MAXON/SQUIER COURT, ERIE COUNTY, NEW YORK Copyright(c) 2002 by Marilyne Logan-McKay ( ******************************************************** SOURCE: BUFFALO EVENING NEWS-VOL.XXXIV-NO.145 - September 27, 1897 TABLES TURNED Trouble Between Populists Maxon and Squier of Jamestown Becomes Complicated Several months ago C.M. Maxon instituted proceedings against E. J. Squier, claiming $5000 damages, the latter having, it was alleged, alienated his wife's affections. Both men have for years been prominent in Populist politics in Jamestown, and had been close friends. The law moved slowly for Maxon, in his suit for damages, and when he met Squier one day, he, it is alleged, struck him on the head with an iron bar. Squier had Maxon arrested, charging him with assult with intent to kill. Before the grand jury at Mayville last week Squier made an effort to have Maxon indicted on this charge, but instead of doing this the jury found a bill against Squier for sending threatening letters to Maxon. A warrant was issued for Squier's arrest and was served by Deputy Sheriff Butts of this city Saturday. Squier gave bail for $600 for his appearance before the County Court. _________________