Guadalupe County NM Archives History - Businesses .....East Vaughn 1912 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher February 15, 2007, 3:55 pm EAST VAUGHN. Pop 875. Gaudalupe [sic] county. An incorporated village at the junction of the E P & S W R R and the A T & S F Ry 42 miles s w of Santa Rosa the county seat and 1 mile from Vaughn the banking point. Has 3 hotels and an opera house. Exp W F & Co. Tel W U and Postal. Peter L Harrington P M. Ball Mrs W C, restaurant. Bishop Levi H, saloon. Canarty L A, r r, exp and tel agt. Carabajal Mersedes, saloon. HARRINGTON P L CO, GENERAL Store, Real Estate and Opera House. Harvey House, J E Stuart mngr. Holsinger House, restaurant. Metzgar & Fonville (Wm Metzgar, Louis Fonville), saloon. Michael Jesse O, drugs. Moise Bros Co, Gust Stern mngr, gen store. Moore Jno D, barber. Nickoson Chas L, hotel. Santa Fe Land Improvement Co, P L Harrington agt. Seaver Amos F, shoemkr. Sims E Channing, gen store. Town C B, real est. Traxler Frank, blksmith. Tudor W F, land agt. Weideman Chas A, second hand goods. Widman Ernest, saloon. Additional Comments: Extracted from: POLK'S NEW MEXICO AND ARIZONA PICTORIAL STATE GAZETTEER AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY FIRST STATEHOOD EDITION 1912-1913 VOLUME NO. 1 R L. POLK & CO., PUBLISHERS MEMBERS OF ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS ST. PAUL, MINN. PUBLISH ALSO GAZETTEERS OF TEXAS, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, SOUTH DAKOTA, NORTH DAKOTA, WYOMING, UTAH, IDAHO, OREGON, WASHINGTON, MONTANA, WEST VIRGINIA, MINNESOTA, IOWA, KANSAS, MISSOURI, ALABAMA, OKLAHOMA, TENNESSEE, MISSISSIPPI, KENTUCKY, PENNSYLVANIA, WISCONSIN, INDIANA, MICHIGAN, ARKANSAS, FLORIDA, NEW JERSEY, DELAWARE, MARYLAND, NEVADA, CALIFORNIA. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb