Clark County NV Archives Obituaries.....JONES, Horace T. July 23 1921 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Gerry Perry September 6, 2004, 5:24 pm Las Vegas Age - 7/23/1921 LAS VEGAS AGE 7/23/1921 MAYOR JONES' DEATH SHOCKS VEGAS PEOPLE HEAD OF CITY GOVERNMENT DIES FROM SUDDEN ATTACK OF HEART FAILURE DIED JONES: At the Las Vegas Hospital in this city, Saturday, July 23, 1921, Horace T. JONES, Mayor of the City of Las Vegas, aged 48 years. Funeral services will be held Monday evening at eight o'clock, after which the remains will be escorted to the railroad station for transportation to Los Angeles for interment in Forest Lawn Cemetery. Flowers will be showered upon the grave from an airplane during the burial service. The deceased was a member of Tuolumne Lodge No. 8, F & A. M., at Sonora, California. Local Masons are requested to meet at the office of Judge LILLIS, Monday evening at 7:00. -------- The people of Las Vegas were both shocked and grieved by the sudden death of Mayor Horace T. JONES. Mr. JONES went to the hospital Tuesday evening, June 12, for an operation. The operation, for a small rupture and another minor matter, was performed Wednesday the 13th by Dr. F. R. MILDREN. The incision was superficial, the abdominal cavity not being penetrated. Mr. JONES came from under the anesthetic without ill effects and during the ten days which have elapsed since the operation the wounds healed perfectly and the patient seemed on the road to recovery. The only disquieting feature in the opinion of the physicians was of certain half melancholy state of mind, the result apparently of worry over some of the perplexing problems connected with his office as Mayor. No fear of serious results was in the mind of anyone until the last 24 hours before his death, when the heart began to show signs of failure. In spite of every assistance which human skill could render the circulation became gradually weaker until the end came about eight o'clock this evening. Mr. JONES has been a resident of Las Vegas for the past three years as supervising official of the black smith shop of the local railroad shops. Prior to that he had been in this city for shorter periods twice during the past ten years as an employee of the Salt Lake road. He was elected Mayor of the City of Las Vegas at the election last May by a vote which indicated a high degree of confidence in his integrity and ability. Since taking office he has been devoting a large share of his time and energy in the interests of the city. The many perplexing questions coming up for solution were a source of considerable worry to him, and doubtless his devotion to his duties and his intense desire to carry out an administration which would be beneficial to the City depleted his nervous strength. The unusual heat and humidity of the last few days also possibly contributed in a measure to the condition which resulted. Both Mrs. JONES and Dr. MILDREN sought to induce Mr. JONES to delay entering the hospital until a later date, but he insisted upon his desire to have the operation over at once. Mr. JONES was born at Mattoon, Illinois. His only surviving relative is his wife, who has been tireless in her devotion to her husband during his illness. To her, the unexpected end comes with the greater shock, since to all appearances there was nothing to interfere with a speedy recovery. To many of the people of Las Vegas Mr. JONES was not well known until the time of the city election, he having always been quiet and retiring in disposition, devoting himself faithfully to the duties of his employment. Since taking the office of Mayor he has been earnest and tireless in his devotion to his duties, his unusually conscientious disposition having made the burden of civic affairs a heavy one for him. To the stricken widow our most sincere sympathy goes out in unstinted measure in her great affliction. The high regard in which her husband was held is manifested by the words of sorrow spoken by all. File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 4.4 Kb