INDEX TO TOWN CLERKS' CIVIL WAR RECORDS, FRANKLIN CO., NY. Copyright (c) 1999 by John Austin ( ************************************************************************ USGENWEB NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the listed USGenWeb archivist with proof of this consent. ************************************************************************ NAME UNIT TOWN LIST Aach, John 7th US Infantry MALONE Abbott, Harlian Page FRANKLIN Adams, Corydon Azahel 142nd NY Co. H BRANDON Adams, Dana 98th NY Co. G BRANDON Adams, Gostine Willson 98th NY Co. G BRANDON Adams, Hiram 98th NY Co. G BANGOR Adams, Western 121st NY Co. D BURKE Adams, William 98th NY Co. C WESTVILLE Adsit, William W. 14th Art. MALONE Alder, William 3rd US Inf. CONSTABLE Aldrich, Daniel 39th NY Co. D MOIRA Aldrich, Horace Leonard 106th NY Co. H MOIRA Aldrich, Joseph 14th Art. Co. D MALONE Aldridge, Joseph 14th Art. Co. D CHATEAUGAY Allard, Jacob 98th NY Co. B CHATEAUGAY Allard, James 4th Art. Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Allen, Albert 60th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Allen, Alfred L. 60th NY Co. H MALONE Allen, Amos 83rd NY Co. G BRANDON Allen, Asher 142nd NY Co. D BANGOR Allen, Brinton 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Allen, Hiram E. 60th NY Co. E BANGOR Allen, Jerome 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Allen, Lucius B. 91st NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Allen, William 98th NY Co. D WESTVILLE Allen, William Henry MALONE Alvord, Dorus H. 98th NY Co. D WESTVILLE Amadon, Henry 193rd NY Co. B MALONE Ames, Oscar Philemon 98th NY Co. H MALONE Anderson, Alexander 13th Art. Co. H CHATEAUGAY Andrews, William W. 11th Cav. Co. M MALONE Andrus, Seymour L. 98th NY Co. E MALONE Annett, John 60th NY Co. E BOMBAY Archambault, Albert 16th NY Co. I CHATEAUGAY Archer, Hiram 98th NY Co. B MALONE Arell, Amos 98th NY Co. H BURKE Arell, Christopher 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Arell, Isaac 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Armstrong, Edwin CHATEAUGAY Armstrong, John 106th NY Co. I BURKE Armstrong, Martin A. C. 106th NY Co. I BELLMONT Arnold, Andrew G. 98th NY Co. C MALONE Arnold, Christopher Columbus 3rd Cav. Co. C CONSTABLE Arnold, Eli F. 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Arnold, George H. 98th NY Co. C MALONE Arnold, Norman I. 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Ashlaw, Oliver 98th NY Co. A MALONE Ashlaw, Peter COMBINED SOURCES Ashley, Frank 142nd NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Atkinson, George J. 96th NY COMBINED SOURCES Attwood, Eben 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Atwood, Benjamin 3rd VT Co. H CONSTABLE Atwood, Gustavus 142nd NY Co. H CONSTABLE Aubrey, Peter 98th NY Co. B COMBINED SOURCES Aunis, Henry COMBINED SOURCES Austin, Horace M. 193rd NY Co. G BELLMONT Austin, Levette B. 106th NY Co. I MALONE Austin, Samuel J. 98th NY Co. A MALONE Austin, Sands H. 1st Eng. Co. G FT. COVINGTON Austin, Thomas 98th NY FT. COVINGTON Avery, Alvin 98th NY Co. D WESTVILLE Avery, Charles W. 142nd NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Avery, David 98th NY Co. D FT. COVINGTON Avery, Dennis 98th NY Co. E MOIRA Avery, George 18th Cav. Co. M WESTVILLE Avery, Henry 16th Cav. Co. C HARRIETSTOWN Avery, Horace P. 1st Eng. Co. K CHATEAUGAY Avery, Lyndon 18th Cav. Co. M WESTVILLE Avery, Silas 98th NY Co. E BURKE Avery, Webster 98th NY Co. D FT. COVINGTON Avine, Eli COMBINED SOURCES Ayers, Hiram 5th VT Co. B DUANE Ayres, Levi 6th Art. Co. M BELLMONT Ayres, Levi 14th Art. Co. D CHATEAUGAY Babcock, Allen 92nd NY Co. H BOMBAY Babcock, Benjamin William 6th Cav. Co. K BOMBAY Babcock, Henry 92nd NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Babcock, John 16th NY Co. I BELLMONT Babcock, Ransom 83rd NY Co. D MALONE Babcock, Stephen Alonzo 6th Cav. Co. K BOMBAY Backus, David N. 5th Eng. MOIRA Badger, James 98th NY Co. H MALONE Bador, Charles CONSTABLE Bador, George 3rd Cav. Co. C CONSTABLE Bador, Peter 142nd NY Co. H CONSTABLE Baker, Albert 106th NY Co. I BELLMONT Baker, Charles D. 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Baker, Eldred 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Baker, Hiram 18th Cav. Co. M BANGOR Baker, Horace 13th Cav. Co. F MOIRA Baker, Isaac 14th Art. Co. G CHATEAUGAY Baker, James 91st NY Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Baker, Lewis D. 14th Art. Co. C DICKINSON Baker, William 3rd NH Co. K FRANKLIN Baldwin, Christopher 83rd NY Co. A BURKE Banker, Silas Kent 98th NY Co. B DUANE Barber, Albert J. MALONE Barber, Ebenezer 98th NY Co. G BRANDON Barber, Frank 193rd NY Co. G MALONE Barber, Henry 193rd NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Barber, Myron C. 98th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Barber, Rufus Watson 142nd NY Co. D BANGOR Barber, Theodore 60th NY Co. E BELLMONT Barber, Watson 142nd NY Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Barber, William J. 16th NY Co. I CONSTABLE Barlow, Charles A. 142nd NY Co. H CONSTABLE Barlow, Fayette 159th NY Co. C MALONE Barlow, George 193rd NY Co. G BANGOR Barnes, Benjamin Franklin 92nd NY Co. G DICKINSON Barnes, Erastus I. 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Barnes, John James 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Barnes, Jonathan Abbot 60th NY Co. I DICKINSON Barnes, Sylvester 92nd NY Co. G DICKINSON Barney, William Henry 98th NY Co. D MALONE Barnum, Albert 16th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Barnum, Samuel C. 98th NY Co. D MALONE Barrett, Chester 98th NY Co. G BRANDON Barrett, Horace 193rd NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Barrett, Stephen 6th Art. Co. E BRANDON Barrett, Whitmore Henry 98th NY Co. G BRANDON Barton, Albert H. 98th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Barton, Levi J. 60th NY Co. E WESTVILLE Bartrow, Joseph 98th NY Co. K BELLMONT Basford, Aaron M. 98th NY Co. E MALONE Bashaw, James 14th Art. Co. B FT. COVINGTON Bashaw, Joseph 60th NY Co. I DICKINSON Bashaw, Peter 60th NY Co. I DICKINSON Bassett, Amos 142nd NY Co. D CONSTABLE Bassett, Asa 16th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Bassett, Calvin 98th NY Co. E BURKE Bassett, John 98th NY Co. C CONSTABLE Bassett, Nelson 98th NY Co. E MALONE Bassett, Sylvanus 16th NY Co. I CONSTABLE Bassford, Horace H. 14th Art. Co. C MALONE Bastin, Erastus 98th NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Bastin, William 39th NY Co. D MOIRA Batcham, Eli 5th WI Co. E CHATEAUGAY Batchelder, Reuben H. 60th NY Co. E MALONE Bates, Edward E. 10th VT Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Battelle, Oliver 16th Cav. Co. F MALONE Baxter, John 106th NY Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Beaman, Fernando C. 98th NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Beaman, Orin 6th Ind. Batt. BURKE Bean, James Hopkins 193rd NY Co. H DUANE Bean, Joseph 39th NY Co. D DICKINSON Bean, Julius 16th Cav. Co. F FT. COVINGTON Bean, Norman 142nd NY Co. G FT. COVINGTON Beatty, James 98th NY Co. B COMBINED SOURCES Beatty, John MALONE Beauvais, Lewis 16th Cav. Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Bedell, Benson W. 35th NY Co. C MALONE Beedy, Wilbur 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Beeman, William 16th NY Co. I DICKINSON Belanga, Peter 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Bell, Anson R. 98th NY Co. B MALONE Bell, Francis CHATEAUGAY Bell, Mitchell 193rd NY Co. H HARRIETSTOWN Bellair, Peter 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Bellows, Henry W. 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Bellows, Horace 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Bellows, Stephen 98th NY Co. D BELLMONT Belville, Alexander 13th Cav. Co. A MALONE Belville, Louis 98th NY Co. B MALONE Bemis, David A. 47th NY MALONE Bemis, Harry 98th NY Co. A MALONE Bemis, Henry 98th NY Co. A MALONE Bemis, Jonathan 16th NY Co. I MALONE Bemis, Simeon E. 16th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Bemis, Timothy A. 98th NY Co. C MALONE Bennett, Andrew 16th NY Co. I CHATEAUGAY Bennett, Edmond L. 98th NY Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Bennett, Emrick 142nd NY Co. H BURKE Bennett, George W. 16th Cav. Co. E BURKE Bennett, Zebulon 16th NY Co. I CHATEAUGAY Benson, Charles FT. COVINGTON Benson, Charles 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Bentley, Hial Eugene 98th NY Co. G BANGOR Bentley, William Henry 60th NY Co. E BANGOR Benware, Louis E. 60th NY Co. E MALONE Benway, Alexander 98th NY BELLMONT Benway, Cloris 98th NY Co. D BELLMONT Benway, Eli 26th Cav. Co. I BELLMONT Bernhard, Jacob 7th US Infantry MALONE Berry, Alexander 6th Art. Co. M WESTVILLE Berry, Barnabas 142nd NY Co. H WESTVILLE Berry, Leonard 60th NY Co. E FT. COVINGTON Berry, Lucius 98th NY Co. H WESTVILLE Berry, Wilbur 98th NY Co. H WESTVILLE Berry, William 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Berry, Wilmot 16th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Besaw, Joseph 98th NY Co. G BRANDON Besaw, Lewis 142nd NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Besaw, Tusaw(?) 12th Cav. Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Besaw, William 92nd NY Co. G BOMBAY Bessey, Daniel E. 96th NY Co. C HARRIETSTOWN Beterly, William Carson 142nd NY Co. F BRANDON Bickford, Wallace Abram 8th Cav. Co. B BRANDON Bicknell, Orin K. 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Bicknell, William H. 12th Cav. Co. K MALONE Bidgood, Remington 14th Art Co. C MOIRA Bigelo, Dexter Anson 60th NY Co. E BRIGHTON Bigelow, Douglas 16th NY Co. I MALONE Billings, Albert 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Billings, Alfred 26th Cav. Co. I BELLMONT Bilow, Dennis 12th NY BOMBAY Bilow, Joseph 14th PA BOMBAY Bird, Charles 96th NY COMBINED SOURCES Bird, Wellington 1st NJ Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Blain, Alexander William 92nd NY Co. C DUANE Blair, Brice 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Blake, Louis COMBINED SOURCES Blake, Samuel W. 142nd NY Co. H CONSTABLE Blake, William 60th NY Co. E FRANKLIN Blamey, Stephen 14th Art. COMBINED SOURCES Blanchard, Amos 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Blanchard, Daniel W. 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Blanchard, Elihu 12th Cav. Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Blanchard, John B. 34th NY Co. D FT. COVINGTON Blanchard, Monroe 16th US Inf. COMBINED SOURCES Blanchard, William H. 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Blanchard, Zelotus 34th NY Co. D FT. COVINGTON Blane, David L. 15th Cav. BURKE Blane, Joseph B. 15th Cav. BURKE Bliss, Marcellus N. 77th NY Co. I FRANKLIN Blood, Alexander W. 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Bloomer, John B. 98th NY Co. A MALONE Blow, David L. 96th NY Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Boardway, Russell 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Bombard, Bud 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Bombard, George 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Bonelle, Maxim 193rd NY Co. G MALONE Bonelle, Moses or Bourelle, Joseph 98th NY Co. K COMBINED SOURCES Bonner, James 57th MA Co. I CHATEAUGAY Bordash, Nelson 98th NY Co. C WESTVILLE Bordeau, Luke 142nd NY Co. D CONSTABLE Bordeau, Michael 98th NY Co. A MALONE Bosley, Edwin 2nd Cav. MALONE Boston, Daniel William 16th NY Co. I MALONE Bosworth, Charles S. 2ndVet.Cav.Co. H MALONE Bosworth, Judson N. 2nd Cav. MALONE Bourne, Levi C. M. 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Bova, Ephraim 98th NY Co. A MALONE Bowles, Samuel 98th NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Bowles, William 98th NY Co. G BRANDON Boyce, Alvah 23rd OH COMBINED SOURCES Boyce, Joseph M. 91st NY COMBINED SOURCES Boyce, Wesley 26th Cav. Co. I BANGOR Boyea, Barney 98th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Boyea, John 98th NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Boyea, John M. 98th NY Co. E BELLMONT Boyea, Joseph 193rd NY Co. B BELLMONT Boyea, Nelson 98th NY Co. G MALONE Boyle, Thomas 98th NY Co. E MALONE Boynton, Charles Henry 11th Cav. Co. M MALONE Boynton, Frederick H. 106th NY Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Brabon, Oliver 16th Cav. Co. F MALONE Bracy, Asher 193rd NY Co. G BURKE Bracy, John 16th NY Co. I CHATEAUGAY Bracy, Marvin 1st NY Co. H CHATEAUGAY Bradford, Alfred 16th NY Co. I CHATEAUGAY Bradley, Elias 142nd NY Co. F BRANDON Bradley, Isaac 142nd NY Co. F BRANDON Bradley, Silas H. 12th Cav. Co. F DICKINSON Bradley, William Henry Harrison 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Brady, James 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Brady, Samuel 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Brainard, Henry M. 98th NY Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Branch, Chauncey S. 2ndVet.Cav.Co. H MALONE Brand, Albert 60th NY Co. E MALONE Brand, Jasper 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Brand, Jonathan 98th NY Co. A MALONE Brand, Royal B. 98th NY Co. A MALONE Brankin, Thomas 93rd NY Co. D BURKE Brayton, Daniel 106th NY Co. I CHATEAUGAY Brayton, Job 60th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Brayton, Myron 14th Art. Co. C BURKE Brayton, Peter 142nd NY Co. H BURKE Brayton, Thomas A. 98th NY Co. D BOMBAY Brayton, Wesley 16th Cav. Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Breed, Charles Webster 96th NY Co. A MALONE Brennan, John 98th NY Co. K CHATEAUGAY Brennan, William D. 142nd NY Co. I MALONE Brian, Dennis MOIRA Brieger, Philip 98th NY Co. E MALONE Briggs, Albert 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Briggs, Allen 60th NY Co. E DICKINSON Briggs, Cyrus M. 142nd NY Co. D CONSTABLE Briggs, Garrett W. 123rd NY Co. H WESTVILLE Briggs, Hiram L. 98th NY Co. G FT. COVINGTON Briggs, Rodney FT. COVINGTON Briggs, Walter 3rd Cav. Co. C WESTVILLE Brissett, Moses 98th NY Co. G MALONE Brissette, Charles 14th Art. MALONE Bristol, Benjamin J.M. 14th Art. Co. L CHATEAUGAY Broadwell, Solon B. 98th NY Co. D FT. COVINGTON Brockway, Ephraim 142nd NY Co. D BOMBAY Broderick, John 98th NY Co. I MOIRA Broderick, William 13th Art. Co. H MOIRA Bront, Michael MALONE Brooks, Ansel E. 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Brooks, Charles E. 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Brooks, Charles M. 1st Eng. CHATEAUGAY Brown, Alexander 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Brown, Alonzo 106th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Brown, Benjamin 106th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Brown, Calvin 118th NY Co. F HARRIETSTOWN Brown, Calvin 98th NY Co. D WESTVILLE Brown, Charles A. 16th NY Co. I MALONE Brown, Charles D. 39th NY Co. D MOIRA Brown, Charles F. COMBINED SOURCES Brown, Daniel 98th NY Co. G FT. COVINGTON Brown, Daniel Jr. 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Brown, Edgar W. 14th Art. Co. C MALONE Brown, Emel DICKINSON Brown, Franklin B. 142nd NY Co. F MOIRA Brown, Franklin F. 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Brown, George 23rd KY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Brown, Harrison A. 2nd Cav. Co. M FRANKLIN Brown, Henry 26th Cav. Co. L MALONE Brown, Henry C. 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Brown, Henry H. 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Brown, Henry N. 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Brown, Isaac B. 96th NY Co. C HARRIETSTOWN Brown, James 60th NY Co. I DICKINSON Brown, James E. 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Brown, Jerome 96th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Brown, John W. 98th NY Co. E MALONE Brown, Joseph COMBINED SOURCES Brown, Levi 14th Art. Co. H FT. COVINGTON Brown, Lyman H. 1st Eng. Co. H MOIRA Brown, Marvin J. 2nd Vet.Cav.Co.L FRANKLIN Brown, Moses L. BURKE Brown, Myron 14th Art. Co. I FT. COVINGTON Brown, Ransom 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Brown, William 12th Cav. Co. F FT. COVINGTON Brown, William 98th NY Co. A MALONE Brown, William 39th NY Co. D MOIRA Bruce, Benjamin Franklin 26th Cav. Co. I DICKINSON Bruce, Jonah C. 142nd NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Bruce, Joseph Elijah 16th NY Co. F DICKINSON Bruce, Samuel George 16th NY Co. F DICKINSON Bruce, Sewall 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Bruce, Timothy L. 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Brumley, Horace Leander 193rd NY Co. G BRANDON Brumley, Orin H. CHATEAUGAY Brunell, Antoine 193rd NY Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Brunson, Jesse 106th NY Co. H DICKINSON Bryant, Adolphus 98th NY Co. D MOIRA Bryant, Alexander 16th NY Co. I BOMBAY Bryant, Andrew Jackson 142nd NY Co. F MOIRA Bryant, Dewitt Clinton 1st Eng. Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Bryant, Luther S. 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Bryant, Robertson 98th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Bryant, Timothy 1st Eng. Co. H CHATEAUGAY Bryant, Vilas Edsel 142nd NY Co. F MOIRA Buckley, John D. 83rd NY Co. A MALONE Buel, Charles P. 98th NY Co. D MALONE Buel, Rodolphus 98th NY Co. D FT. COVINGTON Buell, Hector 98th NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Bugbee, Charles 16th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Bullis, Almanzo 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Bullis, Ezra S. 16th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Bullis, Frank C. 106th NY Co. G BURKE Bullis, Louis 14th NY Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Bump, Jesse 10th Cav. Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Bump, Milo 98th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Bunker, Charles 106th NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Burch, Naham Henry 1st Eng. Co. G FT. COVINGTON Burgeon, Hugh 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Burgess, George 26th Cav. Co. I BOMBAY Burgess, Lewis 60th NY Co. E WESTVILLE Burgess, Marshall 60th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Burgett, George 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Burke, Alphonso G. BELLMONT Burke, Edward BELLMONT Burke, Joseph N. 98th NY Co. C BURKE Burke, Samuel 98th NY Co. C FT. COVINGTON Burke, Thomas 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Burkett, John 106th NY Co. H MOIRA Burnham, Joseph 60th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Burnham, Oscar L. 106th NY Co. H BELLMONT Burns, Dennis 98th NY Co. A BELLMONT Burns, Edward 98th NY Co. C BELLMONT Burns, James 60th NY Co. E CHATEAUGAY Burns, James 98th NY Co. E MALONE Burns, Lewis 60th NY BELLMONT Burns, Timothy 60th NY Co. E BELLMONT Burns, Timothy FT. COVINGTON Burr, Hosea C. 6th Art. Co. M MOIRA Bush, Joseph (John?) 98th NY Co. K BANGOR Bushey, John 164th NY Co. A MALONE Bushey, Joseph 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Bushey, Oliver 48th NY Co. K MOIRA Busky(Bosquet), Joseph 106th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Butler, Calvin B. 18th NY Cav. BURKE Butler, William 57th MA Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Butterfield, Lorenzo 60th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Buttolph, Oscar G. 110th NY Co. I MALONE Button, Joseph B. 8th WI Co. C WESTVILLE Button, Joseph F. 1st Eng. Co. L MALONE Byington, Charles S. 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Byrne, John 98th NY Co. A MALONE Calahan, Martin 16th NY Co. I MALONE Callhan, James US Navy "Juka" BURKE Campbell, Antoine 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Campbell, Antoine 16th Cav. WESTVILLE Campbell, Emery D. CONSTABLE Campbell, George Fayette 6th MA. Co. E FRANKLIN Campbell, Joseph 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Campbell, Patrick 1st Eng. Co. H BURKE Canty, James 83rd NY MALONE Capstraw, Akin Jr. 98th NY Co. H CONSTABLE Carey, Vinton 98th NY Co. B COMBINED SOURCES Carney, Thomas FRANKLIN Carpenter, Edwin W. 106th NY Co. H BANGOR Carpenter, Ezra 3rd Cav. Co. C CONSTABLE Carpenter, Frederick 16th NY Co. A BELLMONT Carpenter, Henry 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Carpenter, Hiram CONSTABLE Carpenter, Orson S. 142nd NY Co. D BANGOR Carpenter, Warren 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Carr, John Sylvester 16th NY Co. I BRANDON Carr, Samuel 142nd NY Co. G BOMBAY Carr, Thomas 142nd NY Co. G BOMBAY Cartwright, Joseph 98th NY Co. C WESTVILLE Cary, John 106th NY Co. H MALONE Casey, Edward 39th NY Co. D MOIRA Caturia, Frank 106th NY Co. H DICKINSON Caturia, John COMBINED SOURCES Caturia, Joseph 8th VT Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Caturia, Louis 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Caturia, Louis Jr. 7th VT Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Cavanaugh, James 60th NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Cavanaugh, Martin 13th Cav. COMBINED SOURCES Chace, George Thompson 38th NY Co. K FRANKLIN Chace, Luther Bryant 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Chace, William Henry 118th NY Co. E FRANKLIN Chamberlain, Sullivan E. 12th Cav. Co. F DICKINSON Chamberlain, Wallace Washington 60th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Chamboult, Clovis A. 60th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Champane, Cyretius 93rd NY Co. D MALONE Chapin, Solon B. 1st Eng. Co. G FT. COVINGTON Chapman, Corydon D. 1st Mich. Inf MALONE Chapman, Oscar A. 8th Cav. Co. G MALONE Chappell, Joseph 26th Cav. Co. I BELLMONT Chase, Augustus Willard 12th Cav. Co. F DICKINSON Chase, Colosus Eugene 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Chase, Horatio M. 60th NY Co. E DICKINSON Chase, James H. 106th NY Co. I CHATEAUGAY Chase, Jeremiah 92nd NY Co. G DICKINSON Chase, John Clark 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Chase, Lorenzo 6th VT Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Chase, Nathaniel P. 60th NY Co. I DICKINSON Chase, Oliver 60th NY Co. E BANGOR Chase, Oren 106th NY Co. I BELLMONT Chase, Willard Osborn 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Cheeney, Charles H. 60th NY Co. E WESTVILLE Cheeney, Elias 98th NY Co. C WESTVILLE Cheeney, George 60th NY Co. E WESTVILLE Chenett, Jared Booth 92nd NY Co. G DICKINSON Chenett, Joseph 92nd NY Co. G DICKINSON Cheney, Wyatt 92nd NY Co. G DICKINSON Chesbrough, Isaac Collins 98th NY Co. C CONSTABLE Chesbrough, Sylvester 142nd NY Co. H CONSTABLE Childs, Caleb H. 106th NY Co. H BANGOR Childs, Francis S. 14th Art. Co. E BURKE Childs, Henry 96th NY Co. A BURKE Childs, Royal S. 1st Art. Co. H BURKE Chiloutt, Madore 98th NY BANGOR Christian, John 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Christy, John 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Church, Elmore 1st Eng. Co. H CHATEAUGAY Churchill, Walllace Willard 18th Cav. Co. E MOIRA Claflin, Albert 98th NY Co. D WESTVILLE Clair, Alexander D. 6th Art. Co. M BOMBAY Clark, Alonzo 16th NY Co. E BELLMONT Clark, Cornelius 17th IL. Co. H CONSTABLE Clark, Elisha Lyman 60th NY Co. A CONSTABLE Clark, Emmett 6th WI Co. I MALONE Clark, Franklin 92nd NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Clark, George E. 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Clark, George W. 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Clark, Henry W. 106th NY Co. F MALONE Clark, Joseph Smith 6th VT Co. K DUANE Clark, Lawrence 98th NY Co. A MALONE Clark, Leonard Albert 60th NY Co. E DICKINSON Clark, Martin Willard 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Clark, Peter S. 98th NY Co. A MALONE Clark, Philo MOIRA Clark, Thomas 98th NY Co. A MALONE Clark, Warrell 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Clark, William A. 13th Cav. Co. F MALONE Clarry, Moses 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Clary, Henry Howard 16th Cav. Co. F MOIRA Cleaveland, Charles 3rd Cav. Co. H CONSTABLE Cleaveland, Joseph 3rd Cav. Co. H CONSTABLE Clement, Francis Xavier 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Clerkin, Michael 164th NY Co. A MALONE Cleveland, Edwin R. 3rd Cav. Co. D CONSTABLE Cleveland, Freeman P. 3rd Cav. Co. H MALONE Cleveland, George 98th NY Co. C CONSTABLE Cleveland, Henry C. 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Cleveland, Marcellus 2nd Vet.Cav.Co.H BANGOR Clifford, Richard 16th NY Co. I MALONE Clifford, William 98th NY Co. A BELLMONT Clookey, John 98th NY Co. F FT. COVINGTON Clookey, William 142nd NY Co. G FT. COVINGTON Clugh, Charles DUANE Coburn, Amasa 106th NY Co. H CONSTABLE Coburn, Henry 14th Conn. CONSTABLE Cochran, James 106th NY Co. H FRANKLIN Cochran, Sylvanus K. 3rd NH COMBINED SOURCES Cody, Edward 98th NY Co. H CHATEAUGAY Cogswell, Levi 1st Eng. Co. H CHATEAUGAY Cole, Andrew C. 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Cole, Augustus 98th NY Co. H BRIGHTON Cole, Edgar Z. 92nd NY Co. G DICKINSON Collens, Stephen Charles 60th NY Co. E BRANDON Collins, Alfred 98th NY Co. E BELLMONT Collins, Cornelius 98th NY Co. A CONSTABLE Collins, George W. 2nd Cav. Co. M BELLMONT Collins, Henry 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Collins, Hugh Jr. 91st NY Co. C FRANKLIN Collins, John 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Collins, John 142nd NY Co. D MALONE Collins, Nicholas 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Collins, Patrick 91st NY Co. C FRANKLIN Colton, Henry 6th Cav. Co. I FT. COVINGTON Colwell, Clement 98th NY Co. G MALONE Colwell, Joseph 98th NY Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Conahey, James 142nd NY Co. D MALONE Conaly, James 17th MA. Co. G MALONE Conant, Charles B. 98th NY Co. B MALONE Conger, Ambrose A. 16th NY Co. I BANGOR Conger, Martin V. CHATEAUGAY Conger, Reuben 92nd NY Co. G DICKINSON Conger, William Henry Harrison 106th NY Co. H MOIRA Conklin, John 97th NY Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Conley, John 142nd NY Co. D MALONE Connery, Silas M. CONSTABLE Connor, Edward 193rd NY Co. B MOIRA Connor, John 60th NY Co. I CONSTABLE Conto, John 98th NY Co. A MALONE Cook, Benjamin 106th NY Co. I BELLMONT Cook, Franklin M. 2nd VT Co. G WESTVILLE Cook, George 96th NY Co. B CHATEAUGAY Cook, Henry 91st NY Co. F DUANE Cook, John 92nd NY Co. G DICKINSON Cook, Prentiss P. 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Cook, Thaddeus 106th NY Co. H MALONE Cooney, James 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Cooney, John 37th MA Co. C CONSTABLE Cooney, Lawrence 98th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Cooney, Michael 98th NY Co. C MALONE Cooney, Michael 1st PA Art. MALONE Coopy, Peter 98th NY Co. E CHATEAUGAY Copeland, John 106th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Copps, Egbert 1st Art. CHATEAUGAY Corey, Charles 6th MA Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Cornish, Francis Eugene 106th NY Co. H BANGOR Cornish, George C. 60th NY Co. E BANGOR Cota, John S 106th NY Co. H BANGOR Coteau, Alexander 16th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Cotter, Patrick 5th PA Cav. BOMBAY Courier, Lewis 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Covey, John Riley 18th Cav. Co. E MOIRA Covey, William H. 106th NY Co. H MALONE Coville, Oatman A. 77th NY COMBINED SOURCES Cox, James 9th NY S. M. COMBINED SOURCES Cox, Robert 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Coyne, James 16th NY Co. I BRANDON Coyne, Joseph 14th VT Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Coyne, Martin 83rd NY Co. E MALONE Craig, David 18th Cav. Co. M WESTVILLE Cram, Henry Orin 83rd NY Co. F BRIGHTON Crary, Charles Wesley 98th NY Co. H MALONE Creed, John 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Crippen, Benton 142nd NY Co. H BURKE Crocker, Jedediah 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Crocker, Joseph 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Crocker, Noahdiah 98th NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Cromp, David 13th Cav. Co. G MALONE Cromp, Theodore 13th Cav. Co. A MALONE Cromp, William 1st Eng. Co. H BELLMONT Crooks, Deforest 193rd NY Co. G BANGOR Crosby, Albon 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Crosier, Isaac 142nd NY Co. F MOIRA Crosier, William 142nd NY Co. F MOIRA Crosier, William J. 1st Art. Co. D MALONE Cruley, Charles 13th NY COMBINED SOURCES Culliton, Pierce 57th MA Co. I CHATEAUGAY Culver, Theodore 16th Cav. Co. F CONSTABLE Cummings, Joel W. 9th VT COMBINED SOURCES Cummings, Moses (Joseph?) 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Cummings, Reuben S. 98th NY Co. E WESTVILLE Cunningham, Russell 16th NY Co. I MALONE Curan, John 142nd NY Co. D MALONE Cushing, Daniel 106th NY Co. H MOIRA Cushman, Alpheus 7th US Cav. WESTVILLE Daggett, Darius 6th Art. Co. B DICKINSON Daggett, George Washington 60th NY Co. I DICKINSON Daggett, Nelson Daniel 60th NY Co. I DICKINSON Daggett, Ransom 6th Art. Co. B COMBINED SOURCES Dailey, Cornelius Julius 57th MA Co. G. MOIRA Dailey, Cortez 2ndVet.Cav.Co. H MALONE Daly, Patrick FRANKLIN Dandrow, Robert 2nd Vet.Cav.Co.L MALONE Danford, Benjamin 98th NY Co. B DUANE Danford, Hiram 98th NY Co. C DUANE Danford, Robert 98th NY Co. B DUANE Danford, William 98th NY Co. B DUANE Danforth, Albert C. 14th Art. Co. D FT. COVINGTON Danforth, Albon J. 14th Art. Co. D FT. COVINGTON Daniels, Benjamin J. 98th NY Co. C WESTVILLE Darling, David K. 142nd NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Dassence, James 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Davenport, George H. 60th NY Co. E BANGOR Davenport, Harry 3rd Cav. Co. C CONSTABLE Davenport, Harry 98th NY Co. C CONSTABLE Davenport, Peter M. 142nd NY Co. D BURKE Davids, Ambrose 98th NY Co. B MALONE Davis, Allen Wells 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Davis, Anson F.Jr. 2nd Art. Co. K BURKE Davis, Darius C. 14th Art. Co. B BRANDON Davis, Gibson 193rd NY Co. K BURKE Davis, Harlow 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Davis, Henry Horton 14th Art. Co. C BRANDON Davis, Jeremiah N.H. 98th NY Co. C BELLMONT Davis, John 18th Cav. BURKE Davis, Newton H. 98th NY Co. E MALONE Day, William 16th NY Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Dayton, Sylvester 11th Cav. Co. K MOIRA Debar, Lewis 98th NY Co. C DUANE Debar, William 98th NY Co. G DUANE Degon, Francis 98th NY Co. G BELLMONT Degowin, Henry 142nd NY Co. D CONSTABLE Degowin, William 142nd NY Co. D CONSTABLE Degowin, William CONSTABLE DeGray, Jeremiah 98th NY Co. D WESTVILLE Delane, David 98th NY Co. D MALONE Delane, George H. 98th NY Co. C BELLMONT Delarm, Elias 98th NY Co. G BANGOR Delarm, Nelson 96th NY BANGOR Delemater, Charles 98th NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Demaris, Charles 98th NY Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Demaris, Peter 98th NY Co. A MALONE Deming, Julius R. 142nd NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Demming, Edward P. 15th Eng. Co. G CONSTABLE Demming, Lucius Davis 98th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Demo, Marcellus 14th Art. Co. A DICKINSON Denio, Abner 142nd NY Co. G BOMBAY Denio, Charles 16th NY Co. I BURKE Denio, Henry 98th NY Co. E MALONE Denio, John CHATEAUGAY Denio, John Baptiste 98th NY Co. A MALONE Denio, Joseph 3rd Cav. Co. H BURKE Denio, Peter 98th NY Co. D CHATEAUGAY Denio, Thomas 3rd Cav. Co. H BURKE Dennis, Alvin Alonzo 106th NY Co. H CONSTABLE Denno, Oliver 193rd NY Co. H MALONE Deno, John J. 98th NY Co. A MALONE Deno, William 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Denoyea, John B. 98th NY Co. D MALONE Derby, George M. 98th NY Co. A FRANKLIN Dernon, Michael 142nd NY Co. D FRANKLIN Desmond,Edmund 16th NY Co. B DICKINSON DeSotelle, Israel 98th NY Co. D MOIRA Dewey, Franklin D. 6th Art. Co. M DICKINSON Dewey, John C. 142nd NY Co. G FT. COVINGTON Dewey, Nathaniel H. 92nd NY Co. H DICKINSON Deyette, Francis 98th NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Dibble, William 98th NY Co. C CONSTABLE Dickey, George F. 1st NY Batt. CONSTABLE Dickey, James 98th NY Co. A MALONE Dickey, Joseph 98th NY Co. E BELLMONT Dickey, Theodore 98th NY Co. A MALONE Dillon, John FRANKLIN Dobbins, Edmond 98th NY Co. A CONSTABLE Dobbins, Patrick 164th NY Co. A BELLMONT Dolloff, Samuel 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Dolloff, Wellington 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Donahee, Patrick 193rd NY Co. G BANGOR Donahee, Patrick CONSTABLE Donaldson, George L. 3rd VT Co. B WESTVILLE Donihee, James 98th NY Co. K MALONE Donihue, Edward 98th NY Co. K COMBINED SOURCES Donihue, John 142nd NY Co. D MALONE Dopp, David 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Dopp, Lewis G. 60th NY Co. E MALONE Doty, Alexander 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Doty, Cornelius 14th Art. Co. L COMBINED SOURCES Doty, George 2nd US Sharp. BANGOR Doty, Henry D. 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Doty, James 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Doty, James Jr. 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Dougherty, Patrick 98th NY Co. A MALONE Douglas, Charles H. 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Douglass, Charles 142nd NY Co. D MALONE Douglass, George Grant MALONE Douglass, Julius B. 3rd Cav. Co. C CONSTABLE Douglass, Nathan H. 1st Eng. Co. H BELLMONT Douglass, Nathan S. 1st Eng. Co. H BELLMONT Dove, Henry 13th Cav. Co. B MALONE Dow, Alexander 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Dow, Alfred C 11th Cav. Co. C FT. COVINGTON Dow, Foster W. 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Dow, John 98th NY Co. D FT. COVINGTON Downer, Charles 9th NY S.M. Co.C WESTVILLE Downer, Reed 98th NY Co. C WESTVILLE Downer, Rockwell P. 17th VT Co. B WESTVILLE Downer, Theron 106th NY Co. H WESTVILLE Downing, George W. 98th NY Co. D BURKE Drake, James 98th NY Co. G BURKE Drew, Charles 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Drew, Francis G. 39th NY Co. D BELLMONT Drew, Henry 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Drew, Samuel 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Drew, William 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Driscoll, Martin 76th NY Co. K MOIRA Drury, Charles 6th Ind. Batt. CONSTABLE Ducatt, Charles 92nd NY Co. H BOMBAY Duclos, Moses 142nd NY Co. D CONSTABLE Dudley, James CONSTABLE Duell, Jacob M. 142nd NY Co. D MALONE Duell, Lewis 142nd NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Duer, John W. 16th Cav. MALONE Dumas, Jeremiah 106th NY Co. I MALONE Dumas, Thomas 26th Cav. Co. I DICKINSON Dumaw, Noah 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Dunham, Henry 16th Cav. Co. H MALONE Dunivan, David Jr. Heavy Art. DUANE Dunn, James 98th NY Co. D BURKE Dunn, John 106th NY Co. H BELLMONT Dunning, Charles S. 110th NY Co. H MALONE Dupree, Charles 98th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Dupree, Elemab (Almabee?) 106th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Dupree, George 98th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Dupree, Joseph 98th NY Co. E MALONE Durkee, Charles 98th NY MALONE Durnan, Michael 142nd NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Dustin, David H. 26th Cav. Co. I WESTVILLE Dustin, George W. 6th Art. Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Dustin, Henry S 142nd NY Co. G WESTVILLE Dustin, William H. 60th NY Co. E BELLMONT Dyer, James Wilson 118th NY Co. A FRANKLIN Dyke, Adison 193rd NY Co. F BANGOR Dyke, Anson BANGOR Dyke, Edgar J. 193rd NY Co. K HARRIETSTOWN Dyke, Maitland J. 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Earl, Beriah 142nd NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Earl, Rufus 106th NY Co. H MALONE Earl, William Henry Harrison 60th NY Co. E BURKE Eaton, E.D. USS Itasca MALONE Eaton, Henry A. 193rd NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Edgerly, David 16th NY Co. I FT. COVINGTON Edwards, Adams 96th NY Co. A CONSTABLE Edwards, Sylvester 96th NY Co. A CONSTABLE Egglefield, John 96th NY Co. C HARRIETSTOWN Eggleston, Alfred 142nd NY Co. H BURKE Eichenauer, William 10th US Infantry MALONE Eighmey, William S. 98th NY Co. E MALONE Eldred, Henry C. 2nd VT S.Shooter BANGOR Eldred, Joseph 106th NY Co. H BANGOR Eldred, Thomas 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Elliott, Albon 1st Eng. Co. G WESTVILLE Elliott, George W. 57th MA Co. E WESTVILLE Ellis, George 106th NY Co. I MALONE Ellis, Henry H. 16th NY Co. I MALONE Ellis, Oliver D. 24th NY Co. K MALONE Ellis, S.Leslie 142nd NY Co. D MALONE Ellsworth, Lucien Dean 98th NY Co. C MALONE Ellsworth, Wilbert N. 142nd NY Co. G FT. COVINGTON Ellsworth, William 142nd NY Co. G FT. COVINGTON Elmore, Hial 16th Cav. Co. F WESTVILLE Emery, William Jr. 142nd NY Co. F BRANDON Emlaw, Zebulon 98th NY Co. C COMBINED SOURCES English, Edmund 2nd Art. CHATEAUGAY Enright, Cornelius 98th NY Co. H MALONE Enright, John 16th NY Co. I MALONE Erwin, David 106th NY Co. I BANGOR Erwin, John 106th NY Co. I BANGOR Eseltine, Fayette 193rd NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Estabroooks, Ashbell P. 142nd NY Co. H CONSTABLE Estey, Curtis E. 14th Art. Co. L FRANKLIN Evans, Page M. 60th NY Co. E MALONE Everest, L. Byron 16th NY Co. I MALONE Everett, Samuel 142nd NY WESTVILLE Fadden, Warren C. 91st NY Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Fairchild, Henry 142nd NY Co. G WESTVILLE Farewell, Dorus 193rd NY Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Farewell, Friend 13th Cav. Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Farmer, Darwin Josiah 92nd NY Co. I MOIRA Farmer, Harrison 11th Cav. Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Farmer, Oliver 142nd NY Co. G WESTVILLE Farquhar, William 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Farr, Alfred 142nd NY Co. H BRANDON Farr, Allen 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Farr, Carlos 142nd NY Co. H BRANDON Farr, Isaac 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Farrar, Isaac B. 106th NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Farrell, Francis 98th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Farrier, Julius 96th NY Co. B CONSTABLE Fassett, Isaiah CONSTABLE Fassett, Paul 96th NY Co. B CONSTABLE Fay, Isaac 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Fay, Joseph 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Fayette, Gilbert 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Fayette, Harrison 98th NY Co. G MALONE Fayette, Nelson 98th NY Co. G MALONE Featherstone, Henry W. 142nd NY Co. H CHATEAUGAY Feeley, Joseph 121st NY Co. D MOIRA Felch, Amos 142nd NY Co. H CONSTABLE Fellows, Loreston 60th NY Co. E FT. COVINGTON Fellows, William Jackson 19th US Inf. MALONE Felton, Edgar CHATEAUGAY Fenton, Theodocius 98th NY Co. D BURKE Ferris, Emery 11th NY Co. G BRANDON Ferry, Joseph 98th NY Co. D FT. COVINGTON Field, George C. 39th NY Co. D MOIRA Field, Henry P. 106th NY Co. H MALONE Field, Pletus A. 39th NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Finnegan, Michael 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Firman, Alonzo B. 142nd NY Co. H CONSTABLE Firman, Russell 1st Eng. Co. H BURKE Fish, George 96th NY BANGOR Fish, Warren 193rd NY BANGOR Fisher, Henry L. 60th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Fisher, Luke 142nd NY Co. D CONSTABLE Fisher, William 98th NY Co. B COMBINED SOURCES Fisk, Darius 16th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Fisk, George Jason 97th NY Co. B BRANDON Fisk, Rufus 60th NY Co. I MOIRA Fisk, Simon 106th NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Fitch, Harlan S. 2ndVet.Cav.Co. H MALONE Fitzgerald, Patrick 27th Cav. CHATEAUGAY Fitzpatrick, Michael 2nd Cav. MALONE Flagg, Edson 44th NY Co. B COMBINED SOURCES Flanders, John 2nd Cav. Co. M FRANKLIN Fleming, William 26th Cav. Co. I FT. COVINGTON Fletcher, George 16th NY Co. I CHATEAUGAY Fletcher, Henry Homer CHATEAUGAY Fletcher, John Wesley 118th NY Co. H FRANKLIN Fling, Albert E. 13th Cav. Co. G FT. COVINGTON Flint, Martin T. 60th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Flint, Warren J. 60th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Folsom, Rodney C. 39th NY Co. D MOIRA Forbes, Darwin A. 9th VT Co. D CONSTABLE Force, Alben 6th Ind. Batt. BURKE Ford, John 16th NY Co. B BRIGHTON Forkey, Dalvado 193rd NY Co. G BELLMONT Forkey, John 193rd NY Co. G MALONE Fornier, John 60th NY Co. I DICKINSON Fortune, Robert 98th NY Co. K MALONE Fosberg, Robert 14th Art. Co. C DUANE Foss, Heman Grinnell 142nd NY Co. H CONSTABLE Foster, Isaac 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Foster, Nathan 96th NY Co. A BURKE Foster, Norman 96th NY Co. A BURKE Foster, Thomas COMBINED SOURCES Foster, William H. 106th NY Co. H BELLMONT Fountain, Francis 98th NY Co. K WESTVILLE Fountain, George A. 98th NY Co. A MALONE Fountain, Jackson 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Fountain, Jerry 26th Cav. Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Fountain, Lewis 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Fountain, Paul 9th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Fox, Matthew 142nd NY Co. D FRANKLIN Fox, Nicholas 142nd NY Co. D FRANKLIN Foy, Hugh 14th Art. Co. K FT. COVINGTON Foy, Patrick H. 26th Cav. Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Fraser, Collins 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Fray, Robert 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Frazier, Charles W. 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Freeman, John H. CONSTABLE French, Hiram T. 142nd NY Co. D BANGOR French, Joseph 98th NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES French, Peter 97th NY Co. D FT. COVINGTON French, Samuel 98th NY FT. COVINGTON Friday, Michael (Mitchell?) 9th NH Co. E BOMBAY Friend, Henry 83rd NY Co. A BURKE Fulham, James 16th NY Co. I BELLMONT Fuller, Alonzo R. 16th NY Co. B MALONE Fuller, Sidney 16th NY Co. I CHATEAUGAY Fuller, William H. 11th Cav. Co. G BANGOR Fulsom, Luther 16th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Fulton, George 6th Art. Co. F BRANDON Gabree, James 98th NY Co. D MALONE Gabree, John 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Gabree, William 60th NY Co. E BANGOR Gage, Luther 60th NY Co. E CHATEAUGAY Gahra, Christian 101st NY Co. A BELLMONT Gaines, Robert 1st Art. Co. D MALONE Gale, Edmund A. 2nd Cav. Co. M FRANKLIN Gallagher, Frank 60th NY Co. E MALONE Gallagher, John 98th NY Co. A MALONE Gallagher, Peter 142nd NY MALONE Gallnow, Francis 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Galnow, Nelson 98th NY Co. A MALONE Ganier, Amos BOMBAY Garland, Alexander 26th Cav. Co. I DUANE Garland, John 60th NY Co. E DUANE Garland, Moral 193rd NY Co. F FRANKLIN Garner, George Walker CONSTABLE Garner, Joseph Jr. 98th NY Co. C MALONE Garner, Newton William 3rd Cav. Co. H CONSTABLE Garrow, Frank 98th NY Co. D BURKE Garrow, Joseph 60th NY Co. E MALONE Garry, James 91st NY Co. C FRANKLIN Garry, Thomas Peter 9th VT Co. D FRANKLIN Gascal , William Monroe 118th NY Co. C HARRIETSTOWN Gates, Edward 3rd NH Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Gates, George 106th NY Co. H BELLMONT Gates, Joseph S. 142nd NY Co. G WESTVILLE Gearin, MIchael MALONE Gebo, Moses 98th NY Co. E MALONE Gebo, Reuben 106th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Geddes, Charles 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Genaway, Samuel 1st Eng. Co. H BURKE Gero, John 16th Cav. COMBINED SOURCES Gero, Peter 98th NY Co. B MALONE Gerow, John 98th NY Co. F BURKE Getty, Royal Q. 39th NY Co. D BANGOR Gibbins, Clinton 14th Art. Co. A MALONE Gibbons, Patrick S. US Marines CONSTABLE Gibbs, Azro B. 83rd NY Co. A MALONE Gibbs, Charles 193rd NY Co. A BANGOR Gibbs, George W. 96th NY Co. A BANGOR Gibbs, James W. 60th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Gibbs, John C. 106th NY Co. H BANGOR Gibbs, Leander 193rd NY Co. A BANGOR Gibbs, Macajah 142nd NY Co. H BELLMONT Gibbs, Newell 193rd NY Co. A BANGOR Gibson Archibald 142nd NY Co. D BANGOR Gilbert, Ebenezer 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Gilbert, Joseph 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Gilbert, Nelson 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Gile, Hiram P. 98th NY Co. B MALONE Gillette, Erastus 142nd NY Co. H BELLMONT Gillis, Duncan 1st Eng. Co. G FT. COVINGTON Glazier, Charles 98th NY Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Glazier, Danford 57th MA Co. C DUANE Glazier, James H. COMBINED SOURCES Glazier, Levi 106th NY Co. H DUANE Gleason, Levi B. 144th IL Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Gleason, Samuel W. 16th NY Co. I FT. COVINGTON Gleason, William C. 60th NY Co. E FT. COVINGTON Gobbins, Patrick MALONE Goff, Barnett D. 142nd NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Goff, Charles 77th NY Co. I FRANKLIN Goff, John 142nd NY Co. D FRANKLIN Goff, Thomas Benjamin 142nd NY Co. D FRANKLIN Gonnier, Isaac 16th NY Co. I MOIRA Gonyea, Henry 118th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Gonyea, Peter 96th NY Co. A BELLMONT Goodell, Milo B. 14th Art. MALONE Goodman, Philip Hancock's Corps BRIGHTON Goodnow, Charles 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Goodnow, Ira 98th NY Co. E MALONE Goodnow, Palemon 98th NY Co. E MALONE Goodrich, Franklin 3rd Cav. Co. C FT. COVINGTON Goodrich, Randolph 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Goodrich, Randolph C. CHATEAUGAY Goodrow, John 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Goodrow, William 12th VT Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Goodspeed, Sanford C. 1st Eng. Co. H CHATEAUGAY Goodwin, Thomas 96th NY BELLMONT Gorman, James 142nd NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Gorman, John 142nd NY Co. D FRANKLIN Gott, John Henry 142nd NY Co. H BRANDON Goulding, Julius 193rd NY Co. F BURKE Gower, Edward 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Graham, James 106th NY Co. I MALONE Grange, Davis 1st Eng. Co. G FT. COVINGTON Grant, Eben B. 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Gratton, Jerry 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Gratton, Louis 121st NY Co. A WESTVILLE Gravell, Edward 16th NY Co. I BANGOR Gravell, Francis 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Gravell, Michael 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Graves, Fayette 60th NY Co. E DICKINSON Graves, Franklin N. 98th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Graves, Myron 16th NY Co. I MALONE Graves, Norman 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Graves, Peter 92nd NY Co. G MALONE Graves, Thompson 1st Ind.Batt WESTVILLE Gray, Charles 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Gray, Francis L. 39th NY Co. D MOIRA Green, Edward G. 142nd NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Green, George W. 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Green, Ira C. 193rd NY Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Green, Jesse 193rd NY Co. F CHATEAUGAY Green, Lester C. 1st VT Cav. COMBINED SOURCES Green, Thomas B. 142nd NY Co. D CHATEAUGAY Green, William H. 77th NY Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Greene, Nehemiah W. 18th Cav. Co. M HARRIETSTOWN Greeno, Charles L. 16th NY Co. I MALONE Greeno, Charles S.W. 16th Cav. Co. F MALONE Greeno, John B. 16th Cav. Co. F MALONE Greeno, Joseph 60th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Gregg, William M. MALONE Gremore, Joseph 98th NY Co. D CHATEAUGAY Griffin, Alvin 16th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Griffin, David 14th Art. Co. H MOIRA Griffin, George W. 142nd NY Co. D WESTVILLE Griffin, George W. Jr. 16th Cav. Co. F WESTVILLE Griffin, Joshua M. 8th VT Co. G FRANKLIN Griffin, Merrill T. 193rd NY Co. B WESTVILLE Griffin, Michael 39th NY Co. D BOMBAY Griffin, Samuel Vernon 92nd NY Co. E MOIRA Griffin, Stillman 13th Art. Co. H MOIRA Griffiths, Sylvester 60th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Griswold, Cyrus 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Grow, Levious H. 92nd NY Co. I BOMBAY Gut, Karl 7th US Infantry MALONE Guthrie, John 142nd NY Co. D MALONE Guyette, William 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Gwinn, Richard 98th NY Co. B BURKE Hadley, Albert C. 1st Eng. Co. G FT. COVINGTON Hagen, Reuben COMBINED SOURCES Hale, Calvin F. 95th NY Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Hale, Henry 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Haley, Albert 106th NY Co. K MALONE Haley, Clark 142nd NY Co. D BANGOR Haley, Clark C. 1st Art. Batt. H BURKE Haley, Thomas COMBINED SOURCES Halford, George N. 98th NY Co. E MALONE Halford, James 106th NY Co. I MALONE Hall, Carlton 192nd NY Co. D CHATEAUGAY Hall, Cleveland 106th NY Co. G CHATEAUGAY Hall, Isaac 169th NY CONSTABLE Hall, Seth I. 96th NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Hamilton, Henry F. 39th NY Co. D MOIRA Hamilton, James 98th NY Co. A MALONE Hammell, Israel 5th US Art.Co. M COMBINED SOURCES Hammond, Nathan 14th Art. Co. E BURKE Hammond, Stephen F. 16th NY Co. K FT. COVINGTON Handley, Peter 98th NY Co. A MALONE Haney, William 98th NY Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Hanly, Edward 98th NY Co. A BELLMONT Hanly, James 60th NY Co. E BELLMONT Hanly, Peter 98th NY Co. A BELLMONT Hannah, Alexander 176th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Hannible, Daniel MOIRA Hapgood, Howard 142nd NY Co. I MALONE Hapgood, Lemuel 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Hapgood, Wesley CONSTABLE Hardy, James D. 98th NY Co. B BANGOR Hardy, John BANGOR Hare, Sidney 16th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Harmon, George 98th NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Harrica, Jasper 16th NY Co. I CHATEAUGAY Harrica, Patrick Jr. 12th Art. Co. D CHATEAUGAY Hart, Michael 98th NY Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Hartnett, Dennis BELLMONT Hartson, Palmer H. 60th NY Co. I DICKINSON Harvey, Marshall 6th Art. Co. L DICKINSON Harvey, Melvin 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Harvey, Rufus Jones 142nd NY Co. H BRANDON Harwood, Edward 106th NY Co. H BANGOR Haskell, Henry A. 1st VT Cav. Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Haskell, John 98th NY Co. C MALONE Haskell, Martin 92nd NY Co. G DICKINSON Haskins, Jeremiah D. 98th NY Co. A BELLMONT Hastings, Alfred 3rd Cav. Co. C CONSTABLE Hastings, Charles E. 106th NY Co. H MALONE Hastings, George C. 142nd NY Co. D MALONE Hastings, George D. 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Hastings, Harvey CONSTABLE Hastings, Howard MALONE Hastings, Joel CONSTABLE Hastings, William 98th NY Co. A MALONE Hatch, James B. 16th NY Co. I MALONE Hatch, Silas W. 16th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Hathaway, Charles 98th NY Co. B COMBINED SOURCES Hathaway, Daniel M. 14th Art. Co. C FRANKLIN Hathaway, Hiram J. 60th NY Co. E FRANKLIN Hatton, John H. 1st Eng. Co. L COMBINED SOURCES Hawkins, Harrison 26th Cav. Co. I DICKINSON Hawkins, Henry B. 97th NY Co. A MALONE Hawkins, Lemuel B. 77th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Hawkins, Robert L. 2nd VT S.Shooter BANGOR Hawley, Henry M. 6th Art. Co. M DICKINSON Hawley, Prescott 106th NY Co. I MALONE Hayden, James 83rd NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Hayes, Hugh 14th Art. Co. I MALONE Hayley, James BURKE Haynes, Edward 98th NY Co. H MALONE Haywood, George Clark 11th Cav. Co. G BRANDON Hazen, Hayward 152nd NY Co. I BOMBAY Hazen, Heman L. 6th Art. Co. M BOMBAY Hazen, Henry Hardy 92nd NY Co. G DICKINSON Hazen, Ralph 57th MA Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Hazen, Safford G. 92nd NY Co. G DICKINSON Headding, Charles M. 106th NY Co. I BELLMONT Heath, Jarius Packard 96th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Heath, William 39th NY Co. D MOIRA Hebard, Napoleon 98th NY Co. B MALONE Hebert, David 69th NY Co. D CONSTABLE Hebler, Paul 106th NY Co. H FRANKLIN Heill, Charles 14th Art. Co. E BURKE Helms, Melvin 98th NY Co. B COMBINED SOURCES Henry, Adin M. 98th NY Co. E MALONE Henry, Albert D. 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Henry, Theodore 98th NY Co. E MALONE Hewitt, Alfred J. 1st Eng. Co. I MALONE Hewitt, Ezekiel G. 48th NY Co. K DICKINSON Hewitt, Nelson 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Hewitt, Orson 92nd NY Co. G DICKINSON Hewitt, Samuel 92nd NY Co. G DICKINSON Hickock, Jared M. 98th NY Co. A MALONE Hickok, Horace D. 98th NY Co. A MALONE Hildreth, Abel N. 106th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Hildreth, Edmund J. 98th NY Co. A MALONE Hildreth, Warner F. 193rd NY Co. G BRANDON Hildreth, Wyatt Davis 98th NY Co. G BRANDON Hill, Andrew V. 1st Art. Co. D MALONE Hill, Edgar 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Hill, Edwin F. 14th Art. Co. C MALONE Hill, George 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Hill, James S. 98th NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Hill, Melvin 96th NY Co.A CHATEAUGAY Hill, William 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Hill, William V. 76th NY Co. B COMBINED SOURCES Hilliard, Miner 16th NY Co. I CHATEAUGAY Hilliker, Charles M. 16th NY Co. I CHATEAUGAY Hilliker, Gillman 1st Army Corps BURKE Hilliker, Marshall 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Hills, William Fay 96th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Hinman, Benjamin 6th US Cav. Co. M BANGOR Hinman, Enos 16th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Hinman, Hiram 106th NY Co. H CONSTABLE Hinman, Howard H. 98th NY Co. G BANGOR Hinman, Myrtella(?) 2nd VT Cav.Co.H BANGOR Hinman, Royal 98th NY Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Hinman, Waite 6th Ind. Batt. CONSTABLE Hitchcock, Charles 106th NY Co. G CONSTABLE Hitchcock, Herbert W. 142nd NY Co. G FT. COVINGTON Hobbs, Benjamin 106th NY Co. I BURKE Hobbs, Edward H. 98th NY Co. E MALONE Hodges, Nathan S. 13th Cav. Co. D BELLMONT Hodges, Sidney 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Hoff, Christopher M. 93rd NY COMBINED SOURCES Hogan, Gates H. 106th NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Hogan, John 14th Art. CHATEAUGAY Hogue, Lewis 98th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Hoit, Clinton N. 17th VT Inf. MALONE Hoit, Nehemiah 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Holbrook, Andrew CHATEAUGAY Holbrook, Henry 98th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Holden, William 98th NY Co. C BELLMONT Holden, William 142nd NY Co. H BURKE Holdridge, William 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Holister, Guy W. 9th NY S.M. Co.C WESTVILLE Holland, George Wheeler 83rd NY Co. C BRANDON Holland, Thomas Clark 15th Eng. Co. I BRANDON Hollenbeck, Archie 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Hollenbeck, William 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Hooker, William Henry 142nd NY Co. H CONSTABLE Hoose, Peter 142nd NY Co. D DUANE Horn, Edwin 193rd NY COMBINED SOURCES Horrigan, John 16th Cav. Co. F MOIRA Hovey, Augustus Smith 98th NY Co. B MOIRA Hovey, John 92nd NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Hovey, Theodore 98th NY Co. B MOIRA Howard, Andrew 1st Art. Batt. H BURKE Howard, Emory B. 1st Art. Batt. H BURKE Howard, Frederick 98th NY Co. A BURKE Howard, Junio 16th Art. Co. K CHATEAUGAY Howe, Charles E.W. 3rd VT Co. H CHATEAUGAY Howe, John P. 17th IL Cav. CHATEAUGAY Howe, Seymour N. 16th NY Co. E CHATEAUGAY Howe, Silas (Elias) 142nd NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Howell, Abram 16th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Howell, Cornelius 3rd Cav. Co. C CONSTABLE Hoxie, Daniel 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Hoxie, Sidney 60th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Hoyt, Alfred 60th NY Co. E BANGOR Hoyt, Nathaniel A. 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Hubbard, George T. 16th NY Co. I MALONE Hubbard, Ozro T. 16th NY Co. I MALONE Hubbard, William 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Hubbard, William T. 106th NY Co. H MALONE Hubert, Trifty 193rd NY Co. F MOIRA Hudout, Clement 60th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Hudson, Samuel 142nd NY Co. H BURKE Hudson, Samuel 34th NY Co. D MALONE Hugaboom, Cornelius G. 16th NY Co. I MALONE Hugaboom, Samuel G. 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Hughes, Daniel 142nd NY Co. H CONSTABLE Hughes, Frank J. 98th NY Co. E MALONE Hughes, John 98th NY Co. E WESTVILLE Hughes, Thomas 164th NY Co. A MALONE Hulbert, Jonas T. 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Hulbert, Theodore 142nd NY Co. H BELLMONT Hulbert, Theophilus 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Huniston, Rollin D. 14th Art. Co. C BURKE Hunkins, Harrison H. 26th Cav. Co. I+G174 COMBINED SOURCES Hunt, Isaac E. 142nd NY Co. H CONSTABLE Hunter, Samuel P. 7th US Infantry MALONE Huntington, Charles H. 106th NY Co. I BELLMONT Huntington, Cornelius 16th NY Co. I CHATEAUGAY Huntington, George 106th NY Co. B BELLMONT Huntington, Ira 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Huntington, James H. 83rd NY MALONE Huntley, Merritt F. 142nd NY Co. H BELLMONT Huntley, Myron 16th NY Co. I CHATEAUGAY Huntley, Oscar F. 106th NY Co. I BELLMONT Huntley, Valorus S. 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Hurst, Alexander 39th NY Co. D MOIRA Hussey, Daniel MOIRA Hutchins, Daniel 98th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Hutchins, Hiram 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Hutchins, Jason 98th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Hutchins, Lyman 98th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Hutchins, Lyndon King 142nd NY Co. D BRANDON Hutchins, Orange 19th Michigan BURKE Hutchins, Putnam W. 3rd Cav. Co. C CONSTABLE Hutchins, Roswell 142nd NY Co. D CONSTABLE Hutchins, William 3rd Cav. Co. B CONSTABLE Hutchins, William J. 142nd NY Co. D MALONE Hutton, George H. 106th NY Co. H MALONE Hyde, Hial 98th NY Co. E WESTVILLE Hyde, Willard 1st Eng. Co. C WESTVILLE Hyde, William H. 60th NY Co. E BANGOR Hyde, William E. 1st Eng. Co. G FT. COVINGTON Ibey, Nelson 96th NY Co. A BURKE Iby, Nelson 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Ingraham, Ira S. 14th Art. Co. D BELLMONT Ingram, Vilas P. 6th Art. Co. K MALONE Irish, Abel 106th NY Co. H DICKINSON Irish, Henry S. 106th NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Irish, Jesse 106th NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Irish, Sidney 2nd IA Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Ives, Butler 98th NY Co. G CHATEAUGAY Jackson, George William 106th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Jackson, John 5th Cav. Co. M MALONE Jackson, William 98th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Jacobson, Ferdinand MOIRA Jacquis, Irving 118th NY Co. C BRIGHTON Jarvis, Charles 92nd NY Co. G DICKINSON Jarvis, Edward 106th NY Co. H BANGOR Jarvis, Francis O. 106th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Jarvis, Frank 142nd NY Co. D MALONE Jarvis, Henry 83rd NY Co. I MALONE Jarvis, Israel 142nd NY Co. D BURKE Jarvis, John 106th NY Co. I MALONE Jarvis, Julius 98th NY Co. G MALONE Jarvis, Moses 142nd NY Co. D CONSTABLE Jarvis, Nelson 142nd NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Jarvis, Nelson 26th Cav. COMBINED SOURCES Jarvis, Warren E. 142nd NY Co. D BANGOR Jason, Charles 98th NY Co. G BANGOR Jason, Peter 98th NY Co. G BANGOR Jeffway, Adolphus 123rd NY Co. E CHATEAUGAY Jeffway, Philip 27th MI Co. B COMBINED SOURCES Jenkins, Charles 1st Eng. Co. H CHATEAUGAY Jenkins, John 193rd NY Co. G CHATEAUGAY Jenkins, Ralph 5th US Cav CHATEAUGAY Jennette, Charles 95th NY Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Jero, Camille 26th Cav. Co. I DICKINSON Jero, John 98th NY Co. G MALONE Jewitt, David 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Jock, Peter 98th NY Co. G BANGOR Johnson, Adner 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Johnson, Albert N. 1stMACav.Co.M MALONE Johnson, Alonzo C. 1st Eng. Co. H BURKE Johnson, David 193rd NY Co. G CHATEAUGAY Johnson, Edmund BANGOR Johnson, Isaac 98th NY Co. H WESTVILLE Johnson, John 11th NH Co.F MALONE Johnson, Lorenzo R. 96th NY Co. A BURKE Johnson, Patrick 106th NY Co. H MALONE Johnson, Stiles J 142nd NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Johnson, William 98th NY Co. H MALONE Johnson, William 93rd NY Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Johnson, William John 142nd NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Johnson, William W. 14th Art. Co. A HARRIETSTOWN Joice, Patrick CONSTABLE Jollivett, Madore 98th NY Co. K BRIGHTON Jondrew, Joseph 91st NY Co. F DUANE Jones, Abraham 20th Cav. Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Jones, Hiram 193rd NY Co. B BANGOR Jones, Joseph 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Jones, Nelson 26th Cav. Co. I BURKE Jones, Royal 12th NY MALONE Jones, Thomas 98th NY Co. H BOMBAY Jones, William 106th NY Co. I BELLMONT Jones, William A. 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Joy, Samuel 98th NY Co. B MALONE Joyner, Fletcher 118th NY Co. K COMBINED SOURCES Judd, Samuel 98th NY Co. D WESTVILLE Keefe, Daniel O. 46th NY Co. F BOMBAY Keefe, William 18th Cav. Co. L BOMBAY Keefe, William 18th Cav. Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Keeler, Birney Bronson 142nd NY Co. I MALONE Keeler, Charles A. 92nd IL Co. D MALONE Keeler, David E. 98th NY Co. G MALONE Keeler, Henry D. 98th NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Keeler, Lyman P. 98th NY MALONE Keeler, William H. 98th NY MALONE Keenan, Edward K. 5th VT Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Keese, Daniel 142nd NY Co. D FRANKLIN Keese, James FRANKLIN Keese, John Jr. gunboat "Osage" FRANKLIN Keese, Matthew 142nd NY Co. D FRANKLIN Keith, Alfred 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Keith, Sullivan 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Kelley, Amasa 16th NY Co. I CONSTABLE Kelley, John H. 1st Eng. CHATEAUGAY Kelly, Allen COMBINED SOURCES Kelly, John M. 142nd NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Kelsey, Edgar S. 98th NY Co. C WESTVILLE Kendall, Hollis D. 60th NY Co. I DICKINSON Kendall, Sewall 92nd NY Co. G DICKINSON Kenison, Cornelius 1st Eng. Co. H BELLMONT Kenison, Nelson 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Kenison, Shendon 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Kenison, Wellman BANGOR Kennan, John FT. COVINGTON Kennedy, Michael 16th NY Co. I CHATEAUGAY Kennedy, Patrick 14th Art. Co. M MOIRA Kennedy, William H. 142nd NY Co. D FRANKLIN Kerry, Henry 92nd NY Co. B DUANE Kerry, John 106th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Kerry, William 106th NY Co. I MALONE Kibbe, Curtis 6th Art. Co. N BOMBAY Kief, Michael 60th NY BANGOR Kiernan, Charles 2nd MA Co. F MALONE Kiley, Thomas 98th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Kimball, Amos S. 98th NY Co. F FT. COVINGTON Kimball, Smith M. 142nd NY Co. G MALONE Kimpton, Carlos F. 142nd NY Co. D BANGOR Kimpton, Truman 2nd Vet.Cav.Co.H BANGOR Kimpton, William Henry 60th NY Co. E BANGOR King, Alden 6th Ind. Batt. CONSTABLE King, Cyrel 1st NY Batt. FT. COVINGTON King, Cyrelus 18th Cav. Co. L BRIGHTON King, Fred C. 142nd NY Co. H MALONE King, George A. 142nd NY Co. H MALONE King, Henry H. 98th NY Co. B MALONE King, James 142nd NY Co. D MALONE King, John S. 83rd NY Co. F COMBINED SOURCES King, Joseph 60th NY Co. I DICKINSON King, Joseph 98th NY Co. A MALONE King, Wallace D. 2nd VT Co. I BELLMONT King, William Wallace 98th NY Co. B MALONE Kingsley, Daniel 98th NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Kingsley, Horace 97th NY Co. B DICKINSON Kingsley, James 12th Cav. Co. A MOIRA Kirby, Charles 60th NY Co. I DICKINSON Kirby, Sylvester F. BELLMONT Knapp, Ezekiel D. 142nd NY Co. H BURKE Knapp, Seth M. 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Knight, Cassius A. Delan.2nd IL Cav. CHATEAUGAY Knight, Charles Albert 57th MA Co. C DUANE Knight, Elijah COMBINED SOURCES Knight, John 98th NY WESTVILLE Labaff, John 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Labaff, Joseph 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Labaff, Oliver 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON LaBarre, James 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Labell, Joseph 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON LaBelle, Ezra 193rd NY Co. B COMBINED SOURCES LaBombard, Ephraim 142nd NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Labombard, Julius 98th NY Co. D BURKE Labounta, Simeon 192nd NY Co. H BRIGHTON LaBounta, Simeon Jr. 118th NY Co. K COMBINED SOURCES LaBrake, Louis 106th NY Co. I BANGOR LaBrake, Samuel 60th NY Co. I BANGOR LaClair, Joseph 98th NY Co. H BOMBAY Lacoss, Adolphus 60th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Lacoss, Paul 14th US Inf. CONSTABLE Ladd, John King 98th NY Co. A DUANE Ladd, Mordecai 91st NY Co. F DUANE Ladue, Henry 60th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Laduke, Alexander 33rd Batt. WESTVILLE Laduke, Augustus 98th NY Co. B MALONE Laduke, David 98th NY Co. C MALONE Laduke, Isaac 98th NY Co. H WESTVILLE Laduke, Louis 5th OH Cav. WESTVILLE LaDuke, Moses 106th NY Co. I FT. COVINGTON LaDuke, Peter 98th NY Co. B COMBINED SOURCES LaFayette, Henry 96th NY MOIRA Laflesh, Amanuel 106th NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Laflesh, Daniel 106th NY Co. H BANGOR LaFleur, Caleb 98th NY Co. H BURKE LaFleur, John 98th NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES LaFleur, Joseph 3rd Cav. Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Lafleur, Joseph 176th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Lafountain, Louis 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Lahon, William 98th NY Co. A CONSTABLE Laline, Eusebe 16th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Laline, Julius 98th NY Co. G MALONE Lamarch, Jeremiah 60th NY Co. E CONSTABLE LaMay, Charles 98th NY Co. D MALONE LaMay, Charles 98th NY Co. K WESTVILLE LaMay, Joseph 98th NY Co. D WESTVILLE LaMay, Stephen 98th NY Co. E MALONE Lamica, Edward 98th NY Co. G MALONE Lamica, Paul 98th NY Co. G MALONE Lamonday, Franklin 98th NY Co. A BELLMONT Lamonday, Louis(?) 98th NY BELLMONT LaMountain, George 98th NY Co. B MALONE LaMountain, Henry 98th NY Co. B MALONE LaMountain, John 98th NY Co. E MALONE LaMountain, Lem 98th NY Co. A MALONE Lampman, Daniel 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Lampman, Henry 11th Cav. BURKE Lampman, Isaac 26th Cav. Co. C BRANDON Lampman, Michael S. 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Lampman, Peter 26th Cav. Co. I BANGOR Lampman, Peter 98th NY Co. G BRANDON Lampman, Washington 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Lampman, William H. 14th Art. Co. D CHATEAUGAY Lampson, George W. 8th VT Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Lamson, Abner Tyler 60th NY Co. E FRANKLIN Lamson, Benjamin Philbrick 77th NY Co. I FRANKLIN Lamson, Eli Hamlin 98th NY Co. D FRANKLIN Lancto, Alexander 98th NY Co. B MALONE Lancto, Frank 16th Cav. Co. F MALONE Landry, Henry 14th US Inf.Co. G CONSTABLE Langdon, Albert H. 98th NY Co. K HARRIETSTOWN Langdon, Sidney W. 98th NY Co. C MALONE Langlois, Joseph 142nd NY Co. D WESTVILLE Langlois, William 83rd NY Co. I MALONE Lansing, Isaac 18th Cav. Co. I BURKE Lapoint, Joseph 1st Eng. Co. H CHATEAUGAY Laporte, Albert E. 6th Art. Co. M MALONE Laramy, Charles H. CHATEAUGAY Lareby, Nelson 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Lareby, William 16th Cav. BELLMONT Larkins, Elkenah Ashley 142nd NY Co. F BRANDON Larock, Adolphus 98th NY Co. H MOIRA LaRock, Albert 20th Cav. MALONE Larock, Alvin 98th NY Co. H MOIRA Larock, Francis 96th NY Co. B BOMBAY Larock, James 92nd NY Co. H MOIRA Larock, Mitchell 92nd NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES LaRock, Thomas 98th NY Co. H BURKE Laroux, Isaac FT. COVINGTON Laselle, Smith 14th Art. MALONE Lathrop, George Worth 106th NY Co. H MALONE LaTour, Oliver 98th NY Co. A MALONE Laughlin, James 16th NY Co. I MALONE Lavigne, Peter 26th Cav. Co. I FT. COVINGTON Law, James FRANKLIN Lawrence, Charles E. 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Lawrence, David O. 193rd NY Co. G HARRIETSTOWN Lawrence, Orrin Jackson 6th Art. Co. E BRANDON Layhee, William 96th NY BURKE Learned, Harvey M. 142nd NY Co. D WESTVILLE Learned, Louis E. 142nd NY Co. D WESTVILLE Learned, Martin D. 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Leavenworth, Seth A. 142nd NY Co. D BELLMONT Leavitt, Erastus W. 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN LeClair, Albert 26th Cav. Co. I FT. COVINGTON LeClair, Alexander 152nd NY Inf. FT. COVINGTON LeClair, Joseph 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Lee, Charles C. 2nd WI Cav.Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Lee, John C. 26th Cav. Co. I BANGOR Lee, Lewis L. 60th NY Co. E BANGOR Lee, Newell F. 60th NY Co. E BANGOR Lee, Warren 142nd NY Co. D BANGOR Lee, William BANGOR Lee, William H. 42nd NY Co. G WESTVILLE Lee, Willis 16th NY Co. I BANGOR Leggett, George W. 14th Art. Co. C BURKE Lennon, Martin V. 77th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Lennon, William D. FRANKLIN Lewin, Joseph 142nd NY Co. H BELLMONT Lewis, Abram 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Lewis, Frederick 98th NY Co. B MALONE Lewis, Frederick A. 83rd NY Co. G MALONE Lewis, Harvey 98th NY Co. F FT. COVINGTON Lewis, Hiram 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Lewis, Isaac 34th NY Co. D FT. COVINGTON Lewis, John B. 106th NY Co. H BANGOR Lewis, Orville B. 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Lewis, Peter MALONE Liberty, Joseph 13th Cav. MOIRA Lincoln, Alfred 95th NY Co. K MALONE Lincoln, Ira B. 1st Art. Batt. D WESTVILLE Lincoln, Oscar S. 142nd NY Co. G WESTVILLE Lindsay, Alexander 142nd NY Co. I MALONE Littlejohn, James W. 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Littlejohn, Thomas J. 7th VT FRANKLIN Lockerby, David 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Long, John 11th MA Co. K WESTVILLE Looker, George 98th NY Co. G BURKE Looker, Thomas J. COMBINED SOURCES Lord, John 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Lord, William H.A. 16th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Loudon, Robert 2nd Cav. Co. E BURKE Loudon, Thomas 21st Cav. Co. F BURKE Loukes, Alonzo 31st MA Co. A CONSTABLE Loukes, Cyrus C. 3rd Cav. Co. C CONSTABLE Loukes, Erasmus Ozius 16th NY Co. I CONSTABLE Loveland, Homer 26th Cav. Co. I BANGOR Lovell, Edward CHATEAUGAY Lowe, George 9th NH Co. I FT. COVINGTON Lowe, Henry 9th NH Co. I FT. COVINGTON Lowe, Henry John 14th Art. Co. C FT. COVINGTON Lowe, Rufus 60th NY Co. E MALONE Lowell, Edward 98th NY Co. A MALONE Lowell, Edward A. 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Lowell, John MALONE Lowell, Joseph 142nd NY Co. D CONSTABLE Lowell, Oliver 92nd NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Lucia, Alexander 95th NY Co. H BELLMONT Lucy, John 98th NY Co. E MALONE Lucy, Thomas 98th NY BELLMONT Lukin, Peter 98th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Lunn, Hiram R. 142nd NY Co. D HARRIETSTOWN Luther, Ransom C. 16th NY Co. I MALONE Lyman, George P. 98th NY Co. A MALONE Lyman, Smith Palmer 8th Cav. Co. G DICKINSON Lynch, Patrick 98th NY Co. E MALONE Lynn, William H. 98th NY Co. B COMBINED SOURCES Lyon, Charles Dexter 1st Lt. Art. Co. H FRANKLIN Maddens, William 83rd NY Co. G FRANKLIN Magoon, William W. 6th Art. Co. M BOMBAY Maguire, Charles 14th Art. BURKE Maguire, James 96th NY Co. A MALONE Maguire, John 98th NY Co. A MALONE Maguire, Patrick 98th NY Co. E MALONE Mahar, Peter 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Mahon, Frank 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Mahon, Michael 106th NY Co. B BELLMONT Mahue, Charles P. MALONE Mallett, Felix 34th MA Co. F BOMBAY Mallett, Franklin 92nd NY Co. A FT. COVINGTON Mallett, John 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Mallett, Nelson 98th NY Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Mallett, Peter 98th NY Co. H MALONE Mallett, William COMBINED SOURCES Mallette, Louis 142nd NY Co. D BANGOR Mallory, Alden Byron 106th NY Co. H MOIRA Mallory, James Madison 98th NY Co. K MOIRA Mallory, Loren 1st Wisconsin MOIRA Maloney, Daniel 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Maloney, Gardner 1st Lt. Art. Co. H FRANKLIN Maloney, James 1st Lt. Art. Co. H FRANKLIN Maloney, John B. 164th NY Co. K BURKE Maloney, Rodney 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Managold, Peter N. 13th Cav. Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Manchester, Horace Bartholomew 14th Art. Co. C MOIRA Mandigo, William S. 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Mann, Albon 98th NY MALONE Mann, Buel E. 106th NY Co. H MALONE Manning, Ransom W. 2ndVet.Cav.Co. H MALONE Mannix, Edward J. 98th NY Co. A BELLMONT Mannix, Patrick 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Mannix, Timothy Jr. 16th NY Co. B BELLMONT Mansfield, David CONSTABLE Marks, Seneca 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Mars, James 98th NY Co. G MALONE Mars, John 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Mars, John F. 26th Cav. Co. I DICKINSON Marsau, Tufield 46th NY Co. C BURKE Marsden, William 54th NY Co. B MALONE Marshall, James B. 140th NY Co. H MALONE Martin, Antoine 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Martin, Augustus 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Martin, Francis 14th Art. Co. A FT. COVINGTON Martin, Henry 3rd Cav. Co. C CONSTABLE Martin, John 98th NY Co. A MALONE Martin, John Jr. 98th NY Co. G BRANDON Martin, Joseph 26th Cav. Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Martin, Peter J. 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Martin, Sidney A. CHATEAUGAY Martin, Sydney A. 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Martin, Timothy H. 1st Eng. Co. H CHATEAUGAY Mashtar, John 95th NY Co. H DICKINSON Mason, Josiah 26th Cav. MALONE Mastin, Chauncey M. 142nd NY Co. H BURKE Mastin, John H. 14th Art. Co. D BURKE Matthews, Ira 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Matthews, Joseph 96th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Matthews, William Henry 98th NY Co. C DUANE Maxam, George L. 7th CT Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Maxam, Marshall 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Maxfield, Sylvanus 3rd NH Co. K FRANKLIN Maxim, Francis W. 14th Art. Co. A CHATEAUGAY May, James G. MALONE Mayhan, John 193rd NY Co. G BURKE McAbe, John 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT McAnally, Arthur 142nd NY Co. B BELLMONT McAnarney, John 98th NY Co. G BURKE McArthur, Charles 98th NY Co. E BANGOR McArthur, Charles Henry 60th NY Co. E DUANE McArthur, Henry 98th NY Co. C DUANE McBride, Eldred 106th NY Co. H DICKINSON McCabe, Barney 98th NY Co. E MALONE McCabe, James 98th NY Co. E MALONE McCabe, John Jr. 142nd NY Co. G BOMBAY McCaffrey, Edward 155th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY McCaffrey, Hugh 98th NY Co. E WESTVILLE McCann, John 118th NY Co. C HARRIETSTOWN McCarter, George 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN McCarter, Warren Joseph 96th NY Co. C FRANKLIN McCarthy, Cornelius 26th Cav. MALONE McCarthy, James 142nd NY Co. H MALONE McCarty, Hinlay 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT McCarty, Robert 193rd NY Co. A COMBINED SOURCES McCarty, Samuel 142nd NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES McCollum, Anthony 98th NY Co. A MALONE McCollum, Joseph 98th NY Co. G BURKE McConnell, William 142nd NY Co. H MALONE McCoon, Ambrose 142nd NY Co. D BANGOR McCoon, John 98th NY Co. D BANGOR McCoy, Augustine 16th NY Co. C BELLMONT McDonald, Alexander W. 14th Art. Co. M MALONE McDonald, Francis 16th Cav. Co. C BANGOR McDonald, John 142nd NY Co. G FT. COVINGTON McDonald, Lewis 25th Cav. Co. M BANGOR McDonald, Richard 14th Cav. BELLMONT McDonald, William H. 16th NY Co. I BANGOR McEwin, David 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON McGibbons, James 193rd NY Co. G CHATEAUGAY McGinley, John 57th MA Co. F BURKE McGivney, Patrick 98th NY Co. E MALONE McGrath, John 98th NY Co. B WESTVILLE McGrath, Patrick 98th NY Co. B WESTVILLE McGregor, Peter 1st Eng. Co. H CHATEAUGAY McGuire, Patrick 16th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES McKee, George Augustus 77th NY Co. I FRANKLIN McKenna, James 12th Cav. Co. F FT. COVINGTON McKenna, William 26th Cav. Co. I FT. COVINGTON McKeon, Thomas 16th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES McKillips, Archibald 142nd NY Co. D FRANKLIN McKillips, John Jr. 142nd NY Co. D FRANKLIN McKnight, George W. 9th NH CHATEAUGAY McLaughlin, John 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN McLean, Archibald 98th NY Co. E WESTVILLE McLean, William H. 16th Cav. Co. F WESTVILLE McLure, Lucius 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON McMahon, John 93rd NY Co. A CONSTABLE McMahon, Patrick 98th NY Co. C COMBINED SOURCES McMann, Miles 14th Art. Co. E MALONE McMannis, Charles 106th NY Co. I MALONE McMannis, Philip 118th NY Co. F HARRIETSTOWN McMannis, William 98th NY Co. A MALONE McMannus, Charles 98th NY Co. A CONSTABLE McMannus, William 98th NY Co. A CONSTABLE McMaster, Isaac 142nd NY Co. H CONSTABLE McMillan, Daniel S. 16th NY Co. I MALONE McMillan, David L. 6th Ind. Batt. FT. COVINGTON McNall, Martin T. 98th NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES McNall, Wilbur A. 98th NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES McNalley, John D. 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR McNamara, William 142nd NY Co. D FRANKLIN McNulty, Peter 2nd MA Art. Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Meacham, Chauncey 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Meacham, Elam Sylvester 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Meacham, Samuel 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Meacham, Washington 60th NY Co. I DICKINSON Meads, Dennis Edward 98th NY Co. B MOIRA Mears, Alson 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Mears, Horatio 11th Cav. Co. G BANGOR Mehan, Francis 98th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Meighan, Patrick 98th NY Co. E MALONE Meighan, Patrick 98th NY Co. G MALONE Meighan, Peter 142nd NY Co. D MALONE Melvin, Samuel Porter 60th NY Co. E FRANKLIN Merriam, Cassius 193rd NY Co. G MALONE Merrick, Marvin P. 6th Ind. Batt. FT. COVINGTON Merrill, Joseph C. 96th NY Co. K FRANKLIN Merrill, Levi Paul 6th Ind. Batt. CONSTABLE Merrill, Marcellus (Bliss?) 77th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Merrill, Marvin P. 6th Art. Co. M COMBINED SOURCES Merrill, William S. 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Merrill, William E. 77th NY Co. I FRANKLIN Merritt, Amos 142nd NY Co. H CONSTABLE Merritt, George 5th VT Co. D WESTVILLE Merritt, George W. 5th NY Co. D BANGOR Mersha, Joseph 106th NY Co. H DICKINSON Mesmo, Stills MALONE Micue, Jesse 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Miles, John O. 106th NY Co. I BURKE Miles, William 1st CT Cav Co. A BURKE Miller, Andrew M. 16th NY MALONE Miller, Henry A. 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Miller, Herman 98th NY Co. C CHATEAUGAY Miller, James B. 118th NY Co. F HARRIETSTOWN Miller, Joseph 16th NY Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Miller, Levi 92nd NY Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Miller, Lewis 158th NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Miller, Loren 96th NY Co. E BELLMONT Miller, Lyman 98th NY Co. C WESTVILLE Miller, Milo B. 106th NY Co. E HARRIETSTOWN Miller, Orlando Furness 98th NY Co. E MALONE Miller, Robert Mc. 20th Cav. Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Miller, Wilder 98th NY Co. E MALONE Mills, Charles 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Mills, Julius 98th NY Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Mills, Seymour 98th NY Co. A BURKE Miner, George Henry 10th VT Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Misseu, Thomas 118th NY Co. C HARRIETSTOWN Mitchell, Andrew J. 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Mitchell, James 9th Cav. Co. M BELLMONT Mitchell, John 3rd Cav. Co. B BELLMONT Mitchell, Myron 17th VT Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Mitchell, William 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Mitchell, William Jr. 1st Eng. Co. G FT. COVINGTON Modix, Daniel 106th NY Co. H MALONE Monroe, Lester 106th NY Co. I HARRIETSTOWN Monta, William 47th NY Co. E MALONE Monto, Daniel 98th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Montroy, Francis 65th NY Co. E FT. COVINGTON Monty, Joseph 142nd NY Co. G FRANKLIN Moody, Walker O. 16th Cav. Co. A BELLMONT Moon, Asa 11th Cav. Co.G BELLMONT Mooney, John 60th NY Co. E FRANKLIN Mooney, John Wallace 92nd NY Co. E MOIRA Moore, Commodore BOMBAY Moore, George W. BOMBAY Moore, James 83rd NY Co. B BOMBAY Moore, James MALONE Moore, Jewett Harvey 6th Art. Co. I BRANDON Moore, John Henry 54th NY Co. E BOMBAY Moore, Joseph A. 14th Art. MALONE Moore, Solon 185th NY Co. E MALONE Moorehouse, Roderick D. 142nd NY Co. I MALONE Morehead, William 60th NY Co. E BANGOR Moren, George 1st CT Art. Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Moren, John 106th NY Co. G MALONE Moren, Michael 106th NY Co. C MALONE Morey, Arthur Leroy 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Morey, Spellman 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Morgan, Edwin L. 12th Cav. Co. F DICKINSON Morgan, Henry 97th NY Co. F CHATEAUGAY Morrow, Ambrose 11th Cav. Co. E DICKINSON Morrow, Joseph F. 3rd WI Cav. Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Morse, Henry W. 142nd NY Co. D BANGOR Morse, Nicholas C. 98th NY Co. G BURKE Moscow, Barnaby 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Mosher, George 14th Art. Co. C MOIRA Mosier, William 106th NY Co. H DICKINSON Motrie, Moses CHATEAUGAY Mott, Dennis D. 98th NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Mott, George 20th Cav. Co. D BURKE Mott, Joseph T. 142nd NY Co. D BANGOR Moxley, Isaac COMBINED SOURCES Mulcahey, James 142nd NY Co. D CONSTABLE Mulchey, Cornelius 26th Cav. MALONE Mulholland, Christopher 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Mulholland, Thomas 60th NY Co. E BRANDON Mullholland, Eleazer 98th NY Co. G BANGOR Mulligan, Daniel 12th Cav. Co. F FT. COVINGTON Mulligan, John 193rd NY BANGOR Mulverhill, Michael 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Mulverhill, Thomas 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Mundill, Benjamin 8th NY Batt. COMBINED SOURCES Munsell, Benjamin CHATEAUGAY Murphy, John CHATEAUGAY Murphy, Patrick 98th NY Co. E MALONE Murray, Francis 6th Ind. Batt. BURKE Murray, George 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Murray, James 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Murray, Marvin 98th NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Murray, William 20th Cav. Co. D BURKE Murray, Ziphleniah 142nd NY Co. G BOMBAY Muzzy, George H. 118th NY Co. B COMBINED SOURCES Myers, Frank 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Myers, Nicholas 98th NY Co. H WESTVILLE Napoleon, Louis 3rd Mich. Inf. MALONE Napoleon, Louis 10th Mich. Inf. MALONE Nash, Gains S. 142nd NY Co. H BURKE Nash, Ruel T. 1st Eng. CHATEAUGAY Nason, Edward 98th NY Co. G MALONE Nason, Josiah 26th Cav. Co. L COMBINED SOURCES Nason, Julius 98th NY Co. K MALONE Nawley, Peter 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Neddo, Alexander 98th NY Co. G MALONE Neddo, Benjamin 83rd NY Co. I MALONE Neddo, John 193rd NY Co. B MALONE Neddo, Joseph 16th NY Co. I MALONE Neddo, Lewis 98th NY Co. C CONSTABLE Neeley, Benjamin 98th NY Co. G MALONE Nelson, Sylvanus 122nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Nelson, William 142nd NY Co. H BRANDON Nero, John 98th NY Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Nevins, Albert 92nd NY Co. K COMBINED SOURCES Newstead, James 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Newsted, William C. 16th NY Co. I BURKE Newton, Daniel 98th NY Co. C BELLMONT Newton, James H. 3rd Cav. Co. C BURKE Nicholas, Alexander 98th NY Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Nicholson, Levi J. 106th NY Co. I BELLMONT Niles, Reed 142nd NY Co. G BOMBAY Niles, Samuel A. 26th Cav. Co. I DICKINSON Noakes, Thomas 6th Art. Co. A BELLMONT Noble, Henry 10th Art. Co. L WESTVILLE Noinger, David COMBINED SOURCES Norman, Henry 14th US Inf. MALONE Norman, Joshua 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Norman, Thomas Jr. 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Norris, Albert 92nd NY COMBINED SOURCES Norris, Perry George 142nd NY Co. H BELLMONT Noyes, Edwin J. 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Oak, Acnab 106th NY Co. H MALONE Oak, Adolphus 98th NY Co. K MALONE Oak, Duncan 98th NY Co. C MALONE Oak, Joseph 98th NY Co. C MALONE Oaks, Joseph 106th NY Co. I BANGOR O'Connell, George 26th Cav. Co. I BRANDON O'Connell, John 92nd NY Co. B CHATEAUGAY O'Connor, John 6th Art. Co. M BOMBAY O'Connor, Timothy 98th NY Co. B COMBINED SOURCES O'Farrell, James 5th Cav. Co. A COMBINED SOURCES O'Farrell, Peter 102nd NY Co. A CONSTABLE Olmsted, George Washington 92nd NY Co. E DUANE O'Neill, Jeremiah 96th NY Co. A BOMBAY Oney, Addison 1st VT Cav. Co.F FT. COVINGTON Oney, George 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Orcutt, Harry P. BELLMONT O'Ready, Patrick 98th NY FT. COVINGTON O'Reiley, Cornelius 98th NY Co. E MALONE O'Reiley, Michael 20th MA Inf. MALONE Ormsbury, Charles 96th NY Co. K HARRIETSTOWN Ormsby, Henry J. CHATEAUGAY Orton, John W. 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Orton, Oliver G. 142nd NY Co. F MALONE Otis, Carra Clark 98th NY Co. C BRIGHTON Otis, Edwin S. 18th Cav. Co. M HARRIETSTOWN Otis, Henry 98th NY Co. F BRIGHTON Otis, Horatio N. 96th NY Co. C HARRIETSTOWN Otis, Sidney E. 18th Cav. Co. M COMBINED SOURCES Otis, Sylvester 118th NY Co. C BRIGHTON Owen, Julius R. 98th NY Co. D BOMBAY Owens, Chauncey 16th NY Co. I CHATEAUGAY Owens, Thomas 16th NY Co. I CONSTABLE Packard, David 98th NY Co. F BANGOR Packard, Jonas F. 39th NY Co. D MOIRA Paddock, Ira 106th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Palmer, Elijah Alfred 6th Art. Co. K DICKINSON Palmer, Henry S. 14th Art. Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Palmer, Jeremiah 26th Cav. COMBINED SOURCES Palmer, William 1st Eng. Co. G FT. COVINGTON Pannell(?), Timothy 142nd NY BURKE Papineau, Charles 98th NY Co. A MALONE Papineau, Philip 98th NY Co. A MALONE Park, Charles Newell 60th NY Co. E FRANKLIN Parker, George W. 13th Cav. Co. D MALONE Parker, Marshall 57th MA Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Parks, Albert 16th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Parks, William Wisner 98th NY Co. C CONSTABLE Parnaby, Robert 98th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Parnaby, Thomas 14th Art. CHATEAUGAY Pascal, Antoine 16th Cav. Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Passino, Joseph 16th Cav. Co. B BELLMONT Patnode, Augustus 4th NH Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Patnode, Barney 98th NY Co. H CHATEAUGAY Patnode, Francis 11th Cav. Co. I MALONE Patnode, Frank 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Patnode, Henry 1st Eng. Co. H CHATEAUGAY Patnode, Israel BANGOR Patnode, Jeremiah 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Patnode, John 14th Art. Co. I DICKINSON Patnode, Leander (Judson) 26th Cav. Co. I CHATEAUGAY Patnode, Nelson 1st Eng. Co. F CHATEAUGAY Patraw, Peter 6th Art. Co. C DICKINSON Pattee, Oliver 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Patterson, Anthony 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Paul, Ransom 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Paye, David 26th Cav. Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Paye, George Washington 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Paye, Henry Nelson 60th NY Co. E FRANKLIN Paye, Sylvanus Lewis 118th NY Co. H FRANKLIN Paye, Sylvanus Lewis 26th Cav. Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Payne, Dighton L. 8th VT Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Payne, Oberon 9th VT Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Peabody, Chauncy 1st NH Cav. COMBINED SOURCES Peach, Antoine COMBINED SOURCES Peach, Louis 98th NY Co. A CONSTABLE Peacock, John 96th NY Co. A WESTVILLE Pease, George Wellington 98th NY Co. B MOIRA Peck, Ebenezer 60th NY Co. K COMBINED SOURCES Peck, Harvey 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Peck, Otis W. 92nd NY Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Peck, T.D. 7th Regt. BELLMONT Pecor, Benjamin 98th NY Co. D MALONE Pecor, Joseph 14th Art. MALONE Pelo, Frank 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Pelow, Julius 98th NY Co. A MALONE Percy, Earl T. 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Percy, Franklin H. 65th NY Co. I BELLMONT Periah, Amos 142nd NY Co. G BOMBAY Perigo, Benjamin Franklin 60th NY Co. E FRANKLIN Perigo, George W. 118th NY Co. A FRANKLIN Perigo, Hercules W. 1st Eng. Co. H CHATEAUGAY Perkins, Albert 11th Cav. Co. B BRANDON Perkins, Charles 2nd RI Art. WESTVILLE Perkins, Edsel 98th NY Co. D WESTVILLE Perkins, Edward 193rd NY Co. H HARRIETSTOWN Perkins, Hiram E. 8th VT Inf. Co. F MALONE Perkins, Joseph 98th NY Co. D BURKE Perkins, Reuben 98th NY Co. D WESTVILLE Perry, Alpheus P. 1st VT Cav. Co. B FRANKLIN Perry, Charles 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Perry, David 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Perry, Joseph 98th NY Co. D FT. COVINGTON Perry, Martin Jr. 98th NY Co. A MALONE Perry, Martin Sr. 98th NY Co. A MALONE Perry, Sylomus FT. COVINGTON Perry, Sylvanus 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Persons, Corydon 6th Art. Co. L BRANDON Petell, Joseph 98th NY Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Petell, Regis Adolphus 98th NY Co. A MALONE Peters, Charles 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Peters, Norman L. 7th VT Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Petit, Frederick Hazen 142nd NY MOIRA Phelps, Albert B. 98th NY Co. E MALONE Phelps, Silas 142nd NY Co. H BELLMONT Phenoff, Joseph 98th NY Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Philbrook, James A. 83rd NY Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Phillips, Benjamin 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Phillips, Bentley A. 16th NY Co. I MALONE Phipps, John 10th Cav. Co. C DUANE Pickering, William 14th Art. Co. F MOIRA Pickett, Henry E. 11th Cav. Co. I MALONE Pierce, Alfred 193rd NY Co. F MOIRA Pierce, Edward B. 142nd NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Pierce, Nathan 142nd NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Pierdam, John 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Pike, Harvey B. 6th Ind. Batt. BURKE Pilling, James C. 153rd NY Co. I BANGOR Pillings, Abram 16th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Piper, James E. 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Place, Hiram 60th NY Co. E BANGOR Place, John 60th NY Co. E BANGOR Ploof, Henry 15th Eng. Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Ploof, Peter 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Polo, Andrew 14th Art. Co. A FT. COVINGTON Polzell, Leopold 14th Art. Co. E MALONE Pond, George H. 142nd NY Co. H BURKE Pond, Warren 9th NY Co. L BURKE Poquett, James 60th NY Co. I DICKINSON Porter, Albert F. 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Porter, Edwin Harrison 60th NY Co. E FRANKLIN Porter, James 142nd NY Co. H BELLMONT Potter, Allen P. 6th Art. Co. M BOMBAY Potter, Charles H. 142nd NY Co. H BELLMONT Potter, Henry W. 92nd NY Co. G DICKINSON Potter, Lester 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Potter, Marvin 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Potter, Warren 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Powell, Charles Albert 98th NY Co. E MALONE Powell, Samuel Benton 98th NY Co. E MALONE Powell, Timothy 13th Cav. Co. D CONSTABLE Poyer, Henry 106th NY Co. H CONSTABLE Pragan, Daniel 7th US Inf. CONSTABLE Prageant, Israel 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Pratt, Eben R. 193rd NY Co. F BOMBAY Premo, Antoine 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Premo, John 98th NY Co. H WESTVILLE Premo, Joseph 98th NY Co. G FT. COVINGTON Premo, Lewis 193rd NY Co. A BURKE Premo, Lewis 46th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Premo, Paul 98th NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Premo, Peter 193rd NY Co. F BURKE Premo, Stephen 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Prenis, Antoine 98th NY Co. A WESTVILLE Preston, Charles 98th NY Co. C BURKE Preston, Daniel Jr. 1st Eng. Co. C MOIRA Preston, Walter P. 83rd NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Prevost, Francis 3rd NY Co. H BURKE Prevost, Mitchell COMBINED SOURCES Prichard, Hiram J. 98th NY Co. A MALONE Primeau, Paul 98th NY Co. H MALONE Primeau, Stephen 98th NY Co. H MALONE Prindle, Jared 14th Art. CHATEAUGAY Prindle, Medor 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Pritchard, Henry Cummings 106th NY Co. H BRANDON Purdy, Horatio 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Quain, Thomas Jr. 14th Art. Co. C MOIRA Queor, Joseph 142nd NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Queor, Peter 193rd NY Co. F BURKE Queor, Peter 10th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Quinn, John 98th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Quinn, Richard 142nd NY Co. D CONSTABLE Rabideau, Francis 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Rabideau, Isaac 98th NY Co. A MALONE Rabideau, John 16th NY Co. I BOMBAY Rabideau, Peter 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Rae, Thomas 98th NY Co. C MALONE Ramsdell, John A. 6th Art. Co. C DICKINSON Ramsdell, Nelson 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Ramsdell, Randall B. 92nd NY Co. H DICKINSON Ramsdell, Robert 60th NY Co. H DICKINSON Randall, Seneca 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Ranier, Stephen 14th Art. Co. I FT. COVINGTON Ransom, Erastus 14th Art. Co. G FT. COVINGTON Rawlins, Anthony 142nd NY Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Raymond, Abram 92nd NY Co. H BOMBAY Raymond, Edward 1st CT Art. COMBINED SOURCES Raymond, Joseph 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Raymond, Joseph 1st Eng. Co. H CHATEAUGAY Raymond, Nelson 9th Cav. Co. M CHATEAUGAY Reardon, James 98th NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Rechtz, William 16th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Recor, Narcese (Nelson) 97th NY Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Reed, John FRANKLIN Reed, Peter 16th Cav. Co. F MALONE Reed, Sylvester 13th Cav. Co. M FRANKLIN Remington, Harley 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Remington, Horace 60th NY Co. I DICKINSON Remington, Obediah 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Remington, Reuben 98th NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Rennie, Henry 106th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Revette, James 98th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Revette, John 98th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Rex, Amander B. 98th NY Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Rex, George E. 98th NY Co. E MALONE Rexford, Isaac 98th NY Co. C MALONE Reynolds, Barber B. 6th Art. Co. M BANGOR Reynolds, Donald P. 13th Cav. Co. D MOIRA Reynolds, Joseph Hayward 16th NY Co. I BRIGHTON Reynolds, Orson Leroy 6th Art. Co. M BOMBAY Reynolds, Robert G. 13th Cav. MOIRA Reynolds, Solon 142nd NY Co. D BANGOR Rhinehart, John C. 18th Cav. Co. L WESTVILLE Rhinehart, Peter 98th NY Co. E WESTVILLE Rhodes, Alonzo A. 98th NY Co. E WESTVILLE Rice, Edward L. 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Rich, Charles 142nd NY Co. D BELLMONT Richards, David 106th NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Richards, Francis R. 106th NY Co. H DICKINSON Richards, James 14th Art. Co.. B BELLMONT Richards, Oscar 106th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Richardson, Caleb 60th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Richey, Albert 142nd NY Co. D CONSTABLE Ricker, Wentworth R. 3rd Cav. Co. C CONSTABLE Ricketson, Charles 2nd Cav. Co. M BRIGHTON Rider, Charles J. 106th NY Co. H MALONE Rider, James A. 48th NY Co. K COMBINED SOURCES Rider, James M. 142nd NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Ridges, Thomas 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Riley, Edward 98th NY Co. E MALONE Riley, James 2nd Vet.Cav.Co.H BANGOR Riley, John 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Riley, Joseph 51st NY MALONE Riley, Martin 16th NY Co. I BURKE Riley, Thomas CHATEAUGAY Ring, Michael 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Rising, Julius 60th NY Co. I DICKINSON Rivers, Charles 98th NY Co. D BURKE Roach, Hartwell Samuel 142nd NY Co. D BANGOR Roach, Nicholas 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Robarge, Edward 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Robb, John 98th NY Co. E MALONE Robbins, Daniel S. 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Robbins, Nahum 142nd NY Co. D CONSTABLE Roberts, Albert 10th Art. Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Roberts, Milton E. 16th NY Co. I CHATEAUGAY Robey, Charles 10th VT Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Robinson, John 16th NY Co. I CHATEAUGAY Robinson, William 98th NY Co. C CONSTABLE Rockwell, Cyrus S. 2nd VT Co. B BANGOR Rodgers, James CONSTABLE Rogers, Alvah 2nd Cav. WESTVILLE Rogers, Charles 98th NY Co. C WESTVILLE Rogers, Levi C. 16th NY Co. I MALONE Rogers, William H. 1st Eng. Co. G WESTVILLE Rolla, Alexander 142nd NY Co. D MALONE Rollins, Barber BANGOR Rollins, Ichabod 7th Art. Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Rollins, Robert 106th NY Co. H DICKINSON Rollins, Samuel 16th NY Co. D DICKINSON Rose, Madore 106th NY Co. I MALONE Ross, Carlos 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Ross, Carlos 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Ross, Charles W. MALONE Ross, John G. 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Ross, John Jr. 98th NY Co. A MALONE Ross, Nelson USS Commodore McDonald COMBINED SOURCES Ross, Riley R. 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Ross, Rowell Jr. 11th Cav. Co. A MALONE Ross, Samuel 98th NY Co. B BANGOR Ross, Solomon 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Roussell, Joseph 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Rowell, Hiram 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Rowell, Nathaniel 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Royce, Oscar S.R. 16th NY Co. I MOIRA Roys, Martin 14th Art. COMBINED SOURCES Roys, Walter 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Rudolph, Oscar G. 110th NY COMBINED SOURCES Rushford, Edward 106th NY Co. I MALONE Rushford, Lanson 142nd NY Co. D CONSTABLE Rushford, Lewis 16th Cav. Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Rushford, Peter 98th NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Ruso, Peter 14th Art. FT. COVINGTON Russell, Alvin H. 2nd MA Inf. MALONE Russell, Benjamin 98th NY Co. B MALONE Russell, Charles L. 98th NY Co. B MALONE Russell, Deforest B. 60th NY Co. E MALONE Russell, Erastus C. 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Russell, Francis FT. COVINGTON Russell, Homer O. 24th NY Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Russell, Samuel 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Russell, Sidney 93rd NY Co. F FT. COVINGTON Ryan, Albert W. 18th Cav. Co. M MALONE Ryan, James 60th NY Co. I CONSTABLE Ryan, John Flagship"Nelson" COMBINED SOURCES Ryan, Patrick 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Ryan, Thomas 142nd NY Co. D FRANKLIN Ryder, James A. BELLMONT Sabin, Charles Jr. 98th NY FT. COVINGTON Sabin, Enos 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Sabin, Melvin BANGOR Safford, Eric S. 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Safford, Lewis N. 60th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Salenger, Robert 2nd. Mtd. Rifles MALONE Salenger, William 16th NY Co. I MALONE Salls, Corbin 98th NY Co. B COMBINED SOURCES Salls, Reed 142nd NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Salls, Simeon 6th Ind. Batt BURKE Sampson, Henry G. 16th NY Co. E DICKINSON Sampson, Sidney W. 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Sampson, Thomas Stewart 92nd NY Co. G DICKINSON Sancomb, Barney 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Sancomb, Charles 60th NY Co. E CHATEAUGAY Sancomb, David 57th MA Co. I CHATEAUGAY Sancomb, Henry 1st MN Cav.Co.L CHATEAUGAY Sancomb, Julius 16th NY Co. I CHATEAUGAY Sancomb, Louis 16th NY Co. I CHATEAUGAY Sancomb, Simon BELLMONT Sanford, Emory 98th NY Co. G BELLMONT Santamore, Samuel 61st NY Co. A MALONE Santimo, Charles 98th NY Co. G BANGOR Santimo, Dustin 98th NY Co. G BANGOR Sargeant, Deforest 142nd NY Co. H BRANDON Sargent, Aaron 98th NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Sargent, Gilman 1st Eng. Co. H CHATEAUGAY Sartwell, Edwin 14th Art. Co. E MALONE Savage, George 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Savage, Louis 16th Cav. Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Savage, Patrick 106th NY Co. H MOIRA Savage, Peter 77th NY Co. I FRANKLIN Savage, Thomas 32nd NY COMBINED SOURCES Sawyer, Fayer COMBINED SOURCES Sayles, John C. 98th NY Co. B FRANKLIN Schoolcraft, David 7th Art. Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Schoolcraft, Ephraim 106th NY Co. I MALONE Schoolcraft, William 98th NY Co. C MALONE Schoolcraft, William J. 118th NY Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Scrier, George 7th VT Co. I CHATEAUGAY Scrier, Warren 7th VT Co. I CHATEAUGAY Seabury, Alden 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Seaver, Andrew H. 193rd NY Co. F MOIRA Seaver, Joel Joshua 16th NY Co. I MALONE Seaver, William H. 142nd NY Co. B COMBINED SOURCES Seavey, Albert M. 95th NY Co. B BELLMONT Selleck, Oscar P. 39th NY Co. D MOIRA Sellers, John 98th NY Co. A BURKE Sellers, Thomas 69th NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Sellers, William 98th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Seymour, Carlos 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Seymour, Charles 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Seymour, Pliny 98th NY Co. D CHATEAUGAY Shankland, Bernard 170th NY Co. I WESTVILLE Shannon, John NY Cav. CONSTABLE Shanta, Lewis 98th NY Co. H WESTVILLE Shattuck, Chauncey M. 142nd NY Co. H BRANDON Shaw, James R. 39th NY Co. D MOIRA Sheene, Edward 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Sheene, Horatio Nelson 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Sheene, John 1st NY Co. H FRANKLIN Sheene, William 118th NY Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Shepard, Cyrus 16th Cav. Co. F MALONE Shepard, Hiram B. 95th NY Co. F MALONE Shepherd, Stephen 142nd NY Co. D WESTVILLE Sheppard, Stephen 98th NY Co. E MOIRA Sherman, Allen 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Sherman, Enoch 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Sherman, Jefferson 92nd NY Co. B CHATEAUGAY Sherman, Lewis 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Sherwin, Winfield Scott 98th NY Co. E WESTVILLE Shields, Patrick Henry 106th NY Co. I MALONE Shipman, Clinton W. 1st Art. MALONE Shipman, George H. 14th Art. Co. B MALONE Shorette, Alexander 14th Art. Co. I FT. COVINGTON Short, John 98th NY Co. C BOMBAY Shortsleave, Joseph 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Shutts, Nelson E. 96th NY Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Shutts, Richard Murray 14th Art. Co. C BRANDON Silsbee, John D. 16th Cav. Co. F MALONE Silsby, George 60th NY Co. E BANGOR Silsby, Herbert N. 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Silsby, James 60th NY Co. E BANGOR Silsby, Samuel 106th NY Co. H BANGOR Simmons, James K. 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Simonds, Josiah 106th NY Co. H MALONE Simonds, Lucius A. 106th NY Co. H MALONE Simonds, William F. 1st Eng. Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Simpson, Thomas B. 83rd NY Co. F MALONE Simpson, William 56th NY Co. E CHATEAUGAY Sinclair, Albert Michael 16th NY Co. I MOIRA Sinclair, Alexander 91st NY Co. F BOMBAY Sinclair, Alonzo 3rd Art. COMBINED SOURCES Sinclair, James P. 60th NY Co. E BELLMONT Sinclair, Percy Shelley 60th NY Co. E MALONE Sinclair, Peter 27th MA WESTVILLE Sisco, Harrison 1stVT Art. Co. G BANGOR Sisco, Levi 96th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Sisco, Marcellus 1stVT Art. Co. G MALONE Sisco, Obed 106th NY Co. H MOIRA Skeels, William C60th NY Co. E FRANKLIN Skiff, Alfred Nicholas 60th NY Co. E FRANKLIN Skiff, George Jasper 92nd NY Co. D BRIGHTON Skinner, Calvin 106th NY MALONE Slack, Franklin 2nd Vet.Cav.Co.H BURKE Slack, John C. 98th NY Co. B MALONE Slack, William 98th NY Co. C BURKE Slack, William 98th NY Co. B MALONE Slattery, Daniel 98th NY Co. A BELLMONT Slattery, James 98th NY Co. A BELLMONT Slattery, John 16th NY Co. I BELLMONT Slattery, Patrick 98th NY Co. A BELLMONT Slay, Edgar 193rd NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Slay, John B. CHATEAUGAY Smith, Ahern (?) CHATEAUGAY Smith, Andrew 60th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Smith, Byron C. 142nd NY Co. H CONSTABLE Smith, Charles A. 4th US Art. Co. M MALONE Smith, Charles F. 26th Cav. Co. E FT. COVINGTON Smith, Emerson CONSTABLE Smith, Fenington(?) 3rd Cav COMBINED SOURCES Smith, Fernando, C. 98th NY Co. C MALONE Smith, Frederick M. 142nd NY Co. D MALONE Smith, Gardner 60th NY Co. E BELLMONT Smith, George 16th NY Co. H CONSTABLE Smith, George W. 77th NY Co. I FRANKLIN Smith, Harrison 106th NY Co. H BELLMONT Smith, Henry H. 60th NY Co. I BELLMONT Smith, Horace C. 98th NY Co. D BRANDON Smith, Ira 98th NY Co. K BURKE Smith, Isaac 1st Eng. Co. C FT. COVINGTON Smith, James J. 18th Cav. Co. I BURKE Smith, James M. 98th NY Co. G FT. COVINGTON Smith, James N. 98th NY Co. D MALONE Smith, Jason 9th VT Co. D FT. COVINGTON Smith, Jesse L. 142nd NY Co. H CONSTABLE Smith, John 193rd NY Co. B COMBINED SOURCES Smith, John S. 1st Eng. Co. K CHATEAUGAY Smith, Jonathan 142nd NY BELLMONT Smith, Joseph Perkins 26th Cav. Co. I DICKINSON Smith, Oliver 6th Art. Co. M DICKINSON Smith, Oliver 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Smith, Orrin 98th NY Co. G BRANDON Smith, Pascall W. 98th NY Co. A MALONE Smith, Philander E. 13th Art. Co. G CHATEAUGAY Smith, Sandford 26th Cav. Co. G BELLMONT Smith, Silas A. 96th NY Co. B BELLMONT Smith, Silas A. 92nd NY Co. G MALONE Smith, Talmadge B. 2nd Vet.Cav.Co.H BANGOR Smith, Thomas 98th NY Co. E BURKE Smith, Uratus 98th NY Co. C DUANE Smith, Warren P. 98th NY Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Smith, William C. 98th NY Co. C BURKE Smith, William G. 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Snow, William E. 2nd VT Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Snyder, Franklin BOMBAY Snyder, Grigg 92nd NY Co. H BOMBAY Snyder, James 98th NY BOMBAY Somers, Austin 60th NY Co. E BANGOR Somers, Benjamin Colson 60th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Somers, George Arba 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Soucise, Basil (Russell) 98th NY Co. H BOMBAY Soucise, Charles 98th NY Co. H BOMBAY Soucise, Peter 83rd NY Co. I MALONE Southworth, Elijah 106th NY Co. H BANGOR Souvenici, Paul MOIRA Spafford, Sidney 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Spaulding, John F. 142nd NY Co. D BANGOR Spear, Rising D. 98th NY MALONE Spears, George 3rd Cav. BURKE Spencer, Byron H. 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Spencer, Dudley C. 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Spencer, George 142nd NY Co. D BURKE Spencer, Wallace K. 98th NY Co. D WESTVILLE Spencer, William 98th NY Co. C BANGOR Spencer, William N. 98th NY Co. H BURKE Sperry, Lyman B. 98th NY Co. B BANGOR Spicer, George 98th NY Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Spinnard, Allen 106th NY Co. H BELLMONT Sprague, Anthony 53rd MA Co. A BELLMONT Sprague, Joel 34th MA Co. K DUANE Sprague, John 98th NY Co. E DUANE Sprague, Joseph 98th NY Co. C DUANE Sprague, Mitchell 106th NY Co. H DUANE Sprague, Richard 98th NY Co. B DUANE Sprague, Samuel Renodyne 118th NY Co. K DUANE Sprague, William Henry 2nd Cav. Co. M DUANE St.Antoine, Gilbert 60th NY Co. E CHATEAUGAY St.Antoine, Henry 98th NY Co. E FT. COVINGTON St.Denis, Andrew 12th OH Cav. BOMBAY St.Denis, Gideon 92nd NY Co. I BOMBAY St.Denis, John 98th NY Co. H BOMBAY St.Dennis, John 98th NY Co. C FT. COVINGTON St.James, James 106th NY Co. H MALONE St.Mary, Frank Mass. Inf. MALONE St.Mary, Louis 98th NY Co. A MALONE St.Mary, Menare 98th NY Co. A MALONE St.Mary, Nelson COMBINED SOURCES Stacey, Francis 98th NY Co. G BRANDON Stacey, Joseph BURKE Stafford, Jabez F. 14th Art. MOIRA Stafford, John Hindle 16th NY Co. I CHATEAUGAY Stancliff, Almanzo B. 106th NY Co. E MALONE Stancliff, Merton 98th NY Co. A BELLMONT Stancliff, Rufus R. 60th NY Co. E MALONE Stanhope, Abner 193rd NY Co. F MOIRA Stanhope, Josiah BANGOR Stanhope, Obed 9th VT Co. A BANGOR Stanhope, Sylvester 98th NY Co. D MOIRA Stanley, Myron D. 60th NY Co. E BANGOR Stanton, Daniel Hayes 98th NY Co. B MALONE Stanton, George W. 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Stanton, Harvey 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Stanton, Lemuel 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Stanton, William Cavalry BELLMONT Starks, Joel H. 92nd NY Co. B CHATEAUGAY Stearns, Henry J. 193rd NY Co. F BOMBAY Stebbins, Hiram 3rd Cav. Co. C CONSTABLE Steenberge, Henry 142nd NY Co. D BANGOR Steenberge, Standish 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Steenberge, Stephen Renssalaer 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Steenberge, Wait B. 98th NY Co. D CHATEAUGAY Steenberge, William B. 60th NY Co. E BANGOR Steenberge, William Henry 106th NY Co. H BANGOR Stennard, Lamaston 193rd NY COMBINED SOURCES Stevens, Irving 12th VT Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Stevens, Orlando 96th NY Co. A BELLMONT Stevens, Sidney 6th Art. Co. M BOMBAY Stevens, William T. 15th NH Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Stewart, Amherst Thayer(?) 16th NY Co. I BRANDON Stewart, Archibald J. 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Stewart, Edwin 193rd NY Co. B BURKE Stickles, Cyrenus R. 1st Eng. Co. I BANGOR Stickney, Charles Herrick 91st NY Co. H DUANE Stickney, Nelson 91st NY Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Stiles, Alfred C. 6th Art. Co. M FT. COVINGTON Stockwell, James A. 1st Eng. Co. G FT. COVINGTON Stone, Chauncey S. 14th Art. Co. F DICKINSON Storm, David 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Storms, James 6th Art. Co. A BELLMONT Stoughton, Andrew W. 1st NH Art. Co.C CHATEAUGAY Streeter, Reuben 17th US Inf. COMBINED SOURCES Streeter, William R. 98th NY Co. D MOIRA Stuart, Loreston 26th Cav. Co. I BURKE Sullivan, Charles 7th US Inf. CONSTABLE Sullivan, Jeremiah 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Sullivan, John 142nd NY Co. D FRANKLIN Sullivan, Michael 11th Cav. Co. E MALONE Sullivan, Thomas 16th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Summers, Andrew 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Sweeney, David 6th Art. Co. M DICKINSON Sweeney, John 142nd NY Co. D FRANKLIN Sweenyer, Henry 83rd NY Co. G FRANKLIN Swift, Eugene 193rd NY Co. B BELLMONT Sylvester, Wallace 16th NY Co. I BANGOR Tacey, Arnad 193rd NY Co. F CHATEAUGAY Tacy, John 98th NY Co. H BURKE Tarbell, Daniel H. 98th NY Co. G BRANDON Taro, Peter 98th NY Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Tawya, Joseph 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Taylor, Charles H. 9th VT Co. C WESTVILLE Taylor, Henry I. 142nd NY Co. F BANGOR Taylor, Marshall W. 142nd NY Co. D MALONE Taylor, Robert 142nd NY Co. G BOMBAY Tebo, Joseph 106th NY Co. H DICKINSON Tebo, Luke 4th MA Cav. Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Thomas, John 98th NY Co. C WESTVILLE Thomas, Jonathan 98th NY Co. F BRANDON Thomas, Joseph Jr. 142nd NY Co. F BRANDON Thomas, Mathias E. 7th Art. Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Thomas, Oren 1st Eng. Co. L BURKE Thomas, Walter 98th NY Co. C CONSTABLE Thomas, Wilber 98th NY Co. A MALONE Thompson, Benjamin BURKE Thompson, Emery A. 60th NY Co. I BELLMONT Thompson, George William 6th Art. Co. E MALONE Thompson, Henry R. 98th NY Co. E MALONE Thompson, James K. 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Thompson, Joseph 16th Cav. Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Thompson, Leander 96th NY Co. K FRANKLIN Thompson, Seth R.C. 60th NY Co. E BELLMONT Thompson, William 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Thorndike, Allan 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Thurber, Chester 98th NY Co. E BELLMONT Thurber, Nathan 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Thurber, Samuel C. 98th NY COMBINED SOURCES Tidder. Otis 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Tilden, Franklin L. 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Titus, Elbrigde G. 7th Cav. Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Titus, Flavius Josephus 106th NY Co. H DICKINSON Titus, Joseph Fitch 98th NY Co. E MALONE Titus, Kirby W. 106th NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Titus, Luman M. 92nd NY Co. B CHATEAUGAY Tobey, Cornelius P. 3rd Cav. Co. C CONSTABLE Todd, Reuben H. 193rd NY Co. H MALONE Tolan, John 95th NY Co. H MALONE Tompson, James 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Toohey, James 96th NY Co. B CHATEAUGAY Torrence, Henry F. 118th NY Co. C HARRIETSTOWN Torrence, Simeon D. 118th NY Co. C HARRIETSTOWN Totman, Calvin 98th NY Co. B COMBINED SOURCES Tower, Albert W. 3rd Cav. Co. C FT. COVINGTON Tower, Alman 98th NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Tower, Daniel E. 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Tower, Ransom J. 3rd Cav. Co. C WESTVILLE Town, Charles Carroll 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Town, Franklin Elbridge 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Tracy, Hugh 16th NY Co. I MALONE Tracy, John 20th Cav. Co. E MALONE Tracy, John Jr. 193rd NY Co. K BELLMONT Tracy, Patrick 25th CT Art. CHATEAUGAY Tracy, Patrick 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Traversee, Ruben 142nd NY Co. D BURKE Tredeau, Tuffield 60th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Tredo, Frederick 98th NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Tredo, Lewis 106th NY Co. H BANGOR Tredo, Tuffield 60th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Trefren, Melvin 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Trefren, Neil 16th NY Co. I BELLMONT Trefren, Victor 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Trickey, Joseph 6th Art. Co. M BOMBAY Trim, Charles 98th NY Co. G BRANDON Tromblee, Alexander 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Tromblee, Joseph 6th Art. Co. C & M DICKINSON Trombley, Adolphus 16th NY Co. I COMBINED SOURCES Trumble, John A. 106th NY Co. H MALONE Trumble, Thomas 106th NY Co. H MALONE Tryon, John William 98th NY Co. D MOIRA Tuck, Matthew 16th Cav. Co. G BELLMONT Tucker, Albert 193rd NY Co. B DUANE Tucker, Amos 6th Ind. Batt. BURKE Tucker, Charles W. 98th NY Co. C CONSTABLE Tucker, Joseph 96th NY Co. A BELLMONT Tucker, Matthew 14th Art. Co. F BURKE Tucker, Nelson 193rd NY Co. H DUANE Tupa, George 14th Art. Co. G FT. COVINGTON Tupa, Joseph 16th US Inf. Co. B COMBINED SOURCES Turgon, John 60th NY CONSTABLE Turner, Bentley S. 1st I.B. Art. COMBINED SOURCES Turner, George US Infantry MALONE Turner, Nicholas 142nd NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Tuthill, Benjamin Franklin 142nd NY Co. H CONSTABLE Tuttle, George 142nd NY Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Tuttle, William Nelson 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Twaddle, William 4th VT Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Tyler, Abner 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Tyler, Robert Berkley 96th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Tyler, William 46th NY Co. D FRANKLIN Underwood, George W. 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Underwood, Thomas 26th Cav. Co. I CHATEAUGAY Usher, Henry 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Ushlaw, Joseph 26th Cav. Co. L MOIRA Van Ornum, Barnes Birney 106th NY MALONE Van Ornum, Nathaniel D. 2nd US Inf. MALONE Van Ornum, William H. 14th US Inf. MALONE Vandervoort, Jason 142nd NY Co. H CONSTABLE Vandervoort, Nelson 142nd NY Co. H CONSTABLE Vanier, Alexander 98th NY Co. C CONSTABLE Vanier, Clotis 98th NY Co. A CONSTABLE Vanier, Francis 60th NY Co. E CONSTABLE Vanier, John 142nd NY Co. D CONSTABLE Vanyea, Francis 60th NY Co. E MALONE Varney, Levi 106th NY Co. B MALONE Vaughan, Cornelius, H. 96th NY MALONE Vero, Alexander 97th NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Viger, George 98th NY Co. D FT. COVINGTON Viger, Sidney 98th NY Co. D FT. COVINGTON Vivlimore, Francis 6th Art. Co. M FT. COVINGTON Vivlimore, John Jr. 6th Art. Co. C FT. COVINGTON Vivlimore, John Sr. 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Vivlimore, Joseph 14th Art. Co. K FT. COVINGTON Vorce, Albon 6th Ind. Batt. COMBINED SOURCES Waggoner, Rollin (Roland?) 3rd Cav. Co. C CONSTABLE Wait, Henry F. 14th Art. Co. C MALONE Walker, Alanson 142nd NY Co. H CHATEAUGAY Wallbridge, William BELLMONT Waller, Everett N. 14th Art. Co. I BURKE Walling, Antoine 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Walton, John 193rd NY Co. G FRANKLIN Ward, Alfred 142nd NY Co. F COMBINED SOURCES Ward, Luman F. 98th NY Co. D FT. COVINGTON Ward, Myron 60th NY Co. I FT. COVINGTON Ward, Oscar 142nd NY Co. D FT. COVINGTON Ward, William Alfred 142nd NY Co. F DICKINSON Warren, Isaac Milller 106th NY Co. H CHATEAUGAY Washborn, Aloris 92nd NY Co. B CHATEAUGAY Washborn, John M. 14th Art. Co. D CHATEAUGAY Washburn, George 60th NY Co. E BANGOR Washburn, Nathaniel 118th NY Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Washburn, Silenus 98th NY Co. D BANGOR Waste, Charles E. 60th NY Co. I DICKINSON Waste, Harvey G. 92nd NY Co. B COMBINED SOURCES Waste, Henry S. 60th NY Co. I DICKINSON Waste, Oramel E. 92nd NY Co. C DICKINSON Waste, Uri T. 142nd NY Co. F BRANDON Waterman, George 98th NY Co. E WESTVILLE Watson, Albert 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Watson, David Mark 142nd NY Co. F MOIRA Watson, George A. 83rd NY Co. G FRANKLIN Wead, Frederick F. 16th NY Co. I MALONE Weaver, Sylvester 93rd NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Webb, Henry R. 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Webb, Hiram H. 98th NY Co. B BELLMONT Webb, Luther Bradish 98th NY Co. A MALONE Webb, Minor 106th NY Co. D BELLMONT Webster, John 106th NY Co. H BELLMONT Webster, Russell G. 106th NY Co. H MALONE Weeks, Charles A. 6th Batt. COMBINED SOURCES Weeks, Lyman 39th NY Co. D MOIRA Weller, Henry Gardner 60th NY Co. E BRIGHTON Wells, Edward 142nd NY Co. H BRANDON Wells, George Frederick 77th NY Co. I FRANKLIN Wells, Henry N. 106th NY Co. E HARRIETSTOWN Wells, Hiram K. 2nd VT Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Wells, Jonathan Hastings 98th NY Co. G BRANDON Wells, Levi 118th NY Co. C FRANKLIN Wells, Robert MOIRA Wells, William Wallace 142nd NY Co. H BRANDON Wescott, Ira L. Jr. 8th NH Cav.Co.C MALONE Wescott, Rufus A. 98th NY Co. A MALONE Wescott, Truman 106th NY Co. H BANGOR Wescott, Weyland C. 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Westcott, Randall H. 106th NY Co. H MALONE Wheeler, Alden 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Wheeler, Truman 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Whipple, Jonah 96th NY Co. A CHATEAUGAY Whitcomb, Paul 14th Art. Co. G COMBINED SOURCES White, Angus 142nd NY Co. D BANGOR White, Ezekiel 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT White, George 193rd NY Co. B CHATEAUGAY White, Henry 193rd NY Co. B CHATEAUGAY White, Henry F. 14th Art. COMBINED SOURCES White, Jesse 77th NY Co. F COMBINED SOURCES White, John K. 106th NY Co. H MALONE White, John W. 142nd NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES White, Nelson H. 18th Cav. Co. E MOIRA White, Silas P. 14th Art. Co. C MALONE White, Uriah COMBINED SOURCES Whitehouse, George 20th Cav. MALONE Whitehouse, John C. 16th NY Co. I MALONE Whitehouse, Thomas 16th NY Co. I MALONE Whitman, David Philander 60th NY Co. I DICKINSON Whitman, George 118th NY Co. C HARRIETSTOWN Whitman, Hiram Fish 60th NY Co. I DICKINSON Whitman, Lemuel F. MALONE Whitman, Leonard F. 142nd NY Co. H COMBINED SOURCES Whitney, Henry Herbert 106th NY Co. H MOIRA Whitton, Foster J. 1st Ind. Batt. MALONE Whitton, Hiram R. 11th Cav. Co. M MALONE Whitton, John C. 83rd NY Co. I CONSTABLE Whitton, Joseph 16th NY Co. I MALONE Whitton, W.Langdon 98th NY Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Whitton, Woodbury 16th NY Co. I CONSTABLE Wilber, Alonzo 98th NY Co. B CHATEAUGAY Wilber, Eugene 106th NY Co. H MALONE Wilber, Oscar 1st MI Cav. Co. M COMBINED SOURCES Wilbur, Wallace Hall 41st NY Co. D MOIRA Wilcox, Alanson Kilburn 118th NY Co. C BRIGHTON Wilcox, Alonzo H. 60th NY Co. E BANGOR Wilcox, George E. 13th Art. Co. G CHATEAUGAY Wilcox, Loren C. 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Wilcox, Orin 142nd NY Co. H MALONE Wilder, A.P. MALONE Wiley, Hiram 96th NY Co. D BURKE Wiley, Pratt J. 12th WI Co. A COMBINED SOURCES Will, Jacob 142nd NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Willard, Charles D. 60th NY Co. E MALONE Willard, Sylvester S. 98th NY Co. C MALONE Willett, Andrew 98th NY Co. A MALONE Willetts, Dennis 98th NY Co. B MALONE Williams, Asher 118th NY Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Williams, Charles 98th NY Co. E FT. COVINGTON Williams, George H. 98th NY Co. E WESTVILLE Williams, Henry G. 18th Cav. Co. E MOIRA Williams, Henry W. 1st Eng. MALONE Williams, Isaac 91st NY Co. C FRANKLIN Williams, Joseph Josiah 98th NY Co. D MOIRA Williams, Terwilliger 91st NY Co. C FRANKLIN Williams, Walter C. 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Williamson, David 26th Cav. Co. I BELLMONT Williamson, John 1st VT.Cav.Co.K BELLMONT Wills, Jacob 142nd NY Co. D FRANKLIN Wilson, Asher D. 26th Cav. Co. I MALONE Wilson, Erwin 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Wilson, Henry 98th NY Co. G DICKINSON Wilson, Hines 57th MA Co. C DUANE Wilson, Horatio Powell 142nd NY Co. D BANGOR Wilson, James 3rd Cav. Co. C CONSTABLE Wilson, James A. 96th NY Co. C HARRIETSTOWN Wilson, John S. 92nd NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Wilson, Sherman 98th NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Wilson, William C. 98th NY Co. E DICKINSON Wilson, William Chester 98th NY Co. E MOIRA Winchester, Walter H. 8th Cav. Co. G MALONE Winckley, Francis BELLMONT Wine, Eli 98th NY Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Wing, John 16th NY Co. I CHATEAUGAY Wing, Rector 26th Cav. Co. I CHATEAUGAY Winslow, Fred 60th NY Co. E COMBINED SOURCES Winters, John 98th NY BELLMONT Witherel, Wyman 18th NY Co. F FRANKLIN Wolcott, William Kendall 92nd NY Co. G DICKINSON Wolf, George B.B. 1st US Art. COMBINED SOURCES Wolf, James Monroe Jr. 2nd Cav. Co. M FRANKLIN Wolff, Francis 98th NY Co. H WESTVILLE Wolff, John B. 98th NY Co. H MALONE Wolff, Parrit B. 98th NY Co. G MALONE Wood, Benjamin 98th NY Co. C COMBINED SOURCES Wood, Charles 98th NY Co. C MALONE Wood, Charles Porter 142nd NY Co. C MOIRA Wood, Chauncey B. 60th NY Co. I DICKINSON Wood, Henry R. 106th NY Co. I MALONE Wood, Horace 142nd NY Co. F MOIRA Wood, John 98th NY Co. C DUANE Wood, John (Tellis?) 98th NY Co. G BANGOR Wood, John J. 98th NY Co. B MALONE Wood, Jonathan 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Wood, Oliver 6th Art. Co. F BRANDON Woods, Francis 98th NY Co. G COMBINED SOURCES Woods, George 14th Art. Co. K DICKINSON Woods, Henry COMBINED SOURCES Woods, Philemon 14th Art. Co. K DICKINSON Woodward, William D. 98th NY Co. B MALONE Worthington, Edward 39th NY Co. D MOIRA Wright, Deodorus 193rd NY Co. B COMBINED SOURCES Wright, Gilbert A. 98th NY Co. H FT. COVINGTON Wright, John R. 15th Eng. COMBINED SOURCES Wright, Samuel BRANDON Wyatt, Stephen 153rd NY Co. H MALONE Yeddo, Oliver 1st Art. Co. D MALONE Young, Albert 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Young, Almon 92nd NY Co. B BELLMONT Young, Harris 20th Cav. Co. D BURKE Young, Lyndon K. 3rd Cav. Co. H FT. COVINGTON Young, Nathan 98th NY Co. D COMBINED SOURCES Young, Thomas 4th VT Co. F BOMBAY