the name of the brook, and later the principal hamlet was called North Farms and Northfield. Connectiuct Farms -- now more generally called Union, about three miles west of Elizabeth. Rathway -- Rahway. Williams' Farms -- between Elizabeth and Westfield. B Baker, Rebecca, and Daniel Crowels 1799 June 9 Ball, Hannah, and George Jewell 1797 May 15 Bennet, James, and Jenny Bowman, of Elizabeth Town 1795 Aug. 2 Bogart, John, carpenter, and Mary Van Pelt, both of Staten Island, North-End 1795 Jan. 11 Bowman, Jenny, and James Bennet 1795 Aug. 2 Brown, Hetty, and Ashur Edwards 1796 Feb. 14 Bruin, Josiah, of Camp-Town, and Lydia Roberts, of Newark 1799 Feb. 23 Bunnel, Caleb, and Charity Price, both of Elizabeth Town 1795 Sept. 26 C Capron, David, taylor, of Elizabeth-Town, and Mary Ogland, of the same place 1797 June 11 Clark, Hannah, and Joseph Wilcocks 1799 Sept. 14 Clay, Thomas, North Farms, and Phebe Durand, of the same place 1799 Oct. 19 Clisby, Polly, and Uzal Johnston 1800 Sept. 13 Coleman, Epenetus, farmer, of Lyon's-Farms, and Suckey Moore- house, of Elizabeth Town 1797 July 12 Congor, Betsy, and Timothy Crane 1793 Oct. 26 Congor, Samuel, shoe-maker, of Lyon's Farms, and Abby Kelly, of the Harbour 1795 Feb. 15 Lyons Farms Church Marriage Records. 601 Core, Betsy, and Isaac Hays 1794 Jan. 1 Crane, Betsy, and Aaron Nutman 1800 May 14 Crane, Jacob, of Elizabeth Town, and Sally Seers, of the same place 1800 Oct. 20 Crane, Johanna, and Abraham Scudder 1797 June 24 Crane, Moses, of Elizabeth-Town, and Phebe Crane, of North Farms 1799 Aug. 31 Crane, Phebe, and Moses Crane 1799 Aug. 31 Crane, Sally, and John Pray 1793 Jan. 1 Crane, Sally, and James Jewell 1796 Nov. 23 Crane, Sally, and Seth Woodruff 1800 Dec. 20 Crane, Timothy, shoe-maker, and Betsy Congor, both of Lyon's Farms 1793 Oct. 26 Crowel, Daniel, of Orange, and Rebecca Baker, of North-Farms 1799 June 9 D Dean, Luther, and Unice Meeker, both of Elizabeth Town 1795 May 7 Drake, Andrew, Staten Island, farmer, and Polly Mulford, of Connec- ticut Farms 1795 June 20 Durand, Phebe, and Thomas Clay 1799 Oct. 19 E Edwards, Ashur, farmer, and Hetty Brown, seemster, both of Canoe Brook 1796 Feb. 14 Edwards, Isaac, farmer, and Susannah King, both of Canoe Brook 1796 Mar. 13 Edwards, Patience, and Benjamin Halbert 1797 Sept. 5 F Force, Lydia, and Jonathan Ward 1800 May 31 Force, Mary Ann, and Frazy Haies 1799 Sept. 12 Foster, Betsy, and Amos Williams 1799 Nov. 4 Fremer, Jemima, and David Whitehead 1797 April 10 G Garthwright, John, shoe-maker, Connecticut-Farms, and Eunice Lloyd, of the same place 1800 Oct. 25 Grummon, Isaac, farmer, of Lyon's Farms, and Jemima Price, of the same place 1799 Mar. 31 Grummon, Polly, and Timothy Woodruff 1800 July 10 Green, John Denman, and Lydia Hand, of Rahway 1794 Feb. 9 Green, Lydia, and Isaac Hand 1798 April 8 Greene, Sally, and Aaron Meeker 1793 April 7 H Haies, Frazy, carpenter, of Woodbridge, and Mary Ann Force, of the same place 1799 Sept. 12 Halbert, Benjamin, cooper, of Morris-Town, and Patience Edwards, widow, School Mad., Williams-Farms, (illegal). N. B. --- Void by previous marriage 1797 Sept. 5 602 New Jersey Colonial Documents. Hand, Isaac, farmer, and Lydia Green, both of Springfield 1798 April 8 Hand, Lydia, and John Denman Green 1794 Feb. 9 Harris, Phebe, and Moses Hayes 1798 Sept. 17 Harrison, Patty, and John Renslay 1798 Oct. 10 Harrison, Sally, and Joel Meeker 1800 April 12 Hayes, Moses, of New-ark, and Phebe Harris, of Elizabeth-Town 1798 Sept. 17 Hays, Isaac, blacksmith, and Betsy Core, both of New-ark 1794 Jan. 1 Heddon, Aaron, of Camp-Town, and Abby Woodruff, same place 1800 June 21 J Jarvis, Benjamin, of Rathway, and Phebe Ogdon, of Elizabeth-Town 1798 Nov. 13 Jewell, George, farmer, of Sodom, and Hannah Ball, of the same place, widow 1797 May 15 Jewell, James, farmer, Elizabeth-Town, and Sally Crane, of Bottle- Hill, married at Mr. Js. Willcock's, Eliz.-Town 1796 Nov. 23 Johnston, Uzal, chair-maker, Eliz. Town, and Polly Clisby, of Newark 1800 Sept. 13 Jones, Martha, and Amos Price 1797 April 11 K Kelly, Abby, and Samuel Congor 1795 Feb. 15 King, Susannah, and Isaac Edwards 1796 Mar. 13 L Lloyd, Eunice, and John Garthwright 1800 Oct. 25 Love, John Nicolas, baker, New-York, and Abby Taylor, of Lyon's Farms 1798 Sept. 22 M Machesney, Peggy, and Isaac Meeker 1795 Aug. 9 Marsh, Polly, and Nathaniel Mitchell 1800 Dec. 3 Meeker, Aaron, mason, of Lyons Farms, and Sally Green, of the same place 1793 April 7 Meeker, Isaac, farmer, and Peggy Machesney, both of Canoe Brook 1795 Aug. 9 Meeker, Joel, farmer, of Lyon's Farms, and Sally Harrison, of Sodom 1800 April 12 Meeker, Lidia, and John Stewart 1800 Dec. 24 Meeker, Prussia, and William Woodruff 1798 April 30 Meeker, Unice, and Luther Dean 1795 May 7 Mitchell, Nathaniel, and Polly Marsh, both of Elizabeth-Town 1800 Dec. 3 Moore, Polly, and Phibbe Shemash 1796 Oct. 16 Moorehouse, Suckey, and Epenetus Coleman 1797 July 12 Mulford, Polly, and Andrew Drake 1795 June 20 N Nesbit, Joseph, School-Master, and Ruth Price, both of Eliza. Town 1798 Aug. 15 Lyon's Farms Church Marriage Records 603 Nutman, Aaron, of Springfield, and Betsy Crane, of Connecticut Farms 1800 May 14 O Ogden, Joseph, Farmer, of New Galloway, and Comfort Price, of Lyons Farms 1794 Feb. 27 Ogdon, Phebe, and Benjamin Jarvis 1798 Nov. 13 Ogdon, Rebecca, and Abner Osborn 1795 Mar. 5 Ogland, Mary, and David Capron 1797 June 11 Osborn, Abner, Miller, of Sodom, and Rebecca Ogdon, of Connecti- cut Farms 1795 Mar. 5 Osborn, Triphene, and Stephen Willcocks 1793 Nov. 17 P Parker, Jonathan, taylor, of Elizabeth-Town, and Susannah Price, of the same place 1797 April 1 Parcell, Abner, carpenter, Elizabeth-Town, and Polly Wheeler, Widow, of Lyon's Farms 1799 Mar. 24 Pierson, Hannah, and Wheeler Wade 1794 June 30 Pray, John, of New York, taylor, and Sally Crane, of Lyon's Farms 1793 Jan. 1 Price, Amos, taylor, of Elizabeth-Town, and Martha Jones, of Sodom 1797 April 11 Price, Charity, and Caleb Bunnel 1795 Sept. 26 Price, Comfort, and Joseph Ogdon 1794 Feb. 27 Price, Jemima, and Isaac Grummon 1799 Mar. 31 Price, Ruth, and Joseph Nesbits 1798 Aug. 15 Price, Susannah, and Jonathan Parker 1797 April 1 R Reeves, Rhoda, and Caleb Smith 1796 Nov. 13 Renslay, John, shoemaker, of New York, and Patty Harrison, Lyon's Farms 1798 Oct. 10 Roberts, Lydia, and Josiah Bruin 1799 Feb. 23 Roberts, Seers, of Camp-Town, farmer, and Sally Willson, Widow, of the same place 1800 April 9 S Scadder, Abraham, and Johanna Crane, both of North-Farms. (Ab. Scudder, sadler.) 1798 June 24 Seers, Sally, and Jacob Crane 1800 Oct. 20 Shemash, Phibbe, farmer, and Polly Moore, both of Bridge-Town 1796 Oct. 16 Spinning, Sally, and Daniel Winings 1793 Oct. 13 Smith, Caleb, farmer, and Rhoda Reeves, both of Canoe Brook 1796 Nov. 13 Stewart, John, of Lyon's-Farms in Newark, and Lidia Meeker, of the same place 1800 Dec. 24 Swift, Henry, taylor, of Elizabeth-Town, and Mary Willis, of Rahway 1797 May 6 604 New Jersey Colonial Documents. T Taylor, Abby, and John Nicholas Love 1798 Sept. 22 V Valentine, Daniel, shoe-maker, and Rachael Winans, both of Lyon's Farms 1799 Feb. 14 Van Pelt, Mary, and John Bogart 1795 Jan. 11 W Wade, Wheeler, shoe-maker, and Hannah Pierson, both of Connec- ticut Farms 1794 June 30 Ward, Jonathan, shoe-maker, of North-Farms, and Lydia Force, of the same place 1800 May 31 Wheeler, Polly, and Abner Parcells 1799 Mar. 24 Whitehead, David, of Lyons Farms, and Jemima Fremer, of Camp Town 1797 April 10 Wilcocks, Joseph, shoe-maker, of Camp-Town, and Hannah Clark, of the same place 1799 Sept. 14 Willcocks, Stephen, and Triphene Osborn, both of Camp-Town 1793 Nov. 17 Williams, Amos, of New-ark, carpenter, and Betsy Foster, of Lyon's Farms 1799 Nov. 4 Willis, Mary, and Henry Swift 1797 May 6 Willson, Sally, and Seers Roberts 1800 April 9 Winans, Rachael, and Daniel Valentine 1799 Feb. 14 Winings, Daniel, mason, of Lyons Farms, and Sally Spinning, of the same place 1793 Oct. 13 Woodruff, Abby, and Aaron Heddon 1800 June 21 Woodruff, Seth, mason, of Elizabeth-Town, and Sally Crane, of Lyon's Farms, in Newark 1800 Dec. 20 Woodruff, Timothy, mason, Eliz.-Town, and Polly Grummon, Lyon's Farms 1800 July 10 Woodruff, William, of Morris-Town, miller, and Prussia Meeker, of Connecticut Farms 1798 April 30