CEMETERY: Barnes Cemetery; Stockton, Chautauqua co., NY submtted by Dee Davidson Print - Letter-Landscape ************************************************************************ USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access. http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb *********************************************************************** SOURCE: Fenton Historical Society Deserted Cemetery Series. From the Jamestown Journal 30 November 1968, compiled and written by Edna Ingham BARNES CEMETERY CHAUTAUQUA, NY (Elm Flats Road at junction of Brocton Road) This small cemetery is on the Elm Flats Road at the junction of the Brocton Road which is between the old Plank Road and the Hartfield-Stockton Road. For many years this cemetery had a small endowment established by Perry S. Barnes. According to the late Mr. Shepard, caretaker, it was so small that it permitted but two mowings a year. In recent years the endowment was dissolved, the sotnes reset, the brush cleaned up and the cemetery turned over to the county for maintenance. Like many others, it received no care from the county. A disgusted descendant has been giving it the once-over each month this year. At one time this cemetery contained a beautiful chubby little girl statue about 30 inches high. When we first saw her she was lying on her face with her little nose in a mudpuddle. Some time ago she disappeared from the cemetery. We hope she graces a flower garden and was not shattered by some vandal. Does anyone know on whose lot she belonged? In 1811, when John West whose parents lived near Hartfield, returned to Herkimer County for a visit, he brought back with him his friend, Dexter Barnes. These two young men helped clear the land near Dewittville which became the site of the county poor house. Dexter Barnes settled originally in the town of Stockton where in June of 1811, he built the first blacksmith ship in Stockton. In 1812, war broke out with Great Britain, and Dexter Barnes was one of Stockton's men to answer the call for defense. He took part in the siege of Buffalo but the Read Coats were too much for them and Buffalo was burned. Some said our Chautauqua men deserted. Defeated, without shelter or food, the men knew not what to do but to return to their homes. For some time they feared a visit from the Indians but happily their fears were not realized. The hardy pioneers went to slaying trees instead of Indians. Dexter Barnes was an expert axe maker and in 1814 helped cut the Old Chautauqua Road from Sinclairville to Ellington and on to ??? in Cattaraugus County. He moved to Hartfield in 1823, settling probably on lot 41. He served as supervisor for the town of Chautauqua in 1842. In 1850 he was one of those petitioning for the re-establishment of the Mayville Masonic Lodge No. 312 (First Degree Masonry) which had ceased to function in May 1824. He was chosen one of its first officers when its reorganization became effective. Another influential family of Chautauqua County is represented in this cemetery. Cyrus and Jonas Underwood, sons of Reuben Underwood and his second wife, Sybil Whittemore. Both men, born in Spencer, MA are buried here with their wives. Cyrus married, Nov. 17, 1824, Emeline Waite, daughter of Samuel Waite of Leicester, MA, and his wife, Phebe Wittemore. Jonas married May 23, 1824, Hannah Browning. We have no record of her parentage. In 1835 these two men and their families moved to Auburn, NY and in 1837 came to Chautauqua County. Their sister Eunice joined them. Cyrus had four children who died young but raised eight to maturity: Sa?? born Aurelius, Dec. 12, 1829 m. (1) Mary S. Pullman, (2) Ann E. Lay; Lyman Waite, born Auburn, March 3, 1835 m (1) Elizabeth M. Wade, (2) Phebe Bronson; Emeline, born Auburn, May 16, 1837 m. Perry S. Barnes; James born Hartfield, Dec. 26 1838, never married; Sybil, born Hartfield June 6, 1841, died age 22; Helen, born Hartifield March 28, 1843, never married; Cyrus Jr., born Hartfield Aug. 27, 1845 m. Julia Underwood (cousin); Albert (blind) born Hartfield, May 14, 1847 m. Huldah Bullock Underwood, daughter of John Holcomb Underwood and his wife Minerva Bullock. Julia was also their daughter and sister to Minerva. The Bullock family is closely related to the Underwood family, there being many intermarriages. This Bullock family descends from Richard of Reheboth. The Barnes circular lot is in the center rear surrounded by a chain fence. The Underwoods are buried in the front to the left. ASPER, Lewis B., drowned July 4, 1895 age55. Interred at Hartfield. From the books of the town clerk. BAKER, Jeremiah, died Jun 20, 1871, aged 91-1-15. BAKER, Remember his wife died Apil 5, 1867, age 83-11-7. BAKER, "mother" Mary M., wife of Benjamin, died April 25, 1886, aged 68-11-3. BAKER, Benjamin, son of Jeremiah and husband of Mary M. is supposed to be here. BARNES, Dexter, died March 11, 1860, aged 69 years. BARNES, Phebe his wife, died Dec. 30, 1880, aged 87. Children of D. & P. BARNES, Loman E., born July 30, 1824. BARNES, Julia R., born June 16, 1826, died Feb. 22, 1868. BARNES, Perry S., born Jan. 23, 1828. BARNES, Cordelia, born July 25, 1814. BARNES, Mary J., born Jan. 23, 1817, died Feb. 24, 1861. BARNES, Hiram, born Aug. 3, 1818. BARNES, Phebe, born Aug. 14, 1820. The children, while listed on the stone, are not all buried here. BULLOCK, Lewis, son of Stephen and Huldah Bullock, died Dec. 18, 1864 aged 31-9-25. No stones for parents but Stephen Rensselaer Bullock born April 26, 1800 at West Sand Lake, NY married Huldah Brownell, his cousin, Jean. 19, 1822. She was the daughter of Benj. Brownell and wife, Huldah Bullock. CRANDALL, Willabe, wife of Lyman Ralph and daughter of Paul and Elizabeth Crandall, died Aug. 31 1864 aged 23-9-2. CRANDALL, Milton, son of Paul and Phebe Crandall, died Jan. 12, 1874, age 10 mos, 8 days. Paul came to Fredonia via Troy 1831. He was born 1802, son of Ira and Sarah (Duncan) Crandall. His wife Betey Scrivens. We do not know where they are buried; perhaps here. CURTIS, Harriet, wife of Alonzo Curtis, died Feb. 28, 1877, aged 26-9-20. They were married Jan. 30, 1867. She was Harriet Amelia Crandall. CURTIS, Alonzo was the son of Samuel and Sylvia (Crandall) Curtis. Alonzo m. (2) Ella Jane Rees, March 30, 1880. Alonzo born April 16, 1840, died Jan. 4, 1903. DARROW, "our father" George, died Dec. 19, 1874, aged 76-3-21. DARROW, Elizabeth S. wife of George Darrow died Jan. 26, 1869 (?) aged 63-9-16. KLOC, Mary J., wife of Daniel Klock, died April 22, 1867, aged 47-0-17. This Daniel is probably the son of David Klock and wife Catherine Klock (cousin), of Ellery. We have data on his brothers and sisters but nothing on him. Does anyone have his line? UNDERWOOD, Eunice, born Spencer, MA March 19, 1793, died May 27, 1875, sister of Cyrus and Jonas. UNDERWOOD, Jonas, died Jan. 5, 1864, aged 66-9-? UNDERWOOD, Hannah (Browning), wife of Jonas (1800-1885. UNDERWOOD, Lewis died March 31, 1899 age 64 yrs. He was son of Jonas and single. UNDERWOOD, Cyrus, born in Spencer, MA Sept. 16, 1801, died in Jamestown Oct. 12, 1881. UNDERWOOD, Emeline (Waite), his wife and daughter of Samuel Waite, born Dec. 29, 1800, died March 8, 1867. UNDERWOOD, Freddie B., son of Cyrus and Julia (Barnes) Underwood, died 1860 aged 1-11-8. UNDERWOOD, Helen, daughter of Cyrus Sr. and Emeline was born March 28, 1813, died July 30, 1883. UNDERWOOD, Sybil, daughter of Cyrus and Emeline was born, died Aug. 15, 1863, aged 22-2-9. UNDERWOOD, Florence, daughter of Cyrus Jr. and Julia, born Aug. 17, 1873, died Aug. 29, 1873. UNDERWOOD, Lyman Waite, born at Auburn, Cayuga Co., NY, March 3, 1835, died at Jamestown, NY, Sept. 10, 1875. UNDERWOOD, Elizabeth (Wade) his (1) wife died Feb. 1, 1873,aged 36-7-?. UNDERWOOD, Georgie, their son died Sept. 19, 1865, aged 10 mos. 26 days. (Lyman m(2) Phebe Bronson) UNDERWOOD, Ernest, son of Albert and Hulda (Bullock), born Jan. 11, 1881 died Aug. 24, 1884 (think parents might be in Lake View.) LOOK, Willie, son of S.B. and P. Lucelia Look died March 12, 1843, aged 3-9-?. P. Lucelia may be Roselia as in the Pleasantville Cemetery nearby. We have no information on the Look family. We would be glad to received information. WOOD, Edwin, son of J. and E. Wood, died Jan. 22, 1867 aged 18 years. QUERIES A86 Wanted: The death date and place of burial of Emalus Barnes. His wife Diadame (what was her maiden name?) died Dec. 26, 1850, aged 33 years in the town of Chautauqua. In what cemetery is Diadame buried? DMW A87 Wanted information on Seymour Davis, 1801-1883, and wife Harriet 1803-1853 buried in the Wellman Cemetery on the Wellman Road, town of Busti. Also dates for son Franklin and his wife, Sarah Ann Mead. Who were the parents of Sarah Ann Mead? ESP A88 Sarah Esther Clark, daughter of Wm. and Betsey (Norcott) Clark was born in Clymer, May 17, 1838. Her brothers and sisters were Ephraim N., born 1818; Samuel H., 1819 (became a doctor in Illinois); Caroline; Jane; Harriet; Charles; Laura; and Mary. Can anyone help with data on this family? Homer C. A89 CJH writes that the Willard D. Luce mentioned in last month's issue who married as first wife Jane Mansfield 1835-1860 is important to him. Jane was the sister of Nelson Mansfield who married Olivia Catlin, his grandparents. He is trying to find out about the Catlin family. Can anyone help him. CJH A90 Emily King Yaw Whitford died in Jamestown, Jan. 7, 1933. She is thought to have been born in Pennsylvania in 1857. Who was her Yaw husband? She married Wm. Whitford in 1910. Did she have any children by Yaw? SEW A91 Matilda Church, born Sept. 30, 1819 in Goshen, VT died Feb. 4, 1888 in Town of Poland, buried at Clark's Corners, married Harvey Walrod, born Nov. 12, 1812 at Cherry Valley, NY, died Dec. 4, 1893 in Town of Poland, also buried at Clark's Corners. He was a son of Peter and Elizabeth Walrod. Wanted: This ancestry, Matilda was daughter of Silas Church Jr. 1793-1890 and wife Betsey West, born Sept. 22, 1797. In 1850 census they were in Herkimer Co., NY. Silas was son of Silas Sr. of Leicester, Addition Co., VT and wife Ann Bartholomew. Wanted: Data on Silas Sr. and Ann and death date for Betsey West Church. Where are Silas Jr. and Betsey buried? AWM. A92 Wanted: Parents of Elisha M. Cowan 1827-1890 and wife, Mary Jane Fenton died Oct. 29, 1876, aged 45, both buried in Fentonville Cemetery. They had a son, Roswell Cowan 1852-1917, also buried in Fentonville Cemetery. Who was the wife of Roswell? RFC A93 Nobel (Noble) L. Reed born 1806 or 1807 in VT, related it is thought to former Congressman Daniel A. Reed, lived for a time in Monroe Co., came to Chautauqua Co., and married Charlotte Proper (perhaps married before coming here) had 2 children born in Chautauqua Co.: Lucy in 1844 and James W. in 1845. Nobel married (2) Lodasia Fairbanks who was born in Cattaraugus Co 1831. By her he had two sons. Marcus born near Cold Spring, Cattaraugus Co., 1855 and Martin, born in Illinois in 1865. In 1873 the family were back living on the Wellman Road near Ashville. In 1875 they were in Pomfret near the Town of Portland line. In 1889 Lodasia and her aged mother Almira Fairbanks were living in Randolph but in 1892 they were both in Fredonia. Can anyone help with this family? LS ANSWERS A90 YAW. Emily King Yaw Whitford was the daughter of Darius King and his wife Adah Hill and was born 1856 not 1857 at either Waterford or Wattsburg, PA. She married first Charles Yaw by whom she had a son John, living in 1933 at Nunda near Mt. Morris. Emily had a brother George. A92 COWAN. The parents of Elisha Cowan were Ephraim and Sally. Ephraim (Ephraham) died Jan 19, 1822 age 73 at Westport, Essex Co., NY and Sally died July 31, 1844 in Carroll, Chaut. Co., NY. She was born Cambridge, Washington Co., NY Oct. 6, 1771 (see Jamestown Journal for Aug. 9, 1844). Elisha M. Cowan married May 6, 1849 in Carroll, Mary Jane Fenton. Had a daughter born Dec. 27, 1849 named Amelia. HTA.