LANDER NV Archives Obituaries.....[JUREY, William T. 2/1939] ************************************************ Copyright. All rights Reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Marcena Thompson Reno Evening Gazette Friday, February 3, 1939 Page 8, Col. 1 Jurey Funeral Service Held Battle Mountain - Nev., Feb. 3, Funeral services for William T. Jurey were held from the St. Andrews Poiscopal church Saturday afternoon with the Rev. B. Leo MeMate reading the service Deaconess Helen Hill sang two solos with Mrs. Myrtle Eads at the organ. William Thomas Jurey, seventy-three, a native of Cornwall, England, came to Lander county with his parents at the age of twelve years and had resided here continuously for a period of sixty-two years. The family first lived at Copper Canyon, where the English Mining Company are operating the property now owned by the Copper Canyon Mining Company, later they moved to Galena when the mines of that district were opened. Mr. Jurey began his life work of a miner at the age of fourteen years and followed that occupaton until a few years ago when his health began to fail. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Celia Jurey, three daughters, Mrs. Jennie Taylor of Reno, Mrs. Paul M. Knoll and Miss Elsie Jurey of Battle Mountain, and three sons, William T. Jurey, Jr. of Venice, Calif., and James and Sam of Battle Mountain; also one brother, Joseph Jurey of Battle Mountain as well as several grandchildren and a number of nieces and nephews. The pallbearers were C.L. Good, L. A. Lena--, Andrew Kinneberg, Andrew Berg, Ernest Johnson and J. W. Phelps. Interment was made in the local cemetery.