WOOLEVER DEED, WARREN, NEW JERSEY Copyright (c) 2001 by Stewart J.A. Woolever, Jr. (sjaw@citlink.net). ************************************************************************ USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submittor has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. ************************************************************************ Grantor Index to Deeds Family Name GRANTORS Grantees Vol.Pg Date Woolever Daisy -By Mas. William M-By Mas Charles C.Ort 258/79 Jan 17,1930 Woolever Abram-EST-By Mas. Walter-By Mas. // // // // Jan 17,1930 Document Number 29017 Osiris D.Mc Connel, Spec..Mas To Charles C.Ort This Indenture, made this ninth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirty [1930] between OSIRIS D.McCONNELL, one of the special masters in chancery of New Jersey, Party of the first part, and CHARLES C.ORT, of the Town of Hackettstown, in the County of Warren and State of New Jersey, party of the second part, witnesseth;- that whereas by certain decree of the Court of chancery of New Jersey, in a cause therein depending wherein WILLIAM M.WOOLEVER is Complainant,and WALTER WOOLEVER and others are defendants, Bearing date the eighteenth day of April A.D. 1929, It was among other things ordered, adjudged and decreed that all and single the premises in said decree particularly set forth and described, Being the premises hereinafter described, with the appurtenances, should be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, in the presence and under the direction of the said OSIRIS D.McCONNELL, One of the special masters of the said Court. In such portions as to him might seem most for the interest of the parties; and that he should give public notice of the time and place of such sale. And in all respects conduct the same according to the provisions of the statue in such case made and provided; And that the said master should forthwith; after the sale, make report of the said sale to the said Court, and after his report should have been confirmed by the said court, should make execute and deliver to the purchaser or purchasers of said land and premises good and sufficient conveyances in the law therefor, upon their complying with the conditions of such sale; And that such sale and conveyance, Duly executed as aforesaid, should be valid and effectual forever, And should operate as an effectual bar, Bith at law and in equity, against the parties complaint and defendant in the said cause, and all persons claiming by, from or under them, or any of them. And whereas, To the end that a sale of the said premises described in the said decree should be made pursuant to the said decree, The said master, by public advertisements, signed by himself, and set up at five or more public places in the said County of Warren, all whereof were in the Town of HACKETTSTOWN aforesaid, in the County of Warren, in which said real estate is situate, at least three weeks next before the time appointed for selling the same, and also published in the "Hackettstown Gazette" and the "Warren Journal", two of the newspapers printed and published in the said county, The later of which is printed and published at the County seat of said County, During four consecutive calendar weeks, at least once a week, the last publication thereof being not more than seven days prior to the time appointed for selling the same, Did give public notice of the time and place when and where the said lands and premises would be exposed to sale at public vendue, and the said master, at the time and place so appointed, that is to say, on the seventh day of December, nineteen hundred and twenty-nine [1929], at two o'clock in the afternoon, at the "American House", in the Town of Hackettstown, in the County of Warren and State of New Jersey, did expose the said lands and premises to sale at public vendue, to the highest bidder, free and clear of the ESTATE and interest in the Dower of the defendant, DAISY WOOLEVER, WIDOW OF ABRAM WOOLEVER Deceased, therein, but subject to unpaid taxes assessed against the said premises by the Town of Hackettstown for the years 1927,1928,1929, with legal interest thereon, and also subject to two mortgages upon the said premises, the one mortgage being for $100.00, with interest thereon at six per cent from June 19,1916, and the other mortgage being for $200.00, with interest thereon at six per cent from September 20, 1926, and the said CHARLES C.ORT, then and there bidding for the land and premises the sum of twenty-one hundred dollars [$2,100.00], and no one bidding so much for the same, the said land and premises, which are hereinafter particularly described, were then and there struck off and sold to the said CHARLES C.ORT at the price aforesaid, the highest bidder for the same, free and clear of the Estate and interest in dower of the said DAISY WOOLEVER, but subject to said taxes and mortgages and interest. And whereas, the said OSIRIS D.McCONNELL, master as foresaid, did make his report of sale to the court of chancery, which said report was made by order of that Court, made on the twenty-third day of December A.D. nineteen hundred and twenty-nine [1929], Duly confirmed, and the said master was thereby ordered to make, execute and deliver to the purchaser of the said real estate, In compliance with the aforesaid decree, A good and sufficient conveyance in the law for the said land and real estate purchased by him as aforesaid upon his complying with the condition of said sale. Now this indenture witnesseth, that the said OSIRIS D. McCONNEL master as aforesaid, by virtue of the premises, and for the consideration of twenty-one hundred dollars [$2,100.00] lawful money of the United States of America, to him paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and granted, bargained, and sold, and by these presents does grant, bargain, and sell and convey unto the said CHARLES C.ORT, his heirs and assigns, all that tract or parcel of land and premises hereinafter described, situate lying and being in the said Town of Hackettstown, in the County of Warren and State of New Jersey, bounded and described as follows:, BEGINNING at a point in the easterly edge of Plane Street one hundred and twenty feet from the easterly edge of First Avenue, and running thence [1] along the easterly edge of Plane Street, [as the needle pointed March 31st.1893], south fifty-four degrees west sixty feet to a stake; thence [2] at right angles to Plane Street south thirty-six degrees east one hundred and fifty feet to a stake for a corner, thence [3] parallel with Plane Street north fifty-four degrees east sixty feet to a stake for a corner, thence [4] at right angles to Plane Street thirty-six degrees and ten minutes west one hundred and fifty feet to the place of beginning.- - - containing nine thousand square feet of land, strict measure, including the estate and interest in dower of the defendant, DAISY WOOLEVER, widow of ABRAM WOOLEVER, Deceased, in the said premises, but subject to said taxes, mortgages and interest, together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging:- To have and to hold the said lands, hereditaments and appurtenances to the said CHARLES C.ORT, his heirs and assigns, to his and their only proper use, benefit and behoof forever, according to the true intent and meaning of the said decree and proceedings above mentioned, and the acts of the Legislature of the State of New Jersey in such cases made and provided, subject to the said taxes, mortgages and interest thereon. In witness whereof, the said OSIRIS D.McCONNELL, master as aforesaid, has hereto set his hand and seal, the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered] Osiris D.McCONNELL--------- [seal] In the presence of] Special Master James Fisher State of New Jersey] ss. County of Warren] Be it remembered, that on this day of January A.D. nineteen hundred and thirty, Before the subscriber, a master in Chancery of said State, personally appeared Osiris D.McCONNELL, special master in Chancery of New Jersey, who I am Satisfied, is the grantor in the foregoing Deed of conveyance named, and I having First made known to him the contents thereof, he did thereupon acknowledge that He signed, sealed and delivered the same as his voluntary act and Deed, for the uses And purposes therein expressed. James Fisher Master in Chancery of New Jersey. State of New Jersey] ss. County of Warren] I, Osiris D.McCONNELL, master in chancery of New Jersey, do solemnly swear That the real estate described in this Deed, made by me to the said Charles C.Ort, was sold by me. By virtue of a good and subsisting decree, as is therein recited; that the time and place of the Sale of the said Real Estate were by me duly advertised, as required by law, and that the same Was cried off and sold to a bona fide purchaser, for the best price that could be obtained therefore. Osiris D.McCONNELL Special Master in Chancery of New Jersey. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ninth day of January A.D. nineteen hundred and thirty ] 1930], and I having examined the Deed above mentioned, do approve the same, and order it to be Recorded as a good and sufficient conveyance of the land and real estate described therein. James Fisher Master in Chancery of New Jersey Received & recorded 8:57 A.M. Ja,.17.1930. Ramsey Reese, Clerk. MY NOTES; Original Deed was to Mary A.Woolever mother of Abram and wife of Jacob Stewart Woolever the house # was W.603 Plane St DEED of Charles J.Reese & Emma Reese to Mary A.Woolever April 1893 Deed BK 150 Pg 647 Stewart J.A.Woolever Jr August 27, 2001