Roosevelt County NM Archives History - Businesses .....Elida 1912 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Joy Fisher February 15, 2007, 4:11 pm ELIDA. Pop 400. Roosevelt county. A town first settled 1903 and incorporated 1904 on the A T & S F Ry 25 miles s w of Portales the county seat. Has Baptist and Methodist churches, 2 banks and 3 hotels. A weekly newspaper the News is published. Exp W F & Co. Tel W U. Henry Rankin P M. Acker Columbus, hay Brown Geo, hotel. Burton Jas, real est. Campbell Zacharias T, barber. CENTRAL HOTEL, DANIEL. B Rockey Propr. (See p 210.) Coffey Chas A, gen store. Collins & Rockey (Chester L Collins, Neal F Rockey), hardware. Covington Minnie & Ethel, millinery. Darnell Jno R, pub Elida News. Eaton & Dohoney (Lambert E Eaton, Robt G Dohoney), drugs. Eisenberg Alf, r r, exp and tel agt. Elida Hotel, Garrett H Perdue propr. Elida Mutual Telephone Co, R Edw Tusha mngr. Elida News, Jno R Darnell pub. Evans Arthur J, phys First National Bank (capital $25,000), J P Stone; pres; A A Beeman, cashr. First State Bank (capital $25,000), W A Oldham, pres; J W Ballow, cashr. Hall Jas, lawyer. Hunter Wm W, gen store. Kemp Lumber Co, Willard Burton, pres; F L Austin, sec; C J Mackey, mngr. Morrow Robt H, gen store. Osborn Chas W, conf. Perciful Lee, blksmith. Perdue Garrett H, propr Elida Hotel. Roach Jno E, hardware. ROCKEY DANIEL B, PROPR Central Hotel. (See adv.) Savage Edgar, hay. Slack Jno, barber. Street Seymour, gen store. Swagerty Thos F, saloon. Thompson, Letton Lumber Co (Jas M Thompson, Wm R and Cleveland H Letton). West Pink F, livery. Additional Comments: Extracted from: POLK'S NEW MEXICO AND ARIZONA PICTORIAL STATE GAZETTEER AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY FIRST STATEHOOD EDITION 1912-1913 VOLUME NO. 1 R L. POLK & CO., PUBLISHERS MEMBERS OF ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN DIRECTORY PUBLISHERS ST. PAUL, MINN. PUBLISH ALSO GAZETTEERS OF TEXAS, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, SOUTH DAKOTA, NORTH DAKOTA, WYOMING, UTAH, IDAHO, OREGON, WASHINGTON, MONTANA, WEST VIRGINIA, MINNESOTA, IOWA, KANSAS, MISSOURI, ALABAMA, OKLAHOMA, TENNESSEE, MISSISSIPPI, KENTUCKY, PENNSYLVANIA, WISCONSIN, INDIANA, MICHIGAN, ARKANSAS, FLORIDA, NEW JERSEY, DELAWARE, MARYLAND, NEVADA, CALIFORNIA. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.7 Kb