Lincoln County NV Archives Obituaries.....Delmue, Marcellus - Old-Time Resident Stricken By Death June 3, 1911 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Scotty Welland January 23, 2025, 2:51 pm The Pioche Record June 3, 1911 Lincoln County lost one of its best citizens last Sunday, Marcellus Delmue, who died after an illness of more than three months, following an attack of paralysis. Although everything possible was done for him by relatives in the way of giving him the best of medical care and attention, it was to no avail and the Master called him home at the dawn of a bright Sabbath day. The deceased was an old time resident of this county and highly respected by all that knew him. He came to Pioche in the early part of the 80's from Eureka, Nevada and settled with his brother, Joseph Delmue, on the ranch at Engadine. He was past 70 years of age and a native of Switzerland. The funeral took place from the residence of Henry Welland on Cedar Street Monday afternoon, interment at the Catholic cemetery. The obsequies were largely attended and business was generally suspended during the hour of the funeral. Additional Comments: Marcellus Delmue's Obituary File at: This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.5 Kb